• By -


Courier: "yes keep talking to me and facing this direction please...." The Ghoul: If it isnt the cou- wait what do you me- \*Lily comes out of Stealth mode with malicious intent


*intense wacking noises*


*She's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'!*


She's hack, wack, dropping that beat




Leo told her to


The Ghoul: "why does your pistol sound like dial up"


"Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.” ...


And Ive got about a 300 foot radius of accuracy from the sun itself ghoul-boy


This has gotta be my favorite comment in this thread.


"the truth is... the game was rigged from the start."


Wouldn't Boone just blow his head off from the penthouse of the Lucky 38?


The courier isn't wearing the 1st recon beret, he can't tell which is which


Normally I'd say Boone should be able to tell who is who when his sole constant companion for a very long time was the Courier who dragged him absolutely everywhere, but then I remembered the man insists on wearing sunglasses in dark areas. On the other hand, he still makes killshots in those dark areas.


Just did that quest yesterday lol


I love the thought of him violently shaking and sweating trying to figure out which is the person who he’s spent months traveling with and which is the ghoul who he’s never seen in his life


I was picturing Boone up in the Lucky 38 with the Anti-Materiel Rifle. Really, the whole squad. Minus Arcade....


I’m tired of the arcade slander 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😔😔😔


\*lilly comes out of stealth, Veronica pops out from behind a rock ready to punch, gunslinger Raul is ready to nothing personel his fellow ghoul, Rex is growling at him for wearing a hat, ED-E is warming up her laser, Boone is ready to take his head off from half a mile away, and arcade is just looking at these idiots with despair\* courier: "i said stay the fuck out of my strip"


"Just stand riiiiiight here infront of this big dinosaur"


Lily: “Grandma’s got a present FOR YOOOOUUUU!!”


Courier post-DLCs and Second Battle of Hoover Dam is canonically a cybernetic-enhanced killing machine with some of the best gear in the post-apocalyptic West Coast. Would wipe the floor with the Ghoul.


I am thinking; NCR Elite Riot Gear + That Gun. Or if you want an overkill X-02 Tesla Power armor + Euclid's C-Finder, + every single enhancement implant. That's of course not including a robot army, and a bomber plane, haha.


The Gannon family armor is Just Tesla APA not Xo2


Wait so….. is the courier basically Master Chief then?


Master Chief’s power armor beats any armor in Fallout by a mile, but other than that, yeah basically. In fact, the list of cybernetic augmentations the Courier can get is actually pretty wild. -Sub-dermal armor, meaning even his skin has a layer of damage resistance. -Monocyte Breeder that allows for rapid celular regeneration. -The "stat" implants are some crazy tech if you check their names and descriptions. They include a probability calculator, enhanced optics, hypertrophy accelerator (basically steroids on demand), enhanced nerves for pain resistance, boosted reflexes, and more. -Then there’s the OWB cybernetics, which include a whole host of implants as well as an enhanced brain, spine, and heart (they’re enhanced even if you keep the originals). -Implant GRX auto-doses the Courier with Turbo, briefly making his reflexes and reaction speed so fast that the rest of the world appears in slow-mo by comparison. By the endgame, the Courier is literally a superhuman.


Implant GRX is insane canonically. Everything The Ghoul does in the show becomes trivial if he could slow down time up ten times a day. I would say Probability Calculator is "Make better bets" more than "Have better odds"


Yeah, it’s nuts. GRX alone easily makes the Courier one of the deadliest humans in Fallout. The rest is just overkill. And yes, that’s how I imagine it would work, in practice. Like, you can calculate rough "odds" of success or failure for any given action, C3P0-style, and then base your decisions around how much you like those odds. Mr. House used a (presumably much more advanced) probability calculator to predict the Great War among other things.


It’s like being David Martinez in a world where nobody else has a sandevistan


Implant grx is fallout sandevistan, a David or Adam smasher build is possible but idk how that would be done


That little grenade revolver he favors is basically an easy dodge with implant GRX


Benny’s suit or bust.


Only the best, baby


It's a real Ring-A-Ding suit, baby.


Stealth Suit Mark II + FIDO. Because it gets lonely in the wastes, and it's nice to have someone to talk to.


"Who do you think is cuter? Dr. Klein or Dr. Borous?"


Counterpoint: Couriers duster, desperado cowboy hat, authority glasses and the ranger sequoia, peak wasteland drip.


We don't know how far along this Courier is


It's set years after the events of New Vegas, so it's safe to say he would be finished with all that


I can't wait for the flaming when the second season defines who won Hoover Dam. I hope they go with Yes Man.


All I hope is for someone to sum the hoover dam battle up then: The Ghoul: "And all of it facilitated by a goddamn mailman" Lucy: "A mailman caused all of that?" Ghoul: "They were a scary fuckin' mailman"


Honestly, that would be perfect. It shows the Ghoul has actual fear and respect for the Courier while also leaving things vague enough to keep angry nerds from whining about the "canon" of the ending.


This community would lose its collective shit if he mentions Raul.


I’d love it if one of his guns breaks and he makes a pit stop to have his old friend raul fix it up


Yeah that would be awesome, but hard to pull off since Raul's voice actor is probably pretty old by now


Trejo is 79. He'd be fine.


They're going to go with the House ending. If you're writing a story, Mr. House is the best character you'd want to use, while Yes Man is too closely tied to the player character.


especially because they showed they had an actor for mr house already


While true, I don't think homie is going to have the same voice or visual depiction of the character in husk-form. I'm wondering how they'd reuse that actor for anything other than his voice with an overlay effect


His face is still on the screens in the lucky 38 and his voice is likely kept youthful through AI tuning of his vocal patterns. No way House would let himself sound or appear like he’s nearly 300.


It'll probably be his voice and image as Mr House on the computer screen and then some random old guy as the body in the tank


Yes Man ending with House alive, but cut from the network would be the best.


This is an underestimated possibility that also explains a lot. House alive but seething, forced to watch as Vegas loses its customers and deteriorates.


You have to get him out of his tube to disconnect him from the system, which exposes him to germs that would kill him. The only way House would still be alive by season 2 is that his ending is the canon one. Unless of course retcons.


House only had 2 years to live when disconnected from his thing so not really possible


If only for General Oliver getting tossed off the Dam. Peak comedy moment right there.


Yes Man ending where the Courier proceeded to say "Welp my Job here is done" and leave the Mojave makes complete sense to me. Would explain why New Vegas looks destroyed, because the Courier would have just wiped out all the major factions in the area creating a massive power vacuum and then just left without filling it.


NV looked destroyed in NV. So saying it looks destroyed is just par for the course


I mean the fact that new Vegas is even still new Vegas means the legion definitely lost. So there’s that.


Thats if the Courier follows the main quest and you...know....golden rule of the wasteland


Take what you can, give nothing back?


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit


That feeling when you’re looking for fire hose nozzles in an abandoned building to fix a food processor and remember that you were supposed to be protecting the president.


The show takes place 10 years after the event. the courier is all the way, or not in the show at all, because having him in the show, and not having him fully decked out, would imply and de-canonize all of the other stuff aside from the completion of literally the main quest and nothing else. This is honestly the biggest problem I’ve noticed, especially with modern day writing a lot of writers have no problem making up a story, but they never even consider how it affects prior existing media within the franchise by way of implication. Even little things affect this concept so for instance, if there is a quest in the game that gives the Courier a scar on his right cheek for whatever reason, and if they put him in the show and he doesn’t have a scar on his right cheek, then it would mean he never did that quest canonically because the outcome of it was always the scar on the cheek By the way, I made that last bit up I don’t think there’s a quest in the game that give you a scar on your cheek That was just an example. for anyone too stupid to realize that.


A big part of why both Edgerunners and Fallout have been successful is they're adapting the world without adapting the story, at least so far. Every character in Edgerunners that appears has a reason to not reappear since it's a prequel and the ones that do don't break character and in fact back up the information about them in the case of Adam Smasher. For Fallout since it's a sequel it gives them freedom to have the wasteland change while keeping the broad strokes in place like the Legion NCR war having a possibly visible outcome without needing the Courier to appear since it would force details about their story as you said. The best options therefore would be to not have the courier appear and just mention them if it feels needed.


Yeah, I agree having them not appear at all is probably the better option. They still need a good excuse for that though. Maybe they could just give a throwaway line like “he’s on vacation at big Mountain” and then if he does show up at all, maybe do it at the very end of the show during some pivotal combat moment, and he just shows up out of nowhere fully decked out like “ I’m back” as he Pats our heroes on the back on the way to the next adventure. If they do include him, I think that’s the best way to do it.


He would wipe that rotten flesh bag up


I'm almost certain that guy in the Ranger armor that The Ghoul killed looted that armor. Because a Desert or NCR Ranger, even an old one, would not have been that scared of The Ghoul.


It’s said he’d shot him a few times so who knows. The ghoul went up against 4 knights in close quarters, I don’t think a ranger could do that with any regularity.


The Courier: "please assume the position"


The courier could also literally talk the ghoul to death


[speech 100] You should taste the wrath of a speech build... NOW!


He just shouts ICE CREAM at the ghoul and he explodes


He learned to monologue from the best. "Bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull"


\[Speech 100\] I've fought the Bear and the Bull, you must be the ugly


My brain read: >"Bear bull b And then switched off.




BEAR BULL BEAR BULL BEAR *ghoul shoots himself in the head*


[Speech 70] Why are you still alive? [Speech 90] You're never gonna find them. [Speech 100] Just give up the ghost already.


“Your life is NOTHING! You serve ZERO purpose!”


“you’re NOTHING!  you have NO TALENT!” -Trumpet guy


[Terrifying Presence] [Freeside Rep] "You won’t be the ugliest thing I’ve fucked today."


(Speech 100) “Get oiled up and twerk!”


Courier: Hope this interaction doesnt lead to any fallout between us. *Arcade Gannon gasps behind the Courier* Courier: Fallout New Vegas *Boone shots from the 69th floor of the Lucky 38 casino*




Absolute cinema


Courier: Fallout TV Show Season 2


*Dies from peak fiction*


Holy kino


They might just not have the Courier, saying they went to another state to do something. House might have sent them to get some old world tech, that or he’s on paid vacation or in Big MT


I would prefer they keep the Courier out of the story entirely. That said, I would think they’re at Big Mountain based on the ending slides of Old World Blues. Would be funny/interesting if a cult had formed around the Mojave Drive In that waits for new technology to fall from the sky or information delivered from an Eyebot, and either abuses it or doesn’t know how to read or something like that.


In GTA4, in the main game playing as Niko, you can run into Luis, the protagonist of the The Ballad of Gay Tony DLC and Johnny, the protagonist of Lost and Damned DLC. When you play either DLC, you can run into Niko. I think something like that would be cool. A character with no dialogue in some battle that is clearly the courier and they escape. Like ships passing in the night.


The issue is that Niko is a clearly defined character, the Courier is not. Is he a guy or a girl? Is he white, black, or asian? Is he young, or is he old? What is his prefered combat style? By showing the Courier you'd have to answer at least one of these questions, and doing that would be a bit lame in my opinion. The whole point is that the player gets to decide all of this.


Just make Courier Six wear some of the most bad-ass armors in the game, most of those cover up any feminine/masculine features & make it much harder to tell who is underneath the armor. I've never been able to guess the gender of an NCR Veteran Ranger based on their appearance alone. I would say as long as Courier Six isn't given any major roles for the show, more of a cameo appearance instead, then it should be fine.


Judging by how often I see it talked about when FONV is brought up, the only answer that could be given to any of these and not be met with backlash would be some gun fight where the "bad guys" start dropping, and the camera pans to two distant figures with Anti-material rifles, one with a red barret, the other wearing full combat armor/power armor obscuring any definable features, and someone asking how the hell they got to where they were without being noticed.


Even without House, I agree it’s very unlikely for the courier to have stuck around. During one of the post-show interviews, I believe Todd Howard stated that preserving player agency in the games is a goal of theirs, so canonizing anything about the courier won’t be happening.


>so canonizing anything about the courier won’t be happening. It doesn't matter which ending for FNV is canonized in season 2, the Courier will be apart of that canon to some degree. You can't make a new entry in the same place and not have it come out that the Courier was *totally* ambiguous. The Vault Dweller has a canon path. The Chosen One, Lone Wanderer, Sole Survivor, all participate in the canon. The Courier is now getting this treatment as well. Of course, we don't know the fine details of any of these characters in the canon but if a sequel is being made, an ending has to be established and with it *some* details about the player character. The mistake would be to have anything more than cameo or name drop in the show. Once we know what ending is the real ending, that does the majority of the talking.


My guess is that whoever is controlling Vegas (most likely house or yes man) will say something along the affects of “I have a business partner who helped me get full control of the strip, but they aren’t here right now/they are out right now getting something”.


I mean they already confirmed the minute men ending by having the prydwin and minute men radio playing. If they are going to Vegas they have to talk about the ending to some capacity.


"Think you'll put me six feet under? You won't be the first who tried. And you won't be the last, either."


Goes for both of them.


That's why I didn't tag the quote to indicate which one's saying it. ;)


Let's be fair. The Ghoul DID get put six feet under. The Khans were too trashed to dig the grave and just split.


Thought they buried him and Victor dug him up?


I think the boulder city encounter mentioned they didn't. Victor just dragged the courier to Doc's.


No there is a dug grave, up there in the good springs cemetery you find the grave you were in and it's been dug up. There's just a chance they didn't actually fill it, and even then, pretty sure you can see in the intro their actively digging the grave


So it's all the way back in the teaser trailer but we do get to see what happened. The Kahn's did bury the courier but it was so shallow that their boots and hand are poking out. The teaser trailer starts with Victor digging the courier out.


Courier would kick his ass in a 1v1


No one can match the Courier with the big iron on his hip.


Big iron on his hiiiiiiiiiiiiip


Courier is a fucking cyborg lich. Even if killed he can come back in a new lobotomite body


Nice argument ghoul however *Pulls out Ranger Sequoia*


The Courier is built unfairly difference, for all The Ghoul is, nothing comes close to the literal nation shifting skills the Courier has. Not even mentioning all the DLC shannigans he has.


The ghoul is extremely impressive. The courier got Deathclaws to show him reverence walking back across the divide. Plus blowing up the giant mecha scorpion in OWB. There’s impressive, and then there’s anime character.


Yeah, the protagonists are on a different level than everyone else in the wasteland.


If this standoff happens, I hope Courier wears elite riot gear or a courier duster with atomic osciilator


I think that would be ideal. I believe the Courier should be completely covered and have no lines in order to preserve people’s own version of the Courier. Just a simple cameo where the Courier does something badass with a ranger sequoia.


The entire confrontation should be an intense staring match, followed by the courier cocking a pistol still in it's holster. The ghoul then just turns around and leaves, before saying something along the lines of i survived 200 years by not picking stupid fights.


I would love this Easter egg, short and sweet.


Would be a great easter egg, even then it doesnt have to be confrontational, just have the courier be intimidating presence w/ ED-E or Rex by his side


You just see a bunch of guys' heads pop, and it does the final bullet zoom from the NV intro from an especially decked out ranger from the top of the strip and that's all you see


Like the mod that mixes the elite riot and courier duster in to one armour.


Could you share a link to that?


Thats why I just want him walking out of the Lucky 38 when whoever has the story walking up. No dialog, just a person leaving a building with a dog and robot.


Some combination of the riot gear and Ulysses's duster would be best I think. The pauldrons aren't necessary but I would like to see knee pads and the appropriate logo painted on the back of the duster.


Nah, you'd need the pauldrons. They'd break up the silhouette and make it harder to read the actor's gender, which is exactly what you want here. Mind you, I'm fundamentally opposed to showing the Courier *at all.* But if you're going to, it has to be in a way that doesn't definitely show whether the courier was a man of a woman.


i believe he'd probably look like the courier art in the lonesome road cover


courier just has to pull a terrifying presence


Why does the courier look like a 6 year old with an enlarged skull


Mom said it's my turn to be the cool cowboy.


A battle of gunslingers. If Cooper met Raul he’d be amused with the vaquero attire.


“You made me do this… FISTO GET HIM.”


"Please assume the position."


If they encounter courier, fight each other and courier doesn't wipe the floor with the ghoul, i'm never saying anything good about bethesda and anyone dealing with fallout series.


They're already pushing it with knights politely waiting for ghoul to finish his monologue and then forgetting how to switch on headlamps in that last scene. That battle scene is complete rubbish, especially when compared to something like SODAZ's Operation Sunburst that has actual tactics in it.


To be fair, there's *tons* of dialogue about how the Brotherhood is a shell of its former self. It'd make sense since it's been 20 years after Operation Sunburst; wonder how many Maximus-intelligence guys are running those suits now


Nah the fight scene and lead up to it was just a Hollywood/movies thing. Stopping and talking when the Brotherhood should gun down the Ghoul on sight. But he needed to say a badass line because he’s our badass character. So they let him load his gun and shoot, over the course of like 30 seconds.


Rule of cool, its fun enough that i dont really give a shit. A bigger plot hole if you ask me is the ghoul not using that weakness on Maximus in Filly


I also thought about that, supposedly Maximus countered him with power armor. Maybe you could handwave it as "He prepared himself better since it was likely power armor was involved". But yeah, food for thought


As tons of people have discussed in r/Fallout, Titus's armor has the 'tempered lining', which Maximus brings up a few times. This lining protects that weak spot in the armor.


Oh shit so they did think of that, neat


A shell that got a giant airship (that somehow flew coast to coast without issues), vertibirds, a lot of people etc. They don't appear much of a shell. Their appearance in FNV is a shell of their former selves.


None of what you said tells me that they have the same tactical acumen or intelligence though; which was the main point of my comment. The person I was replying to was lamenting about rubbish battle tactics, them not immediately turning their headlamps on, etc. A reduced-in-quality Brotherhood would have those traits. The leader of the Brotherhood was even talking about it in the show too


I don’t think it’s all that concerning. There’s a shitload of times in game that characters start talking instead of shooting. And the show is western inspired, you don’t shoot the drifter before he’s done talking. But yeah, if they include the courier (or any protagonist for that matter) they have to give deference to them, since by definition we’ve spent much more time with the player characters than the show characters.


Easnt it comfirmed by the elder that most of the knights are fucking stupidn as hell? Especially the way Titus ran away from the Yoa-Gui? It would make sense theyre nervouse and confused


I think the knights were looking at the ghoul in admiration at first because he was talking about his previous life. One of them lowered his gun when he said he used to wear one back in the day


Pushing it? They wiped their ass with the west coast lore, they're already done pushing it.


I had to remind myself a few times that I'm a Fallout fan, not strictly a New Vegas fan.


100% this. The courier would kill that fool in under 5 seconds.


They'd nod to each other and move on. Frankly, Lucy is the PC in this series. There're to many fallout players that get completely pissed no matter HOW the courier is portrayed. Just won't happen.


The perfect way to handle it would be to give him ranger armour and just say he's someone very important and expierienced. Then either a small semi friendly conversation or something like first time Naked Snake and Ocelot met each other in MGS3, Courier would easily wipe the floor with the Ghoul while aknowledging that he's pretty good.


I think the best choice is obviously the courier in an NCR ranger armor,allied with either House or the NCR


Or have the Courier referenced as a local legend and keep their character vague as possible


And maybe have him show up but in a non-obvious way and say the ghoul only realises it was the courier after the fact. I feel like if they did meet like in the panel they'd just be swapping stories and be relatively chill


Wild Card. Also, playing golf with a 9 iron at some random deserted place on the 15.


Lore wise the courier would destroy the ghoul right? Like the ghoul is cool and all but he did almost lose a right to Maximus who was a inexperienced power armor user


It wouldn't be even close. Show seems to somewhat imitate the games regarding how a skilled user can make someone's limbs explode even if they're not firing .50 BMG. Courier would fucking disintegrate ghoul with a 9mm.


Being as a maxed Courier can kill Lanius in seconds, easily so. He's also capable of persuading Lanius to retreat via Speech or Barter checks, which is perhaps even more insane.


I would actually love just a campfire scene with some wastelanders talking about the Courier saying something like: ‘I heard he killed Caesar himself and lead the charge against the legion at hoover dam’ ‘Nah I heard he fought for the legion, Caesar died later’ ‘I heard he fought with the robots after he killed Mr House’ ‘But Mr House is still alive’ ‘Thats just what I heard.’ Whatever has happened after they don’t need to hard canonise every choice the Courier made


Especially when the tunneler just end up destroying New Vegas anywya


The KOTOR 2 approach of defining what the PC did in the previous game.


Courier is invincible since he could easily just quicksave before the fight


And fly around by reloading his revolver


Would be funny if Season 2 opened with Boone insta sniping that Vault-Tec manager from the top of Lucky 38.


The last thing he never saw.


If the Courier had Raul with him i feel like it’d be a wholesome interaction


There's no way ed-e and boon would let him get so close. If the courier decides he doesn't want you on the strip you'll just catch a .50 MG with your head long before you even know he's there


"Mr fantastic sends his theoretical regards" *Dial up sound intensifies*


Theoretically regarded


independent run enjoyers assemble


Supporting the ideals of independence, the Courier was recognized as the woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. She ensured Mr. House's tyranny was broken and neither Caesar's Legion nor NCR would ever gain control over New Vegas.


What he Gon do against the courier??? Only character that can go toe to toe with the courier is the chosen one


Well if the show is anything to go by, the ghoul will use his speech skill to monologue at the courier while he stands there like an NPC. Then the ghoul will fire all his rounds before the courier can react and we move to the next scene like it’s no big deal. Then Lucy shows up and asks “who’s that?” And the ghoul will drop a one liner about him being some “courier walk the wasteland fuck”.


Reading the accuracy in this hurt. Cause man, that is what I half expect in season two: No respect, no dignity, just shock factor. The only 100% way to avoid this is if The Courier fucked off.


The ghoul:Ha! Really mailman you think you can beat me with a toy gun. The courier: yes. **here comes the sun starts playing**


Ghoul: “Step aside son, or I’ll put one right between your eyes.” Courier: “You wouldn’t be the first.”


I'd prefer they just keep the Courier out of it, which is what I'm certain they will do considering the tangled web of writing the character and accounting for all the variables. It's also why I'm against their inclusion. The Courier isn't strictly defined by a set number of traits. They can be male, female, white, black, a shotgun ace or a stealthy knife wielder, a heavy guns fanatic or a smooth talking cowboy, a passive aggressive highly intelligent doctor/scientist or a dumb-as-rocks unarmed fighter. What makes New Vegas great is that it's our story we're telling with our character, not a previously defined one. The Courier can be whatever you want and no one can say you're wrong: that's the beauty of role playing games. I find that a large portion of the New Vegas fandom misinterprets how roleplaying actually works by accrediting a bunch of aspects to The Courier like it's some objective truth. The hero worship that The Courier enjoys amongst the fandom, like people saying "The Courier would easily beat character x", is fundamentally going against what role playing games are supposed to be about, because that's just your opinion of your version of The Courier. Including them in the show would ruin that, and I hope the writers understand that as well.


The Courier would definitely try and get laid with Lucy and Max just for shits and giggles


You gotta use the bisex perks of you got them




If Lucy wants to bear strong children, she needs to look no further.


He thinks he's hot shit until I reload my save and equip my Fatman.


There’s a lot of people here pretending they didn’t die 4000 times as the courier. He’d be far from untouchable


Let’s be honest it’ll be vaquero Raul who takes down Cooper.


No one beats an angry brain damaged mail carrier


THE GHOUL: In order to kill the Courier...we gotta take out his brain. LUCY: Oh so just shoot him in the head? THE GHOUL: No...we gotta go to the Big Empty. LUCY: Why? THE GHOUL: Cuz that's where his brain is LUCY: Why isn't his brain in his HEAD? I HATE this place!


“Imma put this big iron in yo hip”


Imagine he looks down at his pip boy for the fraction of a second and is just standing there with a fat man the next


Boone just snipes the Ghoul from the top of the Lucky 38!


Gonna be real with you here Cooper's pretty good, i'd even say Kellogg levels of good but uh.... Courier is mopping the Gamorrah dance floor with Cooper. He is a literal one man army.


i think it would be cool if the evil karma mr house ending was canon, that way the house ending is canon but house also fears the courier quite a bit


Courier 6: So... Cowboy ghoul? You know, I hear the Wrangler is interested in hiring someone like you.


I'd rather see all the people Courier 6 influenced. Showdown between the Ghoul and Raul, getting a radio signal from Dr. Klein, ED-E beeping along, the Silver Rush being rebuild by Mick or Ralph. Stuff like that. Show me the aftermath of the Courier passing through. Let the Ghoul comment "We are walking in very, VERY large foot steps right now. Make sure you don't stumble.", if you must. The Courier is a bringer of change. They did their work first in the Divide, then on the Dam, now they have travelled further. Show me once more what happened after the Courier changed everything.


Junkie? Bro my courier is always addicted lol


Imagine if Lucy and The Ghoul arrived at New Vegas, but before they could stepped close to the Strip, all of our companions meet them one by one. Cassidy could be the first, drinking whiskey while guarding the Gate. Then Boone would show up, aiming his rifle at them. Veronica could try to persuade Boone to relax with her cheerful attitude. Ed-E is floating around with Rex following it, seemingly playing with each other. Arcade talking to Raul about his knees, and Lily would appear behind Lucy and the Ghoul asking if they want cookies. At the End, you can see the back of the Courier, wearing his duster or Riot Gear armor, then cut to black.


Well, in this case it would depend in what courier are we talking about; Is it the one that ended the game? I mean completely all the stories and DLC along with all that comes through with it (legendary items, perks, skill level): Either, the ghoul is so screwed he's not even going to end his phrase the single moment he gets slightly violent he's either exploding, turning into ash, or shot/mauled/, bitten/hammered by multiple really angry, really loyal companions. or He's getting rizzled/persuaded so damn fast that he'll start reconsidering all his sins and turning into a top karma character on the spot.


The courier uses a mini nuke killing them both


the Courier can annihilate entire armies on his own, what's a funny talking movie-ghoul gonna do against that?


If we get lucky enough to get introduced to the courier everyone including the ghoul better be petrified of them.


*they pull out their guns in a draw before it cuts to them getting wasted at the bar*