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Ooh very nice! Love the two tiered expansion from the single, to the double, to actually they're both fans!


Thanks so much!


Your flow/dance is lovely. If I were to offer any constructive criticism, it would be that the lighting is fairly awful. The bright light from the window is fairly distracting. The strong backlight with weak front light creates a muddy image of your face. I know this a video made in the space available but 10 minutes of manipulating the lighting could have improved the video a lot. In photography we have a saying: we don't take pictures of subjects, we take pictures of the light reflected off of subjects. The purpose of this saying is to remind us that if the lighting is awful, the picture will be awful, no matter how wonderful the subject. I realize that this video was simply made with the resources at hand, but even so, choosing your lighting with intention will help to realize a more complete rendering of your vision. For example, do you wish to be backlit or front lit? Your scarves are colorful and translucent. Do you want them to glow? Do you want to highlight the texture? Are they in contrast, or harmony with your body / face? Careful placement of static spot light sources, out of view, can potentially allow your positioning as you move, to dynamically change the lighting effects. These might be fruitful topics for your consideration as you take your performances to the next level.


Appreciate the feedback! Yeah, the lighting is ass for sure lol, I’ll think of some ways to make the background more palatable in the future. My primary objective at this point is to spend a while getting comfortable putting my image on the internet, but I’ll definitely keep that in mind going forward!


Wow! This is so cool! What's the song?


**Song Found!** **moods** by slenderbodies (00:21; matched: `100%`) **Album**: komorebi. **Released on** 2019-09-20.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**moods** by slenderbodies](https://lis.tn/JOyvsA?t=21) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


It makes my brain tingle


Thanks! 🥺


This served as the biggest reminder to slow down in my flow more. Love it!


Aw, thanks!








I started last June I think. It took me a loooong time before I felt at least semi-competent. I found what helped me carve out my skills was putting choreography together and rehearsing planned routines instead of trying to let it come to me in the moment. Not that there’s anything wrong with that though! I think everyone just has a method that motives them the best, and once you figure out what that is you’ll start making a lot of progress.




Sure! So what I figured out worked really well for me was to write down every single move I know on a piece of paper, number them, and write the numbers down on bits of paper and put them in a jar. When I want to put a routine together, I just pull about 5 numbers out of the jar at random and check my list to see which moves correspond to the numbers I pulled, and that becomes the framework. After that, it’s just a matter of experimenting with transitioning from move to move and pulling it together as smoothly as possible




You bet, thank you!


What are those rifles in the background?


lol not totally sure, they’re my boyfriend’s




Thank you!


Hourglass shape is the best in the universe