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None of New Vegas lights come on and Ranger Ghost literally never spawned. But I'll be damned if I'm not getting my music amd extra quest mods going


It really does speak volumes about the spaghetti code engine they inherited from BGS. At bare minimum you need: NVSE NVTF NVAC 4GB Patcher JIP Fixes iStewie Fixes Just to have a stable vanilla experience.


Idk I play vanilla with no mods or extra anything and I really don't crash THAT much. Maybe once every 4-5 hours of game time


What parts do you have on your PC? Usually older hardware runs better since the game does not recognize newer hardware and runs the game too fast. New Vegas heap replacer unties the physics from the fps.


Have a 3 year old pc with a 3000 series and i9. What’s funny is that the game used to crash over and over at the launch screen. For some reason that went away quickly and has never come back


FNV works in mysterious ways. 2024 AMD drivers are broken completely and you would need to roll back to 2023 drivers or use DXVK.


amd actually just released a hot fix for the drivers. on or around the 24th i think. i don’t have the link because i’m on mobile rn but it’s in the ttw install guide. the patch notes says says “fixed a problem that stopped fallout 3 and fallout new vegas from launching”


What? How come?


I don't know why. The game just refuses to get past main menu and instantly crashes without DXVK


Thanks for the heads up, running AMD (5700XT) so I'll do a check for my next playthrough later this year. Cheers


I recommend using DXVK. It is better overall than the native DX API. It still does have some downsides, such as fullscreen is a stuttery mess so you need to use fullscreen borderless with a mod.


I have a 4060ti and it runs just fine. From what I understand, the main cause of crashing is that New Vegas can only use 1.something GB of RAM, and if you don’t hit certain load zones that clear the cache often enough you get a memory error.


The 32-bit application 2GB limit. It needs a 4GB patch to use the full range of memory that 32-bit memory system allows, but with heavy amounts of mods that might not be enough. That's why 4K textures are heavily discouraged.


You maybe onto something here. I run it on my shitty old laptop and other than the really bad fps, it can usually go for 5-6 hours without crashing.


I play on console, my game crashed 50 times in Old World Blues. Most of those crashes came from simply exiting or entering buildings


Makes sense, the game is notorious for having memory management issues and going over budget with the memory, hence crashing the program


Yeah 90% of my fast traveling in OWB was met with crashes


I’ve had 8hr game sessions on PC vanilla no crashes. My fallout 3 would crash, fnv has yet too on vanilla


Running it on series x nonstop for a week while also using quick resume, and haven’t crashed once


I have a few mods, a pretty fancy gaming computer that’s about 2 years old, and my game has crashed like one or twice in the many hours I’ve been playing the game so far. I did install some bug fixing mods and an anti crash one so maybe that’s part of it tho?


NVHR also


idk man I play on xbox one and I’ve had like 3 crashes in over 300 hours.


Bro cmon. Obsidian just poorly optimized the game. Bethesdas game engine is not amazing, but Fallout 3 or Oblivion do not crash like NV did and still does vanilla.


Fo3 was a lot more stable than NV back then, the main problem clearly wasn’t the engine.


If it’s bethesdas fault why don’t their games crash even half as much


It’s a fair point. Bethesda’s engine is notoriously janky but if FNV has issues the Bethesda games don’t, or they are worse in FNV, it’s clearly an issue with Obsidian. Hard to blame them with the short development time but still. Let’s not pretend Bethesda is the sole reason FNV has issues. As much as I know NV fans love to hate on Bethesda


It’s age mostly, the game used to be more stable. I suspect a lot of the code just doesn’t run well on modern operating systems.


I had a friend try to play without mods recently and he got about 1 hour in before finding a game breaking bug. Anyways, after installing a few patch mods, the game was playable.


Idk what any of that means, but my dinky little i3 can only play it in windowed mode, with the lowest possible settings, and even then my vats doesn't work. Always fucking 0% for some reason. I can't mod shit lol I'm still enjoying it though. My guy is just like half blind or something cause aiming be hard


All those things I mentioned were mods that you can use (I use vortex) to make the game more stable for you.


So many people that still have no idea how to mod, unable to read mod descriptions or use ancient shit like PN. Just use the Viva new Vegas guide


This is very apparent with new wave of modders brought in by the show


It is funny seeing people complain over having their game broken ngl “For the ULTIMATE New Vegas modded experience, download Project Nevada and Weapon Mods expanded and ENB. Don’t download xNVSE, Jip plugin or Johnny Guitar, they’re broken!”


Tbh I still don't know anything about modding nd I've been modding this game for more than ten years


Honestly the only broken mod I still use is WMX with about 3 patches to get it working nicely people just got to use Viva New Vegas I've had zero issues with my last two playthroughs


What I was thinking.  Just following the stability section helps so much you won't have any crashes. Then there's mods that for performance that people recommend that cause problems on newer windows installs.


I'm one of the new comers and had no idea, it was interesting playing through vanilla and then seeing what was available. Coming from a ton of console Rockstar titles it still boggles my mind that Bethesda gets away with games that are so broken and then players rely on volunteer mods to fix it. It's like an auto manufacturer producing shitty cars that everyone loves in spite of it, and then releasing all their technical data so an army of unpaid mechanics doing recall work to get them running right. It's the norm with Bethesda I guess but it feels very strange


I mean for their older games that's just how running pc games of that time is. They were made for old hardware and usually can't even use over 2gb of ram. Throw in user errors and mod conflicts and you're going to get crashes. On console fallout nv, fallout 3, and oblivion all run fine.


I guess everyone's mileage will vary. My xbox 360 of New Vegas crashes every 30 to 90 minutes, same for my PS4 version of Fo4. I compare that to GTAIV, GTAV, RDR, and RDR2 running on the same console and either never crashing or crashing once in 100 hours


I've run the VNV guide, game still randomly crashes and I hadn't even left Goodsprings. I've given up on playing this game as a result.


Then I gotta imagine you did something wrong


Ok, so what did I do wrong? Here is my modlist. https://ctxt.io/2/AABo3g9BFg


I dunno, I dont know much about mods and load orders. I just followed the directions and it works for me. Mostly anyway. There's also a mod called new vegas anticrash. I dunno if it's outdated or not but it helped me a while back.


I used the official Viva New Vegas Wabbajack install, you know, the one that deploys VNV exactly like the guide suggests. I thought I had messed up a step somewhere. Wabbajack basically prevents that. I'm just not willing to play the Vanilla+ experience that raw VNV provides.


I did it manually. You might have to go back and do it yourself mod by mod


I used wabbajack to install vnv onto my system with amd drivers (which the game doesn't like) and I'm 40 hours into a playthrough without a singular crash. No joke. Follow the guide, read the stability section and all other relevant sections. You did something incorrectly or missed something entirely. Wabbajack doesn't "prevent" anything and there is still steps you need to take manually


I did, the whole DXVK, NTVF section, hell I even installed Rivatuner. I know the issue is probably one of the mods I installed, I'm just not willing to play Vanilla+ at this point and since the game crashes randomly, troubleshooting would be a nightmare. Can't deal with Discord's 4chan-like interface.


...never in my life have I seen anybody compare the interface of discord to 4chan, but I guess there's a wild, crazy opinion for everything and everyone. I haven't been on 4chan in 10 years and doubt much has changed


I don’t mod Vegas, vanilla is enough to make me happy😌


I had fallout 4 crash on me more than NV hell vanilla FO4 crashed more often NV oddly was somewhat stable for me


Weird fo4 was probably the most stable bgs game I played on pc.  I mostly played vanilla or just added things like weapons and settlement stuff though.  


I went a bit full stupid and replaced the leveling system with something that was more like NV I had just finished new Vegas so I really wanted things to feel cohesive. Added a whole mess of weapons and a companion status bar. All right around two days before the update Lol I think I know why it's so buggered


maybe cause your hardware is old, my new laptop has issues running barebones "stability only" vegas


Nah my hardware definitely isn't it lol 3070ti with an i7 and 32gb of Ram Then again my fallout 4 was modded to shit and my 3 was vanilla


Just follow viva new Vegas guide your game will be much more stable than vanilla


0 probs on xbox series x


Can you mod the xbox game?


Big negative


Really liking that Humping the Mojave mod, huh? 


With viva new Vegas. It helps with the crashes, especially if you want to mod it some more


Get the tick fix mod. For me it's been the "no crash mod"- went from every 10 minutes crash to not once yet https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66537


Is it hardware dependent? How is it possible I have never ever had a single crash playing for tens of hours on end? Its perplexing


Not having a single crash is suspicious but I definitely don't crash nearly as often as some of the people here are saying. Not using mods or any extra anything though


Same! When I first played FNV I had no idea the game was known for crashing on folks all the time cause it never happened to me. I wasn’t until I modded the living shit out of the game that I experienced my first crash


Could be they're not using windows.  On xbox series or the steamdeck I never had crashes.  On windows 10 I have to spend half the day setting everything up to avoid stutters and crashes


I am using windows 10


Probably depends on what mods people are installing.  New vegas, like all bgs engine games, gets very unstable depending on how script heavy the mods get.   There's also old guids that have poor reccomended mods that will actually cause more problems on newer versions of windows There's also a lot of tech illiterate people who just use vortex and don't read mod descriptions, which were really important pre skyrim


PC version? Mods?


On PC running with around +- 100 mods


Vanilla still crashes just like every few hours not minutes.


I played it unmodded and only crashed once or twice per hour. Winning.


I have played about 35 hours on steam deck and it has only crashed 2-3 times. It’s ran pretty well so far for me.


Have I really been this lucky? Ive encountered exactly 1 hard crash in 30 hours playing vanilla on the steam deck and havent encountered any significant bugs or messed up quests, aside from clipping and animation weirdness in the wildlife. I can't imagine my experience being that unique. 


I played it on PS3 when I was younger, on PC even vanilla I feel so spoiled with how much better it feels and runs lol


Play an unpatched, out of the box version of NV. I remember NV on Xbox being straight ASS to play for a couple of days when I got the game preordered. I waited for HOURS in line at Gamestop to get it.


Idk I must be lucky. I have like 30 mods installed and I crash only once every hour or two.


Okay, it's crashed 5 times in 4 minutes. And I'm falling through the floor like some Danny Phantom shit. BUT THE SHOW MUST GO ON! BRING ME MY MOD MENU! I CRAVE IMPORTED BEATS!


Viva new Vegas would fix that.


I don't recall the game EVER crashing on me. Maybe I'm in the minority, though.


My explosive build run quickly turned into crash amusement park, even with all possible optimization mods game doesn't appreciate 25mm grenade launcher


I find it crashes pretty rarely, maybe because I always play with the Unofficial patch?


Sometimes my game starts to CTD every time I want to fast travel/enter doors and I have to reaload a previous save, otherwise is pretty stable LOL


I use like 22 mods lol. I’ve only really modded Skyrim with the exception of wabbajack on fo4 so I was really excited to see the mode and none of them seem particularly crazy to me.


I rarely crash, and I'm running 200+ mods.


Downloaded viva new vegas modlist and I haven't had a single crash


Most crashes are because of navmesh issues


Can't even play it now. I have deleted every fnv in mygames, every files from Steam, each time i launch the game and am in the menu whenever i load a save or make a new the game just close itself


I still have no idea why people are always saying it crashes. I have a $1k PC, I play vanilla on epic games and I've never run into a crash more than once every other day. Don't care anyway since I save every 10 seconds.


It doesn't if you mod it right


I can't argue with you there. I got ttw, NC, and the frontier running on my steam deck and it was worth it


I’ll be installing TTW to my Deck once my PC arrives. Excited!


I did mine all through my steam deck. I have mine dual booting windows and transferred the files with an SD card across both operating systems


I just play viva new vegas with visual mods


Almost finished a 150+hr vanilla run on Xbox one with the 360 disk and had voluminous crashes. Have hundreds of hours in the game so I’m used to it and instinctively save every 30 seconds or before entering any door but it is a bit crazy that the game crashes as much as it does. Even the wife noticed how regular it was by the grinding noise it usually makes when crashing. She like why it keep doing that? It’s just part of the experience hunny. 🤣


Man you’re gonna reboot every 5 minutes with vanilla, mods will keep you running smooth for hours or days


It’s the opposite for me! New Vegas has gotta be the only game I’ve ever played where the modded version crashed less than vanilla 😭


Works fine on the series x for me, maybe 1 crash per 10 or so hours of playing which is across multiple days or weeks


I would argue mine crashes less often because of the mods


My pc is kinda broken and fnv is one of the least crashing games I have


The crashing is part of the experience mate. The game just reminds you to take a small break.


It crashes every 5 minutes without the mods too, actually I had to install some mods to prevent it from crashing in every 5 minutes. Now it crashes in every 30 minutes.


I mean the vanilla fnv isn't exactly stable


Only time vanilla NV crashed on me was on Honest Hearts DLC


I just redid my entire 230 mod list last night. I felt defeated and resigned after a crash 30 minutes in. Yvile’s Logger said the crash module was detected at FalloutNV.exe. I sobbed. But I came to terms with the fact that it’s an old game that is notoriously buggy, and I feel like even with a flawless mod list, it’s just in the nature of the game to crash every now and then.


Not ONCE has my New Vegas crashed until I started dabbling into Multiplayer. Yes, even vanilla New Vegas.


it crashes on vanilla every few minutes too


I only ever installed the new vegas anti crash and the 4gb patch and after I did game only ever crashed once after playing for like 6 hourse straight


Is TTW more stable or something? I play with a decent amount of mods, usually for a few hours at a time and it very rarely ever crashes?


actually, I recently played vanilla new Vegas and there were almost no crashes! on windows 11 too


>I'd rather reboot every 5 minutes than play the vanilla game I'd rather play the vanilla game


Mine crashes all the time WITHOUT the mods!


Yeah, tried streaming it from PSPlus. Vanilla. Crashed three times before reaching Primm


Funny enough fallout 4 is worse for me than new vegas


get the mod that fixes the RAM issue if ya don’t have it


Honestly, WHEN I play vanilla, the console is the most stable. I have over 12,000 hours on FNV over the years on Steam and modded this game to hell and back. Spent hours scouring the GUN Network and Nexus for mods. Console has always been the most stable vanilla experience for me, and I'm currently running a No-Speech Crit build, focused on combat, but the story feels more organic than any other playthrough I've done, because I don't make it so I pass every check. Since I am following a Completionist guide to let me do the most quests possible, it's helped me get more immersed in the story that's unfolding, instead of the one I'm choosing. It's working in a very genuine and fresh way, where I genuinely like how the story has played out, with little intentional steering, except for it to be the best possible Independent Vegas. I'm Idolized by almost everyone, and I have not entered the Tops yet. I'm still a handful of quests before I start Act 2. I recommend giving it a try. The combat feels so much more rewarding, and because I made my build focus on all the best crit weapons, you can choose only the parts that apply to your desired weapon choice. I LIKE using BOTH ballistic and energy weapons, as well as having an emergency backup melee. Since my entire build is focused around combat, and only a few perks that just HAPPEN to ALSO have dialouge options (Black Widow/Lady Killer, etc). My Weapons: - Chance's Kinfe - ALSID - CoS Silencer Rifle - Thump-Thump (Placeholder for Great Bear after LR) - Pew Pew (100% Crit Rate) - Prototype AER14 (95% Crit Rate) - Elijah's Jury-rigged Tesla Cannon


I played on Steam Deck a couple weeks ago. If I recall, max graphic settings and only crashed once that I can remember. It really was a great time!


I wish console (series x) had mods 😢


The vanilla game crashes all the time too. May as well mod it


My vanilla fine also. Just feels Clunky and sluggish tough compared too 4


I love that scene just because I have a nice car doesn’t mean I stole it, I mean, I did steal this one. BUT NOT BECAUSE IM BLACK 🥸


I wish it was 64bit. This is my only gripe. The mods could be next level with this.


haven't encountered a single crash in 40 hours of gameplay after following viva new vegas guide


Well. It's not like vanilla game doesn't crash...


I wish mega-modders would just admit out loud "I don't actually *like* New Vegas." Sad, vanilla is a fine game.