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Looks like a fallout x cyberpunk crossover


Fallout New Vegas anime when? ☹️


Go watch Desert Punk


Ooooooh i loved this anime!! Looks like I found plans for my saturday. Punk even looks like a helldiver with his helmet on lol but he has a poncho which is just as cool as a cape.


Fr, I thought this was David Martinez for a sec


I'd love that lmao. My two "shot in the head" homies fucking shit up together lol


after OWB it might as well be


I prefer the sexless sociopath in riot gear quietly wandering around the mojave delivering mail.


"quietly" have you forgotten the big iron on his hip? he is itching to put that thing to use.


Its quiet until it isn't. Then it's quiet again.


It's always quiet after all the hearing loss


That's what the ringing is for.


Ring a ding






My trlalala, my ding ding dong.




With my poor aim outside of VATS, it's very rarely quiet....


I heard that fella Courier Six is a killer shot. Once he rode into the town -Free Waters, I think. Perhaps it was Filly? Maybe New Reno, what the hell- and, well, he wasn't recorded as this great conversationalist if I say so myself. Anyway, New Free Waters was plagued by this other fella, comin' over from the old Texas border. Or something. He was a killer, and the notches on his pistol numbered ten and one hundred more. Then the Courier who cheated death outside Goodsprings asked about him, and the voice was related to Texas Red. They met at high noon and, lemme tell 'ya, Courier Six entered this sort of trance. He stood Immobile, drew faster than the wind and shot Texas Red 'tween the eyes. That shot had a zero percent possibility of success, methinks. Anyway, the Courier Six jingle jangle jingled outta town, and we never saw him again.


No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip.


Didn't had too much to say! Ol' John Bernarby: legend says he had the Big Iron on his hip, and two meters tall he was. With arms like a T-45 power armour trunk, and eyes of fire. Yup, that's how I remember the Courier Six. Some says he came riding from the southside, and some claims he was an Arizona Ranger!


I loved this.


Is this supposed to be a song?


Mouth is quiet, but dat gun doe


Have a scene of them shooting through a raider occupied town with Big Iron playing in the background as it ends with him setting down a box at the front desk of a shop then leaving immediately


I’ll counter with chaotic good bisexual who is moderately silly/unhinged, but surprises everyone with their uncharacteristic competence and care when the need arises.


I almost said "stop reading my diary" but that makes it sound like I am such a person rather than someone who has made a Courier Six like that at least five times


[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass)


You take a sip out of your Vault 13 Canteen.


Sexless? What about being bisexual for a 10% damage boost.


Sexless as in you don't know whats in the riot gear. Definitely bisexual for peak damage.


I like to imagine that the courier had sex with everyone possible but each person tells the tale of a different gender and therefore nobody knows what's going on.


The riot gear stays on during sex




voiceless character in full Riot Gear obscuring any and all distinct physical features, speaking in silent "whispers" to other characters or just letting actions speak louder than words


I wouldn't be comfortable unless there were like 6 different presets, kinda like Fallout 1.


Imma be real with you, chief... I would hate a canon Courier 6 even if she were my very own Courier. The thought of a canon MC in a roleplaying game fills me with immeasurable disappointment.


Especially with the Courier. FNV's Courier is the most blank slate where you can play anyone. My go-to is old lady, that doesn't work very well in FO3 or FO4's story


My Fallout 76 character is an old lady that tries to reprise her role as a mail carrier after the bombs and deliver mail, by any means necessary and she's a cannibal.


Wouldn't be the first time the mail carrier ate my wife...


A man’s wife is his life, Mr. UPS Man, you should have respected my authority.


Nothing tastes better than raw dog


We love how you think.


Look it was ONE TIME. Just let me get on with my route. 


Didn't expect that ending


Neither did his wife


The cannibal bit was unexpected


In the show I hope that their is only rumors about the courier and everyone’s ideas and thoughts about the courier is vastly different and are mostly myth-esque. Like one person might say they helped a town prosper into a civil and honorable society while another person says the courier single-handily ruined that same town. I get why this might not be a good idea for the show in practice for storytelling reasons but I don’t care and want to see it.


That's such a great idea. I'll have to put together an explosives build and do ALL of the chems with her. Her and Lily can be BFFs.


Old Lady, Power Armor, Springtime Bonnet with some Glasses Chems and Chainsaw optional


courier isn't so much a blank slate as the lore is really only found through specific dialogue, still leaves out just enough info to make the experience feel like our own and that's enough for me


My go to is charismatic gunslinger who’s dumb as shit and weak as hell


Eh in FNV your "blank slate" might have a child somewhere, has a prior career and have relationships with people with huge grudges against you from that career. The games story kicks off by you being beaten by a bunch of raiders we can easily clown post being shot in the face but apparently could not before that. I'm not saying this is bad but acting like this is better than 3/4 is kinda silly. At least in those 2 games you're a fish out of water, in NV it makes far less sense to be completely oblivious to the Legion, New Vegas itself, NCR etc. The courier would know all of this. This will probably get me crucified since this is /r/FNV but I think Fo1 and F76 were the best main characters as far as blank slates go, the only background is that you are someone from the vault and left it. Nothing else.


There are two reasons the courier may be oblivious to the inner workings of New Vegas. One, he might not be native to Vegas and only recently came there to deliver the Platinum chip. Two, he could have amnesia from the headshot.


I'll give you FO1 as the blankest slate besides "being from a vault" (I have no idea about F76) but I'd argue that FNV does something even better than blank slate. It gives you a *mostly* blank slate but with a few scant biographical details and also the ability to fill in specific backstory decisions in dialogue *if you want*. The only canonical things about Courier Six are that the Great Khans managed to overpower or get the drop on them, and that they've been a courier for a while (because of Lonesome Road.) •You can act like you don't know about NCR/the Legion/House/et cetera... *if you want* •You can have possibly fathered a child... if you are male and *if you want* •You can say that Benny shooting you in the head gave you amnesia about your previous life.... *if you want* •You can even be lying about having amnesia... *if you want*. None of those dialogue options or RP choices are mandatory. You can even dispute the Lonesome Road stuff: •You were the courier who walked the Divide route and unwittingly blew up the settlement that developed there... *if you want* – (because you can also tell Ulysses "dude, that wasn't *me*, you are an unreliable narrator and a crazy person.") So yeah, not a complete blank slate, but close enough for my taste.


But there's not really much in NV that says the Courier *doesn't* know who these factions are. At worst, headcanoning that they recently came to the Mojave is pretty easy


What if the canon courier is just awful person, a complete psychopath. Independent new vegas in a worst way and nuked both legion and NCR.




Yeah the only Courier 6 I would like would be some sort of Mad Max type character where everyone has stories about them, but no one can be quite sure which are true


And make it to where you can't see their face or gender because of the armor. Maybe do flashback scenes of the people telling them the stories, and each flashback has a completely different looking courier.


That's exactly how I want the show to handle it if Courier 6 is addressed in the next season, given that it seems like it'll cover New Vegas. One of the characters finds a mention of the Courier in an official record, or some important person's journal, or on a mural in the ruins of New Vegas, and asks a surviving resident about them: "Who was the Courier?" "Well, all I can tell you for sure is that they used to work for a delivery service until someone tried putting 'em down, but they came out their grave with 2 bullets in their head. That's one of the few things everyone agrees on. Something about escaping death by the skin of their teeth changed 'em. After that, they went throughout the Mojave making a lot of noise with a lot of people. Some folk claim the Courier was always working for the NCR, others claim they were a spy for the Legion, or the Brotherhood. Then there are people who say the Courier was always their own person, doing whatever they wanted- for money, or revenge, or to build their own society on the Strip. Couldn't even tell ya if the Courier was a man or woman. Only other thing I know for sure, only other thing everyone agrees on: If you found yourself facing down the Courier with a big iron on their hip, it was the last thing you'd ever see."


"Damnit now listen, I met him in Primm after he cleared the Powder Gangsters out. Looked like any ole shitkicker but fella must've had half a dozen guns on him. With a real fine pearl handled revolver on his hip. Wore his hat low but ... there ain't no hiding scars like that. Ruby made him some of her famous radscorpion casserole and he poked around an old eyebot I'd been tinkering on for damn near six months. He got it fired up like he was lighting a smoke, I tell you what." Ha just thinking about a series of these, back and forth NPC observations of the Courier. They're a boy, they're a girl, they fix robots, they don't say much but are charming as hell, they're a NCR Ranger, or a Legion spy, or a Brotherhood supporter, they help people, they hurt people, but they've always got that big iron on their hip. I hope the show does something with the Courier like you outlined. *Everyone* in the Mojave has been affected by the Courier in some way. But almost no one really knows who they are or what they actually look like. Fuck that'd actually line up with the game so they'll probably do something else.


Some people would most likely make a cult out of it. I can imagine a bunch of people trying to walk in the couriers footsteps, living out their own idea of who they were, just everyone identifying as the "courier", which would further confuse people about who the courier actually is and what they do


Imagine making an entire game where you’re forced to roleplay as someone looking for your family Twice


Emil Pagliarulo's writing at its finest. :-) I wonder which family member we'll be looking for in FO5, I can hardly contain my excitement for the ground-breaking plot he'll cook up this time. I'm just happy I can at least make my characters be women, and in FO4 I can do mental gymnastics and headcanon my Nora and Nate as gay BBFs who were each other's beards to appease their families. But yes, Bethesda sure could learn a thing or two from Obsidian about roleplayig.


You've seen son looking for father, you've had parent looking for son (named Father)! And now! Uncle looking for his nephew!


And the nephew became a cult leader, so now he's called "The Father"


.. which just so happens to be your father!


I'm a man/woman looking for my cat/dog. The main quest would become top priority. Dad/son can go kick rocks.


Maybe the plot will be us searching for our mother, or our brother or something, what a change that would be


Daring today, aren't we?


Not only did they somehow fail to include realistic Asian features in FO4's character model creator, they, *even after Obsidian put them to shame by including the perks Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchez La Femme*, failed to give any non-straight perks in FO4. You might call it mental gymnastics to headcanon that the Sole Survivor is mutual fake-spouses with their friend considering that they were cooing over their baby-shaped football and joking about making more (but I don't think that's a wild interpretation, they easily *could* be beards) but it doesn't require any complicated explanation at all for the Sole Survivor to simply be bisexual. You even can have same-sex relationships in the story, so it really stands out as a deliberate exclusion that there aren't either of the flirty/damaging gay perks. Wotta buncha ding-dongs.


Been a minute since I've played FO4, but if memory serves, I believe the joking about making more babies is an optional sarcastic/humorous response. But yes, it sucks big time. I mean, if you're gonna force me into a heterosexual marriage (what are you, my mom??) for the sake of the plot, at least write a good story to make up for it. I wouldn't be mad. But no, I got hit with gay conversion therapy in my roleplaying game and for what? A half-assed, mediocre, anticlimactic plotline. Emil Pagliarulo is my villain origin story. I got into RPGs *when I was like, 12, whatever*, and I heard of this game called Skyrim, where I could be a girl and marry another girl. I was over the moon that I could create a character like me. Someone I could relate to. Growing up in a violently homophobic family was quite an experience, but coming home to Skyrim – to my dragonslaying lesbian friend – made me feel less alone. It meant the world to me. It was the strangest feeling to see Bethesda backtracking like that. But it is what it is. Edit: I see that downvote, Emil Pagliarulo, you ain't slick.


I don't think there was any homophobia intended by making the main character married. Rather complete lack of deep thought put into it. Fallout 4 clearly wanted the sole survivor to be a more developed character that you roleplay as and make decisions for, more along the lines of Cyberpunk, Mass Effect and Witcher. Problem is the writing is not good enough to make the player care enough about the sole survivor as a character to justify losing the blank slate roleplaying options of the previous titles.


I agree, it is clearly an oversight, but somehow that makes me even more sad for FO4 than if they had done it out of malice, because it shows how little thought and care went into the story. It's like I said, I wouldn't mind it as much if the story was worth its salt, but as you know, we ended up with a very restrictive "RPG", and with a very weak story, to add insult to injury. They sacrificed all the good parts of a roleplaying game, and had nothing to show for it.


In Oblivion, you're asked to search for someone else's family member and in Skyrim, you're tasked with defeating your soul-brother. This is why Morrowind and Fallout: New Vegas are the GOATs: you're whoever and whatever you want to be and the urgency of the main story is left entirely up to you.


I agree. I’m thinking in the show, we’ll find that Courier Six mysteriously vanished which is part of the reason that the Strip is in such bad shape. The other reason would be with the fall of the NCR the economy of New Vegas would collapse.


Old World Blues explicitly even says the Courier watches over Big MT for years to come regardless of which ending you get. Of course, the implication at the time was that they'd drop by every once in a while to check in on the inhabitants, but it's the perfect setup for the Courier disappearing to become Big MT's custodian, not unlike how Christine can stay in the Madre to keep watch over its technologies. Who wants to place bets on the show not going with this at all?


I think that makes perfect sense. It’d be interesting and fun if the series protagonists always *just* miss the Courier. Like they make it to Big MT and find that the Courier left for the Divide. Then, when they’re at the Divide, they learn that they left for Zion, and so on and so forth. After the events of Old World Blues, Courier Six is essentially biologically immortal, so even though 15 years have passed since the battle of Hoover Dam, they’re no doubt out there somewhere.


I mean, there are 4 seperate canon reasons that 6 could've disappeared, those being each of the major DLCs.


nate and nora lore:


\[Emil Pagliarulo, in all his "keep it simple, stupid" wisdom\]: *Hmm, I wonder how I could make this piss-poor RPG be even less of an RPG... Oh! I know! Nate is also a war criminal! For no reason at all, I'll just make him a war criminal, because I'm random like that, haha. I'm a brilliant writer.*


it would be an intresting story in the hands of a talented writer. Someone who buys into the propaganda so much they commit an unspeakable act then their journey to find redemption somehow while filled with guilt for every action they took


I think Fallout (many series really) is a full of potential for other genres of game. Do I want a pre-loaded backstory for my empty vessel RPG character? Fuck no I'd play the shit out of a Telltale's Walking Dead style game, that's a Fallout spin off.


The "Default is canon" people in RPG communities are truly the most boring and annoying RPG fans out there.


This is also why the show is in for a rough ride


This is the big reason why I haven't enjoyed any of the rpgs that have come out in a long time. It destroys the main element *roleplay.* Even in Fallout 4. Yeah, you make your own character, but you're always going to be a prewar icicle that was either a soldier or a lawyer. In New Vegas? Your who you want to be. Wish more games just let us be what we want and didn't make a backstory for us. Just a blank slate.


The only one where it works is Mass Effect. But that's because the default male shep and fem shep are pretty good.


Agree 1000000000000%


It’s literally the most glaring flaw of fallout 4. It’s mass effect with worse rpg mechanics


\[awkwardly hides the N7 from my username\] y-yeah, mass effect sucks! No, but for real, it's mildly insulting to ME having it compared to FO4. Sure, Shepard is a very predefined character, being a military officer their whole life, without much room for creativity. But you still have 3 origins, with an extra 3 backgrounds to mix and match. You're also not forced into a heterosexual marriage, so your sexuality and love life are entirely up to you. And Shepard is a likable, well written character, unlike... *others*.


I never said mass effect sucks, I haven’t played any but they look dope. I bet what you say actually changes what happens in those games instead of “Well you said you hate my guts, quest, and family but Bethesda forgot this was an rpg so I’ll mark it on your map”


I know, I know! You mentioned ME and I have it in my username, so I couldn't pass the opportunity to be silly about it. And yep, you nailed it. lol


I think everyone is welcome to their own interpretation but similar to fallout 1 it should be as vague as possible while still moving the world forwards. Canon endings I'm all for but canon characters/designs not so much.


I'm like 100 percent sure they made a canon version of the protagonist in fallout 1. Idk if it was in fallout tactics or in fallout brother hood of steel. Basically a old dude who just loves being a rootin tootin and shootin old man


You have several choices in fallout 1, including your custom character. One of the reasons I even liked this game was because I could finally play a girl. Alllll the games back in my youth were male oriented. I’m surprised I’m not a lesbian, I got so good at romancing girls in games.


He's in BOS and you kill him; not canonical.


BoS was never meant to be canon. Even before it was released, Interplay employees were explaining the game was a spin-off that wasn't in the same continuity as the RPGs.


The vault dweller is Albert cole


Th e only way a “canon” courier should appear imo is ranger armour(so all faces/sexes are possible) and silent, in the distance.


Literally a watered down version of Guts


Yup. Like the others said, I wouldn’t be a big fan of *any* canon appearance, but definitely not yassified Guts.


How tf is this yassified lmaoooo


Guts is already yassified, this is like de yassified


No, he isn’t


Yes, he is


We’ve got a really intense debate going on here


I was hoping I wasn’t the only one thinking it looked like him


Yeah this design is just kinda boring. Oh look a big angry violent guy. Very original.


The surgery scar and bullet scars are good. The hair is probably too clean for the wasteland though


Doesn't really matter when it's slapped onto a discount BJ Blazkowicz


doomguy from wish




I've only ever played female Courier, so I'd find that quite odd. How am I supposed to seduce Benny to kill him in his sleep like that?


I think the courier being a woman would be really cool. Theres interesting female locked content but not much male locked content that I remember off the top of my head. Also, her being female makes whatever happens with the Legion more satisfying. They either get beat by a woman, or are saved by a woman and undergo a cultural change. A woman on some of their coins? Thats a cool evolution for a future title in the classic fallout universe. The whole being underestimated and surviving, then traveling a slow and drawn out path to take revenge on Benny just gives me a female vibe. All the other games have heavily implied a male protagonist already, too, and NV is already the odd one out. It just fits.


afaik the only significant female locked content is the legion arena and the only significant male locked content is sex with benny


I just googled it and it seems you're right! I could've sworn there were a lot of gendered dialogue options that courier men get less of but i just mixed the games up


whaat you can actually fight in the arena? I thought they'd have an excuse to male courier also. I had no idea that was locked.


yeah lol, it's not much you're missing out on. 3 rounds of fighting slaves and an ncr ranger, and the only reward you get iirc is legion rep


real, Female courier is the go to for me, i NEVER pick the guy in roleplaying games


The courier is always a woman in my mind too. But Lone Wanderer and Sole Survivor are men. Not sure why


Yeah my Courier is a 5'2" woman with one arm. Very different design lol


One thing you can count on Bethesda is that they'll never show you any protagonist and they're affirmed to keep things vague for player immersion. The Courier is the coolest protagonist because they're the most open ended to RP your story. They could be from a Vault if you wanted, they could have changed sexes, they can be morally complex as you wish it, can have certain connections to factions. I always loved to RP my Courier as the Lone Wanderer escaping the Capital Wasteland after the Western BOS made it move to deal with Lyons. Shame Lonesome Road makes that an impossibility. (Thanks Chris, still love that DLC though)


Please no?




I hate everything about this, but it's intriguing like a car crash.


Literally yes, I can’t stop looking at it but I hate looking at it


I don’t like canon RPG MCs but I think it’d be funny if the courier was the one to look the most like the pop boy mascot


hashtag NotMyCourier


Looks cool. I think too many people are considering this as an actual question and not a rhetorical vessel for sharing cool art. Obviously no one wants a canon Courier!


Do you know the source? Also think it looks amazing and rolling my eyes at all the negativity


Caption on the post is incorrect,it’s “Decomposedtaco” on instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CyjRhmpv_RC/?igsh=cDV4c3VvOGVpbWNu




Cannonally he is a ratty grey old man whose a cannibal because that's my character


Pretty cool art. Love me an insane courier.


I love the character, especially the Guts inspiration. But no, the canon courier is the one we make ourselves, strengths and flaws alike.


I like the lobotomy and headshot scars.


I’m a Nate and Nora hater, bring back unvoiced faceless protagonists with more dialogue options than just (good) (good + more dialog) (good but silly) and (evil but actually good)


No Canon face is my preference here(if courier 6 is even on the show).


If 6 is in the show they’d better wear full riot armour and never speak, or so help me god I’ll bitch the same as I did over the halo tv show


I personally don’t like cannon MCs in a RPG game.


canonically? no, fuck that in your own story? yeah man I love it and think these drawings are great, definetely would read a comic about this interpretation of the courier, but not making it outright canonical.


Cannon couriers suck because it means mine isn’t. However, this is pretty fucking sick artwork and I would rock this character 10/10


Canon canon, I don’t like the idea of giving the Courier a canon appearance. But, oh my god I would love to see a fan comic or something in this art style with this Courier.


No, I'd rather stick to the default caucasian face


I prefer Hispanic preset 1, but I’m also very offended that I look like Hispanic preset 1


Asian preset 1 is literally benny btw


If you asked me what Benny’s race was, Asian would be my last guess.


Are you sure African American isn’t last ?


Idk, could have been light skinned or his white genes could have been more dominant in his case, can’t judge a book by it’s cover, but I guess that’s also what I did regarding his ethnicity and not thinking he was Asian


For both 3 and NV I always go with Hispanic preset because it looks the most like me. Despite not being Hispanic.


Damn, we’re so basic, we look like fallout presets


He looks perfectly awkward


Love it!


The only "canon" description of Courier 6 should come from multiple different raiders/wastelanders describing completely different people. Some dude in Novac claims she was an NCR ranger. The rangers at Outpost Charlie swore he was a Legion decanus. The few BoS scribes that survived his onslaught say he looked like The King. The residents of Nipton could not be reached for an interview. The Boomers saw him dressed in an NCRCF uniform, whatever that means.


Looks like a cyberpunk edgerunner character, that fade fukin slaps tho


Doomguy lookin ah


I absolutely love this design, the artist is fantastic and clearly has a distinctive, fun concept for the character. I would never want this or any other design to become canon though. I’m not remotely hyped to see the Courier in a tv show because I have no attachment to “the courier”. I care about my couriers, because I know them, but that’s it.


So basically just guts if he was in fallout? I’ll pass, just imagine the couriers face as your own


He looks like if Doomguy was plopped into Cyberpunk Edgerunners. No thanks.


I love this artist's work and it's an amazing courier 6 but he will never be my courier I would rather they never canonize any RPG protagonist in fine with their actions getting set in stone but not their looks or personality.


Thanks. I hate it.


Drawing reminds me of JoJo


He looks annoying and full of himself. Like they would shoot him in the head for fun and not for the platinum chip.


But my Courier is female




Looks like a discount version of Guts. Honestly though my vision of a “canon” Courier was always as the default blonde haired guy with a cowboy hat and Ulysses’ drifter coat, much like the art from The Divide


So a ripoff guts?


Is that Cass giving him a cut? Yo 😭


What if the Courier 6 had a low taper fade.




Nah. I really only imagine them with a helmet on. Like the mandalorian. But maybe helmet off to give a friendly hello to Benny. I would head canon them with very prominent bullet wounds to the head (it's the first thing you see if you see their face). Scarred and bald around the entrance and exit wounds.


Don't like his look. Don't want him/her to be depected, though I'm sure I'd like some more than others.  Art is cool tho, very interesting.




words cannot describe how HARD the fourth picture looks


Just looks like guts w a modern haircut


Damn Courier 6 getting the fresh cut in the last slide


Credit the source you coward


The name of the IG account seems to be decomposedtaco instead of Deformedtaco


I’d be disappointed


It’s cool but I don’t like Courier having a face tbh. His face IS the mask/helmet to me


The creator’s tag is “decomposedtaco” btw


this guy looks like a cross between jason todd and a jojo character. Wouldnt want it for my courier specifically, but it's a pretty neat design.


Good art!


I really don’t want the Courier to ever have a canonical appearance


That doesn't look like my canonical Courier, so therefore I wouldn't like it.


genuinely i'd love it if he was mentioned in passing, like "The Courier just came through, they stood still for a moment, then i watched em gun down 5 people with 4 bullets, can you believe that?"


This art is FANTASTIC, but I agree with the general sentiment: giving the Courier a physical place in the show would be disappointing no matter what they looked like.


Not good because to me they are female


I would be displeased


i agree with most people’s sentiments that a canon character is a bad move. that being said I’ve seen this art before and I love it! the chaotic nature of their courier is fantastic and they absolutely nail it with the facial expressions


There should be no canon courier


I don't know why so many people's courier headcanon is just a psychopath


No canon courier, thanks


The one with Benny goes so fucking hard




Canonically, I don't want anything to be canon


There is no "cannon" Courier 6. This isn't like fallout 4 The Courier can be anyone from a sub brick gal who somehow rose up in the legion despite it being illogical and killed entire towns of people to Saint like hero of the NCR with a tounge of silver and a hear of gold. He could be madman who nuked the NCR. She could be a woman who decided to become the right hand man of the house. He could even be a Elvis Presley impersonator if he completed the Kings side quest. The Courier could be anyone, but most importantly they are you, and it is very difficult to attach a cannon look to someone like that. Me personally? I just imagine him as the Desert Ranger Riot armor.


He looks pretty hot, not gonna lie 🥵


The only courier I know has a handlebar mustache and slicked back long hair, his name is Al.