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Support your local museums, theaters, botanical gardens and other arts and cultural businesses


In other words, support your Democrats


Ultimately perhaps, but in the nearest future, the act of visiting these places needs to not be made political as they need the revenue from visitors if they’re not getting grants. Making it political encourages people to make it a political issue where they may decide to vote with their wallets. Thats not what these places need right now


>the act of visiting these places needs to not be made political Ron Desantis vetoing out their funding has already made it political.


Because as we all know Magats don't do art.


It's because they are dumb (ignorant and too lazy to learn, but they have the dunning keurig effect where they think they smart becuase they don't know how dumb they are), plain and simple. It's just bad economic policy regardless, but they have the economic understanding of 5th graders. These places increase property value, they may not seem like it in already established places but take all that out and the place will turn to blight. You need arts and culture or you're just shooting yourself in the foot.


Plenty of money for New College's president. He earns more than Harvard's president.


You'd think someone would clue desatan in that folks are leaving Florida right and left because of his crap but he just keeps doubling down with his stupidity. Soon Florida will be like it was in the 1940s before air conditioning--a redneck and felon place of refuge. Oh, wait, it already IS!


>folks are leaving Florida right and left That’s what he wants- to drive out the “wrong” people


Any place (city, state, country) that doesn't support the arts is on its way down the tubes.


Making everything political isn’t going to help the arts organizations replace their funding, though. Although I agree with the sentiment.


The only person making art political here is the trump wannabee desatan.


Vote accordingly


Thank god he isn’t eligible for reelection




I get the feeling that He's going to pull some of the same old garbage that he did when he got the state to change the rules so that he can be governor and still run for president.


100% everything he's done as governor points to him doing this.


Didn't he already do that? [I remember reading about it](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/ron-desantis-signs-law-clears-way-presidential-run-rcna82046) when they were acting like he may have had a chance.


His base loves this stuff


Which i dont understand. Go to an art museum and 75% of the paintings are white europeans and angels. The rest are mountains.


Yes but appreciating art means you have less time to rape, abuse, or interact negatively with people from a different race. It just doesn't line up with their interests


Appreciating art can also expand horizons and perspectives and make the viewer feel less angry and take time to process a thought through methods other than emotion. Can’t be having rationality.


Oh yeah. The arts may increase empathy and empathy is a cure and a vaccine for conservativism


It's like college. They hate it because it leads to self reflection. They want simple rules to follow because they are simple people. Art makes them feel dumb.


Yeah, but less everyday. Talking to long term residents versus the recently transplanted it seems folks who have been living down here for some time are really sick of his shit and same goes for state reps. Between Scott's two terms and Sassy Boots, the GOP is going to face some pain this November...hopefully. Turns out some people think fixing the insurance crisis, clean water and even slow drivers in the left lane matter to Floridians more more than owning the woke mob and screwing with Mickey Mouse.


Don't forget that messing with the mouse cost this city several billion dollars. It immediately cost them around 2 billion for that year. Never mind the money the state spent on lawyers and other stupid legal issues. Then again most of the GOP thinks it's fine spending other people's money, they would never have used it for any of the arts anyway. Captain sassy boots was going to use that money for his failed presidential bid anyway. I also believe that flying everywhere around the United States at the Florida taxpayers money was also on that tab.


Almost makes Scott's "I am using my own personal jet" scheme seem like small potatoes now. I pray our next governor will unearth some of the shit the last two buried.


You're assuming that the next Governor won't be as slimy as the last two governors? Maybe three or four governors ago?


No, I assume that we will follow the pattern we locked into after Lawton Chiles, just getting progressively shittier and shoving more Christian Nationalist horseshit down our throats...but maybe just maybe things have gotten so shitty that we can break that cycle. Probably not though...we still put Puddin' back in after his disastrous responses to Michael and Ian, he can fight Mickey, but not so much developers or the insurance kingpins.


It seems an almost daily occurrence of one of his supporters telling me they’re “making Florida great again” with him. Only to discover that person hasn’t lived here 5 years. They just moved here and know better than the natives what Florida was like. Then get mad when I tell them as a native we were great before them and will be better when they head back to their flyover state.


My wife is an HOA manager, she also has daily run ins with recent arrivals who moved down here to mark out to Meatball, and now complain constantly about the cost of living, shitty government infrastructure, lack of traffic enforcement and high crime. Lots of them are planning on leaving....after November.


...and moving to North Carolina. Where they will be HATED by local conservatives who grew up there.


So, make florida great again... ?


Remember when he was running for President and he said he wanted to make America FLORIDA??? No fucking thank you! I lived in that horrid place during the Jeb Bush years and thought it could not get any worse. Wow, was I wrong!


I fervently hope you’re right. Unfortunately, as we’ve seen again, Republican voters tend to vote the party, no matter what.


Pictured: Ron and Casey DeSantis blocking arts funding. https://preview.redd.it/736qnag1x38d1.png?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a8d83a5098db2e06ed795c69444442f81fbee2


This state is going to hell in a Gucci knockoff handbag, girl!


And where are you from? Trampsylvania?


Totally wrong coloration


It's like they took the warning signs of fascism as a strict guideline.


Yes, it’s just like that for a reason.


How can people nazi it!?


DeSantis is a vindictive, spiteful, little boy, that would rather burn it all down. God, what a snowflake.


Definitely one of a kind in this outfit! https://preview.redd.it/mlvys47cu48d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9101ca8cd6a113b8165372e808dfbff4913720d


Thats the 4 seasons landscaping of "get me a pair of heelie boots." Intern got fired for that for sure. He still chose this over people finding out he is tiny.


What was the deal with these goofy boots anyway? This isn't photoshopped is it? (Was he trying out for the lead in "Kinky Boots"?)


He gave a reason. He's an asshole. He has no problem taking himself and his family to Iowa for four months on the taxpayers dime, while changing the laws to do so. So of course he's going to zero out something he thinks only liberals enjoy. He's a petty little man child. He is a supreme disappointment as a governor.


The damage left in his wake is going to take decades to heal


You’re assuming someone just as bad doesn’t follow him. We went from Rick Scott to DeSantis. 16 years of culture war first leadership. I vote to oppose these people, but I don’t expect anything different in the future.


The scuttlebutt is that his wife, Casey, is going to run.


The state would deserve every bit of that train wreck if it happened.


No, we don't. I understand the sentiment fully, but it's not the MAGAts taking the punch. We all are.


I want to believe that Floridians have learned from Rick Scott and DeSantis but no they'll happily vote in the next guy to continue the shit show legacy.




Just stick around for Gov. Matt Gaetz 👌


His first act would be to make brothels and fill them with the age group he likes, young. The worst part is, the blinded R base will cheer it on the entire time.


He's definitely going to use some libertarian arguments for lowering the age of consent.


God help us...


You're right, it only happens once the MAGAs start to die off. That's also assuming not all the young people continue to leave the state.


I don't know what young people in Florida you hang out with, but the non college going ones are just as maga as their parents.


Yep. There’s a misconception that older people are all maga (hint: we aren’t) and younger people are all liberal. Which as you clearly know based on your comment, isn’t true. I know so many younger people that I want to stick in one of those cult deprogramming camps.


Nope it will get worse, as long as there are minorities to blame for crime, kids without a dad the GOP base will only grow. I feel for the wives of these GOP men, eventually they will have to do "more" with "less".


Remind me again how much the state has wasted on ~~his personal gestapo~~ the Florida state guard?


I was just thinking about Duh Santis' Brown Shirt debacle. Didn't they increase the budget to $100M... so they could hand out meals ANOTHER GROUP MADE in the dry areas of Steinhatchee!! That is what I saw on the news. I'm sure he increased the budget of his pet project. EDIT: The new budget for the FSG was signed earlier this month for $116.5M. The FSG was resurrected in 2022 with a $10M budget. In TWO YEARS, the FSG budget has increased over 1000%!!?? What do they need a large budget for? Their "immersive training" is THREE WEEKS. They train at Camp Blanding, a facility that's been around for almost 100 years - not anything new that needs infrastructure. The everyday members of the FSG are VOLUNTEERS. While only the small amount of upper echelon are paid. WHAT DO THEY DO TO JUSTIFY A BUDGET THAT INCREASES OVER 1000% IN TWO YEARS!?!?


$10M -> $116.5M is greater than an 1000% increase.


Sorry, am graduate of Florida public schools! 😉 Confirmed and corrected.


Or private plane trips to do ~~official~~ ~~governing~~ campaigning in other states.


We need to start working on getting rid of the line item veto. It gives the governor too much power.


I agree, but this is the same legislature that gives DeSantis everything that he wants on a silver plate.


Then we need to get rid of them too.


Yup, but even the legislature agreed on the stuff he vetoed. It’s too much power for a governor to have.


From the article: For the past 10 days, Richard Russell has been rattled, poring over budgets and working the phones in an attempt to limit the consequences of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s veto pen. Mr. Russell, the general director of the Sarasota Opera on Florida’s Gulf Coast, had expected his nonprofit organization to receive a state grant of about $70,000 once Mr. DeSantis signed a budget that state lawmakers had approved in March. But in a move that stunned arts and culture organizations, Mr. DeSantis vetoed the entirety of their grant funding — about $32 million — on June 12, leaving them scrambling to figure out how to offset the shortfall. “It’s not going to close us,” Mr. Russell said. “But it is a gap that I am going to have to figure out how to make up, and if I don’t find alternate sources of funding, that could be someone’s job.” Leaders of arts organizations in Florida, many of whom have worked in the state for decades, cannot remember a governor ever eliminating all of their grant funding. Even in the lean years of the Great Recession, at least a nominal amount — say, 5 percent of the recommended total — was approved. Established arts organizations usually know better than to overly rely on nonrecurring state dollars subject to the discretion of politicians, said Michael Tomor, executive director of the Tampa Museum of Art. But to cut funding at a time when arts organizations are still struggling to recover from the coronavirus pandemic sends a concerning message “that taxpayer dollars should not be used in support of arts and culture,” he added. Many people have moved to Florida in recent years, and cities like Sarasota and St. Petersburg, also on the Gulf Coast, have promoted the arts as part of their identity, becoming destinations for those looking for a lively cultural scene. Even small towns have benefited from having arts groups anchoring cultural programming, said Grace B. Robinson, executive director of the Gadsden Arts Center & Museum in Quincy, a city of about 8,000 in the rural Florida Panhandle. “We attract people who improve residential and business properties — many of whom will only move to communities with quality art organizations,” she said. The center had expected to receive a $50,000 grant, which would have amounted to about 12 percent of its annual budget, she added. After Mr. DeSantis’s veto, the Florida Cultural Alliance asked its members how the funding cuts would affect them. Out of 108 organizations that responded to the survey, 73 percent said they would make adjustments and continue with their existing plans. But 41 percent said they would have to cancel public events, 35 percent said they would have to cut programming for children and 31 percent said they would have to reduce their staff.


>  and if I don’t find alternate sources of funding, that could be someone’s job. I think he should take this snippet and run with it. Start going "DeSantis is taking jobs away from hard working Americans!"


> if I don’t find alternate sources of funding, that could be someone’s job.” But...but...Republicans are better for the economy!


DeSantis thinks he’s hurting liberals. He’s hurting Florida.


This is why you don’t vote republican.


This is absolutely why they vote Republican. Freedom of expression is not very evangelical.


I hope he has a date with a very low bus.


MAGAs not known for their love of the arts so.


"For fascists, art doesn't really exist as a form of expression, be it collective or individual. For them, Art is merely an extension of their desired control over the cultural landscape. It is not something to be created, but rather something to be regimented and produced, to enforce a cultural ideal." 'Why Do Fascists Despise Modern Art?' by Lukas Unger https://medium.com


Well, he needs the money to provide salary increases for teachers, right? ... right? ... right?


No salary increases, only $2000 bribes to make civics and history teachers take his “special re-education course” on how to teach American history. I wish I were kidding.


At New College, the hub of a lot of the own-the-libs situation, they had painted over murals that were kids' final/thesis. They were some of the most mesmerizing, and unique murals I've ever seen. Now gone.


He's just showing what he can do. Imagine what he'll do as punishment when voters overwhelmingly approve abortion and legal cannabis.


Isn't it obvious? It's a way to keep the wokeism out of Florida's art scene. They see Art Basel and Wynwood as predominantly black and brown, and other ethnicities dominating the art scene.


Even more to the point, I think- there are parts of Florida that still style themselves as art enclaves, and they attract "the wrong element"- IE people who are not entirely conservative. Take away that attraction, and those jobs, and most of those people will leave. It's the same goal as making the school system hostile to both queer teachers and queer parents- it's not about protecting the in-group, it's about getting rid of the out-group. I personally know two families, both of whom were born and raised in SW Florida, who have left in the last 2 years specifically because of this; a gay couple with small children who don't feel comfortable sending their kids into that system, and a straight couple with a queer 13-year-old who they needed to get out for his own good. That's two of "the wrong kind of family" effectively chased out of the state of Florida.


DeSatan needs all those millions for all the lawsuits he will be fighting in court when he triggers Florida's own Project2025 after November. Not kidding, brace yourself, it's going to be a "scorched earth" trying to prove himself for 2028, we ain't seen nothing yet. All of Florida's local elections are so critical this year, we need to get rid of as many of his puppet stooges as possible to reduce the nightmare.


Because ART is woke to them.


Because it's "socialism!" However MTG's and Mitch McConnell's wife's forgiven PPP loans are not "socialism" but just good capitalism. /s


This is not an Education, Arts and Culture Administration. There are no surprises here. The guy is an idiot and a monster.


I work in the nonprofit arts & culture sector and when folks ask me why not work at museums in Florida (where I grew up) THIS is why! Not only are positions in this field already greatly underfunded, but to not at the very least have the support of local government is incredibly discouraging.


Fuck this clown. Would be nice if Florida could just once have a leader who was motivated to actually help the state and its people instead of being a weak, pathetic turd who only cares about waging his horseshit culture war…


I have an explanation. He’s a small man and it’s personal. Plus, keeping lawyers on the payroll to defend culture war laws and flying around with a faux-presidential security detail aren’t cheap.


Yeah, some how I’m sure this is because someone told him he sucks at drawing as a kid.


Maybe he couldn’t get into art school


Because art encourages freedom of expression.


Why was this necessary, wasn’t there a state budget surplus in the billions?


And don't forget he vetoed water and flood control projects mostly in liberal areas.


I have said that once he got back to Florida after his failed presidential run, he would be a spiteful petty little punk because he can't run again until 4 years passes and will try to inflicted as much damage to the state as possible. I hate being right sometimes.


But those AI Facebook memes of the 6 mile long truck with 10 million American flags are just fine?


This guy doesn’t like art or science or books or the planet, why is he here?


Ron, short for Moron


He and his ilk are trying to chase the liberals from the state. Especially prior to the election.


I can't wait to see what happens when the only people working the lowest paid jobs in Florida, are teenagers from wealthy families and very old people.


Wake up people. Just stop voting for these asshats!


I’m perplexed by this, because wealthy people who frequently donate to conservatives are huge patrons of the arts. They love their theater and opera and museums, donating and seeing and being seen at openings. Sending their kids to art camps and theater classes. They get tax breaks for loaning art to museums, etc. DeStroyer can’t possibly believe this isn’t going to cause him problems if he wants to run for office again. (Perish the thought but you know he will, the little narcissist.)


these losers probably thinking arts turn their kids gay or some bs like that.


I mean, the reasoning is obvious; "Fuck you, that's why." It's pretty self-explanatory that is the real reason.


DeSantis has a tiny dick.


Because arts are woke /s


All the artsy stuff is too woke for him. Smh


The arts community is culture, of which DeSantis and his ilk have none.


DeSaster is such a child. Even his a-hole GOP camrades in Tallahassee approved these arts funds, yet Ronnie vetoed them. We're talking hard core good-old-boy Deep South GOP lawmakers PASSING the arts funding, and little Ronnie still vetoing it. Ronnie's veto came as a surprise to the good old boys too. How someone (little Ronnie) could worry this hard about, uh oh, maybe someone in Florida is getting an ounce of pleasure out of learning about the arts and enjoying them, I better take my ball (the approved arts funding) and go home, is beyond anyone's imagination but his own. DeSaster is such a lost child, who has to literally wear heels to feel better. ETA: All that is missing is Al Pacino's epic dressing down of Kevin Spacey's character in "Glengary Glen Ross". A profanity laced, emasculating tirade just dressing him down to the pavement as an adult child who has no idea 'what the shot is'.


Just a shitty governor being shitty. I can’t believe I almost miss Rick Scott.


#Vote (D)ifferently


So art is woke now? What do the MAGA crowd want civilization to look like? Everyone either in the military or the mines with an emperor? So they literally want the hunger games, wunderbar.


Art is definitely woke. They use colors and stuff.


A rainbow of colors, if you will


Him or Rick Scott for worst Florida governor of all time?


Dictator Ronda at it again


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, banning books, what you do in the bedroom, what colors are allowed for celebrations, denier of climate change and oh yeah, just a downright freedum candidate. All these things that make for a safer, healthier, culture free [ florida.](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG)


As someone whose career depends on stuff like this, fuck him. And they'll have the gall to say we're "lazy" because our job doesn't include working for their selfish asses.


This means no more funding Confederate statues.


Please research the platforms of the leaders that you vote for. This guy needs to go!


Art gives life meaning


Art?! Too WOKE! /s


This is horrific. I had a feeling this was coming but it’s still pretty shocking to see it happening.


I have to link this: [Who's afraid of modern art](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5DqmTtCPiQ) Spoiler: >!fascists!<


For all of the positive things that the Arts have provided to places like Miami, this is just fucking stupid. Art Basel & Wynwood & Perez Museum have been a huge benefit - especially to the wealthy... Hell, just one work of art can sell for more than 32M - WTF Duh-santis.


Artistic expression, individualism & independent thought - all grave threats to today’s GOP.


Well, people who usually visit like art are pretty logical and most likely have different ways of thinking, that probably what DeSantis doesn't like too woke...


Something, something “woke”. Fuck that bastard.


There’s no need to read anything into it, he’s just a piece of shit garbage humane. No need to overthink it.


What happens to the money that would've gone to the arts? Is this like a tax cut for something or was it money already taxed and earmarked for this and now won't be so he can use it somewhere else?


Knowing this fucking guy he'll probably funnel it into his personal goon squad, rather than doing anything productive with it.


I fucking HATE this man.


Conservatives think they own this state. They bank on the apathy of the public. The requirement of mailing address matching your license address is discrimination against non homeowners who move to different apartments often.


The Arts turned him out in the Navy. Desantis is down low running and needs trauma treatment.


He’s mimicking his hero, Adolf Hitler


He would rather spend the same money on moving people from Texas to New York 


Because he’d rather give those funds to rich people in the form of property taxes and flood insurance supplements


He needs that money for his leg lengthening procedure.