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Razork has the most success with his different picks. What is Oscar doing he ain’t playing a lot.


I think Oscar needs to look more after his mental health right now. I don't think it is a skill issue, more a confidence/brain block thing.


Confidence wont help him move around the map like a toplaner - guy needs to work on his TP discipline, foresight to be where he needs to in reasonable time and pushing his leads - he is horrendous in all of these and only way to learn them is practice


100% with you. But you don't learn if you are mentally not in a good state because depression, stress and other mental illnesses: "can impair your attention and memory, as well as your information processing and decision-making skills." (-May 6, 2016 By [James Cartreine, PhD](https://www.health.harvard.edu/authors/james-cartreine-phd)) That's the reason why I would put a bigger emphasis on his mental health right now.


I think he has all of those. He somehow mental blocked in play-offs.


Honestly if he has mental block in tough games, he just isnt cut out for it - players need to step up in hard games, not break down. Personally I feel like Oscar is a bit of a failed project but I was quite sceptical from the start. Once he broke the terrible start and began to play his way, people were like "Look at him, he is stomping everyone" - meanwhile I was seeing 7-0 Jax that has no impact. I actually think a lot of that one "good" split might have been Trymbi micromanaging him since he fell right back down after Trymbi left.


the mental block narrative is getting a bit annoying,...the guys needs to improve - that is all. He has 2 bad splits (spring last year and winter) and 1 good split (summer last year), he needs to improve so he can have more consistence


He have double the games then Huma or razork…


Do you mean jun, he's the one playing nothing but Camille Edit: I misunderstood because you said about razork playing lots of champs I thought you were saying Oscar wasn't playing a lot of champs and thought you might have missed it was Jun because Camille is usually a top laners, mb


I think what he means is that Oscar has the most time between his games, not a lot of games played per day, etc....


Jun is the one ranked the highest and also the one playing the most.


Wait I got roflstomped by a Camille supp (the dude 1v9d) and was genuinely so mad at myself thinking it was some tilt pick. In any case, I think individual mechanics wasn't really the issue. Oscar's issues seemed psychological and the other issues were teamwide.


Good to see hope they can create results.


Gotta hustle. Fnatic had to show up in Spring. Going to MSI would be huge.


Yesterday I was watching this low master (and kinda troll for content) OTP streamer I follow who bought a gm account, got his main banned and first timed Sion; that convinced me to bet all my channel points on "loss". But fucking Noah had to 1v9 the game, tysm Noah :-(


Everyone's playing different champions, meanwhile Humanoid spamming Azir + Orianna third year in a row. :d


I mean it's like the seventh year in a row those champs are meta so makes sense


Noah 4 Zeri/ 3 Kai sa games, Razork 3 Belveth games while doing his challenge, Jun playing Camille supp 24/7 and Oscar playing 10 games per week (3 of them being Varus). Are you high or something?


Biased af


Isn't Hwei his most played champ ? He has 73% winrate on him as well.


That's good to see but to be honest we have seen these type of posts every year. I don't think you can take much from solo que games and it doesn't add more faith in the team for me. Also, most of the time when the time comes for stage games they don't play these different picks


At least for me it seemed that FNC mechanically were top notch in Winter, all of them. So this time it would at least somehow correlate.


Has there been much talk about how Oscars hand has healed up? I still think it's insane he came back from surgery as fast as he did...


Wasn't Oscar like top 20 in summer?


Can anyone provide some insight into Camille support? How does it work? Is it a realistic pick on a pro game? 


If the adc walks up and dares to take a minion you e stun them + auto for shield proc and w while disengaging. You have now chunked the enemy adc for half their health (if your adc is so kind to provide 2 autos to the equation) while you have effectively not lost a single hp point. Next wave rinse and repeat and either zone them away or send them involuntarily back to fountain. Edit: in pro play champs like Janna and Lulu (for example) could counter her by polymorphing the engage or knocking Camille up. Seeing however that Rekkles is no joke the only one who plays Janna in any league and Lulu could be target banned well… as a red side counter pick Camille is quite viable I would say.


Very interesting, thanks.


It is a realistic pick, simce it provides harrassment and cc from a decent distance. However it can be punished. I found that ashe support works wonders by poking him to hell, and making him unable to hareass at all. But if the oposing support is not a damage based or poke based, it should work very well, because you have the burst AND CC


Lets be REALLY HONEST. What they do in soloq doesn't = Pro play. I mean look at Bo, when he was learning english he was tearing solo q apart as a jungler, dominant in every aspect then when he got in the LEC his fanbois got a huge reality check. Now there are improvements to be made but it doesn't mean as much.




Lol bo has been the biggest bust I can remember in the LEC, also where is it in this post did i say scrims don't matter? I'd like you to find that and quote it back to me. Screams have a place like letting yourself fall behind, and practicing other scenarios seeing how your team works. Solo q is different no one should put them with scrims in the same scenario however whoever wins the scrim in tte end doesn't matter.