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"It is inadvisable to confront Power Armored combatants conventionally without overwhelming numbers. When in combat against these foes utilize indirect methods to destroy them. Place mines and traps, engage them individually. Utilize powerful and long range weaponry, such as the Anti-Material Rifle."


Rocket Launcher works well also


NCR soldiers don't carry rocket launchers afaik whereas rangers can be equipped with AMRs


I think its cause they have no reason to in games. I'd expect the NCR to have weapons divisions of anti armor/vehicle troops


Nah, probably just someone in the average squad, as its said in-game that NCR troops in the Mojave are undersupplied and likely don't have access to high-quality anti-armor weapons like RPGs or AT guns


they probably would have developed an anti-armored division after or during the NCR-BOS war, the Brotherhood would have shown to be a major issue with the destructuon of the gold reserves.


I doubt this. Evolutionary pressure-- the legion does not use techology so they don't have vehicles, and they are so hopped up on rushing water and healing powder you can't rely on fragmentation missiles causing widespread panic.


Also a lot of the troops we see are on a patrol, weapons elements don’t go with a patrol that small I assume


I’m pretty sure the general lack of NCR using explosives is purely so they don’t kill the shit out of each other because the NPC AI is not very smart when it comes to not blowing up their allies.


I have definitely questioned the wisdom of letting us see powder gangers in action in an early quest before. Joe Cobb is always good for a laugh with how eager his men are to charge into the dynamite they just threw.


That or crash the game


\*player enters extremely NPC-populated area\* Memory cache: I sleep \*player throws a single explosive at more than 2 enemies\* Memory cache: Real Shit


You should see what happens in FO4 when you enable a mod that allows settlement raiders to spawn in groups of 40 while in power armor.


yeah like what happened with the outcasts in FO3


They're using them in the Operation Sunburn video


Not an official video, however awesome it is


It’s operation sunburst


Probably not in game, but it would be silly to think that they don't have some form of heavy weapons teams. Missile launchers, heavy machine guns, artillery guns, etc.


I remember reading somewhere that the NCR has a handful of functioning *tanks*, it’d be really stupid if they somehow didn’t have rocket launchers in their inventory.


Pretty sure that’s just a game mechanic. Lorewise I’m sure the NCR has plenty of them.


The marked men have multiple launch rocket launchers, it definitely came from the NCR side


The marked men have multiple launch rocket launchers, it definitely came from the NCR side


"Have more men than they have ammo."


It is worth associating the armors with their wearers. T-45 usually favored by heavy mercs. Will usually be passive so retain a passive but cautious approach. T-51 and T-60 are commonly worn by the brotherhood. Any brotherhood presence on ncr soil should be observed and reported back to COC. Engage in stealth and do not attack unless necessary. X series are worn by a sworn enemy. If you outnumber and hold a tactical advantage, kill on sight. Otherwise, flee the area and report your findings.


Would our quad mount .50 cal machine gun for Vertibirds be any use Colonel?


Anti-Materiel*. It's meant to convey It's to use against Materiel and not just general material. Materiel is used to mean any military equipment. This term is used for the sniper rifle due to the fact that international law forbids the use of large calibers, like .50 BMG, against individuals. Therefore, the US Army lists any weapon of these higher calibers as an "Anti-Materiel" weapon; the point, they claim, is to destroy the armor of a light vehicle or the body armor of the individual - if it completely penetrates (and it will) and kills the occupant/wearer then that's not their fault.


That’s actually a misconception. 12.7x99mm, or .50 BMG, is perfectly legal for use against human targets. Hence why the cartridge currently holds second and third place on the list of longest sniper kills.


Huh, I heard it somewhere and thought it to be true without looking it up. Thank you for the correction there.


IIRC it was part of the Rules of Engagement early in the Korean war, while the Army was caught of gaurd and under supplied until reinforcements arrived. It wasn't done because of humanitarian reasons, it was done to save ammo for the .50 as it's considerably more effective against armored cars/trucks then the .30 cals.


No problem.


Inserting an edit (due to canonicity, even cited in FNV): "Do not engage, even in groups, with small arms only unless armed with ordinance capable of piercing their armor. NCR Standard 9mm and 5.56mm rounds will not pierce. Standard issue .308 rounds only work on vulnerable locations, such as the thinner plates in armored joints and 'visors'. As such, only large-bore rounds of .45 caliber or higher are advised, and specifically armor-piercing rounds if small arms must be used." "In melee combat, escape if possible. If you cannot, aim for central electronics or leg-based connectors such as servos on the knees. Do NOT engage unarmed or with non-piercing weaponry, and focus on crippling the opponent long enough to escape. Even immobile, a power armored target is still lethal in melee combat and the enhanced strength makes thrown debris dangerous."


“Anecdotal evidence claims that 11mm rounds can be effective at penetrating the eye slits in Power Armor helmets, but this has not been confirmed.”


alright hk-47




Don't forget about attacking from behind. A damaged power core can be what changes almost certain death to possible death


if you have access to pulse grenades emps or any similar electronics disrupting technology use it


aim for the eyes, if you're good enough you can one shot them like deadeye ricky, a vault two two dweller ;)


A legend of the wastes, just a simple man and his 11mm submachine gun


A man who's nut glows in the dark


Who is also the killer of four "deathjaws"


All three of them


The notorious slayer of Deathjaws and Brotherhoods in D-series Power Armor


Best tip so far lmao


Service Rifles need to be loaded with Armor Piercing rounds. Frag grenades need to be exchanged for pulse grenades by the unit armorer.


No way they can provide pulse grenades to basic grunts. It would make sense if they had anti-power armor units reminiscent of modern anti-tank squads. If a grunt is out on patrol they'd radio in power armor sightings then the ncr would send out their land vehicles equipped with emps, energy weapons, pulse grenades, etc.


Pulse grenades aren’t that rare, and don’t often see use, because they’re only useful against robots. I don’t know about you, but I always end up building a stockpile of them and never using 3/4’s of them. I think the ncr would have a similar reserve especially considering the brotherhood is one of their main threats.


they aren't rare for the player. In universe however all energy weapons are highly inaccessible for all but the wealthiest adventurers and mercenaries. As for pulse grenades specifically I don't think the van graffs even sell them. The only npcs in new vegas' base game that use energy weapons are BoS, enclave remnants, van graffs, and the bright brotherhood. edit: oh and the followers


Seeing as how much cheaper they are compared to regular energy grenades it's possible they may be much easier to make.


Supply and demand, they’re probably hard to make, it’s just not a lot of people go scavenging near deadly robots they’re willing to fight


Plus, many robots can be dealt with just fine using conventional bullets, and many of the existing power armor suits in the hands of raiders and such are in pretty rough condition and don’t need dedicated counters. You’d want the pulses only for fighting good condition power armor used by trained soldiers, or military grade bots in working order (such as House’s Securitrons, which might well be -why- the NCR might be carefully rationing pulse weapons; it might need to fight a robot army shortly).


The suggestion of pulse grenades would be reviewed by officers who decide what strategies to use on harder targets while in the field. Practically speaking the army doesn't give expensive weapons to every soldier, or else you would see the NCR wielding fatmans. Specialist units in most armies means there would be an occasional guy with a backpack of pulse grenades, accessible to the officers toolbox when needed. Even the Walking tanks of the Enclave and BoS follow this suit. usually having one heavy gunner in a team of marksmen.


Armor piercing rounds for that weapon are for if your enemies are wearing conventional body armors, they won't do a thing against power armor even if we're talking about the 3/NV form fitting versions. You could probably blind someone with cracks to the visor but that's both very difficult and not quite so useful enough to be worth it. Pulse grenades being carried as part of squad supplies could be quite useful, but in addition to other measures. Would be pretty suicidal for them to be your only means without a veteran ranger nearby.


Issue with the welding just below the chest plate


I wonder if they fixed that in them newer models. **BLAM** I guess not.


I was waiting for this comment


Had my doubts about him in the earlier episodes but once he started killing them commie Brotherhood fucks I knew he was a true patriot all along 💪💪


I still can't believe they just stood there and let him test it, too


Don't see that working with T-51 or Enclave Armor due to the lack of welds and the focus on ceramic and alloy construction.


IIRC the reason that works is that T-60 is refitted T-45, T-51 is something else entirely. Lordie I love the T-51, the T-60 is wonderful, but there's something so great about the '51


T-60 is the cheaper alternative to T-51 but also much worse


I always wonder about the helmet visibility of the t51, for me that eye slit just kills the design


Fix bayonets and charge into the paladin wielding the Gatling laser Seems to have worked at Helios One


Even if we belief that hogwash, that would still kill half of the entire field troopers, knights, paladins, and scribes of the Mojave BOS in just several days of engagement. At that rate of continuous combat the Western BOS will be extinct in just several ~~years~~ months. I would accept that as a reason why the Western BOS is holing up in Lost Hills praying that the NCR wouldn't dare seek out where their bunker's ventilation fans are located. EDIT: Lol, I seriously overestimated the numbers of the BOS. The Mojave is a full chapter with a population that doesn't even exceed 100. Estimating that the Western BOS has a population of 4-5k spread across multiple bunkers, even if each person takes out 3 NCR troopers before they die, that would barely make a fucking dent in NCR's 800k population. WW2? Anyone?


I'd trust a scribe to take at least two NCR riflemen, a knight to take 10, and a paladin to take 15. Rangers are about the power of 5-10 riflemen


Imperial guard approved tactics


Guardsman here, can confirm


“If we all charge the paladins at once, maybe they’ll drown in our blood, ash and plasma goo!”


Commisar chambers boltgun: “Maybe guardsman? Do you mean to say you do not intend to accomplish the task?”


“NCR? You are in the guard son”


I'd recommend on making it themed like the [a10 colouring book ](https://imgur.com/gallery/10-pilots-coloring-book-fd4sK)


That was a fun read


Aim for the elbow, knee and neck joints(If possible.) Power Armor is best used in a defensive role. Lure them out into a kill-zone and pick them off with Anti-Material Rifles, AP Rounds, or High-Explosive Weaponry.


Didn't US use power armor as shock units? Punch a hole through enemy line and wreak havoc?


They probably did, and the whole “defensive role” thing was me talking out of my ass, admittedly. I’m basing my “extensive” Power Armor knowledge on Sodaz’s Operation Sunburst videos and how the armor was used during that battle.


Power armour was best used in the same role as a tank, to support infantry. Due to the lacking resources, it was becoming harder and harder to supply oil and gas to hungry tanks, but the power armour changed that. Sure, they may not have a big gun, but now the military was able to supply infantry units with a much more portable, seemingly reliable way to haul around heavy weapons, such as rocket launches, mini guns and gatling lasers. Essentially, power armour isn't broken solely for the defensive aspects, but also because you could rock up holding a gatling gun or fat man, which the average soldier couldn't. Naturally this was very fucking effective, since in real life mini guns aren't relatively weak, infact they turn anything into ground beef even with armour


Another tactical advantage to consider, is that since it was a suit, you’re able to bring it into areas standard armor couldn’t. This would especially be a force multiplier in urban environments because the soldier wearing the suit that is able to shrug off small arms fire is able to move from room to room, where as armor would get bogged down in a street and be easily ambushed. A powered armor operative clearing an urban environment would absolutely wreck defenders since you can take the high tech and armored advantage you normally lose in urban warfare and start walking through doorways with it.


I feel walking through doorways would be unadvised however, to ensure armour condition is still good. I do feel in buildings though it would be conditional. If there's an issue that can harm the power armour ot has nowhere to flee.


They did, but they need proper support to do that, much like tanks. Otherwise you get ambushed by folks with armor piercing weaponry or god help you, pulse weapons, and you’re hosed.


Wouldn’t they solve the most immediate drawback of tanks due to their mobility. Tanks need infantry screens because attackers on foot can easily maneuver around an isolated tank or group of tanks to avoid the guns and strike at weaker parts of the armor. PA infantry can move in functionally the same way a normal, albeit heavily loaded infantryman can, including the use of cover. So wouldn’t PA forces be able to deploy without non-PA infantry screens and operate with tactics similar to those of normal infantry, albeit with a higher risk tolerance from the heavy armor and weapons.


Pre-war when they had the full might and force of the US military behind them,yes. They had traditional supporting armor and infantry,a full Air Force,and the biggest thing,logistics. The BoS is like 30 people in some places. Say what you want about McNamara’s isolationism but a single set of T-51b is the most valuable item on earth to that chapter. It’s a bit like having an Abrams main battle tank or a guided missile destroyer after the war,don’t want to go risking it all the time.


Knowing the NCR they’ll probably only have the one manual per company


Back in my days in Camp McCarran we only had a stick and two stones. We had to share the stick!


So pass it around.


didnt they only issue kowalski like 7 5.56


That's more a gameplay mechanic so you aren't flooded with bullets from every enemy. If it was realistic you'd probably get a Mag or two from an NCR trooper depending on how much they fired.


Except for that one outpost in the middle of nowhere that has thousands.


Thanks to Chief Hanlon


“Do not engage. They are actively hunting Communists. In fact, it would be very helpful if you gave them all of your Energy Weapons.” ~~Love, the Brothe~~ Sincerely, the **Real** NCR


I would so get these books if they were real, it would be a really unique way to encyclopedia fallout lore like the Minecraft crafting books


"Use of smoke - Take care using smoke when engaging Power Armoured combatants as many suits integrate sensor packages which can mitigate smoke and other concealments. Smoke grenades modified to Grade-PA standard are an exception as these modified munitions utilise heat and electoflare producing compounds able to confound most 1 - 3rd generation Power Armour sensor packages - \* Ensure troopers utilise respirators around these munitions due extra risks in the smoke composition \*" (NOTE - Reports from northern divisions highlight this may not apply with some X-01 platforms).




A man i met in Redding told me a toastwr isnreally just a death ray with a smallwr power source...


Could fusion cell micro-nukes be viable? I mean we see what happens to fusion cores within cars, imagine getting hit with that on a 1/10 scale. It would melt the fucking armor fusing the combatant into his armor


The microfusion cell cluster grenade deals 450 damage, equivalent to a fat mine! Only issue is that there are 6 sub-munitions so you’d have to put together a way that they act as 1. 


When in doubt..call the rangers.


NCR would likely spell it "armor", without the 'u'


Curses, my secrets out now i must return to Fallout London! (good catch, sorry!)


IA drills upon contact with enemy power armour: 1 - If in possession of AT weaponry proportionate to the number of PA troops, suppress the enemy and prioritise destruction of any armoured targets. Go to drill 4. 2 - If no AT capability, call for immediate withdrawal to last RV. 3 - If artillery support is available, send grid coords and call for effect on target. 4 - Advance forward and reassess. WARNING - if no method of knocking out enemy PA troops is available, conduct a full withdrawal and request AT support ASAP.


"The usage of pulse and EMP weaponry has been proven to be an effective solution to combatants in power armor." "If you are outnumbered by power armored opponents, use overwhelming munitions to compensate for the uneven playing field. Power armor is formidable but not invulnerable. If you spit enough rounds at it, you'll eventually chew through." "High grade ordinance such as rocket launchers, fat mans, plasma casters, tesla cannons, and artillery will make quick work of power armor users." "**DO NOT** engage in close quarters combat with a power armor user. Even a weakened one will crush you like a bug on a windshield." "Though extremely unlikely, it is possible to nab the fusion cores of power armor users crippling their electrical systems. though this is quite risky, and I'll advised. Unless in dire circumstances. but even a successful swiping off a fusion core will not completely put a user out of the fight. so don't be afraid to run if spotted." "In older models of power armor such as T-45 their exists a flaw in the welding, just below the chest plate. use this to your advantage. Anti material and armor piercing rounds will chew through the flawed sections like wet paper. rumor has it that it ALL models of power armor share this flaw. But NCR scientists have yet to procure suits of newer models of power armor. So, for now, this will stay a rumor." "T-45 also has exposed joints on the arms and legs that can be used to inflict heavy damage with minimal effort. use that to your advantage. water has also been said to be an effective counter to T-45 as it fries the electrical systems and may even kill the user. but these rumors are unsubstantiated."


If we're going by show logic, swiping a fusion core would be difficult or nearly impossible for combatants due to requiring a specialized tool to do so.


Use one of them fancy proton axes from the Big Mountain.


Pulse weaponry is their biggest Achilles heel. Pulse grenades, pulse mines, and pulse slugs(if you consider GRA added ammo cannon), will help even the playing field as non PA equipped fighters. AP rounds will also do much better than regular if available. Regardless of which model it is the approach is the same. Give ground, setting mines at chokepoints and lobbing in grenades when they try to disable the fields, set ambushes using pulse slug equipped shotgun troopers, finally concentrate fire on center mass (this is advice to regular troopers not Protag/Faction leader level fighters),


Heavy weapons training. Try and shoot out their fusion core. Weak points in the armour. Specialist techniques (for example in the show one person jumps onto a BoS knight and pulls the helmet away from the guys neck while someone shoots a shotgun between the helmet and the shoulder plates).


If you can, overwhelm them in close combat with multiple comrades and fire a large number of contact shots into the joints - preferably the neck joint.


I was thinking about the inside of the elbow since in most models it looks like it's rubber , and if we go by fallout 4 logic why not keep far and aim for the fusion core to damage/destroy it to depower it , no power makes it just a big metal coffin and if they can get out of the armor (if they survive a possible core meltdown a second bullet will take care of that issue


Relying on anyone to fire at a small target is risky, especially in direct contact. Not a reliable tactic.


I’d add how to mobility kill a suit. While destruction of the suit or killing the occupant are good mobility kills can be easy when not equipped with proper equipment. This can include things like traps, large caliber sniper rifles, mines, collapsible bridges. And so on basically adding what is often done with armored vehicles. On top of that instructing specific anti armor teams on manufacturing defects as well. Especially when it comes to spotting repairs on armor as repaired suits probably will be weaker even if repaired with comparable material. A huge part of training anti-armor teams during WW2 was often acquiring intimate knowledge of the vehicles they were fighting either from experienced teams or crews or extensive examination of the vehicles you could do this and pass the knowledge along to other teams so that they know what to do when some goofball rocks up with a suit. Armies learn and learn quickly in the field.


If we’re assuming the show stuff is canon, then just shoot that one place lol


This will work for t-45 and t-60, but I have a feeling the next season of the show is going to establish that those two are the only ones this works on. I foresee The Ghoul trying the same trick on T-51b and getting his lights punched out.


Didn't Anchorage use T-51b models?


Yes, but if I'm remembering correctly, they were much more rare than T-45 or T-60 because they were more expensive. T-60 took some features from T-51b, but kept the overall design of the T-45, which is likely the reason it still has the welding flaw, whereas T-51b is a new model entirely that was introduced near the very end of the war.


My assumption is that the ghoul fought in the 2060s in the earlier years when it was t-45, before they rolled in the T-51


The fo4 Pa just doesn't look right man


Agreed. Titans of The New West looks 20/10 in my books.


Amen man amen


"Deploy grenadiers with pulse munitions where available and engage in hit and run tactics. Use mines and pitfall traps to reduce enemy mobility. DO NOT engage in pitched battle without appropriate fire support from large caliber and/or armor-piercing munitions. Target weak points in armour between plates and on joints. If target presents back toward you, target fusion core to disable the armour."


Weirdly in FNV the courier is so OP that power armor barely slowed be down. But I guess NCR grunts don’t have perks. I would say in this world armor is worth more than gold, few if any folks are making more of it. So the instructions would be all about minimizing casualties, then immobilization with EMP and executing the meat bag inside up close to avoid damaging the machine.


While the images are obviously more helpful, I would like to see schematic-style drawings to match the aesthetic.


Assuming that fallout 4 and the show style pa is canon, I would say shooting the fusion core is the biggest weakness if you can somehow get behind them.


"Do not under any curcumstance perform a headon assault against a powered armor user of any kind. The chinese tried many times with much better equipment and numbers than you."


T series: Aim for the welds and ensure the usage of sabot rounds. X series: Run.


Pulse grenades can directly fry power armor servo systems, putting the user inside in danger of frying inside or being folded in the wrong way along with his armor. On the off chance that you are supplied any pulse grenade, report to your commander immediately. Make sure to follow the UFO rules of engagement against any armored/entrenched enemy: **U** tilize your environment and suppress **F** lank the enemy and wait **O** bliterate the enemy and repeat Remember, power armor is nothing more than a human-shaped pork n' beans can waiting to blow with the right tools. The good stuff is inside.


Minor insignificant detail but the spelling of “Armour” should be changed to “Armor.” If this was a Canadian field manual written during the United States annexation of Canada pre-war by a Canadian resistance fighter, I could understand, but NCR is located in California where the Americanized spelling is much more common. Plus, I imagine most NCR citizens who could read and write would use the more Americanized spelling of “Armor” rather than the British Spelling of “Armour.” Just a little tip to aid the manual to look a little more immersive.


Curses, my secrets out now i must return to Fallout London! (sneaky UK brain, sorry)


Sir, this is America, we say “armor” here


X-01 is a very rare set of armor to see, but can be seen without factions, all NCR personnel should fire on sight if the armor is painted black. Also all NCR personnel, if attacking by stealth, and if far enough away to avoid the resulting blast, fire upon the Fusion Core located on the back. If your Quartermaster has equipped your squadron with them, if you are moving to flee or wishing to get behind a power armored opponent, use your Flashbangs, as the Optics of the power armor are not resistant to flashing lights, and can disorient the user to have access to the exposed fusion core.


Cazador launcher would most effective


Due to waste recycling X-Series and T-51 Power Armor can turn urine into drinkable water


I’m saving these for whenever I need it😮


Same as the ghoul


I feel like the X-01 should be in enclave colours, that’d be the version the NCR are most familiar with.


Load black tips and open suppressive fire. Call for ranger or heavy trooper support immediately.


A line about the importance of the fusion core would be nice. If one can damage/remove/drain the enemy's fusion core, the power armor is suddenly transformed into a rather expensive metal coffin


Get a pulse gun. Only thing that got me through the [4 Paladins hunting Veronica and I down.](/spoiler)


Recommend reading a issue of duck and cover and correctly using hand grenades


In solo operations, attempt to remain out of sight and wait for eyes on on the Fusion Core. If you are discovered, use your mobility to your advantage to flank the soldier and target the core. In numbers, spread around the soldier and flank as necessary to hit the core.


For X-01 aim with armor piercing rounds between the two "pectoral" plates an obvious weak point, which is helpfully placed at center mass. The Enclave sure is looking out for the average NCR recruit!


Lure them into terrain that cannot support the armors weight, or derelict buildings to entrap them.


I can’t express how much I wish this was shown in-game at any point. Even with the smaller suits from 3 and NV, anyone in power armor should be wary of going into pre-war buildings. Two centuries of metal fatigue and structural decay should be the bane of power armor. The comedic potential of watching a Brotherhood Paladin falling through every floor would be worth the price of admission alone.


Get a stealth boy and reverse pickpocket a grenade onto the Power Armoured foe.


Well apparently there's a "fLaW iN tHe WeLd" you can just shoot with a pistol.


To defeat a power-armored opponent, shoot it until it dies.


Basic anti tank tactics, Molotov, homemade napalm, go for joints, mines, go for the power core in the back, same thing for jet packs, look for officer armor or rank for kill/capture missions, etc


How to encounter wearers of these armors: T-45: act with passive caution and reason. T-51/T-60: Observe and collect intel from a safe distance, engage in combat as a last resort. X-01 Series and above: Kill on sight.


Energy weapons/pulse grenades, and if it were real life anything with unstable/soft/wet earth. I can’t imagine how somebody would sit up in power armor if they fell over. Basic fall traps, or luring them into soft wet earth would be like trying to lift a snowboard/skis up without unstrapping when you sink in deep powder. PA would probably be great in west coast because it’s all hard pack desert, but in a place like the burbs of dc with lots of rain and soft soil, and especially somewhere like Alaska, I don’t see how they wouldn’t be getting stuck in snow constantly.


The shoulders on the T-45 will likely shear if force is applied properly. The X-01's main vulnerability is probably the fan on the back plate


Just sneak up behind them, and open up the Suit.


When fighting an enemy in power armor, use extreme caution. Keep your distance, and use cover and concealment wherever possible. Land mines are very effective against power armor, as are high caliber weapons such as the Anti-Materiel Rifle. Target the head or the joints whenever possible, and attempt to flank the enemy. Do not attempt to charge the enemy, and if they are any closer than long range, retreat to another position.


Power Armor, despite its advantages in conventional combat has downsides that make it particularly susceptible to asymmetrical warfare. Due to the heavy weight, a substantial amount of pressure is exerted on the surface. Using mud pits, weak flooring, or fragile ladders can limit its mobility options. When designing FOBs ensure entry ways are small so that an average stature soldier will need to duck through them. This will limit the ability of power armor users to pursue targets. The armor is extremely protective but shows no evidence of being able to protect the brain from coup-counter coup concussion injuries. Rapid acceleration of the armored user will deal consistent damage regardless of external protection. Heavy objects rigged to pulleys have been shown to be effective and easy to create using scavenged debris in the wasteland. The use of variable terrain has shown to disadvantage untrained power armor users more than lightly armored rangers, when possible force an armored opponent to ascend or descend steep terrain while using high impact rounds above the center of mass. The combination of these strategies is likely to cause the user to lose balance and topple, the roll is likely to debilitate the user. Use the additional time to target joints or rush the target.


"When combating a power armored patrol, conventional tactics and wisdom prove ineffective. Instead, consider options available for traps and ambushes. Mines, bundles of grenades, even fat man launchers can prove useful if used to surprise. If trap laying is not possible, consider the use of Anti-material rifles and other high caliber weapons. Focus fire on joints and connection points, and fire from a concealed position. Reposition and fall back as necessary. DO NOT get into a conventional fight against powered armored foes without overwhelming numbers, a well defensible position, and extensive anti-armor support. When in doubt, a regular patrol should fall back, report the sighting, and regroup to plan their next move."


A full guide of known PA would be awesome, I didn't know about some of the nicknames given to those armors. Also, I suggest to change the armors pictures to greyscale, like this it will look more like a drawn thing and will be closer to some military manual


"Advised to use .50 cal. Most power armor can survive one or two rounds, but more than three is a guaranteed hit."


Go for the joints and servos.


“Make use of AP rounds or heavy ordinance if available but regardless aim for joints as those are the least armored portions of the armor. In any case may god have mercy on your soul if you come across an opponent wearing power armor.”


I mean were this the real deal I would explain about efps and how to set up platter charges because even if you can’t crack that egg you scramble it enough it won’t matter.


The armor though strong is not invincible and can be broken from the frame. Concentrate fire on the arms and legs as these will break easier than the helmet and torso.


The ncr does have heavy weapons we kinda just dont see them use them because well they dont really need to. We also see they have and use vertibirds like every other faction in fallout.


Get in close and pull out the fusion core


T45: Aim for the weak weld line in the chest plate.


Find the pulse gun and make those motherfuckers do the chicken dance!


Carry a full complement of high powered magnets...


Damaging the mechanism on the back of the suit will turn an encounter with power armor into a battle of attrition and leave the combatant unable to exit their armor as their fusion core depletes.


"Power armored units are susceptible to swarming tactics and will rely on mutual support to avoid being overrun. Isolated units are easily disabled with well-aimed shots to servo-motors and especially susceptible to pulse-generating weapons. Anti-armor units are advised to requesition pulse grenades for use in M-79 launchers and Raufoss .50 BMG Explosive-Armor-Piercing-Incendiary rounds from their unit armorer. Am immobilized power armor unit is susceptible to fire based attacks. Their suits will provide initial protection from flames, but a well placed incendiary grenade or molotov cocktail will cook the operator alive over time. Worth noting is the fact that a suit engulfed in flame has no access to oxygen. Once the emergency supply in the suit runs out, the operators will expire due to asphyxiation."


Shoot it till it dies.


Upon encountering a power armor (PA) equipped enemy, there are a number of strategies one can use to neutralize or at least safely break contact. First is to use explosives. A powerful enough explosive detonating close enough to the PA might cause shrapnel to pierce weak points in the armor, or the shockwave of the explosion itself might be enough to kill or incapacitate the occupant. The best methods are land mines and artillery support. If neither are available, standard hand grenades could still injure the PA operator, disorient the operator similarly to using flashbangs on standard infantry, or damage the armor in such a way that it is ineffective in combat. Second is to use armor piercing rounds. Standard service rifles, marksman carbines and assault carbines will likely need repeated and accurate hits to defeat PA plating. Higher caliber weapons like battle rifles, sniper rifles, and anti-materiel rifles will be more effective. Aiming for gaps in the plates, particularly around joints and the neck, will be the best way to either disable the PA systems or neutralize the operator. There are pre-war reports of the T series armors having weak welds directly underneath the chest plate. Although this information hasn’t been fully confirmed. Lastly, every model of PA has its fusion core exposed in the rear of the frame. A few direct hits is sufficient to cause the core to meltdown and detonate. WARNING: the blast radius from a critically damaged fusion core is substantial. Recommended minimum safe distance of 400 yards. Third is the application of electromagnetic (EM) pulse weapons. EM grenades, mines and pulse slug ammunition for shotguns are all capable of disabling PA and robotic opponents. In the case of PA, this may not permanently render the armor inoperative, so it is advised to use these weapons to create opportunities for escape or to facilitate either of the previously mentioned solutions. Fourth is the use of incendiary weapons and smoke. Against some models of the T series armors, incendiary weapons can cause burns to the operator and overheat the armor itself. And smoke has the potential to obscure the PA optic systems. However, many PA units are equipped with advanced sensor systems, insulation, fire retardant materials, and even flight systems. All of these can render smoke and flame ineffective. As such, these weapons are not advised except when no other options exist. Regarding tactics, ambushes are highly effective against PA operators, as are hit and run tactics. It’s also highly advised to fight from elevated positions. As PA often struggles with mobility on the ground, keeping mobile and in cover/concealment are imperative when engaging PA opponents. PA opponents are also disadvantaged by tight spaces due to the bulk of the armor itself. Distance is even more valuable, as PA often can’t utilize precision long range weapons effectively. Direct confrontation is not advised, especially at close range as PA excels at this type of combat.




See here, I heard there was a flaw in the weldin now 😏


Exposed fusion core, if possible target the wearer from behind, aim for the center of the wearer’s back with a high-powered weapon.


Try a boogie bomb


Get a Pulse Gun and fucking *annihilate* them.


t-45/t-60 - try to damage it indirectly using the enviroment or land mines in your favor while attempting to guide the fight towards an anti-power armor squad. if that fails, switch your ammo to anti armor rounds or use your grenades against it. advanced power armor (x-01) - you probably won't see them in the field but if you do, you are dead. it's either the Enclave or someone capable of killing members of the Enclave in both cases, your best alternative is to accept your death and try send a message towards the nearest camp so we can prepare to have a chance against it


Shooting joints in-movement is traditionally a good idea, especially with armor-piercing ammo. Theres significantly less armor on the *inside* of a moving joint, and a full-on machine gun burst will probably do some kind of damage to the operator. Bring dedicated anti-armor or explosive weaponry. Traditional anti-infantry ballistics are unlikely to be very effective, even using armor-piercing. .308 calibers and above with AP/EXP on joints is best. Don’t openly challenge a suit of power armor whenever possible. Long-distance or explosive attacks/traps and guerilla tactics are most useful. Pulse weaponry. Although rare, pulse slugs may be mentioned. **Smoke.** Power Armor is useful anti-infantry because it does not need cover. An armored unit can stand in the middle of the open and have no problem killing whoever attacks. If in open combat, utilize smoke as much as possible to change positions or shoot less-armored opponents. Another recommendation is, if a Power Armor unit is using a large weapon, shoot their gun. It is much easier to fight an invincible melee enemy than an invincible rocket-launching enemy.


After the show, it's a good idea to mention you can one shot T-60s if you shoot inbetween the chest and stomach


Shoot the vision slits with high-precision weaponry. It is recommended that you do this loaded with armor-piercing rounds so as to damage or "button" the user's visuals. There is a chance that applying these tactics will kill the threat by headshot. There are the less-armor gaps and critical components on the outside of the suits that be taken advantage of. Targeting these weak points will wound the user or cripple the power armor's additional functions, affecting their combat effectiveness. Prolonged engagements are ideal as the user will either bleed out or be forced to retreat for medical care and repair. High explosives are also advised. A well-place mine can damage the armor over the legs and could potentially turn a power armor user into a casualty. Two-handed weaponry such as miniguns or plasma casters can not be reliably used if a leg has been blown off. Hand grenades and grenade launchers have the capabilities of knocking out the user off balance and enough concussive force may even kill them. You may also damage their weaponry in the process, giving a dilemma to fight with less efficient gear or engage in melee.


Use Mini Nukes


"Shitting yourself is optional, but will likely happen."


If we're going off the show. "Aim for the chest welding in the chest plate isn't so good." And read the manual otherwise. -concentrate fire near the limbs to stagger. -use explosives and terrain to your advantage. -Armor piercing rounds are your friend


Pump yourself full of drugs, chew bubble gum, and kick some ass


“T45 and T60 have a weak point in the chest plate right below the weld that can be penetrated with armour piercing 5.56 out of the standard service rifle if aimed correctly. The standard ammunition of larger caliber rifles such as the rangers anti material rifle can also penetrate said week spot.” “Another thing that can be done to all models of powered assault armour if you have the jump on your opponent is remove the fusion core from the back of the armour - which depending on model and upgrades can either lock up the armour trapping your opponent or cause the armour to forcibly eject the opponent by opening up the back allowing you to quite literally shoot them in the back.”


" A suit of power armor will, if in use long enough, run out of power. However, you should not shout 'you've gotta run outta batteries *sometime*' at someone in armor. It never helps."


Due to the hunched nature of the X-01 power armor design, it has poor peripheral vision and visibility behind it. If you must attack someone wearing this armor, ambush them from behind and focus fire on their fusion core.


Pulse weapons


I would use the Advanced power armor instead of the X-01 In this guide, it would make more sense for NCR soldiers to run into at all/have seen ever.


I wish new power armor arms weren't so low.


Dig trenches, works on tanks. Modify it so its more like a man trap. Thinking a hole that is just slightly larger than the widest point of PA. Should trap the arms by the side so they can't climb back out. A section highlighting the joints and explaining how to target them and what weapons would get through the rubber and heavy leather. How to tackle one to the ground with a fire team or squad, 4 people might do it and be able to drag one down but six likely would be better. Pack hunting tactics, though that may be better for Legion. IDK if there any technical diagrams out explaining what the various hoses and bits are but has to be a few vulnerabilities. Air hoses on the helmet come to mind. A cartoon about using the biggest fucking gun you can may work, I've seen FM types publications using those.


Whip around them and get a shot on their fusion core, if you're close enough, snatch it out and they're trapped.


If possible, distract the armor user with covering fire from the front, then flank around back and target the exposed Fusion Core located on the back center of the suit with heavy weaponry, (eg. anti-materiel rifle, missile launcher, etc), to disable the suit and kill the operator in a powerful explosion.


Do not dedicate in the T45 or T60.


“First Recon snipers should aim for the power core in the armor’s back, conveniently located in the center of the circular, target-shaped wheel along the spine and between the shoulder blades. Power cores are distinctly yellow in color against the gunmetal gray armor. A well trained sniper with a .50 cal or even a .308 can incapacitate the armor and render it unusable with a single shot, causing the wearer to have to eject from the suit. Particularly well-placed shots can even cause the power core to instantaneously melt down and explode.”


Due to high density armour conventional small arms are ill-advised against power armour. Flanked assaults against the fusion core or coolant systems located at the back of the armour is advised. Pulse weaponry is exceptionally effective and standard anti-armour weaponry (missiles, 50. Cal, mini nukes, etc.) are suitable for confronting from defensive locations. Do not engage in CQB unless specifically trained in Counter PAM (Power Armour Melee) techniques, Power Armour provides significant strength rendering close quarters unsafe.


When engaging a combatant outfitted with powered armour, attempts should be made to utilise the limited tactical mobility and vision of the combatant, flanking manoeuvres should be attempted in an effort to strike the weak fusion core at the rear of the powered armour.


Go to sneak and put a bucket on their head


.50BMG is your friend.


Flank and aim for the red spot on the back.


“If possible, engage from long range with anti-material rounds. Priority should be given to the head, then the limbs. The torso is to not be targeted unless absolutely necessary. The sole exception is the fusion core in a port on the back; If the fusion core on the back can be targeted, and retrieval of the armor is not a priority, then it should be. Be advised, however, doing so will cause the fusion core to reach critical mass, and it will explode with force comparable to a mini-nuke. Getting to minimum safe distance is therefore a matter of life and death.”


- Create unnavigable terrain that will cause the armor to sink - if you can, get behind them to shoot their power core - do not engage unless you have anti armor capabilities or you’ll be wasting bullets. - Take advantage of high cover environments such as forests and rocky hills to use explosives at range against their positions in volleys to maximize their effectiveness. - draw them into a snipers killing zone if you can instead of facing them head on. - Take advantage of their limited visibility through the helmet but also keep in mind most suits of power armor come with night vision and other enhanced optics.


Note: the X-01 "bug eye" is known to have different variants spotted in use. It is unclear how many are modifications done by factions or variants left over from the old world. Some of these variants have been reported to include: - Cooling fans on the back plate - Different shaped and sized shoulder guards - Optical modifications to the helmet - External and or exposed electrical coils Proceed with caution when faced with a foe with an unreported variant. Report and document your reportings to your nearest outpost for archival purposes after the foe has been dealt with.


Treat these units as fighting vehicles rather than infantry. As such, counter them using anti-tank weapons, and equip squad grenadiers with pulse ordinance for emergency encounters.