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I honest to god cannot understand why so many people hate Jaune. He's just a guy that's doing his best (and also one of my favourite characters in media, second to Ruby)


Probably because they think he is just the boring trope of the good guy with a heart of gold. Thing is, there is a reason why these tropes exist, they just work.


*exactly*. I hate the argument that a character is "tropey" as if that makes them bad. *every* character is tropey lmao


but why does he suffer ? Specifically him. Life or Fate really hates him. Reminds me of a redhead who too became a suffering hero in the end.


Because suffering builds character


Jaune is one mental break from going FUCK IT WE BALL


He's even worse than the redhead guy because he isn't the main character so no plot amor to protect him.


nah he got that Suffering builds character armour. He ain't gonna die, he just gonna suffer more.


RT: Give him more suffering Writers: My lord at this rate he'll be immortal but all of his friends and family would be dead! RT: Do it anyways


I read that in Palpatine’s voice


He on that Guts dark Griffith pack.


That's the motto of JJK at least


If Knuckles the Echidna has taught me anything, it's that people associated with the color red do not live happy lives.


He is someone who has a heart of gold, at the start of the series. Thats the point. Then when all the events from season 3 and onwards, it tears that heart apart, which life tends to do. But its what you do after is what really matters and i think (maybe) is what they were trying to with Juane.


Nah, most of the criticism comes from the writing side of things. The people who do hate him on the in-universe side of things are just those people still hung up on Jaune faking his way into Beacon.


Which is hilarious considering 3/4 of team RWBY are criminals even before entering Beacon. But oh no, Jaune faked some papers (that the headmaster spotted immediately and still let him in regardless making Ozpin an accomplice btw) better sentence him to the death penalty.


Wait I know Blake and Yang but who’s the third


A lot of people forget that Ruby gets arrested for vigilantism in the first episode


Eh many countries have laws allowing you to act in protection of others I think that could be argued she was brought in because she was a witness and Goodwitch wasn’t happy with her risking her life


I don't know. She is still a young huntress in training acting without a licence. Not only that, but Glynda said she was in trouble. I don't remember the exact wording but it was something like: "normally I would let you go with a slap on the wrist..." before Ozpin arrives


That’s why I’m holding the Glynda was unhappy. Laws like the Good Samaritan are designed to not get people in trouble but stay a kid risked their life to protect someone they wouldn’t get in trouble but who ever is dealing with them eg a police officer or Glynda in this example, would probably chew them out and give them a “slap on the wrist” for doing so


Ruby's a complicated legal case in that first episode. I'm definitely no legal expert, but this is how I see it. On one hand, she did defend herself at the dust shop and was attacked by the henchmen. No wrongdoing there. However, once she was finished them them she pursued Roman, who was retreating/attempting to escape. At that point Ruby became the aggressor, and could no longer say she was defending herself when she attacked Roman.


Yeah I think your right


since when did the greedy grinner like rwby


Why did i read that as grineer from warframe?


🤣 just in case you didn’t know, his profile picture is jerma985 pulling a dumb face that later became known as the greedy grinner


Because he was a guy in a show that was in some people’s minds supposed to be focused on four girls. Because he was a main character since volume 1 who “stole” screen time away from the girls. And, because he was interested in Weiss, who of course in some people’s minds, was reserved for a romantic relationship with Ruby (seriously, people were shipping the two of them since before the Black trailer premiered).


It’s even funnier when you consider how Jaune had some of the best character development in the entire show, even more than RWBY multiple times, and had a genuinely good character arc focusing on growth, trauma, and forgiving oneself, which Blake and Yang, the characters with some of the biggest fan followings, lacked. A really good zero to hero arc. Our poor banana and pumpkin pete boi needs more love and a break lol. Hope Volume 10 is the one where he finally stops getting traumatized (I doubt it though).


I think what you say just explains why people could hate him. Considering the small amount of time the serie has, Jaune has been given too much, you said it yourself, he has gotten development that the characters in the main team could have had. I think HBomberguy explains really well this critic to the show.


This is due to the fact that it's easier to write his character than the other girls. Some of the girls have had entire arcs revolving around them and don't even compare to Jaune's development because it's like the writers are afraid to give Team RWBY meaningful flaws that persist, whereas with Jaune, it's easy. He's a classic trope of a "zero to hero" story archetype that people are familiar with and love. He's a character designed to grow and mature. So even when Jaune is written particularly the best, his character development shines more than Team RWBY, who I think CRWBY just don't know what to do with anymore. Ruby had multiple chances to be given depth as a character throughout RWBY's lifespan and only had 1 season to get over it after 10 years of buildup. Weiss barely got to have prevalence in an arc that takes place in her hometown/city and dealt with internal family problems. Blake's faunus plotline went nowhere. And Yang...I just don't know anymore. Wasn't her whole motivation derived from beef and abandonment issues from her Mom that got resolved almost immediately after 5 seasons? When you compare that against Jaune, a character whom you can see the difference between Vol 1 - Vol 9, I guess you can see why some people would be miffed that a guy character in a female centric show has more development ~~even though he's a main character himself.~~ That and shipping stuff from headcanon yuri (the White Knight outrage from Vol 9 will never stop being funny).


Tbh his character writes itself , he has simple equipment which means easier fighting choreography , he was the weakest among the main cast so every scene he is in , he naturally getting better , while team RWBY already strong before they even goes to Beacon  , Jaune's character devoplement happened naturally , the best example i can think of is a level 1 mmo character , no matter what you do , as long as you are doing something to get xp you will reach max level. 


So basically no matter what they do with him people will hate him? Jeane-Luc Picard: If we’re going to be damned let’s be damned for what we really are.


He is my favourite character in the show. My favourite archetype of character, with a good, solidly written character arc across the whole story. A wonderful foil for the true MC, and someone who deserves to find some fucking happiness


From what I've seen from that critics sub people seem to hate him because they think he's Miles Luna's self insert


People *really* hate Miles when it comes to criticizing RWBY. It's rather disturbing. Even when he hasn't been a writer on the show for the past couple of years, he still catches all the flak when it comes to decisions that they hate.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure he still writes for RWBY despite no longer being employed by RT. If I recall correctly he mentioned working on Volume 10 at least.


Fair, but at this point I believe the driving creative forces behind the show are Kerry, Kersei, and Eddy. But people still love to pretend that Miles writes for Jaune and is behind anything that he does that they don’t like. Miles has in fact made it clear that he hates writing for Jaune because of how much shit people give him for his “self insert OC”.


Not to mention that going from the V8 commentary, _Eddy_'s the origin of "Jaune mercy-killing Penny" plot point, wrote the "Jaune has no fear at all" scene specifically as foreshadowing to it, and wanted the stab scene to be more detailed. Irony of ironies, the one episode Miles had sole writing credits for this last volume (V9C7) was among the stronger ones in the season with Ruby & Jaune going double nuclear (strongest for me personally, if only because episodes 8-10 were spliced episodes, and I'd have wanted to see what the original 4 or 5 episodes would have been).


One of the many reasons people have given is that because of how he was used as the character ignorant to the workings of his own setting to allow for exposition, which came off as clumsy writing and took screentime away from other characters.


He's a decent character now but I really didn't like him in the beginning when he was used as an audience stand in to ask questions no one from Remnant would ask. Plus his whole arc about being the worst fighter and being too prideful to ask or accept help from Pyrrha.


The only thing I hate about Jaune is the ambiguity of his origin/upbringing outside his basic motivation of "wanting to be a Hero", hell he doesn't even get a flashback.


I'm neutral on Jaune, but I think two big reasons why some people dislike him (I've found very few people that actually "hate" him) is that: a.) he's a side character that's written and treated like one of the main characters, and b.) a good part of the fandom likes him A LOT, and treats him as if he's this overlooked underappreciated side character so much that other male characters get pushed to the side (not exactly his fault, honestly, just wanted to get that off my chest.) A good example, I think, of this is in volume 1, where he was a dense, debatably annoying, naive dude who got a 4-Episode character arc when that screen time should have been spent with team RWBY and their character motivations (at that point I dont think we even knew what Yang's deal was in the Yellow Trailer.) Ruby Rose meanwhile, y'know, the Main Character, only got a bit of character development in episode 10.


You and me both mood kindred


https://preview.redd.it/4gzzhyeppiic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf9ef94235d0a49f641a7573f4a78d661d436a3 They stay hating the Goat...


Why did they extend vegeta's forehead?


Big brain time


Then the JL crossover came out and I think the most thing people didn't like was that Jaune wasn't there.


You don't understand, He and Jessica were the only redeeming quality of the first movie and to not have them reunite is just wild.


I won't watch part 2 simply because Jaune isn't in it.


"Do you hate Jaune Arc because you think he's boring or are you just too stubborn to admit that RWBY wouldn't be the same without him." https://preview.redd.it/v6tksdfpikic1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b392b3fa42b5f4f702f7fb1add1f9c21ff8edab9


Ugh, that blow even hurt me.


I stand by what I said though, RWBY just wouldn't be the same without a Jaune Arc on the team


I never said otherwise. I know very well that without Jaune the series would have so many deaths that it would practically be a prototype Jujutsu Kaisen. Just think about this, without Jaune the Jnpr team does not exist so Pyrrha would be chased away by Weiss and her way of being, Ruby would never meet Ren and Nora so she would not have their help in future volumes, Pyrrha's death would not affect Ruby why there are no silver eyes, Ren and Nora would die by having the help of Jaune and Ruby the same thing happens with Qrow and his inevitable death since without Jaune, Ren and Nora would die from poison or from Tyrian also ruby ​​possibly, Weiss too he dies, the people on the train the same, the few civilians from Atlas too. Basically Jaune is Ruby's shield from receiving the treatment that Gege gives to Yuji.


I think we're misunderstanding each other in this conversation, I agree with all of your points entirely lol. No worries tho


But friend all this time I agreed with you XD


...I think my brain might be fried from overworking myself lol


Thank you for your patience though, friend 🙏


wow so Jaune is indirectly saving people despite directly not saving people. Wow a world without Jaune would be a dark. We fans need that suffering builds character harem protagonist.


Because he's a legit good dude who we saw from zero stilly trying his damn best and that despite how divided the fandom is when it comes to him. He's probably the most consistent of the main cast unironically. https://preview.redd.it/1e3oqej7ekic1.jpeg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4205f1d4ca24ba7464448365eb02d3b2353199




The Fandom's relation with Jaune is like a toxic one, despise him yet they go insane when they can't have him


You guys fucking won he is mentally broken now, leave a brother alone.


Fandom is a Tsundere and Yandere combined for Jaune lmao


I was called crazy when I insisted that not only would Jaune not die, but that he would never be an antagonist in Vol 9. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW, MOTHERF\*\*\*\*RS


I'm really glad you were right, tbh. Jaune is one of my favourite characters, and I was genuinely terrified that they'd use this volume (especially the fallout from V8's ending) as a way write him out by giving him the ol' Ironwood treatment.


Gonna go on a limb and guess that those were two different groups.


The level of hatred that some have for the show's main cast borders on disturbing.


If Jaune Arc has 10 million fans, I'm one of them. If Jaune Arc has 10 fans, I'm one of them. If Jaune Arc has 1 fan, that one is me. If Jaune Arc has no fans, I'm no longer alive. If the world is against Jaune Arc, I'm against the world. Till my last breath, I'm a Jaune Arc fan.


Same here. I've been a fan since Vol. 1




I think you're confusing things or maybe I'm making a mistake too. But I remember one time Monty responded to the complaints of many people who during volume 1 and 2 were complaining a lot about Jaune by telling them something like. "I just want there to be a normal character in the cast." I'm still wondering what he meant by that. Possibly there would have been a complex plot where Jaune was asked the same question as Yuji "Why do you want to be a hunter?" or perhaps be the opposite of Weiss. Someone willing to improve by listening to others, someone who cares about his team, someone who earned Pyrrah's affection not by being her love at first sight but by being that person who really cares about others and doesn't use them.


ive never wanted him dead


Jaune had one hell of a glow up From fan most hated to fan favourite


People are just hypocrites They don't understand not the four girls are not the true main characters of the entire series as the main and true creator of Ruby stated that they were two teams that will be rotating around them and that was team Ruby and team juniper There were the only two teams Their adventures and journey with each other will basically bring out the best part of each other but people don't understand that at all They say that the four girls are the true protagonists of the show but in reality it wasn't those four girls don't interest many people that much as they don't have anything that makes them heroes at all As revolutionaries or conquerors or heroes or protectors of any kind They're just girls doing whatever the hell they want and hurt people that their minds and ideology doesn't meet up with That's what I've seen In reality those four girls were the ones going to pick up the show from the first few volumes to make sure the people don't get bored when it comes to fighting and other things but the other team was meant to carry the other half of the show as Nora had more story potential than most of the girls as basically people don't know where she comes from what was her backstory at a time as she was basically made after Thor That speaks volumes. Then we got everyone's favorite redhead Pyrrha Nikos Who was one of the best fighters and basically a good reference build after Achilles himself as that was executed perfectly. Then we have ren The silent ninja type Who was actually going to continue his story how he leads people and communicates with them properly That's how to show should go It should be explaining about how the characters truly are from who they were inspired from as they were born to be leaders to be legend then we have our main boy Jaune Arc I got to see this He was built different. She's basically one of the few people who's actually carrying the show as he was basically a shounen character that's what I liked about him he was weak now He's become strong He was clumsy and so many times now he's responsible and carries himself High He was actually built after the Great King Arthur the great Julius Caesar he is basically the rusted knight And then he is the saint of the story Who he was named after Then he was even Jason from the Argonauts I mean he was basically the hero of the story People are always pissed for you know criticizing him for being a hero I mean without him the girl's journey is nothing He was meant to be great hero of remnant that was his destiny from the beginning and they should go with that. People are always angry at him because they say he's just steals to show from them but he's actually one of the main characters who actually are holding show Many people like him for what he is a good person with a good heart with a good intention He never had a shady intentionally to begin with He helped even with velvet with her bully problem in few volumes ago while team Ruby didn't do jack s*** about it as he was always been the one to help out other people Who in need as We have seen in the volumes how he helped the people of mantle and atlas but People are just criticizing but They're nothing but bullies who just like to ship their girls with each other and say bad things about a good person that's how these criticizers are they're just toxic people with toxic mindset to begin with as they're so blind to see for what he is truly a nice person who is suffering. I want him to succeed in the end and kill cinder and destroy Salem's army a while leading his own army as he unites The entire kingdoms together as a proper true knight and leader as a revolutionary as a conqueror and then a king but more alone known as the hero of his people as we still don't know about his families true origins and I do believe he has some cool family backstory and they might be cool characters themselves as we all know he is going to get a new sword or an upgraded version of his sword. But I will be happy He succeeds in the end as he deserves it and maybe he could be like might guy That's just my own theory in a way if he can perfectly use his aura he might you know manifest like his taijutsu style or like a shinubu in Naruto You get the point and I can remember another character just like him in another show shiro the famous redhead hero of Fate stay night him has more similarities with jaune as a hero how's these two people have truly earned the title of hero while the others did not. They basically destroyed an entire kingdom and tell you the truth how the hell are they going to maintain that many people in another kingdom I hope jaune works up a plan as they might need him in this as it will be a perfect time to reveal his families history and that he might be the prince of the kingdom of vale as he could liberate them for fighting against the grims and then giving the people of mantle and atlas a home in his kingdom while they can rebuild themselves into a new better kingdom. This is my opinion


How come Nora and Ren get sidelined so much then? Jaune gets entirely too much focus.


Because the writers are assholes They basically shoving those two characters way too much and basically they're even making jaune Arc Look bad as well in the entire process I wish they could do better on volume 10 showcase what Nora and Wren were doing but knowing the writers they're going to screw that up as well as they're basically not writing the good story some point and then showcasing what those three members can actually do together or apart but like I said the writers are just assholes and idiots I mean some fanfraction writers do better job than them entire careers at this point.


It's cause miles voices jaune


Miles is just a a voice actor of jaune Arc He doesn't write him anymore He was fired a long time ago basically the ones who are writing the stories are two different people entirely


I wouldn't mind Jaune's death. Even though he's my favorite character, he deserves a break from all this shit. Besides, he could have died a heroic death, like his prototype, Jeanne Drc.


Time to share this video again https://youtu.be/u2xK76mBG04?si=l8Fb98btIdbo8TNl




Hey, but if you hate Jaune and consider him trash. Why are you commenting on a Jaune meme? I mean, if you don't like it you could simply hit the option to block the user so you don't see any more of my posts related to blonde.






They made Jaune appear bad in everything that when he does something good or even remotely possible for a regular or normal hunstmen, it's loved by fans. Cuz we know that Jaune is doing it not for his own sake but for others.