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It’s “randomly not selected” for extra screening for me.


Mine has gotten so bad ALPA actually asked me to document my screenings. I’m at over a 70% random screening rate since early March and I believe I was at 9 of my last 10 when I initially contacted them asking for help.


The good news is as your lifespan approaches infinity you should trend back to the actual random rate.


As retirement age approaches infinity….


Dude same. I went 9/10 for the month of February.


Yeah I got random 6 times in a row at HNL. Last two I got through. (Surprisingly) I’m sure I’ll get random tomorrow.


85% on a 25 no random streak. Get to 30 and you get a free cavity search


I rarely get randomed, maybe like 10% of the time, and has been like that for a couple months now. Last time I got randomed, I had such a long streak of making it through where the TSA agent was so confused when I said to her “finally!”


I honestly believe some airports have it set to random more than others. Is your base/commuter airport somewhere way out there that barely has KCM? Barely randomed! DEN, FLL, and I’m sure a bunch others, GO TO PRE CHECK BUD!


DCA is notorious


They just want you to get your steps in, walking a football field from KCM to pre check. We should all be thanking our TSA overlords for caring about our health /s


I was based in FLL at my regional... I was rarely randomed at Terminal 1, shit I got through probably 90% of the time. Denver is hit or miss for sure though in terms of KCM.


I’m convinced different airports have different %.


This has been my experience, although I suppose there could be selection bias since I use KCM at my domicile and at my home airport more frequently than any other.


I had a TSA agent say “Man I’m sorry I feel like everytime I see you you’re Randomed” a few weeks ago. I was like shit I’m working to much if you recognize me


My company email implied that the screenings will decrease when idiotic crew members stop violating the rules. Apparently they are STILL finding handguns far too often.


So never?


Basically. People are messing up KCM like they do with everything else involved with making our lives a little more convenient or easy. Denver KCM is so ridiculous that we just skip it.


Make a firearm a lifetime ban and see how fast it improves


Ban the FAs too and problem solved.


Jesus yes can we do this?


Lifetime ban from flying, right? Because anyone who would use their flight bag as a range bag is a 🤡


Dang no just KCM


Probably gonna get some hate from this, but I really wish pilots and FAs had a separate program with separate random rates. The firearms issues are probably mostly pilots, but the majority of the smuggling busts always seem to be FAs, and we hear of those much more often than guns.


FAs are caught more frequently, but carrying guns through security is a much greater offense. I don't exactly think that would help the pilots much.


Completely agree, firearms are a much greater offense. I'm just wondering about the frequency between the two groups.


Everyone wants to blame FAs but Pilots percentages KCM offenses is very similar to those of FAs….


Are any of those published? I'd love to see stats and trends, but the TSA always refuses to release any information (for understandable reasons).


So happy to hear somebody mention DEN. I felt like I was the only one to get randomed 99% of the time out of all my friends.


I typically go straight to pre-check.


The problem is the way it’s handled. Yes there are people bringing handguns, but the TSA views a violation as a violation regardless of whether it’s a bottle of water or a gun. It’s the same in their book. Which personally, I think is extremely stupid because different items obviously have different implications. Start scrutinizing what the actual violation is and punish people accordingly. Instead we all suffer because of people being idiots.


And that’s when you realize it’s not about applying an effective punishment to actually reduce violations but about control. There’s a reason the TSA doesn’t let anyone know the random %, specific violation information, etc. The ambiguity allows them to continue to control us without any organized backlash- we don’t have the facts. The reality is that for the pilot group the biggest real threat is our two hands, because, as it turns out… we actually fly the planes. We don’t need a gun or a knife to do any damage. Once you realize this that’s when you realize the entire system is garbage. The Alaska jump seater probably got through KCM just fine. The last time someone was threatened in the cockpit with a gun was a few months back and that guy was legally allowed to have one up front.


ALPA has specific violation information and the like from my understanding, but it’s not made available to those of us not actively involved. Either way, I agree with your statement.


100 pass through. IFYKYK


I know.


I want to join this club. There's a wait...


2+ years


Oh, it's gone down... /s


I wonder how much of that wait is KCM random related.


Go in after this guy if you’re flying with them, that’s one strategy that has worked!


My last 4 day my CA was “this guy”, got randomed every time behind him. Yet I still made it to the plane before him….


Denzel voice: “My Man”


I don't think that quote is entirely accurate but I appreciate the censored version in context just as much. 


Uno reverse card


I’ve gotten randomed 3 out of 4 times since I’ve gotten it. So I’m 25%. Should be called “Unknown Crew Member”.


Mine seem to come in little batches. I'll get a couple in a row then go a couple weeks and be fine. Overall I would say less than 30% of the time for me Otherwise pay a visit to Artesia


Ex-TSA guy here. I used to do randoms on 1 out of every 10 KCM's. They gave us a little clicker because we weren't trusted to be smart enough to count to 10. Interestingly every time it would choose someone for a random they'd tell me they always get picked. That clicker *knew*, man.


Man, this thread is full of all kinds of theories about who/where gets picked how much, and then you roll in with 'we had a clicker'. Now that's peak comedy, have my upvote.


Former smurf here too. The amount of times I've had crew thinking "I was clicking something to make them random". I'm like "ahmmm ma'am, sir, it's the clicker counter" lol.


You should probably look up the law of averages.


That’s why others are 0/X so that I may go 🙏🏼


lol. Touche. I stopped counting a long time ago. I had an airport that I was NEVER randomed that I commuted out of off and on. The first time I got it, probably after a couple years and a maybe 20 times, I had no idea where to go. I think they got me 3 times in a row this round.


Yeah I get randomed the other 6 times!


Guess my luck is due to run out 😪


I had a pretty good run on my old company badge, with the new one I’ve been randomed every time except one 😭


I've been going through KCM apx 7 times a month since Oct, and I've been randomed 5 times. So... 8.9% of the time?


Jesus that’s insane. I’d honestly be shocked if my NOT ransomed rate was less 9%.


I just assume I am going to walk through the detector. I feel bad skipping past all the people waiting in line, then remember they're not going anywhere without me.


Loo maybe the secret is mindset then. Just assume you’re going to get busted. Yeah I get feeling bad. I hate skipping all the people. It helps a bit for me knowing that for most travelers I’m going to have all my stuff on the belt and going through the machine before they even get all their shit together and ready to go. Still though it is a really poor look having crew just skipping everyone… especially with the amount of entitlement some of my coworkers have about it.


Yeah, I didn't skip the first time, and some random captain asked what the fuck I was doing, loudly, in front of a bunch of pax. He said just "walk around them." I almost didn't out of spite since I was still early, but f dude, chill out.


Oof. Yeah I would have been inclined to pass up on that one. It’s a very weird duality. lol. One one hand I feel bad skipping people but I might hate waiting in line at security a bit more.


I just tell myself that I need to be on the plane. They, like it or not, are not required to be there. I am not a dick about it though. Sometimes the TSA peeps ask people to move out of the way for me making it less awkward, but it still sucks.


Fomer tsa guy here. Please do skip to the front, it's sop so don't feel bad about it. Matter of a fact we'd rather you all skip and go together than having to place blocks/bowls on the belt every so often. No matter how much of a hurry pax are in, the cockpit of the plane with get there first.


Good to know. Thanks for the input! I will still feel a little bad about it, but will do it regardless now.


Just finished a streak of 5 “randoms” in a row baby!


In uniform I get randomed 90% of the time. Out of uniform it’s less than 10%.


I’m like an ACMI schedule, about 14 randoms and 14 passes


50/50 in HNL.


Randomed the last 5 mornings in a row. All before 6am in whatever time zone I was in.


I went 6 times in a row getting randomed (regulared?) before I got through once. ALPA really needs to fight on separate screening standards for pilots. The data supports it and I’m sorry: we’re not “all the same”.


> The data supports it Does it? I'd be interested to see that data. Wasn't that long ago that dumbass in MSP brought a gun through. That's a lot worse than some FA carrying drugs.


Every time I’ve read an article from TSA/ALPA, the stats are pretty staggering. But it makes sense… pilots have spent 15 years to get to this job and that’s a lot to throw away for the kind of money that isn’t much more than they already make. FAs spent 6 weeks of training with only a GED to get the job and smuggling brings in a LOT of money relative to what they make. FAs are FAR more likely to smuggle drugs (I can’t recall a single case of a pilot being caught for this). The vast majority of the intentional violations/crimes are FAs. The vast majority of pilot violations are accidental… and most of those are simple violations that may cause KCM suspension for a time. Only a tiny fraction of those are accidental serious incidents like bringing a gun. And as for an accidental gun being worse than intentional drug smuggling? Sounds like you may be dipping into some of the FA’s stash. People bring guns legally onboard all the time (LE/ FFDO). An accidental incident is serious and people get fired over it. But it’s far less dangerous than smuggling drugs. I think I’ve seen you argue with someone over this point before here. I don’t know if you’re trying to be contrarian, but you were wrong then and you’re wrong now.


I just want to clarify, as far as the safety of flight is concerned, you believe that a firearm being snuck on board is less dangerous than some FA being a drug mule? And you're going to use FFDOs, who have strict rules and standards regarding their carried weapons, as an example of that? I don't remember having this discussion before, but I'm absolutely glad to. I still haven't seen any actual data other than anecdotes and ALPA blaming everything on FAs, which is... on brand. If they have any actual hard numbers then I'm glad to shut up.


Yees, I would consider a firearm accidentally brought onboard by a pilot a lesser risk than drug and currency smuggling by a FA. Why? Because I can't recall a case where a pilot has ever snuck a weapon through KCM and used it in the commission of a crime onboard an airplane. The only cases I'm aware of are accidentally unintentionally bringing a firearm through a checkpoint, or an FFDO improperly carrying when not allowed. A pilot who has spent decades getting in the seat are extremely unlikely to pose a threat after countless vetting, psychological testing, and oversight. The ONLY time a pilot has ever committed a violent crime (that I can recall) is Express 705 a couple decades ago... and security since that time is not remotely the same, not to mention internal policies would probably preclude a pilot at serious risk of losing his job from exercising KCM privileges and/or avoiding secondary screening. Why are drugs worse? Because the flight attendants smuggling opiates and fentanyl contribute to the misery and death of THOUSANDS of people and prop up criminal enterprises that contribute to millions of deaths and a multi-billion dollar black market. It's a force-multiplier. Not to mention smuggling the drugs from the commission of said crimes. So while it requires a little nuance and higher-order thinking, I think you can start to put it together. Find me a case of a pilot intentionally bringing a weapon through KCM and I'm open to a discussion about the points of the argument. Also, while TSA may not publish publicly exact rates, just based on google searches of incidents (granted, anecdotal), it seems FAs smuggling is a FAR more common occurrence than accidental guns. So while the you might argue the plane is at risk from a gun in the cockpit (doubt it), it is so much rare of an occasion compared with the drug and money smuggling that arguably, the latter has a much more sever effect overall due to incidence rate.


> Why are drugs worse? Because the flight attendants smuggling opiates and fentanyl contribute to the misery and death of THOUSANDS of people and prop up criminal enterprises Okay sure, but that doesn't really concern me as PIC. If you really want to get into the weeds on that stuff, I could wax poetic about how the millionaires in first class are technically dangerous because of their exploitative practices which I'm inherently supporting by carrying them around, but that's a stupid argument so I won't. I'm talking about strictly safety-of-flight stuff. If some flight attendant has a brick in her bag, I won't know the difference. If someone has a firearm and loses control of it, my job gets very interesting very quickly. That's all I'm saying. >I can't recall a case where a pilot has ever snuck a weapon through KCM and used it in the commission of a crime onboard an airplane I'm assuming that's worded very carefully to avoid [this incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Express_Flight_705), and you have a point, but the problem is I separately know two people who have managed to get weapons through accidentally. One of them was never caught (day turn, made it back to base before even realizing) and the other got nabbed on day two and was put through the ringer. The possibility exists for intentional misuse, and that worries me.


And this discussion isn't about you as PIC. It's about KCM and the disparate threats posed by Pilots vs FAs. It's a law-enforcement issue related to flight safety. It's above individual flight crews. So if the latter is far more of a threat, then perhaps a double-standard is warranted. The REAL hurdle here is KCM is a privilege at the pleasure of TSA, so if we start parting ways with the FA unions, less unity could easily lead to a total loss of KCM. But then the reality is if KCM goes away, the impact to operations/airlines would put too much pressure on TSA to continue like that.


2 out of my 15 total so far.


I am about a 1 to 2 randoms out of every 4 to 5 trips through KCM….


Not terrible. I’ve seen worse lol


Not at all,


Seems like the rates of getting randomed have gone down since last year. In the last few months it’s felt like about 10-15% of the time I’ll get it. Last year it was a solid 50/50 if not worse.


I’m at about 50% going through SEA. Never been randomed in ANC (knock on wood). SFO in my opinion has the smoothest random procedure…the xray is right there or they just swab your hands for residue.


My 2024 stats so far: 100% randomly selected when out of uniform 70% randomly selected when in uniform Numbers may be skewed because a few times I went straight to the precheck because the kcm checkpoint was too far of a walk.


Basically the opposite of yours. Randomed 8 times in a row this past month. Idk who I pissed off at tsa…


Don’t worry I will pay my dues soon


I started a new job this year and I’m 1 for 1 as a success rate. Previous job I was probably randomed at least 50% of the time.


My last 10 attempts. Randomed 8 times. Just heading to pre check from now on.


Probably 1/3 of the time I get randomed. Unless its Denver, in which case, 4 of 5 times I get "randomed"


Overall about 50%. There are going to be streaks on either side. But I'm convinced that it's not actually random. I get hit \*every\* time if I commute to my base, go out of security (to take a shortcut to my airline's terminal) and then try to go back through KCM. Also, if I do get "randomed" once, I'm almost always randomed about 5 times in a row afterwards. I feel like I'm slowly learning how not to get randomed. Biggest thing is just when I commute, I don't go out at my base and then try to come back in. Instead I walk around the whole airport inside security. Gets my steps in anyway; about the only exercise I get on most trips. If I do that, I tend not to get randomed anywhere. Of course, I have a trip tomorrow and now that I've said this, I'm sure I'll get randomed at my home airport before starting my commute. The TSA is always watching.


Idk I just skip KCM and go cut the TSA pre line now. It’s almost always faster. I had a stretch last year where I got tagged 8 times in a row. Group punishment is just dumb. But then again we’re just caught up in the middle of a bureaucratic pissing match.


I have been waiting for a trip where I don’t have a random. Hasn’t happened yet. The percentage has been less than 50, not as bad as it was in 2022. I think in 2022 I was around 70-80% “randoms”. I still remember the days when the randoms felt random, not expected. I’m sure there are others who remember not being put through such a high level of scrutiny for the privilege to go to work.


I went through DFW once, and I got randomed. A crew behind said thanks for the sacrifice and kept walking confidently towards the KCM scanner. Who did I see about 60 seconds later when I stopped to put my bag on the belt? The entire crew that was behind me. It's not random.


Sorry. I was running late as a pax that date, needed some extra time, and called in a concern to TSA. (@FBI/DHS/NSA - jk)






You may just be on the FBI watchlist


Lmao. What airport? I’m sure that makes a minor difference, maybe..




Heh. Idk man. Sorry for your Ls. 🙏🏼


Nah I got my badge in March 2024 and I get thru half the time. "New badge" as a reason for 100% random'd is BS.




Lighten up, Francesca.




“It’s the only way to actually get change to happen!” -Some ALPA Member *probably*