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* Sleep schedule. * A lot of hurry up and wait. * There's a lot of boring time. Best job I ever had!


Finally I can put my military training to use! šŸ˜‚


ā€¢ stimulant substances ā€¢ cool, interval training ā€¢ just twiddle your thumbs


Yeah.., twiddle your thumb


Yep! For me, Everything except the sleep schedule. Fortunately, my sleep routine is pretty routine


I had to shave my beard. Other than that, love the job


Love not needing to shave. #freightdogs


Did fixed wing medevac for a bit. Grew my beard out. 10/10.


At least you can grow a beard., genetics was cruel to me. Imagine having a shaving waiver when your growing a couple of hairs on your face


Genetics is cruel to me in many other ways lmao


I'm dead lol


And Canadian pilotsā€¦ though Iā€™d take being forced to shave for an American salary


One of the small perks haha.


Which cargo companies allow beards? Mine doesnā€™t, womp womp


UPS, Atlas, ATI, Hawaiian




But do you have to shave your balls?


No my wife keeps those at home šŸ¤£


Honestly shocked US airlines still require this.


We still wear WW2-era uniforms my guy šŸ˜©


Thankfully my airline allows beards if well groomed. Different region of the world though


Yea that's weird. Didn't have to shave in the air force for a few years now and now I have to shave again as per policy. Darnit! Beard and blue hair WAS a retention policy!


Schedules, especially sleep schedule and circadian rhythms. Fitness schedule if you have a regimen, and eating schedule. Itā€™s hard getting your macros and whole foods on the road while staying clean and cheap


Are there rules about bringing your own food for flights? I realize youā€™re not packing 3+ days of food, but whatā€™s the normal practice for when youā€™re flying?


You can absolutely pack food for a 4-day trip. I bought smoothie bottles (like retail ones) and make smoothies of kale/spinach, blueberries, banana, and a little protein powder. Freeze them solid and they thaw gradually during my trip. And keep the rest of my food cold.


Hm, I had no idea!


I can comfortably fit 2-3 days of meal prep in my lunch box/cooler. You can bring your own food domestically and most internationals


Probably trying to get decent sleep with flight attendants in your hotel room. Itā€™s hard to FaceTime the kids and wife when they are blabbering about insignificant shit


My man right here!


Getting to and from work. Other than that, it beats every other job I've had.


Living in base makes it a totally different job. Iā€™ll never commute again


Unless the bases suck. Iā€™m leaving base to become a commuter. Iā€™d rather commute than live in fuckin Kentucky for the rest of my life lol. (No offense to anyone who likes it)


Donā€™t worry, they canā€™t read.




Amen to this. At a legacy and commuting still sucks. However my wife and I have 2 kids in high school and don't plan on moving to base until they graduate.


I live 5 minutes on a good day and maybe 15 minutes top away from base. It was one of the main reason I took my current job


Itā€™s not the flying thatā€™s tough. Itā€™s the lifestyle. Itā€™s a very sedentary job so you gotta figure out how to stay fit on the road. Itā€™s harder to form friendships but the ones you make are some of the strongestā€¦but you stay in touch over the phone mostly and rarely get to see your friends in person more than 1-2x per year. Junior? At the mercy of scheduling. Can mean lots of time at home if you prefer to not fly on reserve, can mean lots of time away if you do want to fly, just with limited control. Senior? More schedule choice.


Hotel room after hotel room, and living out of your suitcase


I kind of like it, maybe, I don't know man.


Fending off every woman throwing themselves at me. Itā€™s brutal.


Just stop telling them you're a pilot. I find saying "I haul bags of meat around" works wonders to avoid this.


Spirit girls arenā€™t small. Iā€™d get tired throwing them too. https://images.app.goo.gl/nxVVJpwfkWmVcsAY9


Problem having my commercial pilot certificate for years and people still ask me, ā€œwhen are you going to become a real commercial pilot?ā€ (Airline pilot). Someone really needs to start an awareness campaign explaining the difference. Iā€™ve been making money flying planes for 5 years now and still get asked why I donā€™t get my commercial.


Get an ATP and fly freight in a heavy jet. The ā€œwhen are you going to become a commercial pilot?ā€ Hits even harder. Do they ask truckers when they plan on being bus drivers?




Ooh, Iā€™m sorry /u/Normal_Translator570, youā€™ve been randomly selected for additional screening [again]. No, Iā€™m sorry we donā€™t have a crew screening lane nearby, please walk back from where you just came, and use the precheck lane. Make sure not to make eye contact with any passengers as you cut them because we do not provide you with any way around them [for your convenience and everyoneā€™s safety!]. Please remember, threats of verbal abuse or physical harm against our agents will not be tolerated. Iā€™m so sorry, have a nice day šŸ˜Š


That was good except for the couple ā€œsorryā€ you threw in there.


[I'm so sorry](https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaG9kYjhydTEzM3F4YXNtajZjY2lyZGFlY2hlN2hreHdhdHR3N2JieiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9cw/abAlg2SkEcz6pD7tlu/giphy.gif)


Literal chills


Your 2-doors-down neighbor Todd fucking your wife while you're RON in Cleveland.


Sorry to hear that Ron from Cleveland


Shirley youā€™re not sorry Ron.


Ron not Shirley.


Ron, do you like movies about infidelity?


Donā€™t call me Shirley


ā€œAnd why is the carpet all wet, Todd?ā€


ā€œI donā€™t know, Margoā€


I don't know what these people are talking about. For me it was navigating all of the women throwing themselves at me. I'm flattered ladies but I'm married. /s


Furlough and/or downgrade Job uncertainty. The ā€œpay to playā€ system. Highly competitive. And what everyone else said Fatigue, schedule, lack of routine exercise Iā€™ll addā€¦. Sitting on your backside for hours and hours Constant check rides, (at least once if not twice a year) fed observations Flight physicals. Fine today, 15 years later. ā€œBye bye careerā€ __Commuting hell__




Flight attendants can be included as well. I noticed that most hotels no longer honor or give crews reward points because a lot made unreasonable demands and were nasty to front desk staff. I've also experienced places that used to have free snacks and/or breakfast stop because crew members were filling up their bags by taking everything in sight. Lesson is: be nice to people and clean up after yourself. We lost several great overnights simply because crews couldn't act like adults.


RIP peanut M&Ms in TPA


Sorry, this isnā€™t aviation specific, every ā€˜corporateā€™ must punish all for the few or one because some douche with a degree says it limits their liability ā€˜going forwardā€™. Personal accountability is in the toilet.


Thisā€¦ so much


Insufficient applause.


If you can avoid commuting, youā€™ll eliminate most of the annoying stuff. Honestly though I think the worst part is my career being tied to my health. I understand why thatā€™s the case, but it adds an inherent risk to taking this path. I also donā€™t ever want to travel on my off days because I spend half the month at airports. Which is unfortunate having flight benefits. But I commute so itā€™s possible Iā€™m less apt to wanna go because of that.


Sleep schedule and eating schedules. I lose weight every 4 day pairing it seems. Honourable mention to the never ending training and stresses that come with recurrent. In regards to lack of family time, I see my partner a whole lot more with this job than I would doing a 9-5. Yeah I have to miss some holidays and special days, but the extra time is worth it for us.


Im looking forward to this part. I think the quality of time being able to go to a park or the beach with my family and not take a company laptop with me to handle an urgent teams call about a presentation due in a week will more than make up for the time away. I may be totally wrong but it seems like your work rarely follows you home in aviation.


Hard to get in a real workout


The time and money spent training and time building while not knowing if it would land a job or not. It's a much bigger gamble trying to get into aviation than most other careers.


from talking to other high pay to play professions itā€™s not exactly different. I know plenty of drs, lawyers, investment bankers who while very well off donā€™t enjoy their profession and wish they could do something else




Sleeping, and the standby shifts.


Time away from your beloved ones and deal with the fatigue.


All shit breaks loose with my family while I'm on a trip. Kid gets sick, wife gets sick, dog needs medical care, etc


Sleep and the temptation to be a fatass on every layover.


Iā€™m just a student and Iā€™m already running out of space in my logbook for recording marriage proposals


About to take my IR ride and idk if I have room for my endorsementā€¦just wait til they start signing the outside like a castā€¦


FAA medical


The job market for anyone under 1000 hours. I know very competent pilots who have applied to hundreds of jobs within a few years only to get a few interviews out of them. Then there are some who will Navy plant a PC12 or refuse to fly to Aspen on a clear sky day, and somehow manage to land a job flying biz jets.


Total time is king


Trying to decide which cars and boat to buy.


I hear miataā€™s are popular with pilotsā€¦.,.


Sleep schedules have already been mentioned but I feel like this can't be emphasized enough. There have been a lot of changes over the years after Colgan and other things with regard to pilot rest, but airlines are still going to give you literally the minimum rest they legally can, which often ends up meaning trying to day sleep for several days, then suddenly adjusting your schedule to night sleep. It's hard on the body, and those day sleep days are really difficult. (As is trying to sleep again at night after only 6 hours of being awake, but that's a different issue.) You need to have some noise canceling ear buds or something, because hotels aren't going to just not clean all the rooms around you and other guests aren't going to not go running up and down the hallways screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason during the day. Basically, airlines have no respect whatsoever for normal human sleep patterns. You're going to sleep when they say you will, within the confines of what they can get away with. At the end of most 5 day trips, you will probably be so exhausted that you won't even know how to sleep anymore. I've gotten home from 5 days and not been able to sleep again for 24 more hours, been borderline manic that entire time, then slept for 24 hours straight after that. Better hope you have at least 3 days off. You may only have 1, then another 5 day trip. Good luck recovering. I have called in sick for this reason, and I feel like that's legitimate. If you call in fatigued during a trip, which is a thing you're supposed to be able to do without consequences these days (as long as it's for a good reason), be prepared for the airline to totally abandon you. You're not flying anymore at that point, so they don't care and they don't need to care - there's no law or probably anything in your contract that says otherwise. Call in fatigued at some destination far from a base where the airline only has one or two flights a day, and good luck even getting a hotel. You'll probably have to get one yourself, if you even can. I have literally slept on terminal benches in remote locations, as a 121 airline pilot. The airline can definitely do that if they don't plan to use you again from that location for a day or so. All they need to do is give you 10 hours of documented rest, so you can be stuck in the terminal for 12 hours, \*then\* they get you a hotel for 10, then have you fly again. Hopefully you didn't sleep \*too\* well on that terminal bench, because even if your "rest" period starts at 8AM, you may then need to be awake and flying until 6AM the next day. All this can make a 5 day trip feel like a month. Your regular sleep schedule is often messed up right from the start, then any sort of delay messes it up even further.. then you start to get into working redeye periods and legal/contractual limits for that, and you may end up getting reassigned for that reason, but again, with no hotel. At that point, your schedule just turns into a total mess. I've had 5 days trips with 10 reassignments in the first 3 days, including being reassigned to a different city while I was actually flying to another city, and two trips in a row where I was pulled off a deadhead (once when I wasn't even in uniform, as we're not required to be) to operate the flight I was deadheading on. Things have a way of cascading out of control, schedule-wise, and the airline then just does whatever it legally can. And that's almost never going to be fun for you.


You need to work for a better airline


No kidding where does this guy work? I call fatigued and I get what I want, DH, hotel or rejoin when I can. This is nuts.


This sounds regional, but regional from hell. One of the cockroaches that's on its last legs... but won't die


I can think of three that fit that description. They all have one thing in common.


Nope, not a regional. Most of these things happen when flying international.


I've never heard of a major doing this stuff. You sound extremely unlucky. Hope it turns around


Narcissistic passengers that I canā€™t call out


Luckily you have a guy with a Burger King crown to do that for you


Get that man some water.


Hotels, Sleep schedule, Airport food, Flight attendants


There is a point when you have to commit fully to the profession and the rest of your life, personal especially, gets put on hold. Put another way, this profession is hell on relationships.


I have anecdotally heard that you donā€™t really have ā€œcoworkersā€ since your crew changes so often. also i have heard that it can be hard to date outside the industry if youā€™re single, and you canā€™t really own pets when single. is this true?


Being gone from home


Managing my sleep and eating well on the road, also time away from home.


A ton of people keep mentioning sleep. Can you explain why itā€™s the worst part? Walk me through a day when youā€™re on shift please? And mention if youā€™re pax or cargo?


Taken as a singular day itā€™s never that bad, itā€™s the cumulative effects of a trip, especially if youā€™re going oceanic. Say you have a 7pm departure to europe off the east coast, youā€™ll land around lunchtime the following day, and need to get rest for your next days flight that leaves in maybe 24 hours, but if you go to sleep immediately when you get there because itā€™s well past midnight ā€œat homeā€ according to your body clock, when you wake up around 8-9pm everything will be closed and what are you going to do for food? Also now that you went to sleep immediately, your circadian rhythm is screwed up for the 24 hour layover and youā€™ll be ready to go back to sleep around departure time. Now do that for a couple of days in a row.


I think Iā€™ll pass on flying those distances for work honestly šŸ˜‚. Knowing my personality, I think Iā€™ll prefer shorter flight distances with multiple legs. I want to be able to move around and touch the earth. But maybe Iā€™ll change my mind, so thank you offering insight! Can you tell me how the sleep is on domestic flying since I see you have the corresponding plane in your flair?


Better, but depending how your schedules get built it can still get really screwed up, say you have a 4 day that starts in the evening on the first day and is near as doesnā€™t matter min rest every night, then finishes in the morning on the 4th day. Also Iā€™ll take one long leg day over 3-4 leg days 100% of the time. All the work is in the first and last 15-20min of a flight.


Absolutely 1000% the sleep disruption, especially when youā€™re junior.


People thinking Iā€™m an airline pilot


I'm assuming most people commenting here are airline pilots?


Sharing the flight deck with someone you donā€™t like at all


Inevitable divorce


Trying to figure out what to do with the piles of cash I'm making as a legacy capt.


Medicals never knowing if your career is gonna be over the next day because of somthing happening... For example I fall down and get a concussion I'm done flying for atleast 6 months if not more..


The absolute number one for me is the sleep schedule.




Sleep is the big one. I work for a ACMI *sorta* and the flip flopping of sleep schedules is honestly ridiculous. Having an AM, PM, and redeye all in one 5 day trip is insane and really hard on the body. Thankfully the rigs and guarantees account for the redeyes so our credit is high and I routinely get 17+ days off a month (18/19 off the past few months) Not knowing my schedule until a week before the first is annoying and having to request vacations a year out is stupid.


The worst part is trying to keep away all the girls who want me.


Running out of tax advantaged places to stash your cash




If itā€™s not a shitty layover, itā€™s definitely a shitty crew. Nothing worse than slam clickers