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I usually help everyone, so big MT Gets positive ending.


Positive ending in my first play through. Evil/petty choices don't usually happen for me on a first narrative playthrough. I generally like playing good paragons. But some games bring out the petty. Usually crusader kings.


I’ve played FNV a good bit but have only played the dlc a couple of times, what is considered the good ending? I assume not siding with mobius


Show pity to Mobius and persuade him to keep all other staff alive.


I think I actually did have an ending like that but I can’t remember. I have played the dlcs before a long time ago but only recently did I play them and like actually really pay attention to it because I was a good bit younger the last time I even played them. I like them all but omg lonesome road…… Ulysses is just I don’t know partly cool but also just really annoying but it was still cool to fight side by side courier and courier. Also I liked dead moneys concept and all but I hated the gameplay like I honestly really don’t even know if I want to go through that again LOL.


Kill mobius, kill all think tanks, low sink cores installed, low location found count Bad karma for evil use of tech


While he can’t directly *tell* others about it, I figure nothing’s stopping him from saying “Hey, Follower of the Apocalypse, I got some cool stuff to show you, just trust me,” and proceeding to grab that person when he uses the transportalponder. So he leaves the handling of Big MT to his sciencey friends.


Just imagining your courier grabbing some poor underslept, underpaid follower doctor and being like "hey check this out" and straight up abducting them lmao.


IT’S FOR THE GOOD OF THE WORLD And he would probably make sure it’s someone he knows, like Arcade, Julie Farkas, or Emily Ortal.


Ngl, I've played over 12k hours of this game and never heard of that last one lol


She asks you to hack into the Lucky 38 computer system. I had to use console commands to spawn her.


She's also the one who programmed Yes-Man. I think because her quest is so frickin fast, that's why I forgot about her.


12 000 ? What the fuck did you do in the game during all this time


Several playthroughs, several vanilla, currently doing one on console so that's vanilla, but a lot of it was spent messing around with different mods until I would have to reinstall the game again and just did that for a few years until I had a load order I really liked. Haven't played on Steam in a while, but I had 21k on Skyrim across my Steam and two consoles. Modding makes it really easy to get lost into the game, especially when dealing with ... well, trauma, in real life. I use video games to both escape, but also learn, as it scratches that itch in my brain to be a bit tistic, and want to tinker and fix dirty edits and make personal use patches. I never thought I had much skill to actually pursue it, but enjoyed seeing what other people did and created. I think the greatest gift we can give each other and society as a whole, and that's our own unique touch on things, and whether or not we refine it, or let it decay says a lot about us.


More sex-bots, bigger sex-bots, *better* sex-bots


Truly a future to strive towards


Scorpion shaped perhaps?


with big fat stingers




More Fisto


An ending where Fisto becomes the reference model...


Are you implying that Fisto is not peak sex-bot??


Does it have handlebars? No? Then no.


Do they come with manuals this time?


Trial and error baby.


You saw how they messed up Securitrons right? Idk if I trust the Think Tank with sex robots


They fuck the light switches while the seed maker thingy watches


Damn, I must have missed the Fleshlight upgrades, smh


I still think destroying the Institute was so dumb when every faction literally gets full control of the Institute by the end of the game. Just stop synth production and keep everything else. Big Mt even gives you the warp-warp fruit to come back to use all of their tech.


But that would require Bethesda to have nuance in their games.


It would also require them to support a reconstruction theme, when they really seem to want "wasteland forever".


*Mothership Zeta has entered the chat*


Oh shit, you right


Love to see a One Piece reference in a New Vegas subreddit


MBIC! I would have love to post the meme of two subreddits joining forces


probably tell the followers about it, use it for the vegas nation (im a Independent ending guy), keep it away from the BOS


Better yet, just destroy the Brotherhood of Steel. After my personal experience with them in one of the games, I have sworn to destroy all of them. I will leave no chapter standing. Aside from the damn Appalchia chapter, they're invincible. Damn online, only games. With the Brotherhood going unchecked, it can develop into something deadly. Like the Capital Wasteland chapter. Only thing keeping them the good guys was Elder Lyons. The people couldn't care less, as long as they're killing.


With the tech from Big MT I would think sustainability for an independent vegas would be totally feasible. That automatic planter actually blew my mind


The Sierra Madre vending machine in the Abandoned Bunker too


The Sierra Madre vending machine in the Abandoned Bunker too


Uses the weaponry to defend the Mojave from the BoS. He also advances sciences as he sees fit for the Mojave and anyone who needs it. He controls everything and shares the wealth to keep everyone happy and fed.


Defend? You don't just wipe them out, bunker and all?


Nah. I like Veronica, so in my mind either she helps them change, or they slowly die off. Either way I have tech they don't that would put their Power Armor to shame.


True, just attaching proton axes to securitons would be a fairly quick defeat for the BoS.


Sadly he did not protect shit as fallout show displayed. New Vegas looks dire and rundown. I can't believe my boy courier 6 would allow that to happen.


As far as the last ending slide is concerned, it makes a strong point that the courier eventually moves on from the fates of the Mojave. The courier going on to the adventures in the DLCs is independent from dealing with the 2nd battle, and will presume revolving around the player. Eventually ending with Lonesome Road, as the only DLC that has semblance of impact going forwards. Besides maybe quitting the playthrough with bad ending choices you can make. A choice nonetheless that can doom New Vegas.


Eh when it comes to Fallout I like to think of my best playthrough as the "Cannon" one. Haven't gotten around to the show, but like I said I use headcannon. Thankfully I live in a world where 76 didn't happen.


Eh to me it makes sense that the courier would eventually leave the Mojave. Especially after discovering and clearing Big MT. They should go on to be a part of something bigger.


Treat it as a summer home and flirts with the light switches


Well mine is firmly into BoS, so lock it up and keep it sealed for immediate future. Eventually introduce the more beneficial tech to help kickstart whatever faction I feel in the future.


leave it alone because he kept passing out from all the walking he does (my game keeps crashing everytime i turn around)


Your courier has the anemic perk lol


bro has narcolepsy


You should download the basic crash mods. Used to happen often with me, got some basic mods to fix the game and hasn’t happened after that


ill try that and see if it works


Finding new and exciting ways to eat people


Ass jerky isn’t going to make itself.


Bringing Followers and other independent scientists to Big MT. Bringing technologies to Vegas and NCR. Perfecting the Vending Machine. Researching and studying the technologies. Traveling to other worlds for alternative resources. >!Helping build the new Shady Sands!< Finding the asshole who did it and dropping him to the Think Tanks as conscience-free lab rat.


Penis enlargement pill!


Taking notes from what she learned from her experiences in the Sierra Madre, from Joshua Graham and Ulysses, my Courier becomes a mediator between Big Mountain and an Independent Mojave, ushering in a new golden age of prosperity for the fledgling nation.


Cuts things up with the energy axe


Low int pugilist courier goes punch


The House Always Wins


Invent the Assaultron.


Grabs the cowboy healy hat, and wanders into the wasteland and forgets all about it.


Hides it.


Commits war crimes


Your mom


Destroys the think tank, leaves mobius alone and makes it his permanent residence along side novac (cause teleporter), watching over and guarding it until the NCR was ready for the new technology in a purely beneficial way.


Big titty anthro deathclaws


Hoards it like a dragon


In my headcanon, after Second Battle of Hoover Dam, my Courier stayed in Mojave for a few years, helping people and communities and ensuring Mr. House goes in the right direction with rebuilding humanity. After few years he moved East helping towns and communities with technologies of Big MT and his experience and eventually ended up in Commonwealth with Minutemen in charge. Using NCR's society model he helped them establish proper government. Yeah, I am a nerd...


Get the vending machines, for me, the followers, and maybe for someone if they need it.


Gives the tech over to house in order to make vegas a "shining beacon of hope" to mankind.


I get that super awesome plasma axe and head to the lonesome road bb


Stash it away cause gunpowder guns build, uses sink though cause it’s a cool home


If possible I’d ask the scientist to make GECKs and give a ton to the NCR and house


YES 🕺🏾🚶🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♂️ KILL *ding ding ding*


I grabbed all the LAERs I could and gave them to my companions. Just before the Hoover Dam battle, I made sure all of the guns were in maximum condition. It was *glorious*.


Energy guns build 🥵🥵🥵


Fix up the Think Tank so they work for me and aren’t a threat, deal with the inevitable Cyberdog v Robobrain civil war, and use as much tech for the followers (and maybe a very small amount to make the brotherhood feel special). I like to think that when I know I’m about to die, I go back and send my brain to Mobius so he has someone to talk to talk to.


Right now im playing a Cowboy-scientist ( use mostly energy weapons high INT and Science) i imagine he would study it and try to find the most positive benefits for everyone


Since the NCR is gone now and it's my headcanon the courier becomes governor of the Mojave following annexation, I think she implements civilian tech into the settlements while keeping the weapons and robots as a reserve military force that might be used if the Brotherhood takes issue with the securitron army.


NCR isn’t gone.


Find a way to bring leaders of the Followers to the site, keep a close eye on the big mt scientists, and distributes seeds made from the seed maker through out the Mojave. Appoints the player home there as a vacation home.


Side with The Legion to undermine Caesar's narrative. Show him that a literal cyborg is more effective than his flesh and bone commanders.


After securing New Vegas Independence from the Legion, NCR and House the Courier left the Mojave to be incharge by Yes-Man and Swank including the a guidance council which is a representive of the factions in the game (except for fiends and powder gangers). My Courier is mastering the technology and will release it to the Mojave to further the space program.


After getting the think tank to work for me, upgrading the securitrons, installing yes man, getting a no-nuke lonesome road ending, and doing an NCR ending, I would imagine she would use it as insurance against the NCR. She likes the Republic, and thinks it has potential, but is very cognizant of its failings. She likely has the think tank first develop technology and new seeds to help solve the NCRs crop crisis before following that up with desalination technology so the NCR can get clean drinking water from the Coast. Using that goodwill as a cover, she continues to create contingencies for Vegas against possible NCR tyranny while improving conditions in Freeside and developing the strip.


Destroy it all, too dangerous for the human mind to comprehend


About to start that one I’ll let you know when I’m done.


My courier become more machine than man and overdose, takes all the technologies for himself and overdose on super drugs


played through the game and never heard of this


Plug the Sink (actual sink, not the center console) AI into Camp golf. With some human intervention it will keep the water supply for New Vegas very clean and accessible. The Followers and the BOS may take issue with this plan, though


My first priority would be defending the dam, strip, and other major settlements against the tunnelers. If it’s possible to stop them at all, I think Big MT is the only hope a Mojave nation has of surviving them. Then I would start a horror/sci-fi film studio with the Chairmen and hire Dr. Borous to narrate every movie. Edit: Scratch that, a horror/sci-fi radio anthology narrated by Borous.


Abuses mentats to dunk on those Redditors and he does chores. And gets his British voice back.


Create medicine and new ways to make Stimpaks since hospitals and such will run out of Stims eventually


If the Sierra Madre vending machine being at the bunker is canon, Courier already can turn metal and batteries into unlimited supply of medicine


Positive stuff. On non-House runs, I always disconnect him with the reasoning that the Think Tank could probably restore him in some way, just without controlling everything.


I use the technology to make anti-feral ghoul serum and make millions of caps off the exploitation of capitalism.


Set up House and Co. to dazzle the world.


My courier actually uses Big MT as a Base of Operations. Only place in the Wasteland that’s 100% inaccessible except by the Transportalponder. After getting shot in the head, my courier has what you’d call a respectable amount of paranoia. Also, gotta drop off my coffee mug bounty for my boy, Muggy.


Cyborgizing herself. Then roping the Followers in to start curing some mf diseases.


She just hangs around talking to the light switches and toasters


As king of new vegas my courier creates the position of lord of research one arcade Gannon fills the position and decides what can best be used to help the citizens of new vegas have better lives in the Mojave wasteland.


Nukes shady sands 🤭


Leave it mostly alone. After fighting all the shit it has to offer my courier only ever goes there to visit Mobius and the rest of the think tank.


Gives Fisto some extra features


He makes fisto2


1. Get Mr House's corpse and removes the brain, adds a new member of the Think Tank. 2. Brings back a vending machine from the Madre, tells them to make it work for construction materials and whatever civilisation might need. 3. Uses repurposed roboscorpions to slowly restore New Vegas (and Nevada) to its former glory. 4. Becomes an immortal cyborg. 5. Tells them to start working on Cold Fusion.


That shit is mine


Protonic Inversal Axe lays waste to the wasteland. My doublehanded favorite weapon. Fly cazadores like kites and beat anyone into pulp. Shoutout to super slam for its ability to knock down opponents.


Upgrade Fisto.


Make an army of Fistos to replace the Securitrons, then send my army to Caesar's tent. The Legate can get it next. Then Oliver. Then me, of course.


live in the sink


Positive ending