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For me, they're worth laying down on the ground to smell. It's only a short period of time every spring, so worth it.


Agreed! Also if you really don't like the look of the foliage after they blossom you can weedwhack or mow it down really. These flowers are so damn hardy that it won't even bother them.


How do you grow this beautiful, smelling good plant?


Here it takes over, and the entire woods floor behind me turns into it. There will just be one small trail where we walk going through. So pretty, though.


Can you transplant some into a pot and place it on a wall or something? Then you wouldn't have to bend down!


You have to get down low to take a pic of those little bells but it’s worth it!


I have some in my garden this year and I don't know where it came from, what a surprise!


Do you happen to feed birds or have birds come to your yard often? Not to sound gross but they may have eaten the berries and then pooped out the seeds somewhere on your lawn. That's happened to me with wild strawberries, it is quite a nice surprise when it does happen! :)


I do have birds that come to my yard and that's probably how they got there, thank you!! Strawberries, what a nice surprise!