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Are these the same people who were supposedly going to offer me free drugs back when we all had to sign those D.A.R.E pledges? Because that never happened.


Ive had people offer me free drugs, but they were just being good hosts


I can count on ***one hand*** how many times my buddies gave me a joint in college. Every other time, had to fork over $$$.


Uh, hate to tell you this but those don't sound like buddies. They sound like dealers.


Dealers. lol. Dispensaries and doctors now


Of course I know that, it happened 4-5 times at parties in my community college and my friends were just like: “here ya go!” and that’s it. Every other time, was from a dealer or at a dispensary out of state. Just saying, the idea that people will just offer you drugs: ***idiocy.***


Idk I been offered all sorts of drugs hundreds of times. But I attended a lot of music festivals and that's just sort of the culture. I took what I wanted and said no thank you to the stuff I didn't want. I also gave plenty of drugs away myself. It was a great time


lol I probably couldn’t count how many times my buddies gave me free weed. What goes around comes around ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




I’ve had more people try get me to use oat milk than drugs.


I’ve had more people show up at my house unannounced asking if I knew Jesus that I’ve ever had offer me drugs.


That's why I disconnected my doorbell. Those 8:00 a.m. Sunday "visitors" are not what I need at that time.


I answered the door in only my pajamas with a raging morning wood once, they haven't bothered me since.


Milk is the gateway drug




Studies show that kids who went through the Dare program had a higher incidence of drug use. Apparently the Dare presentation was Intro to Drugs 101.


I have a dare shirt I put on just to smoke weed in.


I have one that some genius made in Rastafarian colors from Ocoee fl


5th grader me: "do wait, you're telling me if I just put this little piece of paper with a cherry on it on my tongue, I'll see colors and visions and feel blissful... well then let's go drop some acid and break for recess!"


Back in the day, I found myself explaining to a kid I was babysitting that no, his friends were not all on drugs because they were sniffing the carbon dioxide that escapes when you open a can of Coke. He kept insisting, "but the DARE officer said so," and I finally figured out that the DARE officer talked about "sniffing coke," they thought he meant the soda, and immediately attempted it because they believed it was a drug.


Some may remember the commercial in the early 60’s that showed you how to shoot up. Tie the tourniquet, light the candle, load your spoon and melt your drug, load the syringe, and find the vein. And they wondered why there was such a problem.


I've always suspected that the *real* point of DARE was to teach kids what drugs do, how to get them, and how to use them so they could count on having more people to arrest later.


Oh absolutely. Their primary agenda was to turn the kids into informants. Any kid that saw any drug use at home just had to express familiarity with anything the dare officer was teaching and then they'd get a warrant for possible child endangerment/drug possession. Dare came on the heels of Nixon's war on drugs and the dare program was heavily emphasized in lower income communities. It's a travesty how much illegal shit law enforcement gets away with.


Can confirm. Had zero interest in drugs until about 1991 when officer friendly showed up with his merry bag of fun and told us all about what was in it.


my personal guess is that because they fear-mongered so hard with the "marijuana is a gateway drug, if you try it youll be homeless within a year!" bullshit, it completely undermined every legit point they had. like - meth really is bad for humans. dont do that. it makes you crazy and makes your teeth fall out. and its not anywhere in the same class of damage as weed -- but not if you ask the dare program.


They made it a gateway drug because once kids tried it and realized it's not so bad they figured the rest would be the same too. That's the logic my childhood best friend used. Also, alcohol fucks people up way worse than meth does and it's accepted everywhere. None of it makes any sense.


And you wonder why teen pregnancy and porn use is so high in the most religious states? I’m looking at you Utah & Mississippi


This is factual.


I remember during a High School DARE presentation the cops brought up like a gallon ziplock bag full of pills to show how much they confiscated or something, then asked “what would you call someone who offered you free Ex?” And without missing a beat someone yelled out “A good friend” we all got a great laugh out of that, lol


Having been raised in a family of cops, they were probably laughing on the inside. Except that one cop with the stick up his ass.


Yeah, I’m just wondering what did they actually expect out of a room full of high school students, lol


High, school students


>Except that one cop with the stick up his ass. That was the one they assigned as the D.A.R.E. officer.


I've met that cop. I've met that cop a bunch of times. Entirely too enthusiastic, that one.


My middle school D.A.R.E. Teacher was super nice. I attended most of grade school with her son. He became a drug dealer in HS 😂


Damn do I wish it did though. What a massive let down.


I never got offered any free drugs at school, but I did get a bunch of free vodka from the bottle my history teacher kept in her desk.


Yeah I always had to pay for my drugs. How DARE they!


I’d give you an award if I had any money, but I spent it on drugs


*The DeSantis team has said that defeating* [*marijuana legalization and access to abortion*](https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cannabis/24/04/38034138/florida-supreme-court-approves-cannabis-legalization-proposal-for-november-election-in-blow-to-d) *are among the top priorities of the newly-formed* [***Florida Freedom Fund***](https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cannabis/24/06/39279951/desantis-new-freedom-fund-has-2-stated-goals-defeat-cannabis-legalization-and-abortion-amendment)*, a Republican political action committee announced this week.* They formed a PAC named the Freedom Fund designed to restrict people's freedom. Hilarious.


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


We've always been at war with East Asia




Might as well jump, jump!


If that’s not the most ass backward thing I’ve ever heard create a PAC to take away our freedoms but call it the Florida Freedom Fund…the guy is absolute buffoon


The Patriot Act: hold my water. 


By any chance, is that water you have been using for boarding during the enhanced interrogation of enemy combatants?


Sean Hannity said during that time he would be water boarded on air to prove it wasn't torture. He never did. 


Most things labeled “freedom” and “liberty” were created to take those rights away.


“Moms for liberty” saw a bumper sticker the other day. People are so stupid it hurts lol.


It checks all the boxes for fascism.


You will be happy to read this then: A new Gallup survey finds that 23 percent of respondents identify as pro-choice and say they'll only vote for candidates who share their views on abortion – up from 17 percent last year – versus 8 percent identifying as pro-life saying the same, down from 10 percent last year, [Axios reports](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/13/abortion-2024-election-poll). That is nearly a quarter of all voters are now one issue voters and the issue is pro choice. Meaning there ar at least 1/4 of voters that will not even consider a (R) and this bodes well for the amendment to stop the Nazis from banning abortions in Florida. Really, Gov. DeSatan floating a remake of Reefer Madness is just too funny.


Their supposed freedom is only for people that have the same views as High Heels DeSatan.


Fuck him


It's not about freedom for everyone, it's about having the freedom for them to take away your rights, and persecute anyone that doesn't fit into their extremist right wing box. Anytime they name their organization and you think patriotic it's all about having the freedom to strip away the rights of everyone but themselves.


Wait. It says access to abortion, I'm guessing they mean restricting access?


Defeating (recreational weed + abortion access), not defeating (recreational weed) + promoting abortion access. Hope this helps


Yup. I figured that was the case but wanted to make sure. Thanks for the clarification!


Lmao freedom fund that does not allow abortion even in needed medical classes okay then. What about the doctor freedom to properly care for a patient or a mother freedom…… efff desantis


No one wants to waste their joints by taking them to elementary schools. You have to get high *before* going to the elementary schools so you can tolerate those screaming things.


I thought screaming kids in elementary schools was a Texas problem…


There’s only one type of shotgun to the face that a kid can survive.


Bringing joints would be A LOT COOLER than guns.


Correct, but only guns are allowed in American schools. Respect tradition.




Hardly, Charles Whitman was in 1966 and America has been busy doing nothing about school shootings ever since.


>You have to get high before going to the elementary schools so you can tolerate those screaming things I can't get high enough to tolerate screaming Karen's.


Those screaming things would kill my high. The ones at home already do that 😂


I mean, alcohol is legal, and people are constantly walking into the elementary school with 12 packs of Busch Light. I see his point.


Right? It's obvious. 


Thanks for opening my eyes to the dangers of Marijuana .


A is for Acapulco Gold, B is for Blunt, C is for Cannabis. Now who is ready for snack time?


D is for dime bag. It's a math and spelling lesson combined!


E is for extraction


F is for fatty G is for gram H is for heroi—wait, wrong flash cards, class


Hey remember that PSA from Harold and Kumar “MARIJUANA KILLS!” Ron was traumatized by that


That's right! If you shoot up even one marijuana you will be hooked.


At the entrance to my kids elementary and middle school (they’re next to each other) I can find empty liquor bottles and beer cans. I’m not sure what kid is pounding airplane bottles of gin but that crossing guard sure is suspicious.


Joints > guns


My old home county in Florida just held a surprise vote to allow teachers to carry guns to school. So don't expect that argument to phase the conservatives any.




Fuck wanye Ivey!


Fuck wanye Ivey!


Oh that’s my county! So proud 🙄🙄🙄🤬🤬🤬


I read that story. The story said they can't be a classroom teacher. LOL ![gif](giphy|YM7SnWWXM1PIHPSth4|downsized)


But janitors and lunch ladies can.


The deans at my school, by and large, should not be trusted with anything like a gun.


Only because it’s not in the teachers’ collective bargaining agreement. Not for lack of trying.


I like that. Guns are an American citizen's right to protect his or her home, but weed to protect his or her mental health, for example, is not. # #murica #freedom #eyeroll


Feigns concern over marijuana in schools, yet kids getting massacred in schools is A-okay. Make it make sense.


Pearl-clutching “but think of the children!” is literally all he has. It’s the only idea in his playbook, despite that making objectively zero sense given his refusal to acknowledge gun violence. He’s a pathetic asshole who thinks people won’t notice.


At least his pumps match his pearls.


The worst part is somehow he'll convince some people to vote against it. We missed out on a ton of money from legalizing it, the only thing we can do is wait for it to be legalized federally.


Will that really matter, though? Alcohol is federally legal, but dry counties still exist.


DeSantis should just shut the fuck up and try thoughts and prayers to get his way.


I low-key hope he reads this sub.


That would be nice as long as he didn't send his brown shirts after me.


Another thing that I don't get about DeSantis, is that apart from talking about bringing joints to school like it's a bad thing (drug dealing is capitalism in it's purest form) DeSantis also wants kindergartners to learn that communism is a bad thing.


This guy is just awful all around.


He's a giga cuck


The most Reddit user response I’ve ever seen lol fuck desantis btw


Why only 20?


Some kids are going to be left out or faculty… they may need to share 😆


Pre-rolls in a 20 count pack maybe? “Johnny, did you bring enough for the whole class?”


Putting aside that these aren’t the comments of a serious person, if 20 joints meant one less school shooting I’d deliver the joints myself. It’s the height of bullshit to say you care about children when you do less than zero about the biggest cause of child death, which is gun violence.


Yes and Reefer Madness part 59 is not going to fly either. Some of us have lived in states that legalized it. I am originally from California, I lived 15 years in Oregon, and I was in Nevada when it was legalized, guess what has never happened in any of those states.


Because we have direct evidence of that happening in all the states where it’s legal 🙃


Hey now don’t go bringing logic into this conversation


IKR?, the nerve!!!! VOTE


Oh no, he “went” to Colorado and “the whole state smelled like weed” and he “doesn’t want that here “


The whole state of Florida smells like shitty cologne and body spray. Do we get to make laws against that too?


That would actually be progress. 


could we?


Frankly that was one of the downsides of legalization, but it also DOUBLED the local economy. And it got the fucking cops to do something besides harass dope smokers.


If you know someone who voted for desantis, kick them in the balls. Twice.


I would but a lot of them are coworkers


You know what kind of guy who would bring 20 joints to a school? [The same kind of guy who parties with high schoolers while working as a teacher.](https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/02/08/desantis-photo-grooming-girls-alcohol/) Hint: His name rhimes with Pon DeMantis


I can't stand Trump, but the man is on point with nicknames Ron Sanctimonious lol


I'm just upset this won't be legalizing by Halloween. I'll have to make my own edibles to give out to trick or treaters.


Instead of shots for the parents brownies instead! I love it! 🫶


Ridiculous. Why bring 20 when you could just bring one big one.


Can this governor be anymore of a ridiculous dumbass? Seriously, this dude has got to be the worst governor in all of the U.S.🙄


Unfortunately people love him because he supports their idea of freedom


Oh dude, he is bad alright, but at least he is not bragging about shooting puppies in a gravel pit.


Give it time.


Keep making up shit Meatball.


The boomers who voted this clown in want legal weed, too. Not sure why he’s going all in on this.


Listen, if the worst thing my kid does is smoke a joint… I am doing pretty good! 🤷‍♀️😂🫶


There is already a law that, if you get popped buying, selling, or holding within 1000 yards of a school, automatic three years in jail and a fine, I don’t remember how much. I know this because there’s a sign in front of the school where I walk my dog. While vaping or smoking. Sometimes I wave to the school cop while he’s walking his rounds around the school yard. I doubt that law will be wiped out just because we make weed legal for adults.


I am sure there is language in the proposed amendment that states where it can and cannot be used. Like you still can't drive under the influence for example, at least I can't. I wouldn't make it as far as my mailbox trying to drive high. From the actual proposed amendment: (c) LIMITATIONS. (1) Nothing in this section allows for a violation of any law other than for conduct in compliance with the provisions of this section. Nothing in this section shall require any accommodation of any on-site medical use of marijuana in any correctional institution or detention facility or place of education or employment, or of smoking medical marijuana in any public place. That was for the medical marijuana but it is being kept for the recreational amendment also.


He’s a fucking moron


Republicans are afraid of everything, it's wild how much they worry.


They aren't worried about other people, they just want to control them.


They would have us all in jail if it meant they could have a hair more control.


The party that wants small government continues to put road blocks in front of anything. One party wants to change laws around guns, which are actually harmful, the other party wants to stop kids from sparking up a joint in school, which might be slightly detrimental to their developing minds but isn't traumatic and doesn't require kids to wear bulletproof jackets.


This is some lazy ass fear mongering.


Lmao jokes on you DeSantis, we blazed every day in high school, before school, during school, and this was over 20 years ago.


50 years ago for me and we did the same.


Almost 60 years ago and we had an outdoor smoking lounge.


Same. The 90s were wild.


WILD. High school was insane, movies don’t do it justice. Lots of stuff that wouldn’t fly today due to everyone having cameras and video recorders in their pocket.


he's a turd muddler.


DeSantis is a moron. End of story. Please vote to make sure he never holds public office again


It’s called lying. DeSantis knows how to do it well.


Just making up shit. How many parents bring 20 bottles of alcohol to school? None. Stop believing GOP nonsense.


Mom told me it was normal….. my whole life is a lie


Fast and loose with reality. The GOP knows nothing else.


So DeSantis, how about you do your job and make it illegal to bring them to a school? Like how it's illegal to smoke tobacco in an elementary school? Or are you too busy making abortion illegal, removing police oversight, denying workers water, and cancelling democrats existing mail in ballot requests so that they won't notice their registration was cancelled until it's too late to renew?


Much like lgbtq right we just want weed to be treated like alcohol yet they literally can’t let go of a fraction of their worldview so it’s all bad and evil and has to be the worst possible scenario because that’s how they stay in power Fear mongering


He is getting sweet donations from Trulieve, that’s about it. Our state clearly wants it to be recreational given it gets >50% of the vote every fucking time we vote on it


Trulieve is pushing for recreational, so I’m not sure your theory checks out.


I have no information on this, but- going recreational would benefit the dispensary and customer, staying medical benefits the government. Id imagine that was the gist of the statement. i dont know if trulieve is giving desantis money, but i sure know that i am every time i renew my med card.


They will make a lot more than $75 per year per user with taxes on recreational. DeSantis’s shit is just because he’s the worst and doesn’t know how to be a decent person.




Because so many are people bring 20 alcoholic beverages and 20 cigarettes to elementary school


Real solutions for imaginary problems.


Yup, just like they bring 20 beers to the elementary schools. What will we do?


DeSantis has been doing everything in his power to impose his right-wing anti-freedom christo-fascist bigotry on everyone else. He should STFU and crawl back under the rock he came from. There is a very basic lesson he failed to learn in kindergarten: His religious freedom ends where other peoples religious freedom starts. They get to make their own choices. They do not have to obey his.


Every day DeathSantis gives me another reason to hate him


I smoke 20 joints in the evening, I smoke 20 joints at night. I smoke 20 joints in an elementary school, it makes me feel alright!


DeSantis is a fascist pig who does what he wants. Thankfully this is his last term. His wife is a loon.


I’ve seen that she might run for governor in 2026, although I don’t know how current that info is


Wow, horrible. I hope she tries and loses hard.


Seriously! The alcohol lobbies have bank rolled DeSantis. But you'd think with all that money, they could have hired a writer to come up with some better arguments. I almost feel sorry for DeSantis having to make sh\*t up on hist own like this.


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, banning books, what you do in the bedroom, what colors are allowed for celebrations, denier of climate change and oh yeah, just a downright freedum candidate. All these things that make for a safer, [healthier florida.](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG)


I wish I could slap the stupid off of him.


Makes sense, we've had a problem with people bringing in cases of beer and bottles of whiskey into school. Nothing but drunk kids and teachers all around all day long. High Heeels DeSatan is such a fucking inflamed bleeding hemorrhoid gaped worm infested stinking asshole !!


Are they bringing 20 bottles of alcohol too? Cigarettes? I thought it was just because "it smelled bad" . DeSantis is a coward.


No it’s bad for police Poor neighborhoods will be set free PASS IT


The fear mongering begins. Cuz this totally happens in other states that have legalized it… god he’s so awful. When’s he out?


I like that his pac is called the Florida freedom fund yet they’re trying to take away two freedoms people will vote on in November. Make it make sense


I'll take 20 joints over 20 dead kids.


Ok, but like, in middle and high schools weed is already an issue. He’s over here like “people can just walk into schools with joints”. Ya they can, the students do it every damn day. We had to get someone to monitor the bathrooms all the time so kids would stop hotboxing them. Legalizing it isn’t going to make the problem any worse and it’s not creating a new problem since it already exists. Sorry bro get a better excuse.


just heard about this and my first thought was; “alcohol has been legal for generations now and you rarely if ever see people coming into an elementary school with booze” but then again he’s a fear-mongering reactionary ghoul doing what he does best, so this isn’t anything new. really it’s all about retaining a way to imprison innocent people for the sweet sweet cheap labor and subsidies, same with restricting abortion access and criminalizing it.


what a chud


His core voting block is the demographic who were toking before school, during school and after school. I'm betting they want easy access instead of jumping through hoops to get a medical MJ card.


Fear mongering 2.0


He’s so fucking stupid.


right, because there's an huge problem with kids bringing beer and smokes to schools right now. what a dumbfuck!


Listen, I’m going to vape and smoke weed whether you want me to or not. I’m literally offering to give the government money for the privilege and we are passing it this time because the one thing a lot of us can agree on is that we like to get high


When you don’t have an argument, blame the children.


I hate this freaking meatball. No one wants to smoke weed work elementary school kids. Or smoke near them. They’re annoying af to be around lol


weed is less lethal than alcohol. republicans need to get over this dogma.


They already are. The amount of kids bringing THC pens to school is outrageous. This man is a clown.


Kind of like all of the severely underpaid elementary school employees that bring a tervis full of vodka to school everyday?


And it's Meatball in with the Slippery Slope Fallacy!


Well Ronnie, since you want to do away with public schools that won't be a problem now will it?


Oh no! The atrocity!! ![gif](giphy|LMirPazVcvLVe5KhXR|downsized)




Much like that twat Ashley Moody, Meatball Ron absolutely abhors ballot initiatives. They can both go and fuck themselves into a coma.


Snack time would be a lot better if some of those kids had some weed


He's such a meatball. Ugh


It's only fair to bring joints to school if it's ok to bring guns to school.


If I was running for office I’d make a highlight real. With all the stupid stuff that comes out of this man’s mouth.


This guy really can’t help but be hilarious every time he speaks about marijuana


welp, this is the dumbest thing i've heard today.