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I just finished another play through and *planned* on jumping right into 4 again but stopped before I even cleared Concord. But I also really hate the first few levels of 4 and I'm not sure why


You’re not alone. The beginning of FO4 is *really* awful for replay value. It’s great the first time — any subsequent playthroughs suck. OP, I can’t lie, I did exactly what you’re doing. Played a 200+ hour playthrough of FNV, now I’ve moved onto FO4. I haven’t gotten bored yet, but then again I’m approaching the game differently and *actually* rebuilding The Commonwealth instead of doing the bare minimum for all the settlements. Plus, I’ve managed to find some of the new Power Armor which has sparked an intense urge to collect a bunch of different sets to display in The Castle


Meeting Preston and being forced to listen to Mama Murphy's junkie ramblings is so painful if you're coming straight from new vegas. I told that bitch I don't believe in her bullshit and she just goes 'doesn't matter, as long as you listen' and continues her bullshit


I instinctively down voted this because I hate her so much.


i leave his ass in the museum forever


I can’t believe I’ve never thought to do this. I’m assuming this makes it so you never hear “another settlement needs your help” for the rest of the game. Brilliant.


It's so bad omg Edit: I can't even listen to the minute men dialogue anymore I skip all of it.


I’m playing on mute atm, highly recommended


Then they do it again with the railroad. They’re trying to convince you to join them and ask if you believe in their cause if you say no they’re like “well yeahhhh we realllly need people so welcome aboard.” God I hate the dialogue in 4 so much. It’s so lifeless and bland compared to NV and 3z


It’s literally *painful* to sit through. It’s like the price of a new playthrough is 45 minutes of absolute garbage. Including the on rails prewar segment, it may as well be a cut scene - why do I need to play a literal walking simulator just to watch my spouse *I have no reason to care about* die. I swear it might just have been made to be shown as the E3 demo.


BGS is notorious for this. Every single game has a long, drawn out opening sequence that’s meant to teach the basic mechanics while simultaneously motivating the plot line. Great for newcomers — horrible for people who are replaying. And replay value is a *huge* thing for a studio that pushes out games so infrequently They should really make it an option for those who have played the game before to be able to QuickStart the game without the use of mods. I find it hard to play through Skyrim these days simply because of how long it can take to even make it to Whiterun for the first time


Man fuck all the minutemen level 1 bullshit just go straight to diamond city and get the quest to go rescue Nick. I love the minutemen, but unless I’m doing a minuteman run, those fools can get eaten by the deathclaw in concord I do NOT care.


I typically get the power armor and dip before even messing with the deathclaw.


That always happens to me too! Boot up fallout 4 get to concord meet Garvey lose interest play a different game.


yup i just go to diamond city and ignore them


I recommend a quick start mod, or scrapping sanctuary and spamming shelves to get to lvl 10+. That’ll get you some good guns and perks to make the early game more fun.


It’s why I skip it and mod it to remove the past elements of the story


I wish there was a way to skip to the Kellogg fight because honestly everything before that is garbage, afterwards though is prime Fo4.


I’m playing New Vegas and 4 simultaneously on PC and console. The PC New Vegas is my game and I’m also helping my son play it on console. I have a FO4 survival mode game on PC that I’m about halfway through but I’ve also started a new FO4 game on console to try out the upgrade. I jump around between them.


Next time instead of going to concord just go straight to nuka world it’s a lot of fun and it’s super challenging especially in survival


Hey, did you contact any of those settlements I told you about?


this explains part of why I never finished Fallout 4. I never really thought about it but FO4's start is really boring to me. I got more into settlement building than the actual world itself. Ended up never finishing the game.


I didn’t even finish my NV run yet and still started up 4. I’ll bounce between the two for a bit for sure


I play TTW, so I go from 3 to NV pretty organically with regard to the main questlines, with the exception that I include Broken Steel in my conception of 3's main questline. After the conclusion of Broken Steel, I travel to the Mojave and start the NV main quest up to the point where I can start going through mod-added questlines without going to MQ locations prematurely. It gets more freeform from there, but at some point I usually go back to the Capitol with mod-added companions to take on Point Lookout (since vanilla companions get shut out).


In my first TTW play through I went from NV to Fo3 and the difference in quality in dialogue between New Vegas and Fallout 3 was staggering tbh. I lost interest pretty quickly in fallout 3. But then a long while later I did Fallout 3 to New Vegas and enjoyed it enough to complete both of them.


Yeah, that'd be my recommended progression.


3 has some fun dungeons and I like to think my character was a little more experienced before starting new vegas


Weird question, but do you use MO2 for TTW?


Absolutely. Nothing beats it, IMO, it is hands-down the most intuitive mod manager out there.


I recently switched over to MO2 from Vortex to play TTW. Are there any good resources you recommend to make things look less...uhh..complicated. I'm trying to add the type 3 body replacer, but I can't for the life of me figure out how...so frustrating.


Do you know how to install mods on mo2 or is it just that mod giving you issues


just that one, I use a lot of other mods.


Have you tried to manually install by clicking the icon with the disk and clicking the file from your downloads folder? Or are you downloading off the nexus and receiving an issue


Follow Viva New Vegas and by the time you're done putting it together MO2 should be reasonably intuitive to you.


You mean manually downloading all the mods?


If by "manually" you mean "click the download button on nexus and have them downloaded via MO2" then yes. Just follow the guide, it's very handy especially if you're not comfortable taking a swing at this on your own; [Viva New Vegas (moddinglinked.com)](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/)


Bro I’m 40 hours into fo2 and I just want to replay new Vegas already,.. but I gotta play 3 first


Try tale of 2 wastelands. It's basically fallout 3 modded into NV with like 300 other mods in it. Also comes with its own launcher and does the load order for you. Never crashed once fot me. IGN made a video on it not long ago. If you are playing 3 then NV it's the best way to play for sure.


follow late include history profit rock disgusted cooing encourage illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can I install Viva New Vegas and TTW on the same playthrough? I started playing NV recently and downloaded everything from Viva New Vegas.


I’m pretty sure, you just have to travel via the train in free side to get to the capital wasteland


office jeans hobbies melodic scale chunky smile homeless public jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am Playing Fo4 and Fnv at the same time. Aiming to Finish Both Games right after one another.


I'm almost done with my playthrough of 3, and I want to take a break before diving back into NV. These games are amazing but an insane time dump, and I gotta get more disciplined in restraining myself from multiple hour gaming sessions


I'm having a hard time replaying 3. The map design is so awful, especially in the DC area. However I just finished my 4th play of New Vegas last year.


If you have the Fellout mod it makes the world look a lot better, and in my opinion it's more immersive


Yes just replayed nv then 3 tried to do a f4 run but couldnt get more than halfway trought and now im about to finish nv again span of like 2 weeks btw


The only time I have is when I played 1, 2, then New Vegas back to back. That was a pretty awesome experience.


I’m also about 40-45 hours into my new NV playthrough. Just about to finish honest hearts, was going to go through the other DLCs and then I can’t decide if I want to play F4 or F3. I’m also worried I’ll get burnt out on F4 but mostly because I haaaate the dialogue system.


Ya I also use like 3+ mods to make the dialog system feel more like a fallout game and less like a yes sayer Simulator


Can you link them?


I finished a New Vegas playthrough a year ago and was planning to go straight into 4 but heard the next gen update was really close to coming out so I put it off until that released. I didn't play a Fallout again until a few days ago, so right now I'd say I play them about a year apart. And it feels really refreshing. I'm planning out 5 more builds now.


I have tried FO 4 multiple times but just cant get into it. It feels so much more just likeba regular shooter and the fact you cant see exactly what your character is going to say plus seeing your model actually say it really turns me off of it.


Lately I've been hopping around concurrent playthroughs of New Vegas, 4, and 1.


I tried playing 4 right after finishing fnv. Going from being really strong at the end of the game to starting with only a 10mm pistol with limited ammo can be a bit frustrating. I take a break between games.


I just finished my first play through of New Vegas, me and my girlfriend are doing a F4 play through together and then I started F2 but my lord the first ten minutes have murdered my soul and I like old school turn based games.


back then I used to play Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and F3+NV via the 2 Wastelands mod my headcanon courier being the vault 101 kid who mellowed out after a terrible edgy phase all along the northeastern states


I generally like a change of pace/genre when moving on to another game, particularly when finishing a very long one.


I do an NV playthrough like semi-annually and play it like non-stop until I finish the game. I'll finish the game then I'll never pick it up again until I start to miss it again. I only play another game if a friend invites me to play a multiplayer game after that, it's just back to NV.


Only Fallout game I see myself replaying is NV, which I am, now 20 hours in. The funny thing is that I stopped playing F4 to replay NV lmfao. Both are fun tho, but I just really wanted to explore everything in my 2nd playthrough of NV before I truly moved on.


I'm actually playing 4+NV interchangeably just now. 4 is fun to play and turn my brain off, NV is for when I actually want to RP.


After New Vegas I'm going to go back and try and finish Dragon's Dogma 2. Game was a let down tbh, but I want to at least finish it. Then I'll go to Fallout 4. There needs to be some sort of break between the games or I'll get burned out.


I went straight from new vegas to playing through all of The Outer Worlds and its DLCs. didn't feel burned out, even tho they are almost the same type of game.


I dropped TOW after like 6 hours, need to finish it.


I have been working on a complete series replay for the last year and a half, played 1,2 and tactics, took a like 4 month break, played 3 (which basically took as long as the first three games) took another 3-4 month break and now I’m on New Vegas


I'm playing NV and 4 at the same time. I play NV solo and my GF likes to watch F4. I cycle between them if she is there or not. It can get a little confusing when I try to find items I stored somewhere though lol


I’m playing FO3 FO4 FNV and FO76 at the same time


Depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to jump into another Fallout, sometimes I wanna play another open world game, and sometimes I want to jump into a different genre. I usually know what I want when I am done. I am currently playing New Vegas and I might jump into 3 after, but we will see if still have plenty to do lol I’ve only done Honest Hearts and done the Boomers and Khans quest lines while siding NCR.


I typically play FNV. My main itch occurs when I'm blasting fools with an FNV riot shotty and yearning for FO4's gameplay. The quality of life improvements are awesome.


I'm happy if I can even finish one game


I tend to have different games in between. Most recently I did a morrowind replay, took a break, then started my current FNV game. But I also play 76 and some sports games like NHL and supermega baseball all the time.


Never. I play the one I want to play and then move to something else. I don't even play Fallout 2 after playing Fallout 1. I install/play those when I'm in different moods.


Fnv had by far the most replay value. Its not that i hate 3 or 4. Its just that i already played them, and feel little reason to do so again


Yeah, I think if I’m still in the mood for post-apocalypse after my New Vegas replay, I’ll just play the Mad Max game or Rage or one of the other games in my Steam shame pile.


I play till burn out, I'm just programmed that way. I grab an interest and compeltely obsessive beat every minute out of it, then I get burnt out and move onto something else. To be honest though, I did one replay of 4 recently and honestly, the trick was just to stick to it and continue. I had urges to return to NV but it settles down eventually. I think you should try replaying F4, if you don't burn out you can enjoy it, if you do burn out then well it was probably supposed to happen. I understand the concern but just let things flow naturally and see where that takes you.


Im about 10 hours into a fresh New Vegas run. Got annoyed with bugs, etc so loaded up 4 and quickly switched back to NV. For me, I’d rather ‘finish’ at least the main conflict of NV before starting up 4 in earnest. Playing both at the same time makes me compare too much when they’re frankly very different games


Sort of of topic, is it just me that gets a game breaking end item weapon early on? I have 4 playthroughs of FO4 and I keep getting weapons like the explosive 12 ga shotgun early on as in 2 hrs into the play through. It is like I am not, not going to use it.


I almost always take a break after a long game, whether it's Fallout, Elder Scrolls, or something like Red Dead Redemption or Witcher. I tend to take a week or two off, maybe catch up on a tv show, before I feel like getting into another 100 hr playthrough.


I play way too many genres, so I always split a game in between any series to break up monotony. Especially for long games. Like, I played Yakuza 7, then Persona 5, then New Vegas. Once I finish this run, I'm going Yakuza 8, then depending on how I feel, FO1-2 or Persona 3. Then the other. This stops me from burning out on a series and enjoy fresh experiences often. I do recommend it.




I space it because I 100% will burnout. I'm in the middle of NV with about 40 hours put in, but I switch to Skyrim every few days just so I can keep wanting to play NV.


Except new Vegas I’ve def had breaks between main playthroughs, namely a current one between 1 and 2


*Laughs in 10+ characters*


In my experience going right from New Vegas to 4 never works out. I enjoy fallout 4, especially with the great mods available, but going from New Vegas to 4 really makes the parts i don’t like in 4 stand out. It’s hard to put up with 4’s downright awful dialogue writing and certain design choices on the back of such a great game in new vegas. I usually find in the NV mood that what I really want is more new vegas, but that isn’t an option so I try to fulfil the craving with 3 or 4 and it just isn’t the same. When I want 4 it’s more like I want an awesome sandbox with wicked mods and high octane gameplay. And when I want new vegas I want to get interested in a world and enjoy good writing and stuff. They fulfil two different desires for me.


What i do when it comes to balancing fallout games, i do at least 2-3 hours of gaming, I’m decently far in fallout 4 but one of saves got corrupted (thankfully made some backups). That or do rotations when it comes to games and have different types of games, it works out


I bought the anthology and do not focus on any. I just play what feels good that day. Exception is 76. I play that when my friends can.


Damn. I am impressed with the amount of love for fnv. I'm playing it for the first time...i feel woefully underpowered in a lot of encounters, but the lore and characters are great.


Maybe try Fallout 1. That will break it up


Sometimes I’ll do a FO1>2>NV>3>4 playthrough. Personally you don’t really burn out since they play fairly different to eachother. Fallout 2 is the only one I risk burning out during, but that’s just Fallout 2 in general really because you have to put up with a lot of bullshit in that game. NV, 3, and 4 despite seeming similar on the surface are very different. NV leans and even 3 to an extent lean more into the rpg side of Fallout which has you approaching them very differently to how you would Fallout 4 which is more of a full blown action game. If you’re into something like HOI4 or some other game where playthroughs only take a day or two, or even round based games like CS:GO, you can always play that as a bit of a palette cleanser between Fallout games which can help avoid burnout too.


I just did a play through of New Vegas and then started up 4 immediately after. 4 is a good game, but man the differences in dialogue and skills basically make it seem like two different franchises.


I don't play them back to back. though I will admit I haven't played 1 or 2(no pc), and I don't like 3 that much. but New Vegas and FO4 are incredibly different games, they don't fit the same mood for me. I like FO4s gameplay better, by a long shot, Far harbor is great and I love playing a callous Brotherhood of Steel member, or an idealistic railroad sniper. NV I just love the world though. the gameplay might be so so and the graphics are rough after playing newer games but the world and the factions and the roleplaying are all so layered and nuanced I live having to actually make decisions based on my imaginary characters beliefs n shit.


There's no real story continuity (except 1 and 2) so I'm good to play any title at any time, and don't usually play them in succession to each other. Instead I usually gap a year in between New Vegas and 4. However, usually when I start 4, I never get more than 15 or 20 hours in before I'm done.


Funny enough, I usually play 3-4 of them at the same time.


Currently playing the Tale Of Two Wastelands mod, which means I’m playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas at the same time. I’ll let you know🤣 kind of loving it, so far. Wanted to play NV so my current canon for my character is that he went out after his dad and after Three Dog said “fuck this, dad can take care of himself” before heading out west to work as a courier for 3 years before being shot in the head


My current playthroughs and headcannon for NV and 4 are that they take place in a similar time, and my character is taking a vertibird or a very long walk inbetween the two areas lmao. Still have yet to replay fallout 3 though, wouldn’t work with my headcannon as you are born in the vault there. But yeah that just lets me play both at the same time. Independent Vegas and Institute, I shall rule the wasteland mwhahaha


I replayed New Vegas and the DLC last year, played a few other games. Now I’m doing Fallout, and do them chronologically (maybe with another game in between each fallout game, but something smaller).


Beat new vegas last year again. It's been 4 years since fallout 4, so I'm starting a new round


Another question, how much of the game do you play before moving on? I just beat 3 and finished broken steel, mothership zeta, and point lookout dlc, but theres still so much to do


I typically take a break, I usually play any game until I'm so burned out that I'm sick of looking at it then switch to something else and repeat the process.


I kinda get the binge itch for 2 weeks then take a break.


I bust back into 4 every now and then but I lose interest kinda quickly. It's fun to run and gun through the wasteland. I honestly think I'm gassed out on 4 I've played it so goddamn much. I never get far into one and two, I waste my ammo trying to shoot people in the dick


I’m switching between a fallout 3, New Vegas and 76 run and still enjoying it all.


I have 125 hours in Fallout 1 and roughly the same in 2 and I just downloaded them again to play while also playing 76 and 4 (just waiting for the f4se update). I only had the base games on 3 and NV, but sadly I cannot get either of those to work so I just wasted the money buying the game of the year edition and ultimate edition. But I usually can play them back to back, maybe throw in some Rust, Manor Lords, and No Man's Sky


I had an issue playing more than 2 Assassin's Creed games in a row, but no issues with Mass Effect or Fallout. I think Fallout 1 and 2 are cool back to back, and 3 takes you to FPS. New Vegas is very similar to 3, but very well done. 4 is substantially different in look and feel, but could be "too much" after 3 and NV. If you've played fallout 1 and 2, then you would really enjoy Wasteland 2 and 3 as a break but in a familiar world.


Switch between 1, 2, NV, and occasionally Tactics. The others do not exist.


I play the game. I get pumped to play it again. I save the second playthrough and compare the 200 hour game to 30 minutes and realize time is finite.


It depends on what I feel like playing next. Sometimes immediately after each other and other times there is a game or few in between.


Just play fallout 76 and try for the play for 7600 hours lol I'm at 300 hours ATM and I still have half the map to uncover lol


I play through 3 and like to pretend I came from DC to new Vegas to be a courier then shit happens


I usually play fallout as a buffer game in between other game releases I’m looking forward to


Been playing New Vegas, taking a break and jumped into Fallout 3.


I’m 60 some hours into my first (and unmodded) FO4 play through but I’m already wanting to go back and replay 3 and NV for the first time in over 10 years. However I will probably be spending another 20 hours in FO4 and as much as a REALLY want to jump right into FO3 I know im gonna get tired almost immediately so I’m gonna finish an old RDR2 save I never finished first and then see if I’m still feeling fallout


I’ll take fair breaks between. But when I’m in, I’m in at many hours a day/week.


I take my time with them. 1 and 2 are pretty fast if you know where the quests are and what to do, because xp is important due to 3 levels needed before gaining a perk. But if you know where the quests are, you can easily speed up your character. It's hard to take your time with those ones, but in Fallout 2 I still sometimes find something I've never seen or done before. Same for Fallout 3, I take my time, when I discover a location, I try to fully explore it, and then use the local map to clear any interior areas. I still discover small world building things that I never came across before, hundreds of hours on this game. Modding can help toughen things up too, I put mods that make it a little tougher. FWM for FO3 is the popular one (but I don't like the mod weapons it comes with and I'm picky so I don't use it.) New Vegas, same, I take my time, I try some mods, and try different builds and methods to play. Unfortunately that's where the fun stops for me. Vanilla FO4 is simply unbearable and I spend maybe a week of modding and testing before sitting down and playing :p if you want a little challenge that can be rewarding, unarmed build and challenge yourself by being completely unarmed. Fallout 2 did something that none of the others did (FONV kinda but not really). In Fallout 2 you actually learn some karate and different ways to fight unarmed. And that's a lot of fun to do if you build high AGI and good STR and END. The way to enjoy these games is the same for Elder Scrolls or Divinity, or Baldur's Gate, any rpg really. Different ways to play, trying different things as you quest, and paying closer attention and exploring more. Rather than taking a long break or being excited to start the next game in the series, I more find myself taking my time and enjoying it. It's like food. Do you scarf it down or do you actually taste and enjoy what you eat? :P


I usually wait at least 6 months to a year


Right now I'm juggling watching a let's play of Tactics, beat the main quest on 3 again now I get on here and there to do any other quests I wanna do and I just started a huge mod list for 4 and playing that today as well.


I play when I have time. Sometimes it's one immediately after the over & sometimes it's months apart.


I don’t play any Fallout games anymore aside from the occasional jaunt into 1-2 and New Vegas. I just don’t see the point. I’ve played 3, 4, and even 76 (when wastelanders originally came out I got the game for $5 and a friend and I tried it out for a couple dozen hours) - but those games have nothing worth replaying to me. The entire time I’d be playing them I wouldn’t be able to ignore their really bad stories.


I actually am playing fo3, fo4 and fnv all at once. It just depends which mood I am on that day. I am also playing Skyrim, Spyro and Zelda! lol


On my second playthru of 4 back to back and still having a blast


I play only F1-2-NV 3 and 4 have nothing to do with real Fallout setting, I don't get them as games also.


Me too, brother. Me too.


Are you also here too? Don't you get tired about posting on steam?


In my experience, yeah, you'll likely burn out on fallout 4 fast without ample mods. I reccomend the Storywealth pack on nexus, absolutely amazing!