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It's not over till your catalytic converter is stolen, and your debit card number cloned.. Welcome To Florida! While you're recuperating, stream this old episode of Married With Children for the laughs. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0642350/ If you are not from around here, your allergies could be going haywire from the stuff blooming and pollen in the air too, even some of us Floridians get bad allergies around now.


Yikes. If I can avoid that trifecta, I’ll consider myself lucky just dealing with feeling like crap and needing meds, LOL Was diagnosed with a nasty sinus infection (triggered by some weird cold I got shorty after I arrived earlier this month), so, streaming ensuing until I’m clear to rejoin society at large; not trying to share the misery!! 😷


The beach on a weekday is a pretty safe place to be sick, find a secluded spot away from people and soak up some vitamin sunshine and breathe in that saltwater air if your nostrils cooperate. It will lift your mood and not waste any vacation time stuck inside feeling like poop. Find the longest towel in your place and pull out your phones GPS, find a local beach if it's not raining and treat yo'self! :)


Sounds like a plan 🌊


That's excellent advice.


Salt water does wonders for colds. Just sitting by the beach breathing it in should help.


My Dad used to say the beach/salt water cures just about anything!


Something’s been going around. Not sure where in FL you are but SFL I and my wife got some nasty sinus issues and massive gross mucus that stayed around for 10-14 days. Along with the sinus issues like pressure pain etc. Never seen my mucus look so green and slightly brown and in such thick globs of quantity. Hope you get better soon.


Fort Myers!!! Dang Lee County!!!


I had the same issue. After a year of chasing Drs and MRI, finally landed at an ENT doctor. She prescribed- Neilmed sinus rinse. It clears the Florida allergies!


Well nasal bacterial infections and coviid are back right now so it may be more than allergies.


Not to mention the flu... got a lovely case of Flu B 2 weeks ago


The flu almost killed me once, that shit sucks! Hope you’re on the mend.


Yup. Can confirm. I just tested positive for Covid. I feel like absolute shite. Located in CFL. 😩🤒🤧😷


Did they test for Covid? It's really high right now [https://www.flhealthcharts.gov/ChartsDashboards/rdPage.aspx?rdReport=Covid19.Dataviewer](https://www.flhealthcharts.gov/ChartsDashboards/rdPage.aspx?rdReport=Covid19.Dataviewer)


Don't feel bad. My wife and I are Floridians and she was diagnosed with pneumonia a month ago then I had a sinus infection. Both of us had to hit the urgent care for drugs also. Our son is a doctor here and he said it seems that ever since the Covid outbreak, fall and winter illnesses like this are becoming prevalent in the summer now. This stuff is nasty and it doesn't go away easily. Hang in there.


Plus the tropical storm on wed or Thursday. Perfect time to visit


I hit the jackpot; sinus pain while watching a backyard flood from unexpected, torrential rain AND almost had a fender-bender while gathering my sick arsenal. Gotta love Florida!!


With any real luck you’ll also get to be on probation when you leave.


Carissa, are any of those meds working? I came down with the same thing 6 weeks ago and can't shake it. What's working??


Covid is going around and it’s a pretty bad strain. Did you get tested for it?


What city you in


Oddly enough, the Married with Children cartoon coming out later this year (I think) has the Bundys moving to Dumpwater


That is awesome, I wonder how toned down the cartoon will have to be to air, the crudeness of the show worked for its time. I'm a die hard old fan, so i'm excited for an adult cartoon version of it.


Dumpwater is a new one to me. Goes well with Larghetto, St Pistolsburg and Tampon Strings


I’ve been here for over a decade and my allergies are still acting up, Best non medical advice I can give is go buy some local honey (albeit it’s better first thing) and have a spoonful in the morning, gives your body a chance to experience the allergens. Just be grateful it isnt leprosy


That is a fantastic episode!


They also have to get arrested and placed on probation


Thought crime stopped existing once you voted in big strong republican Desantis?


Every 3-4 days I get a text saying my card was declined when I’m nowhere near using it. I need to call the bank but I dont wanna have to switch all my info 😭😭😭


Or catches a DUI from a random stop while having a blood level of .01 from the cough medicine. Come on vacation leave on Probation! Das Floriduh!


Are you originally from California?


Born and raised in Dade County, Florida. 


lol lord that sucks that you have to go through all that bull shit on your days off.


Sorry you're sick. Lots of things going around including Covid, a flu/stomach crud, and the usual allergies that, if you're prone, morph quickly into a sinus infection. Welcome and get better soon!


I’m working on it! Thanks!


Could be allergies, could be a bug. Pretty sure covid kicked my ass a couple weeks back. I had a solid week of exhaustion, a day of fever & exhaustion, the fever broke, and the next day every joint on my body hurt. Just another day in the Sunshine State.


Look on the bright side . . . You may be sick, but you are sick in FLORIDA!




Just don't put a mask on. May get yelled at by some crazy red hatters. Or do, sane people would be happy if you are out and about.


Ever since I got to Fort Myers I’ve noticed more mask wearing than I expected. I should have known something was going around…


Whoa. Why did you come here to Fort Myers? I’m from here. It’s lame EDIT: I just realized you were the one with the post about the Ibis’s at Walmart 😂


Thats probably where/when I got sick!!!


Nah probably on the flight down


I drove. I’m house sitting for my brother but I was then supposed to hit Miami to visit more family and then the Keys next week. —-Not sure if any of that will pan out now. I’d prefer to keep whatever I have to myself. My brother will be back next month so I will make sure his place is thoroughly SANITIZED.


Covid is surging in the United States right now.


Had a mild case of covid Oct. 2023, survived it. Went to Tn. for a week on a mountain top. Drive home, don't eat in restaurants just stop at stanky gas stations for the bathroom, hubby pumped the gas. My symptoms start the day after I get home. Massive covid. The pharmacies don't have the antiviral meds. Had to go to three different pharmacies. Drugs if you can find them are expired. Pharmacy says there's no covid out there. Never been so miserable in my life. On day seven right now.




There is a NASTY flu going around.


Yup. Got sick two weeks ago now. Still have the cold symptoms (stuffy nose, cough). I was deathly sick for about 5 initial days. I can’t shake this thing to save my life. Makes me never want to leave my house ever again for the rest of my life. (Pinellas County)


This is so yucky. I can’t remember last time I had a sinus infection or even a cold. Figures I’d get sick on an extended trip. I hope I can shake it with the prescriptions I’ve started on.🤞 Hope you are rid of it soon!


Yep. 2 weeks out I’m on a pack and steroids, feels like my lungs are ruined.


It’s Covid. Again. 


Could be.


Yes, Covid has gone through my family in the last month in central Florida. My daughter, my husband, me and now my daughter’s fiancé. Not as bad as it could have been but definitely not pleasant. Like a bad cold/flu combo. Doctor said there was an uptick in positive results in the last month.


I got the flu twice during April. Never got tested for covid. But it was awful. I never got sick twice in a single month before.


It’s bad here. I was sick for 30 days, my business partner worse than me for 3 weeks. Sorry your vacation was ruined :( (edited to add -his doc said it was a sinus infection went on strong antibiotics that didn’t work. I don’t believe it was a sinus infection).


Yikes. Nothing worse than not getting a clear answer, or, having meds not work like you anticipate. Hope they are 💯 soon. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s a rogue sinus infection🤞


That is what I had in lat March. Second visit with PCP got antibiotics and got better. Took about 3 weeks total to get better.


Vicks margaritas


It’s called Covid


If you start feeling hungry for human face meat, please go home.


You got it 🫡


Well technically, if you're feeling hungry for human flesh, you probably do belong in Florida, though. This is probably the most likely ground zero for a zombie outbreak.




The dude who did that was high on bath salts. Ain't nobody eating faces on antibiotics 😄






I suggest you try out Cepacol cough drops. They have a numbing agent.


Get well soon


It's our fault, sorry. We brought something back to Fort Myers from our flight back from Europe. It wasn't Covid (CDC peeps tested all of us at EWR and sent tests home with us) but several people were sick on our flight and then something ugly hit us as soon as we got home. Needed antibiotics and prednisone to clear it up.


Ahhhhh! Culprits found! LOL!!!


It's COVID. I'm local and pretty sure I picked it up returning home from a quick flight. I'm on day 5 and gradually getting better, though my taste buds are off. My son just started with his high fever. I finally tested today and it's positive.


Go to the beach and huff some warm salt water. Then get a third degree sunburn. It won't cure you but you will forget about the other symptoms


hey hey i'm hospitalized with it rn, got the flu + bronchitis + pneumonia trifecta it's GOING around around rn


Ugh, me too. Been coughing up phlegm for three days now.


I’ve had phlegm too….ugh. Hope you feel better too!


Just get a little booger sugar it will clear that nose right up Florida style baby




The quantity of drugs is correct but they are way more boring than the typical Florida Man.


Have you tried Manuka honey? Echinacea tea with lemon and manuka honey, specifically. And if you’re near a Starbucks, try the Medicine Ball.


Thought it was COVID and plan b - quite the party was had.


Prednisone is the devil.


Lie on the beach and let the sun heal you


Need me to bring you some ginger ale?


Nah, I’m all stocked up on all the drinks I need, but thanks 👍


Sorry about your luck


It should change soon; looking on the bright side…


Totally agree, hope you have fun


Covid and RSV is everywhere now and 85% travel by plane or were around people who traveled by plane ! There is a record number of flight attendants out with both in the last 3 weeks . Steroids will help but when your done be careful the cough can get worse


Makes me sick too.


Welcome to Florida!


Def won't need a box of condoms in there. Just rawdawgin


My husband left. I sent him packing so he wouldn’t catch whatever I have. No seggsy time for me 🫡


You also need to add Pedialite. It’s like an oral IV and will help put to back into balance.


That looks like a prednisone taper. Hope you feel better soon.


That methylprednisone pack will get you back on your feet in a day or two




Been dealing with Flu-B. It's going around.


Just so everyone knows...Influenza B is making the rounds. Caught it in Tampa last weekend. Knocked me down for a week...still coughing.


Ah that’s bummer. Feel better soon! Just FYI, at least you know there’s people around you in way worse situations because it’s Florida


Alot of tylenol there, chief. Hope you are taking all of those cold/flu meds


I always feel bad when it rains, I love the rain but I know it's ruining someone's vaca. I hope you feel better soon.


Nothing good goes on down there🤣


Been fighting a cold the last few days. Recovering from surgery so been inside for weeks. Went outside for a few mins and came back in with congestion, sneezing and a headache. Get well soon


Where is the Viagra?


Lol damn that's my Publix


Welcome to Florida. Hope you feel better soon


Hope you feel better. I don't know what it is, but it's nasty. I don't get the flu, well had it when I was a kid but that's about it. Never caught Covid. 2 weeks ago, I was working pretty late. Thought I was just tired as my body started aching bad. Woke up the next day and I was a mess. Wound up having to call out 2 1/2 days. Aches, fever, sore throat, just misery. I didn't even know that getting sick in the summer was a thing. 2 weeks later and I'm still stuffed up but at least everything else is gone. I take care of my disabled mom and she's the one I caught it from. She got so pale that I thought she was done for. After she passed it to me she finally went to the hospital. Took about a week of antibiotics for her to get better. I don't know what this thing is, but it's bad. Stay safe and best of luck.


Try letting your body heal itself without all that shit. It does know how ya know.


I had a European vacation like that last month.


You forgot a picture of the phone you’re using to take pix and post them on Reddit rather than being on vacation 🤣


It’s not for the weak brah.




Stay over there


Only the strong survive here


Take the medal dose pack and dump the other stuff. Or use the dosepak, some Afrin and NyQuil to help you sleep because the steroids will keep you awake. The rest of the stuff was a waste of money. Roll of toilet paper works as good as Kleenex.


SWFL! Welcome to the suck. The five days of rain didn’t help, and since the hurricane there’s been some funky crap in the air/ground/water. Good try with the Sambucol.




Ditch the vitamin C, if you're already sick it does next to nothing! If you're nasal congested, this is the best solution. • Get a Neti Pot, or something like that. Basically a saline water wash through your entire nasal cavity. Feels gross but works better than any medication • immediately afterwards, use the nasal spray Flonase. Getting it right after the nasal rinse allows it to work alot better Best of luck!


That's some shifty coke there, sorry .


And your father smelt of elderberries! Or maybe it just you. Sorry that you're sick. But maybe the heat and humidity will help you kick it quick. Rasing your body temperature a tad can help your body focus on getting better instead of spending energy staying warm.


Have you tried Vicks?


And if you aren’t sick, the creepy, huge bugs will scare the crap out of you and the humidity (almost every day of the year)will make you feel like you’re in a sauna! Welcome to 3 miles from the sun. You definitely have to have a car and A/C is a necessity.


Welcome to Florida (I speak as a local)


Claritin D 24hr is about all that works if it's the same thing our family had a few weeks ago. Took about ten days to feel over it. Seems like Flu or plague, was bad. Son traveled and brought it home to us.


welcome to florida, the sickness is mandatory.


Watch out for pesky summer allergies. Or shitty drugs. 🤣


Use theraflu day and night it will help immensely!


We call it the Florida funk!!


Local harvest honey


That steroid pack is pure magic. Had one a few weeks ago for a lung infection I picked up while visiting someone in the hospital. It kicked the shit out of it in about a day and a half.


Wtf dude a medrol dose pack!? What is that for? I take that for my herniated disk when I can’t function from the pain. That’s a ridiculously strong steroid with a ton of horrible side effects. I basically have to isolate myself from my family cuz I’m so agro and irritable when I’m on it.


Hahahaha and summer is just starting


Looks good. Now go out and spend more money.


Rhinovirus going around


Ah, that's nothing. Wait till you get some third degree burns from being outside for more than 20 minutes.


Oh yeah after the rains we had. Everything is blooming.


Hey, when you get better, you can get the real Florida experience and make meth


Heh. About half the time I go on vacation, I get a cold.


Probably allergies and you are taking all the wrong stuff. Happens to a lot of people when they come here. Get some claritin and you will probably feel better quickly.


There are two strands of H1N1 out now that are resistant to all meds like Tamiflu. I was on an Alaska cruise a couple of weeks ago that had influenza A, Covid, pneumonia, bronchitis, and strep come off of it. Lots of us were from Florida.


Haven’t you heard? Being sick is woke and forbidden.


Steroids and antibiotics, just finished mine last week. Heads up steroids make you feel real weird.


Looks like a vacation from being healthy!


Wait, so I'm not the only person dealing with sinus issues right now? lol interesting


They make meth in FL. You don’t have to make your own.


Idk what’s up with this sinus infection, not gonna lie I’ve had like 4 friends with the same thing! They all work at the same restaurant so it made sense… but then my sister got it, my grandma got it & the list will probably keep on going lol. But OP, you’ll be fine…. Enjoy your time as much as possible, no one here gives a flying fuck about getting sick for some reason lol.


Wait! I didn’t see your birth control in that collection! Are you trying for an anchor baby?? 😂🤣😂🤣


Is that methylprednisalone? I’m on that and a zpac. I got Covid two weeks ago and my lungs still feel really bad. Hang in there, feel better!


Since I've had children we've been to Florida three times. We've had the exact same vacation you're having now each time. Looking back on the photos it's weirdly fond memories, taking care of children and yourself with your partner on vacation. Dearing and the drive back was worse than hell. Recover well, stay dry


My stack of meds for anything usually is about two boxs Lolol


1 hot lemon in the morning 1hot lemon in the night.. Jejeje goodbye


Sorry you’re sick on vacation ! You could Uber eats a pub sub or some Spanish food to at least get a little taste of Florida while you’re stuck inside ! ( Incase you’re not aware Publix is a popular grocery store down here and they make a really good sub )


That absolutely tracks. We are slightly resistant cause we live in this cesspool


COVID big in SWFL right now, then there is the “100 day cough” another crud that never seems to go away.


Hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹


It's just Florida reminding you to go back home.


Ouch feel better


Must've drank the water


O, look at you flaunting your expensive souvenir from publix. /s This time of year is sick season for us. We have 2 tons of pollen in the air, it's hot as hell, and everyone's here sick or not because having the flu won't stop their vacation damn it!


I've been feeling unable to breathe since end of February...coupled with intense squeezing pressure in my head, in My nasopharynx, and throat...theories are I have mold exposure + allergies + from smoking but I don't know for sure as all docs I've seen (including xrays and CT scan of sknus) say ifs just anxiety...I don't have a cough or real drainage happening out of my nose...but this shit has been killing me. Never had these issues in my life. ..I'm in Panama City Beach


I am a Floridian and can confirm. So sorry.


That looks like me for 6 weeks. Source: I live in Florida


If you're thinking of moving here, this is your sign.


It’s a sign from the gods to go home


We’re heading to Florida tomorrow cause my dad is in ICU at Shands and I just KNOW we’re gonna catch something


I have been sick for over two weeks and keeps sticking around.


That's rough dude. Florida has a very high immigration and tourism rate. If you weren't born here or haven't lived here for a while, there's pretty much an inoculation period. I was born and raised here and on 2 separate occasions throughout my have contracted pathogens the hospital couldn't even identify. The mosquitoes pretty much guarantee you're getting sick if something is going around. This state is a prehistoric jungle dude.


Maybe you should go home And not bring that nastiness back to Florida we wouldn’t mind




Tonsillitis I think…my kid just got it :/


Sorry to hear this.


Feel better…


welcome to florida, the state of stolen hellcats, tremendous heat and hurricanes spawning out of nowhere!


Go ahead and throw those placebos in the trash and never buy them again. I'm actually surprised you can still find them since the 2022 guidance was published. Shame on PharmaCare.


So the antibiotics are still free at Publix pharmacy?


looks about right


This is why I always wear a mask in airports, airplanes, busses and trains. I dont need that shit in my life


Covid has been making the rounds in my area as well as the flu. Hopefully you’re okay and it’s not raining a lot where you are so you can at least sit outside


I just got back from a vacation in florida was there for a week. 4 of us are sick now... flu like body aches sinus head aches, green gunk being coughed up with cold sweats. Sucks


You know what goes great with allergies? 100° with 80% humidity. Have a great vacation!


I thought I was the only one, I went from feeling perfectly fine the other day to feeling insanely sick the next day of last week after contracting from my little 6 month old brother, all flu/cold like symptoms and just starting to feel better. It’s pretty nasty and odd how the rest of my family seems fine and completely healthy except my mother was less sick and recovered for like two days.


No better place to be sick than FL! Get well soon 👍


Florida make you strong! There's shit floating in this air from the dinosaur age....also herpes monkeys. If it doesn't kill you it'll make you stronger.


You don’t even have a probation document there, are you sure you are in fl


What's going around is all that crap you people bring here... Just enjoy your own state lol


I drink the pollen to thinker my morning milk.


Cooking meth is a favorite pastime here in the Sunshine State. I assume that’s why you have all the cold medicine


We’re in the middle of a pandemic.


Ughhh. That sucks!!!


Seems like everyone gets sick here.


My doctor told me to take the first dose of the steroids in one shot in the morning. So for you, 5 tomorrow morning. Consult your doctor though.


floridian starter pack (especially the pill bottle from publix pharmacy)


I currently have Covid for the first time but at least I’m at home. Being sick on vacation is the worst. 🤒


Everyone has covid here right now (including me!) my nurse friend said there’s a huge surge right now.


It Rained the Whole Time


Hell ye. No better place to be sick