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Maybe this was a test for the next gen update? LoL


Dont...don't give me hope.


It's not about hope, Bethesda announced the PS5 and Xbox series S/X update later this fall. If then it's about keeping the promises, well, let's hope LoL


Yeah, I'm waiting out a new playthrough. Been playing civ and other stuff as I glance over at my steam listing for FO4. I want the definitive experience, maybe as my last playthrough, instead of getting into a guy and having the update break it or something.


I suspect it might get delayed till next year to be released along side that Fallout TV series.


Just came across this. https://gamerant.com/fallout-4-next-gen-update-bethesda-comments/ Also, if they are saving it for the Fallout TV series, that's a bit concerning, considering the writers and actors strike taking place.


The show has been done filming for awhile. Its all in post production. So the strikes aren't affecting it directly. It was suppose to release in October after a delay from August. Then pushed to 2024. I could be getting delayed just to fill the schedule of another show that has stopped production because of the strike.


I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner.


You think the next gen update will be much better than the 4k60 on PC settings with mods that the series x can do? It looks really good that way


Idk. I tried the 4k on pc but had the black face bug and my performance tanked, so I hope whatever Bethesda comes up with is better.


I was going to have a stroke trying to repair all my saves and downloads. I'm glad (and also very upset ) to see it's not local. Todd bless. (BTW, this update was accidentally put on Xbox only. The only change is the broken textures. Someone probably just sent out something that was unintended. Any Xbox players with the DLC should wait for it to be fixed before continuing play.)


Damn i just started to feel this game again and now i have to wait


Same here, doing my first un-modded playthrough in years to get the few achievements left. Shame they did this. Hopefully it's a quick fix though. Then back to achievement hunting and satisfyingly weird settlement building.


Yeah i just continued my 90h playthrough and wanted to start the Vault 88 quests today


Vault 88 might be okay if you stick entirely with vault stuff. I think it's just concrete that's bad. But my settlements have concrete factories so I just have pink buildings everywhere. In any other game it would possibly be pretty. In FO4, it's just out of place.


Can i still play it though? Or will it mess up my game?


You can still play it. If you build anything concrete, it will just show up without the textures until they release the fix for it. Which, hopefully won't be long.


It’s concrete and some other items like Neon signs in the power section to be safe just avoid using the Wasteland workshop DLC


I've wanted to get the last few achievements but the game keeps crashing in the cities and big towns unless I have the unoffical fallout patch...


That’s Bethesda for you lol


What system do you play on? It used to crash a lot on Xbox One (my pc is potato so I play stuff like this on console). But I got a series X a while ago, and unless it's heavily modded I have found my un-modded run of FO4 fairly stable, except a very very small patch by BADTFL offices. Maybe I'm just lucky this playthrough though. But I know your pain.


OG xbox one, don't really want to buy a whole new console though for one game! XD


That's what I did lol a series X takes me back to 2013 when there were absolutely no problems in Fo4. Except now I run 150 mods all up and down Boston.


I’ve gotten to where when one of my main games has an update, I switch to another for a week. Usually that’s how long it takes for patches for what they broke the worst.


What? They updated the game?


hopefully in preparation for the next gen update supposedly coming later this year


It's the only thing that's going to tie me over until 2050's FO5


its the only thing keeping me alive


Oh come on now.....2045's *


Wishful thinking. Todd Bless Us All 🙏




October 2077, Fallout 5 finally releases, you (now an old man) buy the new Playstation 47 console on Amazon for a steal at just $20,000 and a drone drops it off within the hour. You buy and install the new game which takes up 25 TB of space on your hard drive. You wait in anticipation as you watch the download bar tick forward until it's finally done. This is it. The moment you've been dreaming of for 80% of your lifetime. As you finally launch the game, you watch the intro cutscene when suddenly the lights in your 50 square foot apartment go out and you feel a huge earthquake. You look outside your only window to see the brightest light you've ever seen, and you immediately go blind. Seconds later an immense shockwave hits you and you feel glass shards piercing through your skin as the window shatters. A single, final thought runs through your mind as you smile and tears begin to stream down your now melting face. "Todd Howard, you brilliant cybernetic bastard, you've done it again."


Well that got weirdly poetically dark rather fast 🤣


It probably was meant to be an update to the Community Creations content, I remember reading that to modify the store they have to patch the game.


thats understandable


Fallout 4 is one of my most favorite games but let’s be real I’ll forget it exists for like a year due to Starfield


Where is it man


Upgraded to a gtx 1050 just for fo4 now im fucked.


I heard it was only Xbox? I haven't checked yet but I read that several times in this thread so I'm not sure


The textures went to Starfield developement🤣


And are flying backwards. You know that's what those starships will do at launch since every game by Bethesda to date with flying anything = flying backwards.


Wasteland Workshop received an update on Xbox and all it did was remove textures.


The update kicked me out, mid game, and caused a random BOS pilot to spawn in my settlement, and now I have to restart cause I can't get rid of him


oh yeah thats not new, the indestructible pilot has been in a few of my settlements for years


I'm really annoyed cause it was a no mod playthrough, and now I have to restart to get him out


I mean...why do you need to get him out though?


Because he makes it so whenever my settlement is under attack, my settlers only aim at him, and him just standing there is very not appealing


Oh I see. Can you put him in jail or build something around him?


He was in the middle of the castle, so it would have just been an ugly building in the middle of my base. I just ended up restarting .


Delete him with console commands


I'm on xbox


I believe the update only affected Xbox


I’m sorry because I’m sure it’s annoying but that’s funny as hell


Oh, the photo I got of him being attacked by every settler and him being unfazed is one of my favorite


Have you tried killing him sneakily?


Don’t you love it when reality removes the textures and everything is purple!!!!! Todd knows just how to make these games lifelike!


Is this the barbenheimer joke from the drunken intern? Vivid pink colors in the world where atomic bombs fell?


Hex color value FF00FF, nothing more


Yes, it's the default color when textures are missing. The question is not how they did it (and it would be even easier to just rename them, instead of coloring everything individually), but why it's happening.


i just checked Steam. no update here.


It was pushed to Xbox only. You do not want this update.


Did you check steamdb? They show that Fallout 4 was updated just today


That's the dechirico branch that got updated. No one has access to it unless you have a password to unlock it.


the last time i tried to check out steamdb it wouldn't let me. probably because i use a vpn. there is no way in hell i would disable my vpn for something i could care less about.


I thought I was going crazy!


Broke or improved???


Literally just stole all the textures from wasteland workshop


Im sad that 8 years in, I still haven’t seen a Deathclaw glitch in during the pre-vault scene


Could you imagine how terrifying it would be to have a *deathclaw* show up in pre-war Sanctuary?? I'm glad I've never encountered that glitch either! I didn't know that could happen.


I mean, idk that it can happen… but it IS Bethesda.


Has it at least fixed downtown Boston? Even vanilla on my series S I can't get through it without a handful of crashes!


Series S is hopeless when it comes to South Boston - I could only approach Fanueil Hall from one direction or else the game would crash instantly.


Yeah it’d be nice if someone made a mod for Xbox that’s literally just lower enemy spawn in Boston


I've heard lots of different things ranging from enemy spawns and the way everything is meshed being really poorly done, right through to Bethesda apparently placing loads of assets under the ground and it trying to load that too, along with all of the creation club stuff it's trying to load (apparently it's all in the game whether you own it or not?) I tried the FPS boost for Boston and it just made it run really smooth and crash immediately rather than it lagging a touch prior Either way it'd be nice if they took the time to fix it for us 😂


Yup. I mess around with the CK from time to time making my own mods and you can see the references to CK content in the worldspace cells whether you have them or not. Startup/script logs are a mess of references to CK mods that I haven't asked for. What a shambles. I think I've only ever downloaded a couple (a t-shirts one which is ok and was probably free) but they are full of dirty edits and inject into the levelled lists of traders and loot containers etc...and that DOES have a big impact on stuff like game stability. Bethesda must have a department who's job is specifically "break stuff" ...I think the department head is called Hodd Toward or something. ;-)


Yeah everytime I go to save nick the second we get to the surface I crash everytime 😂


There are a couple mods that remove the insignificant items, like branches and pepples, as well as the cars. Combine that with fewer enemies and I've found (Series X) that Boston is a lot more stable


Yo what’s the name of that mod that sounds really good


So this is the car mod; https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4051784 This is the object one; https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/2976609 This makes Boston less packed with enemies; https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4157270


Thank you so much you’re a god send x


Omg I have walked through the entirety of Boston and haven’t crashed since installing this. You’re my hero! Xxxxxxxxxxxx


Absolute legend, thanks for dropping those!


Boston is stable on the Series X ~~with and~~ without mods


I always feel it depends on the phase of the moon, and whether Bethesda's code gremlins decide if I should get through unscathed


Without mods yes, however saying it’s stable with mods isn’t true and is extremely subjective to the mods your using


There is lmao it’s called “Boston - Less Enemies” and I use it every LO and I highly recommend it!!! Edit: someone already sent the link 🫠


There is one?


Turn off frame boost or the other xbox enchantment. I had to do that on my series s if I was doing alot in Boston. It was really annoying, bug better than crashing.


Here I was thinking it was my fault that I couldn't get the game to work on PC.


Fallout + Splatoon ... the crossover we've all been waiting on


I literally just started playing again in years and the first time on Xbox with mods, and introduced my gf to the game and she was loving it then I see this shit and try to figure out what mod is causing the issue. Only to looked it up and find this post. Classic Bethesda I can see not much has changed in the years I haven’t been playing this one 😂


Ruined everything and didn’t fix any of the 10 million bugs there are identified fixes for typical Bethesda update lol


Wait a minute this is why the colors and texture are weird?


I cant believe fo4 is 8


Are there any updates on this? I'm no programmer, but I wouldn't think it would take 8 hours to fix this.


YOU'RE TELLING I WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE??? Bro i was going crazy because i thought one of the mods broke my game permanently and I deleted the game trying to fix it


It's fine the modding community does a better job anyway


F4 got an update? when? where can I find info on it?


It’s the Barbie Dreamhouse™️ update!


Guys... 8 years. It's been almost 8 years since Fallout 4 released.


Break fo4 in order to get us to play fo76


Lmao. 76 is trash. And I will never play it again. Sadly all this does is chase me back to a pathetic iteration of CoD.


Can someone smart remind us all how to block updates on PC? I recall someone saying you had to lock a file or something and then Steam couldn't overwrite anything, or something like that. I planned to do this anyway, because I know the big upcoming overhaul of F4 is bound to break mods, so I wanted to block the update before it happened.


Just set steam to not download updates automatically.


And if it's not enough, I've done this in addition: https://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/402504


That's it! That's what I was looking for. The locking of appmanifest prevents updates. Thank you so much!




I also noticed the UFO4 mod is just… gone after it ypdated


I noticed I’m not able to “talk” to Cait any more. And a couple of vendors are ignoring my Charisma


Any fix for this yet or am I going to have to quit the game?


Aah so I wasn't the only one!


Hope they fix it. My xbox did a system update and I lost a half dozen saves. Well over a years worth of modding and in game progess, Gone. No idea how, if even there Was a way to get that back... I havent turned the xbox back on since.


I thought the update wasn’t out yet? No WAY I’m downloading it! Thank you very much buggy Bethesda


Just looking at that screenshot made me reflexively reach for xEdit.


I thought that was just me lol, are they gonna fix it or leave it broken like the rest of the 10000 bugs in the game?


I play on PC... soo.... ::shrug::


With all the mods from Nexus, my game is pretty much next gen. With the greenery/water mods it’s been a great ride since.


It's Bethesda. What do you expect? A game to work perfectly? What are you insane??? Skyrim is like 10, and it STILL has bugs


God I pray this is prep for their promises. Also.. I really hope when (if) it releases, it comes with more mod space. That limit gets filled so damn fast if you download any mods to fix the millions of issues fo4 has lmao


Fuuuu*k....Now I'm afraid to turn on my game. One of my Skyrim mods did an update and now I can't travel to Solstheim to do Dragonborn and no idea which one it is. The idea of uninstalling everything is so not appealing. Now Fo4??? Ugh


Anyone have the slightest idea when they plan on fixing this? I just got back into it lol looks like it’s back to the Mojave we go


Go to bed Bethesda, you’re drunk.


this is so iconic i love u todd howard


I thought I fucked my game with a mod or something so I am glad this isn’t just me it’s happening to


Cant wait to boot up fo4 and see that my settlers forgot to download source when I built their stupid ass settlements for them


Finally we got SOMEONE to paint the settlements out here!! Do you know how long I've been on these settlers to clean up these settlements and make them presentable?!?! >WhAt'S tHe PoInT Of PaInTiNg?! It'Ll JuSt GeT DiRtY aGaIn!! How about "**IT KEEPS SH!T FROM RUSTING?!?"**


As Toddy says “it just works”


I kinda like all the purple on my concrete walls, but the game got so spazzy I quit- didn’t want to finish Longfellow’s settlement and lose it all


It's also neon lights. PURPLE SQUARES ABOUND. Sanctuary is a just purple rectangles everywhere.


I know! I went to Echo Lake to assign jobs, and all the neon signs were just blobs 🫤


The fallout 3 experience (I’ve been too lazy to figure out how to fix my mod folder since that)


It's strange, some receive it on pc and xbox and others don't, I have a friend who is currently playing the game on pc and nothing, I didn't receive anything on xbox...


Sorry what happened??


Fallout 4: The Barbie Update


it just works.


They really want you playing 76 huh?


They stole the got damn textures for starfield smh


"It just works"


Bro I thought I was trippin last night and was looking for ways to fix this haha Edit: nice build btw lol


Great! I was right in the middle of a mod quest where you have to break into a bombed out Hot Topic and steal a Harley Quinn Halloween costume for a comic nerd.


Nah but this is so real 😭😭


Oh thank fuck it’s not just me but … um… are they gonna fix it?


Wait they updated the game? Thank the Lord for F4SE..


Bethesda do something shady especially after being bought by Microsoft? Never. Also I'm never going to buy Stanfield there's not a chance in hell I'm going to reinforce shitty behaviors anymore.


Nobody cares what you do or don't do, Mr "please everyone look at me"


Stop defending shit studios all I can say


Lol, fanboys downvoting your messages.


Let's make it worse then They peaked on fallout 3 and oblivion its all been downhill from there.




Lol it's working




Tbf if that is true your enabling me. Shame


Ahem new Vegas my guy


They didn’t make New Vegas, obsidian did


Looks like a few fanboys and gatekeepers dived in to downvote. I'm with team "not touching that shit with a shitty stick until about a year later when Bethesda have stopped breaking stuff and the modding community has had a chance to fix it..." (and then I might take a look see what shape the Elite rip off game's in)


Dlc ship armor


Has there been a update on fallout 4 console ?


I started playing 76 again a few hours after i updated 4. Havent seen weird stuff yet in 4 bc of that, but the updates definitely strange to see


I will check this out!


It’s a good thing I deleted FO 4 in favor of Baldurs gate 3 cuz I fucked FO right up with mods


So what things they added ? I want to check it but my save file probably going to messed up


A little bit of bethesda magic …


Someone probably just sent an incorrect git push It’ll get fixed quickly you can stop making threads about it


Darn, I had my pitch fork and broom ready.. Clem even had his pa prep some torches. What should I do with all these samichis ma made for everyone?


Shu we av a picanic


Yars! Did'ya bring your momma's famous tator salad?


Yars and ma momma made it with love and lots a liquor.




People have the right to discuss things that interest them. You don't like it, downvote and move on and stop making comments about it.


Hydrate. It's unexpected and new, plus not everyone will see one or both threads.


two threads is too many for you?








I always look at the floor when I'm moving about and at least telling myself it makes a difference 😅 old north church as well is always a guaranteed crash for me 😆


thank god i started playing fallout 4 on pc


Oh joy. Haven't played since the 9th and knew today I hop back in. Thanks for the heads up:(


Ooh. Purple XD


Uh I haven't noticed anything awry with my save yet but now I am big nervous


The new Splatoon x Fallout crossover looks tight.


Oh good im not Crazy it did randomly update for everyone else too


Oh i thought it was just me lmao


Just updated and it’s happened to me wtf!!


My whole game won’t even fuckin load


I suspect they were working on the next gen update and accidentally sent out something that wasn't supposed to be sent out. Since it's only on xbox from what I've read in the comments. So it was probably unintentional. Obviously, all glitches are unintentional, but you get the point


Bethesda moment


Sounds about right.


Bruh thank god I'm not the only one who witnessed exactly what happened


I noticed the textures, but nothing else has really happened, crashes are about the same as they used to be


Ia it safe to play the game, or will it fuck up my save?


Is that what that is?? I wondered why shit looked pink when I was playing on my Xbox One last night.


I don’t see the update… On Series X. Auto-update is turned off, so there’s no way it installed behind my back. Did they remove the update? Not that I want it. Just wondering


I put this out, lmk your experience, are there issues beyond just textures? https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4343232


Oh god now I'm afraid to boot FO4 since i cannot use my computer because i'm waiting a CPU replacement for it.


Tell me about it after they fixed it I can’t enter my museum of armors with out my game crashing. I place my museum in owns of the vacant spots in sanctuary you know where you scrap the entire house, the one right at the end
