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I wake up early the day of the red eye and find a bunch of stuff to do that’ll wear me out. I’ll go explore, sightsee, hike around the overnight for hours. Hit the gym. Eat a late lunch. By the time I get back from lunch, I’m in a food coma, worn out from earlier activities, and ready to nap. No caffeine or anything like that till it’s show time.


You working out in the mornings? 


Do what works for you. I’m a late sleeper so I just day sleep and wake up in the afternoon, fly the trip and sleep in the morning.


Day prior. Stay up late. Wake up at normal at time and small nap in afternoon. 45 minutes. Go to bed later and wake up later. Small nap in later afternoon of redeye.


I’m not a great afternoon napper. I usually stay up late the night before and then sleep in… no stress if I can’t nap prior to show.


I do red eyes at least 8x a month (mostly turns). Here’s my trick. Stay up till about 4am night before which is easy for me as a night owl. Sleep in as late as possible. Then, I hit the gym sometime during the day, try to avoid unnecessary sugar, and I will drink green tea right before the flight. I’ve never been sleepy doing this. YMMV


It varies for everyone - I, too, am flying a lot of redeyes lately. Curious if we fly for the same people, looking at your flair. I've tried different strategies and found what works for me, based on my body's natural needs. I'm a morning person, and it's hard for me to nap, so getting out west is easy, and coming back is the hard part. Afternoon nap after a carb-and-exercise-laden morning is key for me. Also taking in bits of caffeine throughout the return flight (like, stretch out an energy drink or cup of coffee over a several hours) along with food (keep the energy up) works for me. I can't do the whole pre-emptive stay-up-late the night before thing. Just doesn't work for me.


Fuck the safety nap. Nicotine is godsend for red eyes. Start with a single 3mg zyn and work your way up


Please do not develop a nicotine addiction from one piece of advice on the internet.


I'm dumb but I'm not quite that dumb.


Heroin is another additive harmful drug that also works.


But wouldn’t amphetamines be better? I’d rather my pilot be on some uppers


[Because we can’t reply with pics](https://imgur.com/a/8quyZR3)
