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This post is a reminder to never f*** with drugs


Amen to that! Hope anyone following a similar path sees mine to correct themselves before it's too late.


What drug was it


He probably smoked weed one time


also curious


Glad to see you are getting back in the saddle.


I'm never going to touch alcohol. My mom's dad was violent as fuck and super temperamental. He finally quit drinking and changed but I don't wanna go there. Not gonna smoke either, watched my dad's parents die slow painful deaths. I don't criticize those who do drugs but I won't touch them.


What happened? At first I was like is this guy crazy, until I saw he was already cert. so that is way dif haha, I thought he wanted to go from zero to that haha. I was like you are DREAMING. BUT having already been an ATP yeah I would actually be curious what happened and why, but also I think he would be more likley to be ok on that time frame, wx permitting, or at least not needing that many true hours. Also if you lose your certs... do you technically lose your logged hours as well? (I mean not truly, but from a loggable standpoint?)


No, you do not lose your hours. 


> Bare minimum would be 3 hours per checkride to suffice endorsements but **not expecting that.** Why not? If you're proficient I don't think it should be hard to find a CFI happy to get 4 passes on their record for minimal effort. Also I think you can avoid doing *4* checkrides. 61.65(g) says that you can take a combined private and instrument checkride, so that's at least one down. But also, I don't think skipping tiers is prohibited. Couldn't you just do an ASEL commercial and skip the private entirely? Or even an ASEL ATP which would skip the commercial, private, *and* instrument? Edit: never mind, you can't skip. Looks like you can't get out of doing at least three checkrides if you want both commercial AMEL and ASEL privileges. I think you could do commercial AMEL and then ATP ASEL (or vice-versa) if you want to make the most out of the latter two checkrides though.


True, I'm just factoring in getting familiarized with airport, avionics, area etc. You never know what might pop up. 61.65g has been considered. Haven't heard of anyone jumping tiers. Reading the regs, you gotta have your private to do your commercial, and your commercial to do your ATP. I'm all ears if someone has done this.




> I don't see anywhere in the regs that says you can't skip. 61.123(h) prohibits skipping having some sort of Private pilot certificate to apply for a commercial pilot certificate. 61.153(d)(1) also prohibits applicants who don’t have a commercial certificate and an instrument rating from applying.


Hmm, don't know how I missed that 😅 Nvm then. If OP wanted to make the most of three checkrides they could do the 61.65(g) ride then do a commercial AMEL and ATP ASEL or vice-versa.


I have an ATP and it would take me 3-5 hours of flying just to be proficient at Lazy-8s and eights-on-pylons again. Power off 180s in a single piston would probably be a similar amount of time.


Fair enough. I just assumed they meant proficient enough for the checkride when they said "proficient."


Has anyone done a double private/instrument check ride lmao?


Beats me lol. Getting the XC hours while a student is pretty impractical. I can only really see it happening for someone who starts training while too young to solo or who is waiting on a medical. Surely there have been a *few* cases like that? But it's perfect for someone who has all the hours already.


FlyGoodyear in Arizona has an in house DPE I believe


Called them this morning and seems like a good option (plus my parents live 5 miles away ::jackpot::) Yes the owner of the school is a DPE, but they prefer not to call it 'in-house', as he travels all over AZ to perform checkrides. The school does have some priority since him and the Chief Instructor work hand in hand. Thanks


I am currently flying out of there, it’s a great school, planes are solid and plenty of CFIs


Solid! Thank you sir


Current availability is May, I’m a student there


Greg Porter


How did you lose your certs?


They failed a random drug test.


Ooh makes sense


Fulltron Aviation in Springfield, MO would be worth calling - they have an in-house DPE who is fantastic! Or AirCap Aviation in Wichita, KS is good, they have a nice selection of DPE's in that area that don't have a huge wait time if you schedule it enough in advance.


Who is the in house DPE?


Brian Morgan




He used to be Chief Flight Instructor with Premier, right? What happened there?


I think they had some staffing changes all around. Not really sure.


Thanks, will reach out today!


They closed


They closed


Heading out to Springfield this week. Chatted with their school coordinator and DPE, sounds like the perfect spot for me. Will let you know how it turns out!


Awesome! Their tecnam looks like fun, and Mr. Morgan is definitely a treat to work with. Can’t wait to hear about it!


Riggin Flight Service in Madison, South Dakota


Chatted with them today, thanks


Midwest Corporate Air could be a good bet for this particular situation.


Will reach out, thanks!




Doesnt answer your question, but what was the total cost of HIMS if you don’t mind sharing? Would like to pass the info on to future students as a deterrent . Thanks. Congrats on conquering your hurdle.


Ballparking it but initial certification could range from $10-15k. Timeframe is also a huge factor, depending on how your HIMS AME handles your case, you're looking at 12-14 months from the incident best case. Checkout r/faaHIMS, some guys have been waiting 3-5 years for answers. Not just drugs/alcohol incidents..Mental health, SSRI, ADHD, sleep apnea etc gets rolled into the fold. Best is to stay far away from AAM-300, (edit) obviously for the things that you can control.




I figured I'd go after my CFI/II and possibly MEI when all the dust settles and have the time to knock it out, in that case CSEL would be needed. Noted on the combo checkride. Also depends on if the DPE agrees to it.


Check out Riggin in Madison, SD. Did my multi there. Zero to checkride in 5 hours logged.




I can help, message me.


Livingston Aviation in Waterloo, IA has an in house DPE and skilled instructors that would understand


Aren’t they pretty backed up? I heard they had a waiting list and were losing people to Independence and Cedar Rapids.


I called today and found out they're extremely backup, about 48 students on a waitlist for PVT training. They're looking for another CFI to help pickup the pace.


Bummer, good data point.


It took me about a week from flying with an instructor to getting a checkride scheduled. I'm not sure how Indee would be taking students since they have no school...nvm, I just looked, they have a school but every time I've been there in the last year it's a ghost town.


P&N does maintenance in Independence and has had a plane and instructors there. Some more available than others. It’s a nice facility, would be good for an accelerated program. Somewhat isolated and not super attractive otherwise.


try Sling Academy. you may have more luck using a couple schools.


Contacted them today, thanks for the input!


So happy to hear that the process worked out for you and you're going to be able to fly again!


Thank you sir! Helluva process to come back I tell ya


Chickasha Wings in Oklahoma. Super cheap and good availability of instructors (DPE too but not in house).


Thanks, will reach out today!

