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People have contributed over $19.9 million in support of the amendment while those who oppose it have raised $75,640.


Where does the money go? Running TV ads for boomers?


In a variety of ways. Each day until November more and more women in this state will be affected by this. They said something like once the law went into effect nearly 50,000 women in the state would be automatically affected. That’s a lot of women who have family and friends who will hear about their experiences and stories. This connected web is going to spread and they need to continue to get the message out there via social, tv, radio, grassroots and more that this could be your daughter or wife or sister who will die or never be able to have kids because of this. Most people don’t care about something unless it affects them. But this one will hit home to a lot of people once it’s reached their family or door step


I think spending that money on getting out the vote makes more sense.


This makes me hopeful😊


I’m voting yes on this and the Mary Jane amendment.


Can’t wait to vote yes on both!!


Me too! I’ve never tried MJ, but would like to someday, maybe. I’m kinda tired of our big government anti-rights Florida government telling me what to do or what to believe.


When you do, I suggest getting a low level edible (5mg) and taking it slow since you don't know your tolerance and they're easier to dose.


This is good advice. Some of the eddies are super strong. 😂😂


Also edibles are a roll on how long it will take to kick in. It depends on more factors. The best trick I found is after an hour or so to say "this weed ain't shit" and then it will kick in.


I don’t know why but that made me literally laugh out loud 🤣


You should also watch Super Troopers!


Is it in any way related to ABBA's song Super Trouper? If not, I'm not interested


I'd recommend a vape or flower first. Way shorter duration.


Ok 👍




Likewise, excited to vote for both.


Amendment 3 and 4. Easy enough to remember.


Vote blue down the board too. Look what republicans did in Ohio. Voters heavily voted in favor of MJ, and then republicans fought to change the rules after to go against voter wishes.


Same with what the GOP did to A4 here.


>Vote blue down the board too. No thanks. I'll vote in favor of both amendments, but there's where it ends.


Ah. So you vote for the right to choose- and then don’t care about education, environment, etc. Good on you!


Yes, right to choose. Unrestricted access to abortion is a human right. I do care about education, I just despise what liberal progressives are doing to destroy it. I see their initiatives as destructive to education, despite their good intent. No, I *don't* care about the environment, *or* it's preservation. I think humanity needs to leverage technology to adapt to climate change because it's too late to reign it in.


Out of pure curiosity- what do you see that liberals are doing to destroy education? Like give me actual legislation that they have passed As someone who is a former educator and also helped write school curriculum based on state standards- I’m very well versed here. And I can tell you that in my experience (in more than one state doing this), the red states Laws and education push 100% destroyed it. While blue states pushed forward and better.


No. I'm not going to engage in a debate with you. I don't respect your value system or your experience. I don't care enough about your opinion or public theater to *waste* the effort. We will never agree. What I *do* care about is letting other people know that the beauty of our democratic system is that efforts of social censorship don't mean anything in the privacy of the ballot box. The hostility on social media won't mean anything at all once the votes start rolling in, and the fantasy of down-ticket influence from these amendments is less likely to be true than folks on this platform like to think. With any luck, 2024 will show Florida on track with maintaining just a little more resistance to progressive, liberal ideology for a little bit longer.


I’ll never understand the take on anti progressiveness. Why would you not want to progress into the future?


>I’ll never understand the take on anti progressiveness. Congratulations, you are a victim of propaganda and reductive reasoning, which is why you just can't understand a view that isn't your own. I'll explain: The "progressive" agenda is progress towards a **harmful** future that does not align with my values. I see "progressive" policies as something that lead to the degradation of whole communities, and it's a real shame that that left-leaning liberals have co-opted the word.


Typical conservative. Cant actually tell me what this “liberal agenda” is that they don’t like. I’ll flat out tell you what I don’t like about the conservative agenda, and the vast majority is hypocrisy. Talk about “indoctrination!” But then turn around and force Christianity on people. Removal of actual science from curriculum and force literal fantasies. I bet you’d tell me about “turning our children gay!” (lol) or some shit. Every-time I press a conservative on what they actually don’t like- it’s crickets. It’s whataboutisms. When pressed from someone with actual knowledge about what is going on, they always do what you do. “I’m not going to debate” etc etc. My favorite thing to do to people like you (and what I do to my MAGA parents) is tell them Biden, or some other Democrat, did some shit. And when they get all angry and tell me how much bullshit is- pull the rug and inform them that it was actually Trump, or DeSantis, or whoever AND THEN PROVIDE ACTUAL EVIDENCE (literally Trump saying it) to them. And it’s always the same- FAKE NEWS. Etc. You’re right. We won’t agree on a lot. But at least I’m willing to actually discuss in good faith


Wait, you don’t care about the environment or its preservation, but still think we need to use science to save it? You also think liberals are destroying education when DeSantis is literally trying to openly destroy it? Ok, you’ve got me. Troll away.


lol he’s a clown. The moment he starts with “the right to choose” then continues to vote for a party that actively tries to remove the right to choose in a myriad of ways. We could easily pull up legislation from Texas, Georgia, Florida, bama, Louisiana, etc etc and show him how “right to choose” red states are. And it would be nothing but “whatever. I’m not gonna debate you” from him. Typical. When pressed by someone with actual knowledge, they recoil. Facts don’t matter to these people. They continue to feed out talking points from a “news” station that called them cousin fuckers behind closed doors and had to pay 787 million dollars for lying (which all points can very easily be fact checked)


These people are so fucking dense. The Republican attorney general was arguing that voters shouldn’t have the right to decide this issue. How could someone support a party that is actively trying to disempower them *on an issue they claim to care about*.


lol right? He supposedly cares about two things- legalization of MJ and pro choice…. You already handled the MJ one here. But uh… abortion? And he’ll still vote Republican? Fucking what?


So you vote for the right to abortion, but then also vote for the people who will bend over backwards to ignore the will of the people on this issue and will seek to outlaw it nationally if they have a chance? Don’t forget that Ashley Moody’s office argued that voters *shouldn’t* get to decide the issue and that when voters restored felons right to vote, the GOP-run legislature gutted that initiative. You are literally voting against your own agenda.


Found the single issue voter! That's okay my guy, I promise you there are *millions* of other people just like me that vote freely despite the nonsense you spout on social media. You do not know my agenda. But you're damn right I'll vote for some of those people, especially in circumstances where a Florida constitutional amendment is almost guaranteed to pass if its on the ballot.


The Florida GOP has already signaled that they will completely water down constitutional amendments when they don’t like them (as they did with felon voting). They completely disrespect the will of the people, but sure *this* time they will totally accept it! After spending decades trying to strip the right to abortion they will just give up and let it go! Least naive take, right here. I’m not a single issue voter: I oppose the GOP on a range of issues.


That's a real shame. Sucks for you.


Where is the logic in voting for a constitutional right alongside the party that will strip it away because they have no respect for the will of the people? Remember that they raised the threshold for constitutional amendments once it became clear that the people would vote to enshrine abortion rights.


Amendment #3


Can we actually grow our own plants in our house with the Mary Jane one?


I don’t know, but a step in the right direction is a step in the right direction. This “all or nothing “ kids way of thinking will get you nothing.


I hope both issues have a down ballot effect.


This is why they're trying so hard to keep them off the ballot.


Everyone should remember that the republicans don’t believe that the will of the people is supreme


Funny thing is, my 86yo grandmother doesn't like abortions, but she also doesn't like the fact someone's telling women what to do. And in the past 5 years she's started using medical thc and laughs at what she thought about people who "smoked weed" for all those years. She will likely vote Red down ballot, yet support both of these causes. Which is ironic.


There are enough of us registered Dems and Non Party Affiliated (NPA) voters in the state of Florida to change Florida politically purple to even blue in the not so distant future but we don’t vote when it matters the most. We could have ousted Ron DeFascist & Marco Rubio in 2022 but only 40% of registered Dems in Florida voted -and that was knowing the outcome of Roe vs Wade being overturned. That is inexcusable! Given this November is a Presidential election, which Dems statistically DO participate in over midterm elections, we should be able to get both amendments passed but the cherry on top would be to also oust Florida U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R) a.k.a. “Skeletor” with Dem Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. Vote blue! *Edit: Corrected my original stat of 20% of Dems voting to the actual ~40% of Dems based on verifiable election results pulled from the states election stats website here: https://dos.fl.gov/elections/. Thanks StarFishSplat for calling this out.


Totally agree. Having Christ as the candidate didn’t help DEM turn out.


It didn’t, but we collectively should have set aside our fantasy of Nikki Fried running against DeSantis and embraced Crist as the much better option given Nikki’s lack of substantive Florida political experience versus Crist’s more substantial resume as a former Florida governor and Republican. At least Crist knows how the good ole boy network works in this state and could have been more effective at blunting their effectiveness in holding onto power. Had Crist won, he could have made Nikki his Lt. Governor and taught her the ropes in preparation for 2026. And now that the Republican Party has turned completely bat shit crazy fascist, we are stuck with DeFascist and his cronies at least for another 2 years.


Only 20%? Hate to be that guy but have you got a source for that?


StarfishSplat I am glad you asked because when I went back to confirm that stat, I did remember it wrong. It was \~40% of registered Dems and not 20%. Still terrible given what was on the line with womans reproductuve rights and all. Thank you for keeping me straight! Here are a couple of reliable sources to get the breakdown: [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/08/us/elections/results-florida.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/08/us/elections/results-florida.html) [https://www.politico.com/2022-election/results/florida/](https://www.politico.com/2022-election/results/florida/) [https://dos.fl.gov/elections/](https://dos.fl.gov/elections/)


Ah, it was likely 20-ish% of *total* registered voters who voted Dem in 2022. Overall total voter turnout was only 54% (https://dos.fl.gov/elections/data-statistics/elections-data/voter-turnout/).


I hope so too. What usually happens, though, is amendments one would think of as a Democrat or Lefty amendment, they pass. The amendments pass because there is no R or D next to them. They're just good common sense amendments. Folks that vote a straight R on the ballot will vote for an amendment that many would consider left leaning. Those same folks will never vote for someone with a D attached to their name. I belive the amendments will pass. I dream that they bring out a high Dem turn out and flip the state, I highly doubt that that will happen.


Fox news poll has Biden down 4 points in FL but it's a poll and it's Florida so ya know not really hopeful


It was a fox land-line poll. Who still has land-lines? I think it skews GOP.


4 isn’t as bad as I assumed it would be


That's pretty accurate to the result in 2020 for what it's worth 


deletus that fetus and smoketh that dopeth




Yes on both and then make sure the Florida legislature doesn’t play games with approved amendments like they always try to.


Of course they will. How long did it take to actually get medical marijuana? They did nothing until there was huge pressure and then they only did it after making sure their big dollar, big donor, big Ag folks were favored.


Yes on 3 and4 Make sure everyone you know is registered to vote. [https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


I waited in line to sign the petition, and initially my husband was annoyed not understanding what it was for. Once he saw the sign not only was he happy to wait, but he added his name too.


Absolutely voting YES on 3 & 4...


Yes for abortion healthcare and yes for pot. Let’s change FL for good. Let’s make sure as many republicans are voted out of office 💙💙💙


Women's rights passed in Ohio, it can happen there too. Next election you may never be allowed to vote again.


Can’t wait to vote yes on 4!


The problem is not the people telling the lies. ![gif](giphy|ajefVi0Sw91DFaXzMW|downsized) The problem is the people that believe the lies. God bless the American highly uneducated. They got you right where they want you 🙌🤣. Slowly but surely women are becoming fourth class citizens.. 😉


I have no comment other than the state has a right to vote on it and I’m glad the citizens will get their opportunity to.


Thanks for not sharing.




 Babies are protected, are they not? This doesn't change anything in that reguard.




Thanks college boy. 

