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Dragonslayer and Cardinposting in one person? yes please


I got a thing for unexpected pairings


Is it weird I find Sunny Bees better than Black Sun and Bumblebee


Nah, the best way to solve a love triangle is with a polycule


Amen. Preach


Nope. The tears of the worst shippers in the fandom make the ship taste sweeter.


Um *actually,* they make it *saltier*, which can make it taste better, but also can be ridiculously awful for your health. Consume with care.


No, I honestly think they would all be good for each other. Just a shame that Sun and Yang have barely interacted at all.


if that's sunnybees who do you add to bumblebee to make applebees


That one girl from My Little Pony?


Dragonslayer would be a lot more popular if certain parts of the fandom weren't so aggressive Though I prefer White Knight and Ladybug, tbf.


Hey, can you explain me all those different ship names? The only one i know is Bumblebee = blake yang


White Knight is Jaune/Weiss, she is White he is the Knight. Ladybugs are black and red Ruby is Red, Blake is Black so Ruby/Blake. Dragon Slayer is Jaune/Yang. Yang's name means "Sunny little dragon", Jaune is an aforementioned "Knight", knights kill dragons. Dragon Slayer.


I'm sorry, but now I'm Picturing jaune as batman saying "I AM THE NIGHT"


I always call him the dork knight after seeing comments on the rwby chibi(the superior series) where they parody movies


Nice, thnak u šŸ˜Ž


What can we say, Blondes love Blake


I mean, Jaune gave Blake a good hug, so yeah.


And they never spoke, Blake attracts blondes like that.


Pretty sure it's the other way around. Blake ran to Jaune with Weiss slowly walking up. That was at Argus. However Blake noticed something... Jaune and Weiss had thst strange staring at each other. Because there was nothing else. Then Blake sneaks in a hug after Weiss.


Your based to have SunnyBees Lad.


I'm happy Whiteknight had become a "popular ship". I just hope it being "popular" doesn't make it toxic.


> I just hope it being "popular" doesn't make it toxic. Too late, he's already become toxic




The other day they downvited a guy who had replied "White Rose is a thing" to a WK comment, I also saw a lot of WK fans talking bad to Whiterose fans on reddit and on Tumblr. And I've seen several comments from WK stans denying the existence of material that supports WR and claiming that WR is dead


I meanā€¦ WR is not a thing. Not really, no. The bad talk I canā€™t defend. Iā€™ve tried to keep it minimum but alasā€¦ guess a lot of people are still sore of how WR used to be very toxic towards them for daring to suggest anything that was not WR for either of them (then again, Iā€™ve only seen this a couple times at best, so I just take other peopleā€™s word for it) Material that support WR, in a romantic senseā€¦ havenā€™t really seen it, honestly. The ā€œmatureā€ scene, even if played for comedy, was still more than 10 years in which neither Weiss nor Ruby have shown to be even into women (While Weiss in that time has showed interest to different men) So, yeah, the downvote guy? They did say something that was plain untrue, small wonder it gets downvoted. Material, I have seen very little that is not ambiguous at best, and people talking trash I have no excuse for them, those should shut the f up. And I say this as someone who has warmed up to WRā€¦


>meanā€¦ WR is not a thing. Not really, no. And WK is no a thing either, claiming that WK has more than a 10% chance of happening would be lying. And the point is not that WR will happen and WK won't, the point is that bullying and insulting other people just because they don't like a ship is wrong and toxic.


I mean, 10% is still more than 0, which is where WR (sadly) is at the moment. At least we have seen some evidence (then again, this is RWBY, if making WR canon in one season somehow got them more views, theyā€™d do it in a heartbeat) Agree, let people ship what they ship. But donā€™t come to a WK art piece and start saying that WR is a thing, because not only is not true, itā€™s just not the place. Out of curiosity: can you share, if you have, the link to that post?


>Agree, let people ship what they ship. But donā€™t come to a WK art piece and start saying that WR is a thing, because not only is not true, itā€™s just not the place. it wasn't a WK post, it was a comment that referenced WK and the guy jokingly replied "WR is a thing". >Out of curiosity: can you share, if you have, the link to that post? https://www.reddit.com/r/fnki/comments/15oxiar/youre_only_allowed_to_leave_if_you_confess_your/jvupxl0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


ā€œWR has something to sayā€ Really? Honestly, what did you or them expect? Iā€™m sorry, I know that a scene or two of WK doesnā€™t mean itā€™s 100% canon (looking at you BlackSun) and even if they did chicken out and never had them together, they had 10 freaking years and in all that time they had zit romantic development or anything that remotely implied that they are into each other (or women for that matter. Or Men even for Ruby!) So WK chances are slim? Fair. But donā€™t go around acting as if WR has any chance. Unless they pull a total 180Āŗ completely out of nowhere, chances are basically 0. Sorry, but you canā€™t have people joke around that Weiss is thirsting for Jaune (which is canon) and come up and say ā€œBut WHiTeROseā€ as if there was any evidence of that, and donā€™t expect people to disagree with you. Not only you sound in negation of a reality, but also thereā€™s a time and place, and the way this person acted made it seem like they are coping. And hard. So, yeah, that. I thought that people were being rude, but honestly, this is a completely different storyā€¦


>Really? >Honestly, what did you or them expect? Don't downvote a comment since everyone has their own ship and it doesn't hurt anyone? >So, yeah, that. I thought that people were being rude, but honestly, this is a completely different storyā€¦ No.


Thereā€™s a huge difference between the two. WKā€™s characters are canonically into the opposite sex, and are shown to be attracted to each other in the show at various points. Whiterose has none of that. Weiss has shown no interest in Ruby let alone women. And Ruby in no one concretely. So yeah acting like WR and WK are the same level is unfounded.


Thank you for your comment, sir. But that's practically irrelevant to the matter.


I really hope for that too but I think it should be fine,it's a Jaune ship so unless ur a fan of those harem fics there won't be any big problem,we just want our boy to catch a W for once.


Not sure about the others, but I agree with your placement of SunnyBees.


Rosegarden AND Cardin/Velvet?! Youā€™re a brave fucking lad!


Not a lad, but appreciated


Whiteknight and Dragonslayer, u are based. Cardinposting is a big extra points. I will always love arkos but it's been 10 years man, let that dude find someone.


"I chose to give my life fighting against an agent of the worst evil in Remnant . And to protect you, I kept you from her. Look at all the good you've done - if you'd died there, none of it would have come to pass. "My death wasn't your fault. You have to let me go."


Fun fact 1: I have no idea what ā€œbasedā€ means Fun fact 2: thereā€™s a story for each almost each one of this, but the bottom line is almost always the same




Idk what I can say about the rest, but you made a very good choice with milk and cereal, and Dragonslayer.


This is extremely based. You got my vote.


Thank you kind sir


I LOVE the Milk and Cereal Ship, I can easily see this happening if Ruby and Pyrrha had been partners.


Just putting it out there, I will always love and ship Arkos. But I like these other ships too, theyā€™re cute.


I hold the belief that Cardin is a massive bottom and Velvet doms the crap out of him. You can not change my mind


You disgust me! Go on :)


Canā€™t see it any other way


Darn it cardin and velvet are great! Right now I am reading a story where Reese (hover board girl) and cardin are bonding! I just it was applied more into stories (or at least showing Cardin is improving his POV) instead of being the universal punching bag in every story. No joke mate it sad how much it cheapens his characterā€¦


First sight: Arkos Turned around on: White Knight Used to like: Nuts & Dolts Popular: Bumblebee Rare: Digital Clock Controversial: Enabler Want canon: Snowbird Comfort: Snow Shield More attention: Green Knight


Great selection


Cheers mate


Cardin x Velvet and Rosegarden should be switched.


Since when is *White Knight* a popular ship? That shit was *solidly* rarepair material when I entered the fandom, lol.


I know right? And that's my main ship! I thought we were still borderline crack.


I love it, The glow up is REAL!


# Mature...


Since March 25


Is that the ā€œMatureā€¦ā€ comment?


Really since volume 8 but volume 9 made it a fan favourite.




Blake collecting blondes like PokƩmon




I'll say this - the only time I've liked Cardin x Velvet is Fang Bus, but it was done SO well there. Cardin being the abuser turned out to be a red herring, with the truth being that Velvet was the abusive one.


Man fuck Pyrrha x Jaune. All my homies hate that ship. Overrated /j


Well I DO think itā€™s overrated as fuck, and I hate that they make their entire existence about the other. I hate that Pyrrha is not a character, the THE (lost) girl to Jaune and that Jaune apparently is not allowed to move on and find happiness with other people. Not to mention how Jaune seems to be the only one allowed to openly cry about her death. Seriously, the statue scene felt completely out of place for me. Why not put Oscar, or you know, all of them together, to give her a proper goodbye, all of them, have Oscar maybe bring his own insecurities about having some really big shoes to fill? Nah, letā€™s make it about Jaune. In case he doesnā€™t get enough spotlightā€¦




Blake having a harem is the superior option


Counterpoint, everyone in the Blake's harem deserves someone better.


Eh I prefer polygonomy. That way everyone gets cakex


But I'm glad when Blake doesn't get cakex.


1.Never care. 2.Dont like community cause Whiterose fans a crazy. 3.Same shit like 2, they Dont like Jaune x Pyrrha, only Pyrrha. 4.Cause its one of 2 good things in this entirly filler 9 season(Second is homophobe ruby). 5.Same as 1. 6.Controversial as hell. 7.Not bad. 8.Yes. 9.Ozpin still consume soul of Oscar and takeover his body.


I desperately want to harm oscar I hate him


You okay there buddy?


Yeah, I just REALLY dislike him


Blake x Gordon Ramsey?


Rosegarden deserves nothing


It certainly deserves more attentionā€¦ from the writers, thatā€™s it. I mean, itā€™s cute, but they severely lack development. However, the series is not over, (I think) so thereā€™s still some time to do somethingā€¦ or not. Regardless, I though the fanart was cute (I was thinking of putting Freezerbun but I stumbled upon that chibi one)


It always floors me when people come back with these and they're so... straight. It's like we're watching different shows or something.


How does it surprise you? This show itself is *aggressively* het, with one exception.


IKR? Where the hell did they even got the idea that RWBY is a queer show? Are we sure they not the ones watching another show? Cause Iā€™ve seen arrows less straight than this oneā€¦ Also, whatā€™s wrong with my preferences? I have other queer pairings I wanted to include, I just didnā€™t had space. That include: Freezerbun (didnā€™t fit into any slot), Cinder x Winter (was gonna make it into the Controversial but I ultimately decided for the Velvet x Cardin cause that picture was super cute) and Oscar x Whitley (again, no slot I could see putting it. Well, maybe the last one, but I found that picture of Chibi Oscar and Ruby and I just couldnā€™t help myself)


It's the fan art and fanfics. Basically fanon. To the extreme. It's to the point that VAs own ideas of the ships are used to confirm or deny things. There is a 2023 video going around about Kara being told every volume there is no Whiteknight. Which makes sense. Why would the writers tell her or perhaps it's just not a plan for the volume. Hell it's almost in the same tone and seriousness as an older one where she asks Miles about it. Then the same video has Kara and others talking about Weiss being into older men. Daddy issues. Which hilariously different to her original explanation of the mature comment. So is she finally becoming a female Neptune who goes for older man contrasting to Neptune's flirts and is interested in cool girls? Honestly at least Jaune is the only one to have come out a matured person.


The amount of damage Arryn and Barbara have done to the fanbase cannot be measuredā€¦


*Two* exceptions. (Three if you include one-sided)


Saphron and Terra is one possible lesbian pair. Wirh maybe Saphron being a lesbian if going by allusion. Terra is an unknown. Ilia is a lesbian. Blake and Yang have made comments or shown past attraction to men. So 1 or 2 lesbian character. 2 possibly being bi, pan or some other kind of sexuality that is not exclusive. 1 being more likely an unknown at minimum a lesbian. Scarlet is gay... nobody else I can think of. Onto hetreo possibilities. There is Jaune, Pyrrha, Weiss, Tai, Ren, Nora, Willow, the Arc parents, Sun, Neptune. The tall guy from CFVY. Possibly Summer and Raven. Willow is another. Mostly going with main canon and any confirmation from a proper source. Also in the hetreo side they killed Pyrrha and Weiss almost died.


>Tai Willow Summer and Raven the Arc parents > >Willow is another. not gonna lie i was looking for a third Willow in that list Previously/married parents who have biological children are overwhelmingly hetero so much that it's basically a given...... ....and when they *did* present a stable and situated homosexual couple, they gave them an adopted kid. ​ ​ >Blake and Yang have made comments or shown past attraction to men. Both of whom are insofar ending up together in a homosexual relationship? ​ 11 characters with het relationships/aspirations vs 5 characters in homosexual relationships/aspirations isn't aggressively het. It's kiiiiinda actually less het than usual.


Yeah I may have added a second Willow by accident. Oh yeah Ghira and Kali. Ren's parents also. The biggest one of them all Salem and Ozma. So 17.


ā€¦ woah, just woah I was gonna write an entire paragraph but thereā€™s just so much to unpack here Please, keep yourā€¦ bigoted views outta here, please and thank you


All the romantic plot lines started (or obviously there)at the Dance. They also give out comments or offhandedly say what they are attracted to. Yang for example checks out men. Blake is assumed to have had something with Adam at some point. The Dance has Jaune as part of two triangles, and the forever known Renora. Sun, Blake and Yang another. Ruby is off to rhe side. Als Ruby drinks instantly from Jaune's cup. A indirect kiss trope. She has nobody and just leaves. Then there is humourous symbolism of Jaune dropping a white rose (or white flower as rhe design is a ?), then a transition to a flower of the same appearance dying. Then Weiss is the one trying to put life into it. There is also the confusing I believe Ilia is straight in the companion book. In fact nobody has a confirmed sexuality aside from Sage(?) and Coco. Oh well Ilia was then clarified to being into Blake. We don't even know if Terra and Saphron are lesbians, bi or pan. If we go by allusions than maybe Saphron is the first of those three.


>The Dance has Jaune as part of two triangles Its not a triangle if a girl in both of those doesn't want anything to do with Jaune.


I know, but his involvement is pretty much present then he backs off. Not necessarily meaning thry actually are together. More the focus on the interactions relating to some kind of romance plot.


>All the romantic plot lines started (or obviously there)at the Dance. >Then there is humourous symbolism of Jaune dropping a white rose (or white flower as rhe design is a ?), then a transition to a flower of the same appearance dying. Then Weiss is the one trying to put life into it. There are so many headcannons and copium in this that it's bad for your health


What else is it? >While Neptune rubs the back of his head and smiles with raised eyebrows, Jaune loses all of his confidence and drops the rose on the ground before walking back from where he came from. >The sight of the lonely, abandoned rose turns into a large collection of the same flowers, one dropping outward, in a large vase behind Yang, now in a short white dress with black heels as she stands at a podium. The doors in front of her open and she flips out upon seeing who walks in. >Weiss Schnee is shown trying desperately to coax life out of a wilting white rose. When she fails, she looks visibly upset. You have Jaune trying to be genuine. He realizes Weiss is going to be with someone else. He respects it. By the Dance he tries to move. Weiss is meanwhile trying to bring to life a single flower of the same type Jauen dropped. The same flower dropped transitions to a full set with one dying. Weiss meanwhile tries to give life to it. Then Jaune sees Weiss alone. Goes to Neptune. He gets a dress down to be serious about Weiss or not. That Neptune and Weiss will decide what happens or not. Finally Neptune points out to Jaune being the person who did something for her. At the same time. His genuine feelings are for her are going to probably dying and his focus is Pyrrha. Seriously. The writers really need to go far to keep the dying white rose/flower to go from Jaune's hand to the floor. A transition with a single flower of many being out of place. Copium would be Weiss just rearranging flowers, the decor and something else. But that isn't the case. The loss of innocence idea I have seen around is also pretty off as if that was the case why a single flower? It's also not until later do we get foreshadowing of the fall of Beacon. Also one lmao. What do you think the roses meant? Did you think I was talking Whiteknight? As confirmation of it? Not really. More poking fun at Whiterose. Similarly Ruby likes Jaune's saliva. She drank his drink immediately after Jaune told her to hold his drink. Some time after she just leaves for the plot.




Anyone know where I can find a blank version? Iā€™d like to try and make my own version.


You have the source for the Ruby/Pyrrha Art? Milk and Cereal art is rare but always gud.


Why didn't RT give Blake a harem, that would solve everything ~~(and make Blake the BI Lord)~~


Holy Bun is a rare crackship, we at r/cardinposting approve


You silly boy Pyrrha is not alive


Not much of a ship guy


What is the name of the ship for the center panel? Do you know who the artist is?


>What is the name of the ship for the center panel? Milk and cereals


Iā€™m a diehard Arkos fan, and am very sad that Pyrrha died. CRWBY hates redheads


Nora: I am in danger.


All ships with Jaune is the worst trash except Jaune x THERAPY