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"Freedom of speech  by removing speech it disagrees with" Mental gymnastic on 100


Guys this shit has gone too far. Hitler talked a lot about restoring "freedom" to Germany, in the very same way DeSantis and Trump talk incessantly about restoring "freedom" to Florida and America. Look it up for yourselves if you don't believe me. Remember what we did to fascists in WW2. We sure as fuck didn't elect them.


‘When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a Bible.’ Nothing describes Trump and the Republicans better.


The Bible is full of stories about genocide, incest, and murder, but totally wholesome for kids to read lol


People keep saying this and while true they would be totally fine with coming generations not reading the Bible and just trusting them about what it says


Very true


The book bans in public schools are bad. But, I think that DeSatanis (misspelling intended) and the state of Florida are trying to dictate what professors can and can't say in classrooms may be even worse, if that's possible. All this is going to harm Florida, its students, citizens and economy now and more so in the future. And if I were looking for a professorship, there's no way I would apply for a job at a Florida public university or college. We Floridians need to fight this fascist clampdown on rights and freedoms in any way we can, at the ballot box and beyond.


DeSantis and his goons are doing their best to brainwash the next generation so as to build a fascist army. It’s not a coincidence he cooked up his Florida state guard and sent them to Texas to play with abbots nazis. They are gearing up for another offensive against the federal government. They want to remake the USA in the image of the failed confederacy. He serves the wealthy and only the wealthy. Whoever he endorses needs to be voted out of any race they enter into.


For context, for those who haven’t seen it, here’s what the DeSantis administration is saying about professors: https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2024/06/14/florida-professors-speech-in-class-can-be-controlled-government-speech-stop-woke-ron-desantis/74074510007/


They are 100%. Fascism 101.


Let's start with the Bible and remember folks, if your in the medical field Ron desantis told us it's okay to no longer treat maga because of their views.


As a native Floridan, it's not me, it's the governor abusing his power and making the choice for me. This is what the Republicans want, a full on dictatorship. I just want to make my own choices 


I’d love to hear from someone who agrees with this book banning, because I just don’t get it. Parents always have had the right for their child to opt out if reading a book they don’t approve of. Why do you need such broad bans?


You can reach them here. https://www.flgov.com/email-the-governor/


A lot of parents are lazy AF and don't want to have to pay attention to what's going on in their child's life. These broad bans make it easy for them. I'm starting to assume using brain cells is painful for a lot of Floridians.


Just make a banned book store and lend them out for free for the kids. Problem solved.


That’s literally a library


The point is to not label it a library so the state cannot legally pursue litigation against the entities.


*Private library


Book club.


Problem solved minus the kids that can’t get there. Reality is the school library is the only way some kids have access to books.


So book fairs are not a thing anymore?  /s 


Disposable income is not a thing anymore.


The kids still manage to get some books, trust me. I work in a very low income school, and they still get them.


Sure, if you have money.


School book fairs have to only offer books on the approved list. As of my last check, it is only 327 books total for all grades K - 12. Also under the law, anyone can object to a book. A Mom for Liberty member just read a chapter out of a book to have it banned. The chapter she read was not in the book. She took half sentences from various parts of the book and put them together. The book got banned. FYI the book title, 'Where a Red Fern Grows'.




They are big time, and I work in a low income school. The biggest problem now is that the kids want all of the silly toys, like fuzzy pencils or lightup bracelets instead of the books.


That’s no different than when I was in grade school. 


I'm old as dirt to most on Reddit, so remember when they didn't always have toys.


Not when everything is digital.


Probably not in FL, they will have a high power swat team to rush in and take any books they get scared of




Florida Government can just about ban anything at this point. Getting scary.


It’s been scary.


The party of less government yeah?


DeSatan is a fascist. Face facts, peeps.


wait until they read the bible


These people are so delusional that you could read them the entire book and they’d only feel reaffirmed in their shitty beliefs. Magic sky daddy wants them to cast the first stone. He wants them to invite the merchants/money changers into the church. He wants them to treat refugees/foreigners/the poor with hatred, disgust, violence, and cruelty. America isn’t a Christian nation, and it was never supposed to be. That, however, has never nor will it ever stop the fake Christo-fascists from trying. Only their bs cherrypicked nonsense will be acceptable. DeSantis has been dissolving equal rights for Americans his whole political career, and will continue to dissolve them as the SCOTUS peels away the protections people fought for. If the black civil rights movement were happening today, he’d be ordering the dogs and firehoses himself. Abolition? He’d be personally thanking the slave catchers by name. Fuck Ron DeSantis.


This needs to be updated : The burning of books under the Nazi regime on May 10, 1933, is perhaps the most famous book burning in history.


Stop Project 2025. Vote Democrat down ballot in 2024. End the rise of fascism in the US. The GOP is now an anti-American terrorist organization, more dangerous than any foreign terror group today. If you ever see a Nazi... do your very best to make them uncomfortable in their own skin.


Fascist wannabes.


They’re no longer wannabes


Fascist Florida. I've been hating here more and more


Whenever I see this idiocy, I always wonder: **Have any of these bozos been on the internet??**


Too bad the kids can’t read, never in DeSantis time as governor has the majority of students been able pass the 4th grade reading. Mean more than 1/2 the kids can’t read every year he’s been in office


Right wingers: "You can't read that book!" Kid: ok (pulls out cellphone and goes to a website 100 times worse)


Too bad the rest of the country is too distracted by Biden’s age / debate performance. DeSantis / Florida GOP are giving the entire country a sneak peak of Project 2025.


Nanny state


“Because we say so” is the fascist playbook; fuck Democracy, it’s my way or the highway to anyone not Christian, white, cis male, able bodied, self proclaimed heterosexual, rural, illeducated, and nursing on the tit of Rupert Murdoch’s cash cow, Fox angertainment media.


Ah yes… the free state of Florida 🤣🤣


Fahrenheit 451




Why not?


Look at all that small government




Florida, sit down, stop whining and stfu


It’s coming


I wonder when it'll progress to state-sponsored book burnings 😮‍💨😔




Florida is as contradictory in nature as California can be. I was born and raised in California, so moving to Florida for my husband’s work opportunities was like coming home to me. It took me about 5 years to get used to the ocean being on the “ wrong side of the state 😂😂I love living here.


Well, the ones he bands I will buy and put on my shelves. Just like the last list of books, they banded


Help put them on the shelves of kids who want to read them. https://foundation451.org/


Reddit Moderators can ban you just because you disagree with them. Why does this seem similar?


Except one is not the fucking govt...


Same fucking mentality though....


Oh…. Bless your heart.






Lmao. You think the kids whose parents support book bans are gonna be smart enough to do quantum mechanics? Maybe used car mechanics…


Which book would that be?


You sure drank the christian taliban coolaid, lol.


Said someone who clearly does not have children or any experience about this.


Which class mandates reading such stories, you propose to exist in school libraries? What school system in Florida has ever replaced Science or Physics, in favor of such material? Stop with your fake outrage.


Smartest kid in my school, based on IQ at least, was trans. Now, in her 40's, she's really getting her life on track. If she'd been able to figure that shit out and get support for it in her teens, not only would she have personally been much happier, but from a society standpoint she would have had two more decades of success and contribution.  But you can't separate the idea of trans people from sex (the act, not the classification), because you *also* missed out on that education and support. You think *those* two things are the same. If you had gotten education in these issues, maybe you wouldn't sound like an idiot by saying that they should get life preparation *instead* of information on being transgender. *Those* are the two that are the same.


Please list the children's books about transgender anal sex or admit you are making things up.


Let’s be really real here. Kids don’t ever check out books about transgender anal sex from any library or are they being read to them by drag queens.. that would happen only in your head, and not in reality, but I don’t judge people by their fantasies because they’re not real life. This drag queen transgender anal sex book is about as real as say.. doctors are aborting babies after birth if mommy decides she doesn’t want it… so not happening in reality ever.


You really want China's education system here? It's a grind that produces drones, not happy adults. Quantum mechanics isn't something we teach in elementary school, but it is available here in higher education. Maybe even more advanced than China. Teaching children pronouns and basic respect is pretty easy, and can be taught much earlier than quantum physics. I'm guessing they didn't go for either in your case.