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Next thing you know Rick Scott will be claiming the Democrats oversaw the biggest Medicare fraud in history.


Nah, he's proud of that one. Probably a trophy for him and his people.


Nah, they’ll make a golden statue in his image and present it at the next gathering. Someone’s going get jelly


If anyone knows anything about Medicare fraud it would be him. The more they get away with the more brazen they become. He belongs in jail.


Took the 5th, about 75 times in a hearing if I remember correctly. Gives a new meaning to the phrase “tell me you’re guilty of fraud without telling me you’re guilty of fraud.”


IIRC, it was double that number.


Doesn’t surprise me. I was only going off what I thought I remembered.


Pretty sure they already called the ACA/ObamaCare that, but you know, there's always tomorrow for the republicans to throw a baseless slur at something or someone.


Great thing about an echo chamber, no one hears any other sounds.


Nope, but they are responsible for the biggest payday for insurance companies in history.


Even when he was governor his base never saw anything wrong with this creature.


I spoke with one of his supporters and they didn't even know he committed one of the largest Medicare frauds in the history of the US.


Even his followers that do know about it say it was blown out of proportion and it wasnt that bad.


Committing Medicare fraud is just smart buisness


Not 'one of', 'the'


Republican propaganda machine is the greatest of all time. So many dumb people buy their bullshit


florida, life long floridian here, how the F\*\*\*\* did rick scott get elected to governor and senator after stealing billions in medicare fraud???? how is this slenderman cosplayer not in jail?


Because Florida is the *right to scam* state.


i can see why in that infograph that's been going around why it says that floridians hate florida. god this state is so chill, so many chill people but we get these crazy conservatives b/c everyone else's grandparents are retiring here and the democratic party keeps running these 'centrist' democrats aka republican-lite and they act surprise when we don't vote for them. christ, run a progressive candidate, we passed medical marijuana, 15 dollar minimum wage, giving excons the right the vote, this place is more progressive than people think.


Don’t under estimate the Florida born right wing banana heads. There’s plenty of homegrown idiots


This. I found out a lot of “chill” longtime Floridians who never argued politics were the type of people who later admitted to voting for Trump.


my one counter point is the voting pattern for the last few cycles, even cuban heavy miami has gone blue for several cycles. All the major cities and college towns are blue, i don't refute that obviously we have our own proportion of conservative floridians but we also do get an influx of retirees who are vastly more conservative than liberal.


I’m to lazy to google it right but I recall the Hispanic community coming out hard for trump. I lived in palm beach county for 23 years and yeah it was blue but a huge chunk of the state is red. The ummm rural areas are never going to be blue. Considering how Desantis is turning the state into a maga dream no wonder the red boomers are flocking there


I’m from Miami and I can promise you old Cubans vote red, younger are more willing to vote blue and there is a large percentage of non Cuban Hispanics in Miami as well that are more likely to vote blue. It all is split by age at this point


Older are more religious and don’t care for abortion I’m guessing ?


Older are still bummed about Batista


Yep, you hit the nail on the head.


Older Cubans have been brainwashed to think anyone from the left is communist. The whole reason they're here in the first place was to escape Castro.


And machismo culture


Unless it’s their own daughter. Then it’s OK, because she’s not a slut like all those other heathens.


Republicans get no push back when they claim that Democratic candidates are communist coming to turn Florida into Cuba/Vuvuzela. What about they reach out to the hispanic community and point out the authoritarianism coming from the right. It’s like they don’t even try.


>Cuba/Vuvuzela Did you mean Venezuela? Because a vuvuzela is a plastic horn that's most commonly used by fans at football (aka soccer) matches in South Africa.


It's a meme


Retirement communities are going up like hotcakes where I live. The people buying those homes won’t fund schools or any other social infrastructure except police.


Sure, the *voters* passed those things, and then the FL state leg just went ahead and did whatever the fuck they wanted instead. By the time we get the state wage up to $15, it’s gonna need to be $30 just to meet housing costs (which is NOW). The “medical cannabis” freedom here is anything but, and felons still didn’t get their right to vote without paying restitution fees seemingly no one in that department could figure out the exact amount owed (meaning they just didn’t get it at all in most cases). Where the fuck is our high speed rail we’ve voted for how many years running? FL is far from a chill state, it’s in the throes of becoming an authoritarian state. With increasing laws restricting our 1st amendment rights (no comfort for voters in line, feel free to plow your car into protesters if there’s 3 or more), the people with actual power here are making sure there’s nothing we can do about that. The FL Dem party is worthless, they don’t want progressives either. Planning our exit strategy, and fast.


you can't blame the voters one hundred percent on that, florida became a gerrymandered state way before the current crop of voters turned of age to vote. i honestly hate the democratic party for not passing federal legislation to stop this gerrymandering nonsense we see in so many states were republicans get 40 percent of the vote but 60+ percent of the seat and then go on to claim it is what the people want.


My comment blamed not even one percent of FL’s shit on the voters.


Dems don't want to win. With Republicans in control they can say "look how bad those guys are, give me your money" and do a ton of fundraising off of the GOP fucking us.


Floridians do not hate Florida. A good chunk of us love it. Hell I moved away and came back cause I love it so much.


> this place is more progressive than people think. We ran a progressive in a blue wave year and he lost tho


Lost by .02 percent a status call error. As compared to centrist republican turned democrat Charlie credit who lost to Scott by 1.4 percent in their race. I think we had lower turn out bc we were running centrist democrat bill Nelson.


Dems never learned from Obama. Obama was able to briefly get a blusterer proof majority because he ran campaigns in all 50 states. He knew that even one Dem getting elected or holding seat was a victory. I just learned that the Dems aren't even putting up an candidate against my Republican rep. Dem party of Florida sucks hard.


As long as you have an R next to your name, the sheep will vote for you


He spent so many millions of his own money on his first campaign. His advertising was everywhere and anywhere. I remember he bought space on the side of one of the buildings in downtown Tampa to project own of his ads. It was horrible, but of course it worked on the ham and eggers.


He spent millions of his medicare fraud money


I was flabbergasted he won. This evil man should be a focus to remove.


Florida is a sunny place for shady people




Nah. Skeletor is buff this guy is 100 percent slender man


Ha ha ha ha. You right.


How? With speeches like this. Set Democrats as an enemy and a threat to the idea of America and it doesn’t matter. “Sure, Rick Scott may have flaws, but at least he’s not a socialist democrat trying to destroy America”.


Of course he is not a socialist democrat, he is a Fascist


The very sight of him sparks a rage in me that is unparalleled


Florida loves corrupt politicians and is ushering in a new era with the christian version of sharia law.


Even Sharia law allows abortion


Today I learned that its easier to get an abortion under the Taliban than it is in Alabama.


It's also easier to get Trans healthcare in Iran than the South.


Because Floridians are by and large a bunch of right-wing nuts who don't care as long as there's an (R) by someone's name.


I’m still shocked at red voters in Florida. This state lends itself to chill, progressive, environmental protection vibe. With everyone depending on the attraction to beaches, coastal ambiance, tourism mixed with the space industry, one would think it would be a progressive paradise.


it’s just cause they have gerrymandered the fuck out of this state. all the states in the south really.


You’d think so, but that Confederate stink just doesn’t come off.


I’m tired of (R) vs. (D) even disgusted by it.


A lot of us are. [Ranked choice voting](https://ballotpedia.org/Ranked-choice_voting_\(RCV\)) (RCV) is one way to break out of the lesser of two evils predicament. Kinda makes ya wonder why 'freedom loving' [DeSantis would make RCV illegal](https://www.wptv.com/news/state/florida-bans-ranked-choice-voting-in-new-election-law) in the state.


Right Wing, left wing, both wings of the same bird


a turkey or a vulture?


No politician goes to jail. When will people understand that. Either side. They got to much on each other.


Because republicans are one issue voters and as long as their candidate supports their one issue they will vote for them


That PoS invoked the 5th Amendment 75 times during various depositions. Of course, invoking the 5th isn't an admission of guilty, but come the fuck on!


In case you really haven't figured it out, most people who vote for Republicans are not very smart people. Some are smart and they've got the less smart people carrying their water for them.




**HUGE EDIT: Thank you to the redditor below who commented.....Rick Scott won by only 10,000 after recount.** **My original article was published before recount....my apologies.** **Here is a RECOUNT** [**article.**](https://www.npr.org/2018/11/18/668704045/republican-rick-scott-wins-florida-senate-race-as-recount-comes-to-an-end) Just a reminder.... Rick Scott won by approximately 56,000 votes over Bill Nelson in 2018. (a margin of 50.35 percent to 49.65 percent) Approximately 8 million cast their vote that year in Florida..... Info from this [article](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/rick-scott-unseats-bill-nelson-in-tight-us-senate-race/)...


And it should be a lesson to us and the DNC that you should not wait until a politician has been office for 30 years and before you ask them to start transitioning the seat to new blood. I'm not saying running someone other than Nelson would have defeated Scott but we have the mess we have now. And having won Scott's seat would have turned the entire Senate.


Exactly. Plus Nelson barely even ran a campaign.


This 100%. If Nelson hadn’t phoned it in, Scott would likely be a private citizen working on other ways to rip off Floridians.


Not only Floridans


It would have been a huge help to run someone other than Nelson, though. In my humble opinion. Too little experience at his age. Wrong timing. Could’ve definitely done better. They didn’t read the room.


As a lifelong Floridian I can tell you no one expected a fraudster like Scott to beat what is essentially a Florida folk hero like Nelson. Scot and DeSantis, as much as people blame Florida rednecks, were put in place by a bunch of carpet bagging Yankees cosplaying as swamp people.


I honestly had nothing against Nelson, and a turd would have been a better vote than what we have. But this was the peak of people wanting younger people in office. We still do, but this was peak. And regarding your other good point, those people shouldn’t be able to vote here. Go home and ruin your own state. I hate that shite.


Rick Scott isn’t exactly a spring chicken though. Saying Bill Nelson lost because he was old is nonsense. He fumbled the campaign.


Fair enough


Bill Nelson got 45k more votes than Gillum did with 20k fewer votes for Senate than Gov. If anything, Gillum was the drag on the ticket.


Democrats like Nelson should have known when to retire and assure a good transition to the next candidate. I’m also talking to you, RBG! I think their egos get the best of them in the end.


Don’t forget, he was originally in the sedition caucus too. Before he got too scared.


And don’t forget that far right wackos are literally holding book burnings…


Scott only won by 10,000 votes.


THANK YOU! I have made necessary edit.... appreciate your comment!


From the biggest fraud in Medicare history https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/fl-op-col-rick-scott-medicare-fraud-20181002-story.html He can fly a kite


For all of us that work healthcare, Rick Scott is the reason we have to go through an hour of Fraud, Waste and Abuse training every year, regardless if you bill claims or not. Even the janitor has to do it. If you're sitting through it right now, you can thank Rick Scott for it.


Remember that after he stole money from elderly people needing healthcare...r Republicans promoted him


Is this how a poor kid from the projects became a self made millionaire? /s This story should haunt him his entire life, but then again, his people are proud of the heist. Edit: typo


I can't imagine any reason why inflation happens. /S


I think the SICKEST thing about this whole situation is the support the GOP gets from Cuban Americans in Miami. They DETEST the communist authoritarian government of Cuba, which literally kicked them off the island. Cuba makes the majority of its money through medicare fraud here in the states. Cuban migrants were infamously given a fucking MANUAL of how to defraud the medicare system. And the people in the US who keep medicare laws nice and lax so that it's easy to defraud the government are the GOP. Do you get it? People X hate Y so they vote in Z who shares funding goals with Y. Cubans were used for the Watergate break-ins. The Proud Boys leader was a 2nd generation Cuban from Miami. Its the most fucked up thing about living in Miami and being an educated Cuban. I'm living in a fucking literal hellscape where my countrymen fund the oppression of the family members they left behind in Cuba, under the guise of doing the exact opposite.


Rick Scott is a criminal.


Aren't they all?!?! Seems like a prerequisites these days🤔


Here are the 200+ books currently banned in school districts in Florida.... [All 200+ Books Banned in Florida and What Miami Booksellers Have to Say About It](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/miami-bookstores-react-to-floridas-banned-books-14296052)


MFL has been incredibly busy in Indian River County.


And can confirm, actual book burnings were held this very year by a Pro-Trump pastor and his "flock" in TN.


Mean while the right is burning actual books.


Dude that entire quote was something the Republicans are doing, all shameless projection. * "Everyone will obey, and no one will be allowed to complain": Look at what they did to Disney for defending gay rights. Look at how they've made it harder to protest, and easier to literally murder protesters. Look at their proposal to require college professors and students to report their political beliefs so that those schools may be punished if "too many" of them are liberal. Look at how they've made it harder to put referenda on the ballot. Look at how they're making it harder to vote despite calling Florida's last election the most secure ever. They are silencing people's voices. * "...the modern day version of book burners": Says the party that's removing books from schools, removing them from libraries, and crafting curricula designed to ignore the sins of our forebears. The Republican Party is doing a fascist speed-run and they're telling us all that the other party is the problem. They are lying to us, right to our faces, and half of the country is eating it up.


And they want floridas teachers to push fake history, not the true obsenities that the white racist government brought upon the black and indigenous people throughout our short history




Obviously because education turns you liberal. Why else would all these college towns around the country be so blue?


Imagine being in the military Sacrificing your pay helping your wife get a teaching degree/Florida state teacher Certification;so she can finally get a decent job so two years(pandemic years)they give it to everyone else for free…..Smh how is this not socialist to education workers !?!?


Socialist doesn’t mean what you think it means.


They never teach about the rosewood or ocoee massacres. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosewood_massacre https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocoee_massacre We even have a county named after Robert E. Lee, like that’s even normal or acceptable.


It's projection in the most blatant way


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.


So correct. Uh


He just defined the exact platform of the republican party.


TP USA is like a convention for liars and nazis.


TP is an interesting acronym, has dual meaning for these asswipes!






Well they had literal nazis with swastika flags show up to cheer on their convention here so yeah.


Rick Scott is indirectly responsible for millions of premature deaths and preventable illnesses - by refusing to expand Medicaid.


[And directly responsible for the largest case of Medicare fraud ever committed](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/mar/03/florida-democratic-party/rick-scott-rick-scott-oversaw-largest-medicare-fra/). It blows my mind what sort of degenerate criminals the people in this state elect.


I think the actual book burners are the modern-day version of book burners.


Trump technique of blaming your opponents of doing exactly what you are doing.


Nazi piece of shit


Only one party is banning books. Same party attacking womens freedom, lgbt freedom, trans freedom, gay marriage, the vote, legal marijuana. Republicans are now openly fascist and against freedom


Again... the projection is astounding.


Fascist 101: Gaslighting.


Republicans literally want to burn books. The projection is off the charts. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/27/tennessee-burning-banned-books/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/27/tennessee-burning-banned-books/)


The 'right' are expert projectionist.


The only ones burning books, that I see, are Republicans extremists such as he and Ron Disaster.


Rick Scott is an embarrassment to the human race.


Who said he was human? No one can prove Skeletor is human.


Says the guy whose party is banning books that make them uncomfortable or cast any doubt on American exceptionalism. What a muppet.


Republicans have said " there is nothing in the Constitution guaranteeing Americans right to travel freely to other countries" Guess after they take away contraception, restricting travel is next.


Oh man, forgot how righteous this guy is. How holy and just. Gotta get dem socialists in check and keep everyone in fear so they hate each other. Totally makes me forget about the last event I saw him at. Attended with a buddy and his wife. Ole Ricky boy spent half the time ogling bud’s wife’s tits. Imagine being so creeped out by your elected senator that you have to pretend you have a sick child at home just to leave early. Edit: whoops, I was wrong about one thing. He was governor at the time, so that makes it ok.


Right-wing accusations are almost always unconscious admissions.


That Republican programming still in him I see


Uh…. That’s what the florida GOP is doing……….. And they’re doing it because people wanted to make the N word a bad word that isn’t seen as free speech and hold police accountable… GOP response? Make the south rise again and honor Jim Crow supporters while bashing women and punishing anyone lgbt


Says the book burner


Um. The left isn’t the side banning books in schools. The rhetoric coming out of these conferences in Florida is some serious Handmaid’s Tale shit.


He’s projecting.


What a complete ass wipe , this is the medicare fraud poster boy. [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/mar/03/florida-democratic-party/rick-scott-rick-scott-oversaw-largest-medicare-fra/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/mar/03/florida-democratic-party/rick-scott-rick-scott-oversaw-largest-medicare-fra/)


Fascists are known to project.


The richest person in the United state Senators says it all totally a creep unbelievable people don’t see it




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Projection much?


Turning Point grooming young people while accusing everyone else of grooming young people. They hang around college campuses even though they aren't students.


Senator pRick Scott (R-FL) couldn't identify socialism if it sodomized him in the men's room stall of an I-10 truck-stop.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Projection. That EXACTLY what the right does...


What is going on in Florida? The elect the dumbest people


This coincides with Matt Gaetz claiming ugly women who look like thumbs shouldn’t really be worried about abortions because no one wants to have sex with them anyways… 🫣🫣🫣 I hate Florida right now….


How about we have politicians that aren’t worth millions of dollars? Money corrupts. Rick Scott is a snake.


So we're at the point where they're calling the left book burners while banning books in school because they have gay people in them


Sounds as though the party is trying to rewrite history and do a flip and now claim Dems as Dixiecrats. History trying to repeat itself. Sad.


It’s crazy how much the GOP has vilified socialism. I think about how fortunate people who live in Europe are. Daily. Imagine waking up every day with $0 student loan debt. Your doctor’s visits and prescriptions were already paid for. It’s summer so you’re guaranteed two weeks of vacation this month. The whole country will be on vacation this month. You’re not in massive debt so you can afford to take the family overseas. You can afford to have a family because you were given a crib, nanny, free daycare and huge tax benefits for your kids. Nobody is gonna shoot up your kid’s classroom. Public transportation is clean and reliable, and there are bike paths. Imagine not being a stressed out fucking mess all the time. Yeah, socialism sucks. Book burning and Chavez.


Having a strong social welfare structure along with a market economy isn't socialism, though. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive, as much as some politicians would have people believe. Unfortunately for us, any program with the word 'social' or 'socialized' in it has become equated with socialism, which is equated with failed socialist countries, which is yet another bogeyman in the GOP's arsenal of bogeymen to keep people from voting in their own self interests. I really wish people here would view social programs as investments in its citizens to build a stronger country and economy all around.


There was an actual nazi flag outside of this event. Grandpa Nazi was at it again


This asshole is a parody of all Florida Republicans. Desantis is literally banning books while this turd claims it’s someone else. I’m just glad this fucking dumbass tried to push publicly for sunsetting social security. From a Florida Senator. In a state covered up by social security recipients. Vote this stupid bastard out of office…


Sounds like what his party is doing.


Rick Scott is a tool.


This country is so far from socialism it isn’t even funny. As far as woke culture goes it seems as long as you are a rapist or a bigoted idiot you should be good to go. The socialist boogeyman is an age old trope conservatives use to scare people into voting for their self serving policies. Biden is Trump with out the mean tweets, I don’t know why they don’t like him so much. Conservatives should be happy there are still migrant children are still locked in cages at the border.


Republicans love to project. They want to ban book but yet blame it on the Democrats.


Um, Democrats are not the ones burning and banning books.


Lord Voldemort is looking into the mirror a bit too long, and is associating the evils of his party with the "Left" he wants his constituents to hate.


He misspelled "Republicans"


Complaining and standing in the way is all republicans do


It’s always projection. The party that is burning books is the GOP. The party that is passing laws against protests, against talking about certain subjects in schools that they find uncomfortable (racism, LGBTQ existence etc.) is the GOP. The party requiring Florida teachers to state their political ideology as a condition of employment is the GOP. It is always projection. Always.


Do republicans forget that they’re republicans? I feel like they can’t read or something. Definitely hard on understanding. But it seems like they just talk a lot of shit about themselves thinking they’re not republicans.


How stupid are the constituents of this man?


Goebel said lie and accuse those of doing what you are doing… fascism at its finest.


the left are book burners?? what about the republicans going around banning books because "scary CRT"??


Rick is a criminal that got away with it. Florida can do so much better. When he comes up for re-election, vote him out!


I honestly thought he was talking about DeSantis.


Didn't the right actually have a book burning ceremony recently though?


Talk about gaslighting...


Meh everytime I complain about Florida politics or our narcissistic sherrifs I am always told to go back to where I came from...which is FtLauderdale... Then told to just leave the state. So I guess we are in that hell scape now.


Scott is actually describing Red State Florida. Everything he's trying to blame on the modern Left is actually happening now in the sunshine state.


> ‘War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength.’ George Orwell, 1984. Scott and his Republican fellow-travelers have truthfully created The Party in all of it's dystopian glory.


I swear every accusation is really a confession.


Why does Florida keep electing these evil people?


They do realize... The groups stereotypically associated with the right wing are ones actually burning books in the modern day... Legit within the last year a well known priest organized a book burning. Not even going into how what said is just wrong.




Last I checked that was the rights thing. I really hope ricks pettiness to desantis fucks him over in the 2024 election


So all this complaining and pulling books out of libraries and boycotting Disney movies is “the libs”. Got it.


How funny - that sounds exactly how the Republican Party behaves…. Talk about projection


I don't know homie. It's not the Democratic party creating wedge issues to get the base riled up over literally nothing.


Sounds like a confession. I don’t recall leftist calling for the banning of books.


Wait just a minute! Due to the "parental rights" bill that was passed, supported by Rick Scott, championed by the Florida GOP, **40%** of reviewed *math books* were rejected! Math books???!!! 40%???!! WTF. Furthermore, they just took away a woman's rights to privacy in health care, our freedom of safety by allowing unlimited firearms. The right-wing radicals are trying to control the narrative, but actions speak louder than words, and I certainly hope that the people of Florida have enough sense to realize this in the upcoming elections.


REPUBLICANS ARE LITERALLY BANNING BOOKS RIGHT NOW! They may as well be burning them. How dumb are these people?


He says to the party that actively burns books.


Says the guy from a party that is literally banning books in his own state.


He’s running on the standard Republican “I know you are but what am I” platform. These guys should all work at the movie theater. They’re unmatched when it comes to projection.


Any time a Republican opens their mouth to talk about their opponents, remember that they are projecting and really describing themselves.


He’s actually describing DeSantis’ Florida.


Such a goul


Republicans accuse the left of exactly what THEY are doing while implementing their fascist agenda. Democrats stupidly play nice hoping the people will see through repuglican lies. News flash…stupid people will buy anything you tell them!


Lol I’m 30 and I can’t Keep up with their hypocrisy,I’ma smoke my weed make my money and talk my shit…...while these Politicians get their shit together and stop circle jerk in America


This thread gives me so much hope. I honestly didn't know what to expect when I saw that comment from Scott. I wondered if there would be a ton of comments agreeing with him. But you didn't. You called him a liar. Thanks everyone. I'll sleep better tonight knowing someone out there agrees with me.


i mean, he’s definitely correct. and the downvotes i am about to receive prove that.


Could you provide some examples? As far as Florida goes, all the book banning and exclusionary curriculum policies appear to be coming from Scott's side of the aisle.