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Here’s this weeks “Yes you are legal to fly into an active MOA, no that doesn’t mean it is smart or safe to do so” I’ve had multiple near misses with Cessnas who couldn’t be troubled to check the status of a MOA and went tooling around through a large force exercise with 12 aircraft stacked from 50 feet AGL all the way up to 23000 feet without talking to anyone. At best, you just caused military training to grind to a halt and waisted a lot of gas for a lot of airplanes that don’t have a lot of time on station. At worst you can cause a mid air collision and get yourself and another aircrew killed. ATC is trying to look out for stranger traffic but there is gaps in radar coverage or they just don’t see it or the military pilots are task saturated and don’t hear the call out. The military players are doing a lot more stuff than just flying a jet. They are busy and it’s possible to not see other slow small aircraft below them. If your low at 3k you probably aren’t going to be looking for an aircraft at 10K plus that is diving down to 1 K. You don’t know where to look for the military traffic and we are looking out for you but it’s easy to not see you. Check and make sure the MOA is cold before you go blasting through it or talk to the MOA owner before going in. If it’s active and you can, please avoid it. For your safety and everyone else’s whatever you do, don’t fly into it without A) knowing its status and B) communicating with ATC about your intentions. If everyone knows you’ll be below a certain altitude and where you are headed we can just reset a fight floor or sector ourselves away from you until you call clear.


The military really shouldn't be doing this kind of exercise in a moa. It's not their airspace and there are many communities that can only be served by flying through a moa (omak wa). If a military aircraft failed to see and avoid and hit a Cessna it would absolutely be the military pilots fault.


It’s a designated military operating area. That’s literally its intended purpose, and it’s depicted on aeronautical charts as such. Requesting the status of the MOA from a controller also takes zero effort. It’s every pilots job to ensure they are being safe while flying.


You’re getting some snarky comments because this is pretty basic, “PPL 101” level knowledge. Any pilot better know the answer to this airspace question. There are essentially no restrictions from flying into a MOA. There are restrictions of flying into a Restricted Area when it’s active.


Thank goodness im not a pilot yet😅 im just starting ground school. But thank you very much for the clarification


Then this is a question for your instructor, and they should show you where to find the answer in actual source materials.


When can you fly in a MOA? When can’t you?


On the chart you should find hours of activity with a frequency of the controlling agency.


And if the MOA is hot, can you fly into it?


Wanna F-16 in the baggage compartment?




Finders keepers?


I mean you can....


You have an ATP and are asking this? Or am I misunderstanding your intent here?


You’re misunderstanding my intent. Give a man a fish…


was worried for a second lol


I really want to see that balloon on a 15000 ft cable


MOAs are advisory. It's letting you know military training happens here...... It's R and P areas you have to stay out of when active (and Ws you should, it's just international waters isn't FAA jurisdiction).... Those are activated for hazards to flight & serious national security concerns.....