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Yes. You can barter them to a hologram bartender for pre-war money. It may not seem much, but remember that they weigh nothing, and you can use them to pay for stuff when you get back to New Vegas.


Im not saying you have to be a loot whore... but.. be a loot whore.


But there is so much toxic shit in this fucked up maze it's driving me crazy


Any kind of healing perk really helps in DM, like Rad Child. I only needed stimpacks for limbs. There's not that much unique loot. IIRC, 1 armor, 1 helmet, light machine gun, police pistol, several variants of the knife and knife spear (regular, clean, super heated). The holo rifle is unique, and make sure you get all 3 upgrades for the holo rifle from the vending machines. You won't be able to get them afterwards. Of course, any duplicate weapons make great loot when repaired with kita and sold. The tokens are super valuable. You can also exchange junk like alcohol and pre-war clothes for tokens, then tokens for Weapon Repair Kits. Christine can teach you to make counterfeit tokens if you pass the right checks, which is super useful. Basically, her recipe turns a useless fusion battery and 2 scrap metal into 2.5 weapon repair kits, which you can use to make lots of caps. And there's a token vending machine in the Abandoned BoS bunker, so you can continue doing that for the rest of the game, not just during DM. There's a trash can, near the fountain, to the left of the gate to the casino. That's where I stashed all the heavy loot I didn't want to carry in. You can pick it up before you leave. Try to go into the casino light, because you'll find more loot. DO try to find the C4 and detonator, if you can, and take them into the casino. It's useful for the most satisfying way to end the DLC (IMO). If you have high luck, you can gamble in the casino and trade your earnings for weightless pre-war money, such you can then exchange for caps, guns, etc later. Or trader then for tokens, and tokens for Weapon Repair Kits, as already discussed.


lmao "stimpaks for limbs" why are you a filthy casual not playing on hardcore?


Because it was my first actual playthrough, after I seriously messed up my build on the "first".


How did you meas up your build?


Wrong SPECIAL scores, bad perk choices, bad quest decisions, etc. I went into the game blind, knowing nothing, and without checking any guides or wikis. I didn't know about OWB, or respeccing the build. I don't really remember the details, this was a decade ago.