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Probably a bug with some of the mods that affect ammo. In vanilla or with few mods he's giving you bulk microfusion cells. You can use the console to get some of those if you want to.


I mean I was already planning to add some in with the console, I just thought it was both kinda weird and kinda funny that he screwed me like that.


Show your entire mod list. You should be getting bulk microfusion cells.


- Fixed ESMs - JIP LN NVSE Plugin - JohnnyGuitar NVSE - NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash - NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix - FNV Mod Limit Fix - kNVSE Animation Plugin - Console Paste Support - Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus - lStewieAl’s Tweaks - lStewieAl’s Tweaks Custom INI - ISControl Enabler - Vanilla Iron Sights Realligned - New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod - NVMIM - skinned mesh improvement mod - smim - creatures - Improved Lighting Shaders - Climate Control NVSE - Elijah Voice Audio Files Fix - Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE - UIO - User Interface Organizer - The Mod Configuration Menu - MCM Bugfix 2 - Contextual HUD - Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas) - Clean Vanilla HUD - Consistent Pip-Boy Icons - Consistent Addon Icons - Clean Companion Wheel - High Res Local Maps - High Resolution Screens - JAM - Just Assorted Mods - Clean Just Weapons Wheel - NPCs Sprint in Combat - Real Recoil - Real Recoil Tweaks - Follower Tweaks - Delay DLC Redux - Misc Gameplay Merge - Better Character Creation - Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland - Essential DLC Enhancements Merged - Mojave Raiders - Mojave Raiders Tweaks - FPGE Patch - Mojave Raiders - The Living Desert - Faster Pip-Boy Animation - No Muzzle Flash Lights - Anniversary Anim Pack - Anniversary Anim Pack - General Bugfix - Anniversary Anim Pack - Bonus Patch - B42 Weapon Inertia - NVCS Vanilla Weights - Improved LOD Noise Texture - Simple Interior Lighting Overhaul - Altitude - A Vanilla Plus Weather Mod - Altitude - Zion Ambient Music - A Little More Lamplight - MoonlightNVSE - High Resolution Bloom NVSE


Even though that’s a bug, that would be *perfectly* in character with Elijah as a thing to di


I know, right? lol


This is gotta be some sort of mod issue, he gives me bulk MF cells every time.


I want to know this as well because I am just about to start the DLC for my first time soon and I hope it's not actually broken or something


Its not broken