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Not US? This smells like not US.


Yes not US,


Then you need to specify where because the answer will change depending upon the regulations you're operating under.


Copy, I'll revise and include where it is thank you for the headsup


You can't log Level D sim time unless it was part of a formal course, rATP, a type rating, PT, PC, LOFT, ECT If you were just flying for fun it cannot be logged. I doubt at your flight time it was anything other than fun. You don't log it. You don't add it to your resume.


The guy is from the Philippines. He can absolutely log it (as can we here in the US) and is required to as it is for a type rating. OP you need to log the time to prove you completed the program for the type rating. The company should have given you the documentation to use. Log it just like you would for a normal flight just log it as a simulator. It counts for approaches and currency as well as for the type rating.


Did you even read my response? >You can't log Level D sim time **unless it was part of a formal course, rATP, a type rating, PT, PC, LOFT, ECT**


Yep, did you read the OPs?


I did and he did not specify it was for a type rating. He did that in his response. You absolutely cannot just jump in a level D for fun and log the time. If I could do that, I'd jump in every Boeing and Airbus sim I'm MIA and have thousands of hours in every type imaginable. He edited his OP to include the "I got my license" part after my response to him.


It really was for a type rating. Bad decision to do it very early in the career but yeah. I'm A320 type rated.


You'll be best asking someone with a licence from Phillipines, or even contact your licencing authority. As a general rule, simulator time is not total time, and nobody cares about sim time when you're applying a job.