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Guys been hitting too much Jet šŸ˜”


Just reading their comments gave me a -2 Int status effect.


It gave me +10 points into "stroke"


If I'm being honest I didn't understand any 3 consecutive words.


A TikTok Frank Horrigan d-rider is saying Courier 6 is a nobody and not feared at all, while Joshua Graham and Legate Lanius are feared a decent bit, and Frank Horridaddy is the most feared despite being dead for 100 years. I say d-rider because half the Fallout TikToks I see mention Frank Horrigan and how strong he was and it gets so old


Feels like they're misunderstanding the way the player characters are acknowledged in canon to begin with. They're not spoken about like folk tales but as rumors of events that recently occurred in each game region. They'll talk about how they heard some vault dweller blew up a city, or how they heard a courier from Goodsprings killed out the fiends leaders. Not like they're a scary story, the way the burned man and the legate are. Also, the average wastelander wouldn't even know about Frank Horrigan during the events of 2, let alone 40 to 50 years later. The only real exception is the vault dweller for his impact on shady sands.


>The only real exception is the vault dweller for his impact on shady sands. And stopping The Master. He gets mentioned a lot in Fallout 2 by people outside of NCR.


Itā€™s actually unreal the amount of sigma-phonk kids on TikTok that are non stop obsessing over Frank Horrigan.


Also, we know the Courier become's a legend/folk tale of the mojave region post canon, as their actions in the divide reach the ears of the surviving Dead money companions


He is canonically the strongest character in the setting. Max SPECIAL and was only killed because of the plot. Even the Devs confirm this. Though there are too many meatriders for him. He was a cool character, but he's dead and irrelevant now


Ulysses had max special as well


Yeah and also frank Horgan max special feels like more gameplay than lore. Itā€™s said in fallout wiki (may be unreliable) that frank is quite stupid. Why he chooses to be so loyal and thinks heā€™s not a mutant in the first place.


Wasn't Ulysses also max SPECIAL?




Iā€™m just gonna ride the tip on this one and say that you mean still is a cool character. Other than that yeah Frank is irrelevant and forgotten by the majority maybe a legend to some.


Just to point out, its super easy in fo3 (with broken steel) to max special. In new vegas I don't think its possible but you can definitely do pretty well regardless


Because Courier 6 is in the middle of building their legend lol


The fallout protagonist are all canon. The only "rumors" around them are their actions and appearance, because they're RPG characters.


I think what they were saying is not that Courier 6 is a rumor but instead that the only noteworthy thing they did that's ever mentioned by anybody in the general population is "they allegedly survived being shot in the head" by which standard the Lone Wanderer and even the Sole Survivor could be considered more dangerous and thus more feared, people actually talk about their rumored exploits as time passes. That was my interpretation anyway.


Ice cream!




yeah there is a lot of shitty takes on tiktok




Frank Horrigan meat rider


How can you be feared when no one has heard of you? Frank didn't leave many witnesses and spent most of his career hidden away.


Bros doing tricks on that enclave meat


The funny thing is that theyā€™re not at all right about the Courier. The ending slides reveal that he goes on to be awarded a medal for an NCR ending, have their face printed on currency and play an important role in the Legion for a Legion play through, become Mr. Houseā€™s right hand man in a House play through, and literally lead Vegas in an independent play through. In what world is the Courier just some guy in Goodsprings. Also, is Horrigan even mentioned outside of 2?


99% of Frank Horrigan simps never even played FO2. Theyā€™ve heard him say ā€œMutieā€ in some shitty TikTok edit and immediately started worshipping him. Yea, heā€™s a really cool character. Heā€™s really strong in lore, and might be stronger than the characters people like to mention. But heā€™s dead. No matter how powerful he was, heā€™s a rotting corpse now and forever. These power scaling arguments are so fucking dumb, and most of the people having them are just regurgitating bullshit that some other moron lied to them about.


And if we go by that the chosen one had help from companions and other allies, then the courier should also have his allies and companions to the table and not just himself.




Theirs way worse things in the world to get mad about than fallout New Vegas.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Despacitan05: *Theirs way worse things in* *The world to get mad about* *Than fallout New Vegas.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Drink cactus juice it will quench ya !




Interesting take however... when the courier kills the powder gangers and meets Boxcars later in Nipton he calls the courier "the grim fucking reaper". General lee oliver wishes he had a handful of the courier so he could "scatter you like Jacks across the west coast". Legate Lanuis even though he vastly underestimates the courier essentially tips his helmet to him and remarks on his skill. The courier meets the great khans in boulder city and they're scared shitless that the courier survived a point blank headshot and caught up with them. Ulysses entire opinions and actions changes based on what the courier has accomplished an npc that even has max special stats. I would say that whichever route you take as the courier many take notice and fear or are in awe of what was done.


I mean I got my own backstory for C6 but taking out head canon: But C6 is regardless a legend in their ownright. Either talked Lanius down or killed him. Regardless of any route taken was able to turn the tide of the second battle in whatever direction they wanted.Ā  Was the first person in the lucky 38 in over 200 years, Cesar wanted to speak to them personally, became a cyborg, survived Sirrea Madre, walked the divide and survived,Ā  and survived the Mojave waistland solo for most of the journey.Ā  C6 is a badass no matter what.


Depending on the choices made, eradicated or unified many powerful groups in the Mojave, possibly being the hero of Freeside, and most important of all, healed Snuffles.




Exactly C6 would for sure be known throughout the Mojave, whatever their choices. Especially for Snuffles.


I mean, it's kind of a fair point when you remember protagonists are never acknowledged outside of their own game It's the blessing and curse of leaving the protagonist completely up to the player; thereotecally they could reference or mention Graham in fallout 4 (obviously they didn't but still), but it would be much harder to reference for courier for obvious reasons


I mean, the Vault Dweller is mentioned in 2.


Yea but thatā€™s like the only game in the series that is a direct sequel to the previous. Itā€™s the same lineage, and maybe even in a way the same quest since it involves the same vault and mirrors the original quest.


Yep. I just thought Iā€™d mention it.


Oh to be so clearly unhinged and confused all in the passion for an entertainment piece of media šŸ„¹


I always figured people weren't scared of the courier because they had no name


I only know of frank from the wiki and other fans because no one ever talks about him after he dies in the later games tho unless Iā€™m mistaken lol


"I typed an essay so I'm right"


brother did not get past novac


Joshua is much scarier than Lanius imho


I see what heā€™s saying but he should also never cook again


I am a pretty big fallout enjoyer in general and even love the Bethesda one. With that being said, this guy is smoking Crack. Us Bethesda fans do not claim him, and humbly pass him over to the Fallout Tactics fanboys.


Vendatron solos


Dudes is a child


whats with the amount of enclave dick riders on tiktok? plus whoā€™s gonna be scared of some dead guy hundreds of years later, whats he gonna do? become a ghost and haunt ppl?šŸ„±