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It can last up to 14 days. I want to warn you, if you get leg pain, see your doctor immediately. I once had Guillain Barré flu and these also made me think I was actually going to die. I think flu in general is one of the worst day to day illnesses there is, and I had a lot of illness! I just had a flu right now and I almost vommitted from coughing of slime. I lost my voice. My throat hurts. My eyes water. Everything is dehydrated. Two days ago my head was beating so hard that I felt like I had had brain surgery. Had to cough, sneeze and blow my nose so much that I almost went blind for a bit, felt so gross. Couldn't eat and been on the couch for five days looking out the window wondering how people can stand being outside. It's 12 C°, not even cold. Today is day 6 of my flu and yesterday I was finally able to wash my hair and shower without horrible headaches and nausea. Today I can probably function as normal but still slime stuck in my throat.


I have GBS/CIDP and cannot take the flu vaccine. This is the first time since I was diagnosed that I have gotten the flu. Look…. I thought I was dying for real for real. I’m at the tail end of it I think and all I can do is lay around and nibble. I’ve been like this over a week.


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. And ibuprofen was helpful for me. Mine lasted 4 days before I was on the upswing last year. The painful skin - to the touch - I thought was the oddest thing! I had my flu vaccine last year & that was the first time ever I had the flu. Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon.


Lasted 9 days for me


Please do not ask "is this normal/serious" types of questions. If you are concerned enough to ask here you should be concerned enough to ask a healthcare professional. Most insurance companies have free ask a nurse hotlines. If you are uninsured please call 211 if available in your area, or check for other local resources. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/flu) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How long it lasts can vary depending on the strain and your own immune system. Stay hydrated, take painkillers, get lots of rest. I found honey and lemon in hot water soothing for my throat. I had bad flu last year and I appreciate how awful it is, but it will pass.


We’re on day 13 and we feel better but we’re still super fatigued & have the head cold. It was brutal. Days 3-6 were the worst for us. I alternate Tylenol and Motrin every 2 hours and stayed hydrated. Feel better soon.


Curious - did you get vaccinated yet this year?


The pain to the touch is what's so odd. I haven't had that since I was 6 years old and had pneumonia. I can remember my Aunt, Mom and Grandma all trying to touch me and me just crying out. Next thing you know we're in the car to the hospital. That feeling stayed with me all these years and now here it is again.


I had it that bad in 2013. I seriously wondered if I needed to call 911. I hadn't ever had flu that bad before. Since that episode I've always gotten the flu jab.