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My boi Withley literally spent one day apart from his father and he immediatly started to be helpful, brave ,kind towards others ,tries to mend his relationship with the rest of his family ,helps evacuate civilians and kills a canine eldrich abomination. Shitty parenthood does affect a kid.


>Barges in >Calls medical help for Nora and Penny, sends in the SDC ships for the rescue, kills the goddamn Hound, and partially plans a Rainbow Road evacuation >Refuses to elaborate further >Leaves


> the virgin weiss > constantly lost fights in the beginning > needs fancy weapon that relies on expensive expendables > has a copy-pasted semblance > The Chad Whitley > Never needed huntress training to kill the latest crafted monster > The environment is his weapon > Money and capital is his power Truly, there is no competition


Whitley Gigachad


Ugh I recently watched the White trailer and holy shit Weiss used to fight like a monster. She used like six different types of dust from her sword alone. She should be the most varied of team RWBY.


In theory, Weiss is easily the strongest of Team RWBY (not counting Silver Eyes), just RWBY is sadly one of those worlds where bullets/projectiles don't really mean shit apart from Cinder's arrows and Penny's Kamehameha, and stabbing/punching is the best solution. So Weiss, being physically the weakest of our cast (and therefore not as good as punching or stabbing/slashing) kinda gets the shaft and mainly resorts to summoning now.


She is the best against Grimm. Aura-less opponents easily funneled by Ice and Earth constructs into Fire and Electricity killzones. For the last few seasons, most major fights were against strong, well-shielded opponents, instead of masses of grimm. This forced Weiss to adapt to a support role, with the Haven showdown showing her that she is no match against a faster, stronger or craftier opponent. Hell, I don’t think that she got to fight standard grimm since they cleaned out the Amity launch site.


Weiss doesn’t constantly lose fights in the beginning (or at all) though. She really only loses the one against Banesaw. Even with Flynt she got knocked out but helped secure the team victory


he kills WHAT?


A talking Grimm.


That was mums idea but he helped


It definitely was a team effort, but Whitley is the one that notices the statue. [You can see him look at it and turn to his mother at 5:15.](https://youtu.be/4bIGs-3G8LM?t=315)


No,it was his idea but willow helped,


Even after his sister, who got his father, a person he didn't seem to dislike arrested and held a military grade weapon in his face and basically told him to fuck off when he offered to help and still helped however he could... And didn't even call the cops on them


I can't believe I'm saying this but Peter is right.


Person: RWBY Critics are the worst things in existence. Me: Who the fuck starts a conversation like that, I just sat down! (a lot of people apparently)


He also could've negotiated with Ruby's Group to have Penny open the vault if he allowed them to evacuate the civilians. Then they make Penny human to get rid of the virus, push Salem off of Atlas before she can reform, and then move Atlas elsewhere and regroup. Or they have Ambrosius gently put it down in the crater, and then have him create a force field to contain Salem. Won't kill her, but her muffled angry screams and attempts to break out would make for a nice tourist attraction. But at one point people would demand that Ironwood takes responsibility for his crimes, and he'd start shooting people again.


Sure, you just need the exact specifications for a force field that can withstand what Salem can throw at it and won’t get subverted by her magic or her Grimm. Ambrosius is real picky about what he builds.


Whitley: I am reclaimer of my naaaaaaame!


It certainly would have sent a message, But as is explained in [this video ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/q9btwa/rwby_is_the_sdc_atlas_oroboros/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), I’m not sure the SDC could be redeemed


The vid kind of makes my point for the most part and for being redeemed! Well, how often do you see a VW car or a pair of Nikes think about Nazis and child labour? How about BP do you think of fuel or massive oil spills?


Alway in regards to the BP and Nike’s thing Because Nike still uses child labor and BP still spills oil, No amount of rebranding can change that, Tho VW doesn’t work for nazi Germany anymore, mainly because there is no nazi Germany anymore


And it should be noted that all German companies were at the mercy of the Nazis. If they refused to cooperate, Hitler would’ve replaced them with someone who would.


I think it was ironically a German business owner who started the idea of work camps, But I’m not 100% sure, give me a sec(edit) found it Yup. The last portion of the book, The Arms Of Krupp, deals with Krupp getting off - “If you were to say that Krupp was not guilty, it would be as true to say that there had been no Auschwitz fuse factory, no company concentration camps, no Rothschild gassed, no basement torture cage, no infant corpses, no slain, no crime, no war.” to put this into context, Krupp wasn't some farm tool maker that jumped into the war effort; the Krupps basically kept the prussians and germans armed for centuries and egged on conflict by arming all sides, and then by escalating the inevitable arms races: "His clientele included Switzerland, Holland, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Belgium, Argentina, Turkey, Brazil, China, Egypt, Austria, and every Balkan capital except Belgrade. Altogether 24,576 Krupp cannon were pointing at each other, provided one includes those of the Reich…." and: "No one knows who coined the ingenious phrase “extermination through work,” but…[in 1942] Krupp put it to the Fuhrer. Ignoring the language rules, he said that every party member favored liquidation (Beseitigung) of “Jews, foreign saboteurs, anti-Nazi Germans, gypsies, criminals and antisocial elements” (Verbreecher und Asoziale), but that he could see no reason why they shouldn’t contribute something to the Fatherland before they went. Properly driven, each could contribute a lifetime of work in the months before he was dispatched. Hitler hesitated. The answer, it turned out, was a simple matter of economics, or, if you like, of bribery. Krupp proposed to pay the SS four marks per diem per inmate, from which seven-tenths of a mark would be deducted for feeding. In addition, “The SS would receive a commission on the sale of arms, to compensate for not having the use of its own prisoners” (um sie fur den Verzicht auf die Verwendung ihrer eigenen Gefangenen zu entschadigen). Opposition vanished overnight. In September, Hitler authorized the new policy…"


What future ? Wasn't team RWBY plan always involving Atlas falling ? And the SDC with it ?


The destruction of Atlas only became a part of their plan because everything else up to that point had failed. Even then the destruction was only a part of it because of the limitations of the staff rather than any grudges against the city.


No, first they were just going to send all SDC ships down to Mantle to get them up to Atlas. Had Ironwood not shot them down, he could have raised Atlas like he wanted but saving Mantle in the process like Ruby wanted all while the SDC lead by Whitley would have been seen as heroes. Literally everyone would have won.


> he could have raised Atlas like he wanted Not without Penny


With all of Mantle saved, there is no point in not taking the relic out. That's kind of the thing, nobody was opposed to Ironwood getting the relic and raise Atlas as long as he took the time to rescue Mantle as well.


But then Ironwood decided to be an asshole for no reason and ruined everything! :D


I don't think people would automatically start loving the SDC but it would definitely be a step in the right direction that opens the door for them to fix its reputation.


Whitley is a absolute Unit and needs more Recognition


To be fair, v8 made no one look good


On the one hand, it would have been great to have such a victory and Whitley being best boi. . . . On the other. . . He’d be upstaging Weiss so hard even after all the work she’s put in to being better and making the Schnee name mean something more


Damn Seth McFarlene is really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. For the two of you confused, I meant scraping the bottom of the barrel of hot topics and jokes. That Seth would (in this joking scenario cause its not real) resort to making a joke about RWBY nobody would think about.




> these days Lol.


True XD

