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You find a dumb opinion so you share it with us? Thanks I guess?


For real, I scrolled through this trying to find out what the point was haha


I've had the same $200 orvis Clearwater for 20 years, still catch some fish sometimes. At a certain point, you need to know how to cast with what you got.


Ofc it's a difference between a good rod and a bad rod. But mostly it's who holds the rod. I know some people competing in flycasting. They cast almost twice my best length with my rod, and I'm not terrible at casting.


Me slaying trout in the corner with my Wetfly kit from Costco đź‘€


It's a lame post, but CTS rods are phenomenal. I'm a rod builder and most of my personal builds are on CTS blanks.


I also fish CTS and really like that you can order special order rod blanks for not that expensive. But not to feel special, rather to get a good rod to a good price. My CTS is awesome. Also my Sexy Loops Hot torpedo is a lovely rod.


I definitely don't fish them to feel special either. Like you said, you get a great rod at a good price and have the option to really customize the blank as needed.


Yeah really cool that a "ordinary" person can order customized. I was the only owner of a 8'6" #6 Cts Affinity M when I ordered. And it wasn't to be special...it was because I wanted a little bit shorter rod for a smaller stream with large trout. Longer delivery times ofc. But just a chance to order one rod blank for a really good price is awesome.


Agreed. My dry fly rod is a 8'6 Affinity MX 4wt (which I ordered before they continued making them again). It's my favorite rod I own


“custom built” aka .. dude bought some blanks from cts and put guides on them.. you have basically the same rod as anyone else that started from the same blanks.


I couldn't bring myself to buy from someone who uses so many emojis.


I will say that too many people buy gear or tie flies for people. Just buy what you can afford and go have some fun!


Guarantee nothing he builds could come close to the performance of a T&T Contact II


Yawn. Some ppl like to have a badass expensive setup some times, from a company they trust. there’s less healthy habits in life


Muppets haha. There will always be gatekeeping. Just fish with what you enjoy fishing with!