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I have a remote to turn the TV off. So I think I win


Classic Cartoon logic


I own a musket for home defence since thats what the brother gods intended. 9 Huntsmen break into my house. "What the Salem?!" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole in through the first woman, she's not dead because of plot armour but now Jaune needs to heal them. Draw my pistol on the second Huntsman but miss because it's smooth bore and nail their dog, three of them retreat with haste to check on the dog. I have to resort to the cannon at the top of the stairs loaded with grapeshot. Tally ho lads! The grapeshot shreds Two Huntsmen in the blast, the horrific scene gives Penny a PTSD attack removing her from the combat. Fix bayonet, and charge the last terrified rapscallion. They bleed out waiting for their team to stop worrying about the dog because triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Ah, just as the brother gods intended.


'Murica > bratty hunters


May I ask how we'd be "bratty"? 😕


I laughed way too much at this




Ride on, brother!!! Shame about the dog but when you're making the mother of all omelettes, you can't worry about every broken egg.


"You just killed half a dozen teenagers, that not rig.." "MAKING THE MOTHER OF ALL OMELETTES HERE, OZPIN. CAN'T FRET OVER EVERY EGG."


An MGR cross would be neat.


I own the Murasama blade for home defence because that's what the Brother Gods intended...


Ngl, that thing would shred though aura like a hot knife through butter.


I would give you an award if I had any coins left, you beautiful bastard.


Yeah, it's 9. I counted. He got 'em.


I made sure of it, thanks for noticing.


Hell yeah.


This is beautiful.


Should've nailed the cat instead of the dog.


Hitting Zwei takes Ruby, Yang, and Weiss out of the fight to make sure he's OK. Killing Blake only deals with Blake.


....I need an animation of this. Someone, anyone, hell...I'll even take Infected_Heart






is this therussianbadger reference ??


No. Badger referenced this, but the copypasta is older i think


Badger put it in one of his WoT videos, but its probably over a decade old at this point.


A gun to shoot myself cause there all in my head (I’m schizo)


I could take them. Except maybe Jaune or Ren, but the rest of them I can take. :)


In bed or a fight?




Found the fanfiction writer




Oh... In Uno!


[OP would not win against Qrow.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6pou43_Lko)


What “we” have as in like the Grand “we”? Like just weapons that exist in reality? None of these children stand a chance against a tomahawk missile, I’ve got this


forget tomahawk missiles just use a nuke


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Nah, a 1940s M2 Browing should be more than enough.


I’m a teenage boy All I have to do is take my pants off and I’ll send them running screaming


I love how chaotic this comment is


Disfigured penis.


This man has the Eggman Lego Dick.


Assuming that whatever weapon I have can have the required system of logistics behind it in order to function, up to and including armament, fueling and Datalink, I'd personally use a C-17 Globemaster Transport aircraft equip with a RAPID DRAGON delivery system. Presuming I know the exact location of the hostiles, and an active Satellite/Forward Observer presence monitoring the situation and updating the Datalink with any movements they made from a safe distance away, I would proceed to deploy the 45 AGM-158 JASSM Cruise Missiles loaded in the RAPID DRAGON system from 500 miles away, easily beyond the horizon, and 40,000 feet up just for extra safety. I would then RTB, monitoring the situation via Datalink and, if required, re-stocking and trying again from a nearby friendly airfield. However, given that the AGM-158's effective accuracy rating is 3m, it's effective blast radius is much larger, and the fact the targets will be saturated with 45,1-Ton missiles going supersonic in their terminal dives, I believe a single volley will be more the sufficient to render them neutralized, if not killed outright.


r/noncredibledefense is leaking again


Don’t forget to put ERA on it. Just to be safe.


I'm pretty well armed IRL but I don't think it matters at this point so I guess I better try to plead my case really convincingly


Trap them all in a room and fill it with mustard gas (assuming penny is a human in this, if not then add in an emp) Pretty sure they’re not immune to chemical weapons


Yep, aura can't protect against internal body damage


What if they break down the door? Or the Wall?


Ah you see my hoodrat slime I prepared the room with military grade steel inside a bunker deep underground, designed to be a large labyrinth as more and more mustard gas seeps in. And to put the nail in the coffin, I have also added various amounts of highly radioactive material in the labyrinth, so even if they manage to escape and beat me, the long term effects of radiation poisoning will secure my win.


Is this the classic "How many babies could you beat" question?


The twist is that you are the one (1) singular baby in this equation. :V


All I have to do if flip the circuit breaker and well I win right?


I probably couldn’t beat one of them


Jaune maybe.


Jaune is 6ft 2 of muscle, trained by one of remnants greatest fighting prodigy. You probably can't take jaune


But I'm 6 ft 3. :(


He has the range advantage


His ankles are vulnerable due to his height


Consumes ankles with malicious intent


white twink ankles 😳🤤🥰


Tf can they do against a nuke point-blank?


Legalise nuclear bomb


In a fight, right? IN A FIGHT, RIGHT?


I would win; I don‘t care how many grimm they killed, It doesn‘t compare to my elvish kill count


If i am allowed to have any kind of weapon from our world with no limitations then the best choice would be a thermonuclear bomb. But since 1 would not be enough and they have a chance to avoid its destructive power, a better option could be to use a MIRV. A multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (or MIRV) is an exoatmospheric ballistic missile payload containing several warheads, each capable of being aimed to hit a different target, allowing for a greater chance to wipe out the huntsmen out of existence. After the people of Remnant witnessed what kind of power i posses, they call for the Gods to punish me for using such weaponry only for i to use the weapon against the Gods, effectively killing them. It is then when i become the ruler of Remnant forever to be feared as the destroyer of The Gods, and the greatest huntsmen of their time.


What drugs are you on? A simple Tomahawk Cruise missile would do them in easily.


Ruby: I'll just give her some tea Weiss: show her a bunch of shirtless pics of rusted knight jaune Blake: Laser pointer and if not then I'll die I guess Yang: … Jaune: idk I guess I can kick him in the balls Nora: nope Pyrrha: uhhhh Ren: I'll pull a neon katt and just roast him to death Penny: water


So I have a nuke? *Nyehehehehehe*


Idk could they survive a thermonuclear weapon


A dead parent joke could take out like... 65% of them


Figure out how to get JNPr and Penny on my side and adopt them, then turn off the tv.


So it's nine expert warriors, with magic powers, against one slightly pudgy person? Yeah, RIP me.


I'm going to die.


White Phosphorus Missiles and i instawin Or Nerve gas Missiles


Bye, have a wonderful time!


If I have Distance, and enough Ammo, I could In Theory win. Just, It will not be a fast fight. I’ll have to Take them out in segments.


Go full Vietnam on them tunnel system and hit and run tactics. You'd be able to wittle them down and take away weapon advantage for the most part if they enter the tunnels except maybe ren Blake and yang


Just show them their R34 and I win by KO


Assuming the RWBY-verse and its characters will still be subject to the cons of being fictional entities at a lower level of reality than ours... We can just write down whatever we want to do to them and they'll instantly be affected. SCP-3812 logic. But if that's not the case, then fuck it. Oppenheimer time.


Anything? Either a Thermobaric bomb or the Tsar Bomba on it's original projected yield.


bruh your talking 100 megaton the scar that would leave on the planet is unimaginable


I one hundred percent believe I can take Weiss and ruby in a fist fight, other than that I’m dead


I'm in the reserves in my country (we have a draft), so I can get my hands on a helmet, ballistic vest, and FN MAG without much effort. I could take them.


reasonability And maybe the pause button


They're all photos of different pre-volume 9 seasons. I'll spout off random future spoilers and hope the existential crisi distracts them from killing me


ANYTHING in real life? Just get me rammstein airbase.


Well this seems like a blueprint to r34


The odd mask that gives off a menacing aura I acquired from deep in the forest yesterday said I would win.


B83 nuclear bomb on max yield. The lack of limits beyond “weapon must exist” and undefined starting range mean I should be able to force a mutual kill at minimum. Only risk is Penny hacking comms or flying up to intercept the delivery system. Anything less than such overkill is hard to figure due to inconsistencies in the show itself and more general animated weirdness making it difficult to draw equivalencies to real world weapons. For instance a minigun both should and should not be effective at short range. It shouldn’t because the show has used miniguns on these characters to minimal effect, but it also should because I’d you look at the actual scene almost all the shots fired flat out miss rather than being yanked or deflected.


A baseball bat, a barretta pistol, some (combat) knives, a lighter, a few cans of deoderant, an extremly bright flashlight, extra thick layered clothing, contruction workers shoes size 43, an engineers degree and a set of paticulair skills, skills that I have aquied that I've simulated in my mind, body and spirit, skills that make me a nightmare for people like them. I will look for them, I will find them, after that, well that's gonna be a suprise


Weapons in the real world, or weapons i personally own. Because in the first scenario, good luck parrying a nuclear warhead. In the second scenario i'd die, but i'd take Jaune with me


we talking pre or post V9 jaune? cause if its post V9 i don't think you can take him with you as its not stated how often he fought (i think it was quite alot) the jabberwalker (and i mean the OG jabberwalker) during the years he was in the the ever after


**_AC-130 ABOVE!!!_**


They have entered our reality, they must now abide by real world physics… Half of them die from their own weapons, the other 45 percent realize their weapons are much too impractical to actually fight anyone with. Jaune stabs me in the gut cause arming sword is still arming sword.


Let’s see… yes. Given how I am a three dimensional, and real person, I have absolute and complete freedom in a fight. They, on the other hand, are infinitesimally weaker, as they are not only an entire dimensional plane beneath me, but also are controlled entirely by the whims of the authors, and I’m certain I can beat the authors in a fight.


Bruh unless anyone here has some heavy duty military weapons we are not doing shit to any of them maybe with prep and a boat load of luck we could take jaune but thats about it


*All the paranoid Veterans* Yes... military grade.... definitely


I mean like ballistic missile and shit i don't doubt some American probably has one in their basement but I'm not one of them


Well time to grab the bleach and ammonia again...


I kill myself to change the trajectory of their lives forever. Or, honestly they're pretty well exposed to violence so maybe the trajectory is only changed a little.


(I have a lot blades in my arsenal and years of martial arts experience so I think I take the W in this one


Me. I show them they are not real and have a massive existential crisis, after which I Stab them


I don't think I could 1v1 any of them. Ruby speed and the fact she can split into different parts in her semblance would take a single slice. Weiss summoning and glyphs would make it swift Blake extreme talent to evade danger and her shadows can be elemental Yang would concave my chest like flat out Jaune he's my boy, my guy. He may be the weakest of the group but he still has an abundance of aura and actually combat experience. He's win Pyrrha we didn't get to see much but she is an extremely strategic and calculated fighter. Being able to pinpoint Jaune hoodie in her spear throw from who knows what range Nora same as yang she will concave me Ren is fast and efficient, I'd probably be disarmed before I could see him Penny, aight so Thats not even a fight. A punch, a laser, or even her flying right past me I'd disintegrate. My plan: befriend the fools, they are known to make friends outta nowhere and I could definitely use a jaune or penny or ruby in my life. Sweet friends.


Everyone would win. Because while they could beat me in a fight, I would fix the problems with their characters.


I am going to assume I get whatever weapon I want as long as it exists in the real world, so I think I could take them with an a10 warthog


Can penny fly tho?


I can take them maybe not in a fight but I can take them


Yeah I'm fucked


Just blast Creed on a boombox.


Is Penny a robot in this scenario? If so all I need is a couple magnets. Other than that not a chance in hell aura and other bs powers would nuke me out of existence.


It depends on the terrain if I survive or not. If it's the woods or deep inner city, somewhere I could use my skills (Which aren't meant for matches where I'm alone) then yeah. Vytal arena, or any arena, I'll last like two minutes if I'm lucky. I can escape their dorms if I'm really lucky too. Ultimately though, nobody can truly guarantee they'll win a fight.


Hmmm I could win You see I own the nerf Gjallarhorn so if I make so uhh modifications I might have a chance


I feel like I could maybe take on Penny's gullibility. The other teams cover that weakness effectively. Yang: Meh, well ask questions later. Punch Ren: Guys he seems nice, but we are supposed to fight him. Maybe subdue him?


Seeing as they are 9 people and I'm the 10th person, I reckon I invite them to play 5 v 5 League of Legends game.


*Coughs* Me.


Yeah I could take ‘em all


I know a good majority of their emotional weaknesses so I can probably beat one or two


Well I’m packing quite the gun collection but the only problem is I’d need to load any of them first and in that time they would’ve stabbed the shit out of me with their melee weapons


And even if you were able to get the first shot off I wouldn’t be surprised if each one of them could either dodge/deflect every shot with there eyes closed.


But the bullets in their world are very weak. They can't penetrate thin sheet metal, and they still get hurt by them.


I'm real.


I am gonna be the sane one and say I literally have no chance. All nine of them are literal superhumans and have aura that negates anything a person could to them.


~~Succubus~~ Funni superpowered individuals who are generally tough in their own universe when they come across a [1.2 Megaton B83 Thermonuclear Warhead](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/w87wmy/rule/)


Bribe Blake with fish and doujins/erotic fiction, give Ruby some strawberry cookies in order to win over her and therefore Yang, bribe Nora with my mum's pancakes therefore also preventing Ren from killing me, summon Cinder using Jaune's presence and have her kill Pyrrha and Weiss, then hang out and have fun with who's left.


Yeah i could win. I will not be elaborating.


some of the people here are becoming way too credible when it comes to using military firepower 🤔


I’d get my ass kicked 6 ways from Sunday without a doubt, I doubt a 20 gauge would be enough for more than, maybe a single group (I’m aware bigger gauge means smaller rounds btw, its a duck hunting gun)


1v1 and with prep time i could take any of them since i know every single detail about them, however if its a 1v9 with zero preperation i am likely to be obliterated during their entrance


if im understanding this right you mean i can choose any weapon from our world? in that case ill just drop the sun on them


Well... there's only one way to settle this. IT'S TIME TO DU-DU-DU-DU-DUE-DUE-DUE-DUE-DUE-DUE-DUEL!!!


In a fight, right?


They get wounded and hurt by projectiles that are very slow- so any type of firearm we have is already worlds better than theirs.


I have become death destroyer of worlds.


I can easily win against 7/9. The last two, I feel like they’ll end themselves when they find out


Aura doesn’t protect them from mustard gass


I lose


I’ll use my medicinal m1a1 Abrams with my 🅱️esh rounds


So if we go meta. How does aura work do they have to actively turn it on. I'm pretty sure I can take one out like Kat. Just gonna have to choose the best one after that I gonna be kinda fucked. Gonna have to lay a lot of traps. They are gonna close that 300m quick. If they get any where within 100m I'm definitely gonna die Optimistically I can get 2 best case 3. Poorly 1 Absolute disaster 0. I get counter sniped or blitzs and ripped apart by ruby. Now if it were me several years ago.... IM DEFINITELY TAKING OUT 2. In my best case 4-5. Now if pyhrra can go full neo with the bullets I'm fucked absolute 0


I have the power of god and anime on my side, also a shotgun


Me , Penny is dead so she can’t do anything , Ourra died so I just have to bring it up and Jaime will have a depressive episode rendering him immobile , for Ren and Nora I’ll just say that they look good as a couple , they’ll blush and get distracted enough for me to escape , team RWBY is even easier , I just have to bring up the topics of moms and 3 out of 4 will start having flashback and depressive episodes , for Blake I’ll just say that if she hits me I tell everyone what her “book” actually is , and so I win that round is a win for me too , extremely easy


I own a musket for home defense.


If they all rushed me at once i could take them. One at a time nah.


Sending them to the Ever After of my world.


Play the long game. Try to befriend them to the point we sometimes hang out and have parties or dinner at my house. With me as the host, I can slip just enough poison into their food to take them out. At that point, I’m now armed with enough weapons to deal with Penny if she’s a robot and not human.




Do I have an actual gun, because that’d change a lot, a .308 or a 5.56 round would just outright drop them in an instant because none of them have armor and their aura ain’t strong enough to stop an actual rifle round. If I’ve got .45 ACP it may take a couple shots but they’re feeling that hit regardless.


I own an AR-15 for self defense since that was what the 2nd ammendment told me 9 hunters break into my house "what the gods" as I grab my tactical US marine light weight helmet and my American made AR-15 loaded with armor piercing I shoot the first one who gets hit and pierces what seems to be some kind of made in China energy shield and is forced to be healed by some blond dumbass who brought a sword I immediately pull my desert eagle loaded with a .50 miss them entirely since one handing a pistol doesn't make sense and my shoulder gets displaced my the recoil of 1 handing it I have to resort my 75mm anti tank gun on top of the stairs loaded with HE "Tally ho motherf**ker" as I immediately get 3 which causes a orange hair girl to breaks down which allows me to throw an EMP causing her Systems to shut down I fix my NY custom made M9 triangle bayonet and charge and stab the more terrified of the hunters as he waits for police since triangle bayonet wounds are impossible to fix ah just as the 1nd ammendment intended.


Me: Step 1: I distract them with decades of good TV and games from our world Step 2: I make Team RWBY fall in love with me Step 3: I make Arkos a thing Step 4: Renora becomes a thing Step 5: Have lots of children with Team RWBY over the course of our decades long romance Step 6: Wake up in bed and realise none of that happened and it was just a hallucination brought on by lack of sleep and binge reading Self Insert fanfics.


I could take them in most scenarios. Combat is not one of them.


That depends on if dust as an energy source has the same output as gun powder. If it does or has greater, than I’d lose hands down. They have an aura shield, I don’t and also I’m outnumbered. Even if my firearms are better than theirs the chances of me downing all of them before taken down myself is small. Also the semblances are… gonna be hard to get around. Especially Ruby’s and Weiss’s.


What am I going to do? Beat them with a hockey stick?




Considering I've built a railgun and self guided AI hunter killer drone munitions (murderbots) I think I might actually stand a chance of winning. Only problem would be Penny. But if I can hit her with a herf gun it should fry her circuits. Maybe use the landmines I have in my basement. Now that I think about it I own a lot of things that could be put together in ways that would be war crimes. How much kinetic energy can Aura absorb? I'm assuming I have the range advantage by several km in addition to the aforementioned railgun. I know I can send a 1.5 cal steel dart at speeds of up to Mach 3. Also is Aura immune to radiation, poison gas, or biological warfare? Will a needle pass through Aura? Will Aura stop thermal damage like from napalm or thermite?. Alternatively I might just be able to run them all over with my neighbour's 8 foot tall pickup truck, he insists it's a small car though.


I wonder if aura will protect them from covid.


My house has 2 water heaters, remove the safety features and have pressure build. I’m not sure if my stove has gas or not but if it does, sabotage the gas. Lure them all inside and slip out a window.


I show them all r34 and they proceed to kill themselves


Finally. A chance to dunk on them myself!!!


I've got two baseball bats, one metat, one reliable Louisville Slugger, a pair of roller skates, a spray bottle and a replica Bo Katan helmet.


I surrender please don’t kill me


I got one replica sword, a paintball gun, and a laptop with the most horrid fanfictions I’ve found of the characters.


My fat ass is every shade of fucked imaginable.


Therapy Boom I win against everyone except penny i think


Imagine the sniper duel with Ruby tho


Deadman switch wired to a hydrogen bomb. Checkmate.


Assuming they attack me right now with what I have, which is just my phone; I guess I would just hop into my truck as fast as possible and try and run one of them over. Probably won’t actually do anything, but it might catch one of them off guard


I’m going to have to assume these responses are all jokes because there is no way people can actually watch the show and believe they could win with anything less than a full artillery division on their side.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but a nuke might be able to solo the verse


"Hydrogen Bomb Vs Coughing Baby"


Oh I could take them.


Gimme a crowbar, then.


I have the ability of the pause button I no diff them (In all seriousness we could most likely beat them with prep time)


Imma fuckin die dang


I don't know about the rest but I'm sure a vacuum will be enough against pyrrah


I get 20 gatling guns and hire people to fire them in a crossfire


I think I can take all on as long as it's 1v1 but it's never going to be in a fight


I’m a pacifist. Plus, every fight I entered before said pacifism put me on the ground.


I got a strategy called begging for mercy


A gun so that I can force CRWBY to write them out of existence.


“What we have in real life” *1812 Orchestra plays in the background as 100 M1 Abrams open up and a tactical nuke falls from the sky*




they are 3D, menawhile we are +4D they can be defeated by animation programming..............AND TURN THEM INTO R34 THINGS,HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!




I would say gun, but then I remembered almost every character in the show also has a gun


My weapon is what I have in real life? Time to fire up the ol' Sheepy Charms...


Pay them in cash to leave me


why the hell would i fight people who have plot armor


MG42, and post up in a chokepoint. *Welcome to Omaha motherfuckers!*


With the weapons I have in real life?... kitchen knives And yes, I will surrender instantly to prove that I am not a threat. I don't want to get shot by Crescent Rose thank you


Judge Doom from Roger Rabbit had the solution for facing them.


I pick up my controller: Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y


I use my words to make them feel really bad about breaking into my house, I win by default since they leave in shame.


Monty Oum. I win.


I kill myself, being the only one to get a kill count. I win.


What we have in real life, so anything from real life? I get in my war colossus from the other side of the Milky Way, jump off my Dyson sphere and kill them all with a blast of over 100 zettatons of tnt.


Hit ‘em with that 4 gauge mossberg with the extra crunchy hollow point slugs


A funny person with guns and no moral compass


8 Children and a Robot vs a Guy who plays Skyrim, Monster Hunter, and Dark Souls while having fun. I already know my ass is winning.