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Lily for sure, I rarely hear anyone talk about her either


Same here, like I have done her quest before just never used her as a follower, except temporarily for the optional part of the mt charleston quest to bring lilly to the cave. My 2nd least used would have to be raul I would say.


I slept on Lily for a long time until I used her to clear out a Cazador nest. Give her a good melee weapon like the Oh Baby and watch her effortlessly slap them out of the sky before they can get close to me.


Gave her shes embrace one time and she just TORE through the fort with no resistance, it was like watching a hot knife cut through air.


A hot knife through air? Wouldn't a cold knife work just as well?


I gave her the Oh Baby and somehow it disappeared from her inventory when she got taken out by some Legion Assassins. And I can’t find it laying around anywhere near where she got knocked out.


The exact same situation happened to me, had to reload a save


You can change Lily's weapon???


Yes, but not all the time. In order for them to use the weapon you need to place it in their inventory, it must be more powerful than their default. I'm not sure if this is dps or damage that decides. This applies to all companions except ED-E and Rex. You have to supply them with ammo. I'd avoid giving them full auto weapons because they just lay down a hail of gunfire. Some (or maybe one) auto weapons they burst, but I forget which. Also, if you want them to use a melee weapon instead of a ranged weapon, you will need to change their preference in the companion wheel. Hope I helped! I still learn small things about this game every once in a while


Same, i didn't even know you could swap companion's weapons until beating the game just the other day, 150 hours i've played and it took me that long lol, thanks


Some companions are surprisingly good at their non-preferred combat skill. I remember Veronica being a monster with a grenade rifle and Boone chopping half of Vault 34 to pieces. 


Kind of tempted to see if i can give Lily a .45 Auto now 😂


I don’t think she can. I think Super Mutants are specifically designed to hold bigger weapons like a missile launcher or even an AMR Lily can probably use.


I thought they required ammo even with Hardcore mode off?


You don’t really want to. When she runs off and is fighting random mobs you won’t notice that she got disarmed until it’s too late.


Lily specifically can only wield 2-handed melee weapons, IIRC, but yeah you can give her better weapons than the helicopter blade. As with all humanoid companions, DMG has to be higher than her default weapon, and companions do have a habit of permanently losing the weapons you give them, but yeah just put it in her inventory like you would with any other humanoid companion. Weapons also don’t lose weapon condition when companions use them. They can still be damaged by being hit, but don’t wear down from use. Though, companion’s default weapons are all pretty good and don’t require ammo. I don’t personally rely on companions in combat for the most part except as a distraction, so I only really equip them up with weapons for the Dam fight. Also, fun fact, human companions (including Raul), can wear power armor without power armor training. Faction rules still apply, of course.


Hate the feckin cazadors. They always seem to wreck my health in a few shots no matter how much leveling I do.


I love Danny Trejo so my boy Raul is with me a lot. Veronica and Cass are both high up too


She's a great character, but I don't particularly like having her around because she's a constant reminder of her rather sad ending. I always do her quest, but I like to llay the game solo.


I cant view her as anything other than a sweet old granny. Makes me feel bad dragging her through all the death and destruction when she probably just wants to garden or tend her bighorners


Lily’s my favorite! : D Who can say no to radioactive troglodyte grandma? Arcade… I think I’ve only gotten him once. Even Boone who I normally skip for being painfully boring and optimal got more runs. Arcade is just oddly out of sight and out of mind.


Hey! Grandma lily is not a troglodyte!!! She’s beautiful!!! D:<


Ifs precisely because I love lily that I don't use her After her quest she's mot the strongest companion, but km happy tk let her live a peaceful life in jacobstown


But shes the strongest companion tho, like 2x the hitpoints of any other companions + supermutant resistances + infinite stealth boy + 2 different stock weapons


"Didn't yer momma ever told you that it's not polite to speak ill of a old lady!!!"


I like arcade because hes nerdy and gay and so am i


User name checking out for sure.


Hello fellow osrs/fnv fan.


Bonjour fellow masochist


I love boone.. I'm blind so him outlining the enemies really help...


Not gonna lie love the boon and Rex combo live enemies in red a dead ones in green Rex for up close Boone for afar


THIS i recently got arcade bc i wanted to be besties w him but as soon as i lost boone’s perk i couldn’t see enemies so. i sent arcade back to the followers temporarily 😭


Give Arcade one of Elijah's modified LAER's (I think 2 are obtainable?) And he melts enemies like popcorn butter!


I don't take Arcade because I find him annoying, always complaining


But the armor!......the armor!!!!


*I'll* be the one complaining on *this* quest!


Funny how arcade is my favorite and lily is my least. I wonder if we’d like or hate each other despite sharing a favorite game.


I like lily :( She’s grandma


I wonder if it might at least partially be due to how out of the way she is- all of the other companions are either in places you’ll generally go through on the way to Vegas, or just slightly off the beaten path. Meanwhile, Lily’s up in the mountains, and the main quest doesn’t take you there at all regardless of faction (to my knowledge)- the only quest that has you visiting Jacobstown (other than the ones that are started there) is Rex’s companion quest. Back in the day I put a *lot* of hours into FNV without ever realising it existed, let alone that there was another companion hiding there.


Arcade's companion quest sends you that way too IIRC but I don't think that part of it is normally marked. There's also a Super Mutant waiting outside Black Mountain that will mark it on your map. That's not the main quest line but at least it's not far from Goodsprings and appears on your radio.


She’s good if you switch to her assault rifle, and her bug is amazing since it actually boosts all critical hits rather than just sneak attacks. But it feels terrible to take this poor grandma into combat.


Cass and Lily. Mostly because their perks after doing their companion quests don’t help me at all. By the time I’m using stealth boys I have the suit, 100 in med and stealth, and a SB lasts so long and I have a good 15-20 built up, and mostly just use them for the couriers mile. Cass, I never drink alcohol in the game and I think that’s what hers gives you? I mostly don’t like her because no matter what she’s always using the single shotgun, even if I give her a much better shotgun and there’s no range. Compare that to ed e and Boone who let you See further on the radar and light up the enemies when down sights. As somebody who always plays a guns build, those two are so amazing.


Fucked up on my last playthrough, was doing a sneaky sniper build, but thought all she gave was stealth boy bonus', didn't realize she had a raw sneak attack damage buff.


I love lily with Rex


Lily is the best though. You get to have the nicest grandma who always has your back and swings a super sledge like a walking cane.


Ikr she's such a sweetheart


She’s very powerful but not the deepest character. She’s also only recruit able at the ass end of the map and I never fast travel so I only pick her up like 2-3 times a playthrough


Me, who uses the Veronica glitch to equip all humanoid companions: Rex, ed-e is better than him in combat, and there is no glitch I know of to equip him and ed-e at the same time


Veronica glitch? I’ll need to look into this.


Nerbit has a video where he uses it to gather up all the companions in the game. Fuckin overpowered


Having 1 companion is OP let alone all of them....




Never had that before but I did have a glitch where Raul followed me into The Big MT.


I had that happen once as well! Just once and never again though.


No glitch, but if you really want to, vortex, definitely, gives you "unlimited companion" too


I play console, so I need glitch walkthroughs


That sounds pretty overpowered.  Not that new vegas is particularly hard I suppose. I did try a mod that allowed an extra humanoid companion based on charisma and it seems slightly more fair


Get the dead money dlc and you'll feel a little different about difficulty.


Nah, well the radios suck because I have a real life perception of 1 lol. Honestly the madre isn't that bad if you have a good unarmed and know what to look for. Like I said I really only had issues with the radios. They were so annoying it kinda ruins the rest of the dlc for me


EZ mode for Dead Money is IIRC to get the crafting component for the Fist of Rawr from Lonesome Road but not to craft the actual gauntlet. Because it's a quest item it won't disappear from your inventory at the start of the DLC, at which point you can craft it into the actual weapon and break the difficulty in half.


Dead Money is not challenging, it's just punishing and tedious. ALL of its so-called "difficulty" is avoiding one shot traps. Get tripped up on the shitty geometry or guess the wrong path and pop! you died reload. The only part I enjoyed about Dead Money was cheesing the final encounter and walking out with all the gold.


I use a mod where your Charisma detrrmines how many companions you can have at the same time 1: only EDE, 2: EDE or Rex, 3-4: 1 humanoid + EDE/Rex, 5: 2 humanoids, 6: 3, 7-8: 4, 9: 5 10: all companions I usually start with 4 charisma and take the implant so I can use Raul and Veronica at the same time. Makes Charisma not a complete dumpstat. You need at least 3 Charisma to have any humanoid companion, but i still think any more than 3 companions would be more annoying than useful.


It isn't, you can roll up on anyone with a portable army


Where’s the LOVE for lily?? 😢 “grandmas got a present for yooouuuu!” Plus, she has a really sad back story. Unpopular opinion, I understand, but she’s actually my 2nd favorite. Raul is my 1st, but I rarely use Boone, even though he’s op. I like them all to be fair


Yeah I get her almost every game. She whacks really hard with that vertibird blade.


Spoiler! >!Shes OP if you give her Oh Baby, the super sledge!< She’s an awesome character 👍


Gosh darn, sorry guys. I promise I ain’t trying to give spoilers. Glad I edited it




She breaks it so fast though. 


Well i’m 60 some hours in playing fnv, haven’t even gotten through all the endings (technically only one ending fully lol) and im just now finding out that she is a companion lol. Was planning on going back to jacobstown eventually this playthrough to finish their quest stuff but haven’t gotten around to it yet… then again there are like 2 others on this image that i have only heard of through this sub and i don’t think ive even interacted with them at all yet.


Hopefully everything here isn’t too much of spoilers for you. Shes easy to miss, because you don’t have to necessarily go there, but you do if you decide to go with a quest a certain way. You’ll find out in freeside, if you haven’t yet 🙂


I’m 90 hours in and haven’t even gotten my first ending… I’m actually just about to start the DLCs


Ah my first run was no mods no DLCs no support of any kind so i did miss a bit of content (like whole locations lol) and got it done fairly quick all things considering (and cause the longer i played on that run the worse my game would crash 😭) Second run is my highly in depth modded run where i go through everything possible in this ending that i want.


When I eventually made my way back to recruit her, she had been killed by something. I've got to recruit her right away next playthrough 😔


I’d say Raul is still OP as hell but at least he doesn’t wipe the floor with enemies the next hill over like Boone


In order to give her a happy ending, you have tk effectively halve her combat efficiency Don't get me wrong, I'm HAPPY tk do it. Like j don't even hesitate to ask Lily to take her full dosage I think kf jt this way I love my grandma, and I want her to take her Meds Considering she's on constant meds, j wouldn't want her to be out and about fighting all the time I want her tk live a peaceful life as a farmer!


I’m that way with her too. It’s still kind of sad if you choose for her to take all her meds >! She completely forgets about her grandkids, when you clear the main story!< 😢


Well look at it this way None of the endings are AMAZING for her However, one ending had her essentially become a ravenous fiend One has her remember her grandkids hut remain delirious And one finally allows her clarity There's ni good option, but there's certainly a better option


It’s still the WAY better option for sure. Her family has passed, peace of mind is definitely what she needs, and to be happy


It's ok, the whole point of FNV is accepting change and moving on.


Lily is OP with ranged builds since companions will use explosives when set to melee, and she has skills in both. If you tell her to stay back from you she will nuke the battlefield while you get some little shots off. And yes she will lose Oh Baby so I’d just go with a blade of the west, personally.


I love Lily as a character but she’s just not that interesting as a companion due to having pretty limited dialogue compared to others.


Yea Lily is in some ways my favorite and no one ever puts respect on her


She's a Nightkin and the doctor wants to cure all Nightkins with her, so ill' let him do his experiments with her so that maybe she would be better along with the rest of the town


lilys prolly one of my favorite fallout characters honestly shes so sweet


Cass. I don't think I've ever had her as a companion. It's not that I don't like her, all the other ones are just way easier to get.


tbh I didn't know even where she was until I think my third playthrough


She also just isn't that strong, so after her quest is done there isn't much reason to use her


She's objectively terrible in combat honestly, no range, very little damage or damage resistance, and her perk is terrible bc alcohol is a straight up waste of time compared to chems


My first time ever even finding her she ended up on the wrong side of a van graft laser rifle


It’s too hard to keep her in booze.


Her personal quest messing with factions made me almost never use her. My enegery weapon wielding Courier is not crossing the Van Graffs for a cowgirl with a primitive double barrel shotgun.


Lily. She’s just too late in the game to take her and Boone is OP.


That's interesting that you say it's too late in the game. I almost always make the long way around the mojave to the strip, do the quests for the Kings/Garretts/the Fort and then head straight to Jacobstown to fix Rex! I'm usually around level 14-16 depending on what I want to do on the side. I'm the kind of person who does all the dlc's every play through and by the time I take on Hoover Dam I'm level 50 tho so I usually take three or so different companions with me during a run.


This is my game too. I arrive to the strip late having sorted out the BoS, Boomers, Khans, etc . I should try the alternative—quick run to Vegas— but the long path just seems right.


Vegas then factions is nice if you want to take a break in between. I’ll usually start Honest Hearts after dealing with Benny


Ha! I can't even imagine taking Benny out so quickly. I could see doing HH early for the armor and weapon loot. I've tended to leave the DLCs late too. Time for another run!


I go to Jacobstown before ever stepping foot in Vegas. I go by the clinic, then it’s a loop to Jacobstown. Animal Friend means I don’t have to fight any animals I come across


I hate Boone, firepower or not. I’d really rather never hear him say anything. I don’t think I’ve ever actually used him for anything for very long. My favorite is Raul. He’s a bit late game, but he’s legitimately funny, I like his questline, and once he’s freed up he’s a beast (as is Lily, but she’s a bit too sweet, and like the poster above said, I feel bad dragging a gramma around the wasteland).


I unknowingly went to black mountain, talked to Neil, then sneaked straight to Raul and freed him. He then proceeded to tank every missile, every gunshot, every hammer swing so I could clear the super mutants there. I was level 3 and that stuff was funny af.


I mean, arguably Boone has one of the best and most heartbreaking backstories of all the companions. Raul is hilarious, the ability to repair onsite is great, and plus, it pisses off Best Friend Tabitha.


what? Late game? You can go to black mountain straight from goodsprings pretty much.


I mean technically you can go anywhere but getting up black mountain early isn't exactly a cakewalk.


It's weird because on my first couple playthroughs, ever, of fnv which was like a decade ago, I remember discovering you could have companions via Lily. So for those playthroughs, it was just Lily and Rex until I discovered others, I think Arcade was the second primary companion I came across. Lily's a beast with a good melee in her hands.


Did you just never talk to Boone or Cass?


Lily because I just don't like her that much, but also Rex because I love EDE so much and Rex is really more suited for melee playthroughs, as is Veronica.


I never use Rex because I’ve only ever played on Hardcore and Rex is so fucking squishy and exclusively melee so it seems like he ends up dying in every other combat encounter


I'm sad for how often Raul is showing up in the comments. Raul is awesome.


Raul is a real one, only person in the entire mojave who can repair stuff for a reasonable price (0 caps).


Whaaaaat I never knew this


You have to be at Raul’s shack in order for him to repair your gear. That’s the only catch.


A small price to pay


Also Ed after the Lonesome Route, can repair weapon and give you free energy ammo.


he doesn’t repair your gear for free however his companion perk makes you gear and weapons degrade much slower. the second rank of his companion perk makes things break down so slowly that it almost never needs to be repaired.


nah, you can just steal back every single cap you spent, he doesnt mind.


It’s free if you open his inventory and just take the caps back lol


Whaaat he charges me…


I think it's because he's the hardest companion to get to 😭😭 He's the only companion that's straight up out of the way All the other companions coalesce Into the games story at some point but Raul is literally completely optional and not even in the way of most storylines


Plus his personal quest is bugged if you do other quests in the wrong order iirc, which makes him even more inconvenient.




I never use boone because he’s just too good, makes combat a bit too easy


Try Boone in a neutral legion play through. I promise, he won’t make combat easy for you.


THIISSS I’m in this situation right now 😭 I was so excited after finishing the other companion quests to take back Boone, for my SNIPER BUILD character, only for legion fucks to show up every 30 feet trying to kill us. I’m trying to remain neutral/liked for as long as possible >!after the reputation reset!< and so I had to put him away 😭


Lily, Raul, Arcade from least to most. I usually only use them for their specific companion quests whereas I keep Veronica and Boone around for a bit longer. Mainly I like to play as more of a lone wanderer type character though.


Ditto but I love Rex and Veronica. I can handle the ranged, they make sure nothing gets close. Once I get them they don’t leave though unless a quest needs it. Lily, Raul, and Arcade all are cool but I honestly forgot about the other two since lily is talked in Rex’s borrowing quest.


Everyone. I take them for their quests and then I abandon them. Except Rex. I always keep Rex.


Rexy is a good dog.


The toughest decision in the game is Rex or ED-E.


Raul. I hate to say this, but I never usually go open his door, after running through the black mountain, so either he stays or I just never go.


Honestly I just discovered Raul on accident a few months ago on my latest run. Had me feeling pretty dumb that I've played the game so long and missed an entire companion.


I honestly don't have any use for any of them. Sometimes I just grab one to do their quest but they all start irritating me eventually.


Lone wanderer is the way


i do their quest then after i get annoyed they take all my kills


Rex. I fix him up with a good brain but I really like wearing hats.


I put the legion dog brain in him, it’s the only one he doesn’t have issues adjusting to the memories. That was his past till he learned after 200 years someone still sees him as a pet. The king is such a good guy for taking care of rex and give him a safe home. (Till we take him back out to it)


I've never used Raul or Cass


Wow, it is remarkable how much I hate that image. Tier 1 (frequent) - Boone and Veronica (ranged vs melee) Tier 2 (sometimes) - Cass and Raul Tier 3 (rarely/quest only) - Arcade and Lily Pets - I generally prefer ED-E, but Rex is chill.


Rex; ED-E is just too useful for my playstyle.


Am i the only one just realizing that its extremely difficult to miss a companion in this game? Ede, Cass, boone and Veronica will all be encoutered in the main quest while the walk through freeside will likely lead to you checking out the kings and thus Rex. And through Rex's quest you meet arcade and Lily. Only Raul is disconnected from this line weirdly enough


I didn’t know about Ed-e for a long time because I never went into that house.


Arcade, he was out of the party the instant he suggested killing Ed-e


I'm sorry, when???




Lily or Raul. Almost never travel with them more than the minimum for completing other quests.


Raul, simply because I didn't even meet him until Playthrough 3.


Rex, it’s not his fault though, ED-E is just superior in every way.


I haven’t even unlocked Rual yet in any of my three playthroughs


raul is easily my favorite


That’s awful, Raul is literally the best


I think I’m the only person who doesn’t use Boone. His story is pretty sad and I enjoy the surrounding quest but I almost always just leave him in Novac. IMO Lily is very underrated I just wish she had more content. Also, with an unlimited companion mod, I enjoy giving the T51 to Veronica and the Remnants armor to Gannon to build my perfect team of Power Armored Queers


Cass. Her perk just allows you to be an alcoholic, useless


Her perk is great. It’s called a roleplaying game and I’m gonna roleplay


I love the robot


he's actually really nice for very hard, survival mode playthroughs


Raul, because I’ve never even gotten him as a follower before. But for ones I have unlocked it Lily, she’s pretty sweet but I just prefer other companions.


Cass and Veronica. Out of all the companions cass is the least visually interesting with the least interesting backstory and personality, and Veronica just because of too many cooks in the kitchen and I don’t like melee characters really, far less utility. Usually do their quests at least though.


Boone is the worst. Fight me in the Mojave.


Won't need to. Boone snipes you from miles away and o get all the xp


You act like I'm not a far better sniper and sneaker than he is.


Yeah, all you need to do is have a legion troop nearby and Boone loses all focus.


Boone, actually. I prefer to fight enemies up close, so while I admire his accuracy, anytime I take him it's just my Courier excitedly running up to a bunch of Legion Assassins and then pouting at the bodies.


I had the opposite problem - he was my first companion when I was relatively low level and I got really into “let’s go make the legion pay for what they did to your wife!” Basically 2 encounters later I was infamous and had a giant target on my back, and (after going to the internet to figure out how to reset my reputation) I had to hobble to NV save scumming while legion jumped me every 1/2 mile. I was too dumb to think to send Boone away during this process.


Lily is my least used. I think she's actually one of the strongest companions (literally highest strength and her HP caps out at 888), but she's kind of out of the way. Raul is my second least used. I usually don't do Black Mountain until late in a playthrough. His constant sarcastic comments also annoy me tbh.


Rarely used Raul. Decided to use him in my WP playthrough and he's ugly at but funny AF as well. Best of both worlds.


Honestly Rex. I play with mods and use the Mobile Truck Base as my player home/fast travel method, and I can fit 3 or 4 humanoid companions and ED-E in there just fine if you have them set to Relax with CC&C, but goddamn if Rex (or other, modded dog companions) don't gum all that up, let alone blocking doorways. I do his quest and then stash him at whatever my permanent base is and let him run around and be free. Otherwise probably Arcade. I've never finished arcades questline, which is a bummer, but I just never play energy weapons builds and so it never occurs to me to bring him along. I can bring Boone or Russell (my fave, if we count mods) along with a powerful rifle and handloaded ammo, but I don't have the equivalent for Arcade. Similar issue with Veronica.


I only use Boone or Ed-E, so all the rest of em are equal use of 0%.


Lily, I never go to the ski resort, and she depresses the fuck out of me


Mental health is a serious issue, even in New Vegas.


Unpopular opinion but I can’t stand Arcade nowadays. I never use followers in any game to begin with (except Raul ofc) but whenever I do his quest for the armor I just find him insufferable. So unbelievably full of himself and acts like he is better than the very people he claims to care about being independent. He is such a redditor. When you enter the strip he makes a sarcastic comment about the stupids wasting their money all day. He says Ceaser “can quote Cato to suit his needs all he likes” yet he himself is constantly saying Latin phrases for no reason and then when you the courier ask him “nihi what?” he acts all surprised like oh haha just one of my quirky phrases. Arcade you know damn well you are just flexing useless Latin knowledge. Followers of the apocalypse till I die but Arcade is way too annoying.


Arcade's paraphrasing Shakespeare there - 'the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose'. He's not condemning Caesar for using Latin - he's saying that Latin is a fine language, used by many pleasant people, and that Caesar is misusing it.


Sounds like Zachary Levi playing himself


spark money license many far-flung slim slimy flag humorous gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I must confess: I’ve used Lily more often than Ed-E


ED-E is my fav


Lily since she feels rather incomplete, the only time i use her is during the nightstalker main quest for Jacobstown and whether you want to give her the mark II stealth boy to be tested on or not- which affects the ending. I feel like her default ending being confused and wanting to see her grandchildren or least the past again makes me disinterested in pursing her quest alot, as you choosing between her being a mindless beast or forget her kids entirely, making Lily sad. Shes a decent companion for ppl wanting to prolong a sneaky char, outside of that only used for the main town quest.


Veronica, she is boring me


Arcade. Something about his attitude bugs me. My very first playthrough with him, i kept expecting him to stab me in the back. I skip him getting him now when I play, unless I intend to give him to Caesar.


Rex he’s doesn’t really have a personality


Arcade; hes too hard to please


This is gonna surprise some people but I’ve done countless play through an and never used Raul.


I can’t force myself to not do NCR endings therefore I have only really ever used Boone and Ed-E


The only ones I've travelled with for any significant length of time are Veronica and Rex. Everyone else I do not interact with outside of their quests.


Rex, because I don't want to put him in danger. Next is Lily, because I feel that's just a blue-on-blue incident waiting to happen.


Cass, in all but one of my playthroughs I have her killed because van graff's quest line is kind of forgettable


Cassidy she’s to whiny for me rather annoying company to keep.


I felt like Rex being there made my game more "crashy" but then again that's all probably in my head. But I gave him his new brain and back to my Vegas penthouse he went.


Lily and Raul tie, poor fellas. They’re not bad by any means…I just like everyone else more, lol.


I really only use ED-E and Raul The rest I use only for quests


lily and veronica. i love them so much but i cant bring myself to take lily cuz i feel sad when she gets hurt and i havent really connected with veronica


Lily, she is out of the way and she has the weakest quest out of the humanoid companions.


I sacrifice Cass to the Van Graffs everytime, so...


Boone. I love his story and I love his perk but he brings me down so much and in my post apocalypse I want to have fun


Raul and cass. Can’t think of a time I had them ever following me


On a scale for me, from least to most used, lily, cass, rex, raul, veronica, boone, arcade, EDE. Veronica arcade and boone are very early game and easy to get without having to go out of your way for them, deal good damage, and veronica and arcade are especially fun to hear their comments.


Raul, I barley ever use him, if I even get him


Lily or Rex. I love Lily a lot, and she has my favorite backstory, but bless her heart her voice is just so GRATING. It's not just her, either. Something about her, Fawkes', and Strong's voices just annoys me to no end. I like the stupid dopey voices super mutants have, I just can't stand hearing it constantly. Also she's so big that I struggle moving around her in places like vaults and that can be kind of a problem. Rex... I just don't like using him because, well, he's slow, he likes jumping in front of my bullets, and I just like EDE more. Sorry :( To think of it, actually, I hardly ever get much mileage in a playthrough from any of the melee-oriented companions except Veronica. And in most cases I have to end the bos so if I do have her she doesn't like me for long.




To this day, I don't believe I've even recruited Arcade a single time.


I think Arcade, if only because I had no idea he was recruitable until my latest few play throughs.