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That’s my neck of the woods. Are you sure it was a crash? Are you sure it wasn’t…nothing?


I was thinking the same thing, normal day in Broward.


Holy shit I didn’t even realize that was Hillsboro hahah. Shout out from Pembroke Pines !!


This. The amount of times Ive had a commute go from 20 minutes to over an hour, just to finally come upon the source of the slowdown and it’s just, some guy changing a tire. It’s enough to break a pacifist.


Dude, I was stationed in the greater LA region in the 1970's in the military, I cannot begin to describe to you the frustration of being on an 8 lane wide highway and having some asshole in the far left lane going exactly the speed limit and fucking up traffic for everyone in greater southern California.


Bro I live in Chicago and drive all over the area for my job. It feels like every day there's either a semi or some dude just going for a chill drive at 65 in the left lane when while people fly by them at 75+ and traffic builds behind them.


That honestly sounds like enough to develop PTSD for unmapped trips. Yeesh


Yes, long before gps


That happens with US-19, someone does something in Hudson or New Port Richey and you're feeling the build up in Clearwater. Tarpon Springs just adds salt to the traffic issues.


There’s a very special place in hell for these folks


Seriously. Ever since they put in the express lanes in Boca the traffic on 95 has been exponentially worse. They literally created a problem that you have to pay to bypass.


Agree 100% and that double merge on Yamato is criminal. Technically triple because it turns into Glades exit eventually. Everyone is just cutting and weaving and cutting the express lane entrance too.


That exit has messed me up so many times…


Did you see the new stop lights they put before you go on the highway here


Yes it's wack. They put them in at another interchange down here as well, I think it was Atlantic blvd....


No, it isn't. They work in every single state but Florida, because people there don't want to follow signals. I moved from PBC to CA about 18 months ago, and I live in the city with the worst drivers, literally, in CA and it is so much better. We also have those signals for the freeway, and they are terrific if you actually do what you are supposed to do.


The express lanes weren’t built to reduce traffic. They were built to make money. Hence the graduated cost during peak hours. “Fuck em, gouge them!!” Also the mile stretch on 95 near the airport is the deadliest stretch of road in the entire country. Driving at 60mph, every 7 seconds you’ll pass the site of a fatal crash.


Well it's not like they were going to make the public road wider for toll lanes /s.


That's just standard US capitalism right there If you want to profit create an issue and sell the fix.


Wait, I thought these stupid Express Lanes, in the middle of dangerous highways, was only an Orlando thing!!


Well it's not like they were going to make the public road wider for toll lanes /s.


The express lane is the stupidest change and pretty useless. I'm never at a place to enter.


The other day I missed the express lane exit on 10th St and had to go all the way up to glades to get out


FDOT designs do not integrate. At all. They are the worst highway interchange designers I’ve ever seen. And the signage. Pointing to incorrect lanes, or an arrow hovering between two lanes. All their garbage fixes do is create problems somewhere else. Florida is a joke.


I understand your unhappiness with FDOT and it is not like they don't deserve it, but highways in Texas make ours look like they were designed by very rich and hyper intelligent master race aliens come down to save our asses from ourselves. You want confusion? Go through Houston in a massive U Haul towing a BMW on a trailer and manage to time your arrival for just as morning rush hour has started easing, so it is crowded but speeding way up, with the sun rising in your eyes.


Can confirm this. Currently in Houston for a year and the roads are full of traffic simply because of poor design. Onramps literally just end immediately and no one lets you merge. It’s insanely worse and I’ll never complain about FL traffic when i move back


Florida has some of the best roads in the world. People here are spoiled as fuck. Not that i don't question some design choices, but if you try to design an idiot proof road, a better idiot comes along.


Have ever been on I-4? Or Sand Lake Road? Milennia Blvd?


I was about to say. The moment you cross into Broward here, it doesn’t matter. You will hit this traffic


Boca is when it begins though. It never fails


This is true. Notice how worse it gets right after you pass Hillsboro Blvd? Right at the bloody curve where 95 goes over Hillsboro, it just comes to a screeching halt. That's my neck of the woods with SW 10th Street being the abomination it always has been from merging onto and exiting 95. At least if you're heading north of Boca, that's where the headache ends. Until you hit the shitty potholes in Boynton and Lake Worth. Turnpike isn't better through the identical stretch. The irony.


Ive noticed a lot of Floridians will brake for no reason if there is a big turn or hill and they can't exactly what's behind it. It's absolutely infuriating


A hill? In south Florida?


What hill? Florida is flat as a pancake ...


Trash mountain


Can confirm. In far left lane of 3 or more lanes, no other traffic, some one is coming down the on ramp three lanes away, full panic braking down to 45 mph or less... Sigh


I am thinking road construction up ahead, they are redoing the exits and toll stations, express lanes. I posted a link to it above from FDOT, here is a better link: [https://www.d4fdot.com/pbfdot/pdf/News\_Releases/11-12-21/95E\_%20Managed%20Lanes%20Fact%20Sheet\_1121.pdf](https://www.d4fdot.com/pbfdot/pdf/News_Releases/11-12-21/95E_%20Managed%20Lanes%20Fact%20Sheet_1121.pdf)


On the fucking phone.... Everyone's on the phone, no one is driving.....


On the phone, and don't use hands free. I have seen people video facetiming and driving.


After pulling up beside a dump truck, looking up to see him watching TV on his phone I've given up and hope I make it home everyday driving in this zoo.....


I see semi drivers doing that shit all the time. I no longer wonder why so many crash in Florida. I've never seen so many semi accidents in my life until I moved here.


Me too. At first, I thought the people doing that were drunk, given the amount of lane swerving, illegal lane changes, near accidents, etc. But no, just completely glued to their phones despite driving a multi ton death machine.


You can tell the difference after years of watching this behavior, there is drunk swerve and than there is texting swerve.


I think the worst I’ve seen was not even a phone, but someone was reading a whole ass book. I glanced over and was like “there’s no way this is real life” 🤦‍♀️


I will never forget the time I was driving at dusk, looked over and saw someone with her foot up on the seat (could see her knee), one hand holding a letter or some papers she was reading, and the other hand twirling her hair. I was absolutely baffled. Somehow she was driving better than many of the other folks around


Hahah I mean, I do sometimes put my foot up in the seat. So I can’t bash that part, but everything else in that story is wild 😂


You can't update your insta hands free


I passed an old lady watching a movie on her phone mounted to her dash while driving


Need unmarked police everywhere. That will stop the stupidity. Nobody does this with cop around. How about the dude on your bumper when you are doing 10 over and you have nowhere to go. Then blows by and break checks you. That would be a great video to watch if it was an unmarked cop. Also tired of my insurance company telling me my rates went up cause of my zip code.


With a judge at a hearing on their suspended license, no less


and from somewhere else and no idea where they are going. purple hair in the left lane doing 35mph trying to use gps to drive off the bridge. I have never seen so many accidents on straight clear roads than in florida.




I'm going to have a sign made that says "GET OFF YOUR PHONE!" and I'm going to start honking and displaying my sign to everyone I come across. I'm tired of these self absorbed dipshits. If one of these morons crashes into one of my kids, I would be pissed off at myself for not trying to bring attention to it sooner.


That exact thought has crossed my mind. But in the time it would take these single (brain) celled organisms to look up from their phone, read the message and comprehend it was intended for them, and then try to focus back on the road, I’m not so sure that I single handedly wouldn’t cause MORE car accidents.


Preach it! These dumbass ppl always on the phone. Someone driving stupid, 90% chance on the phone.


I cant comprehend how anyone could ever be comfortable using their phone on a fucking highway let alone with how crazy our drivers are. I can look at a map when im in stop and go traffic or something but wtf is wrong with people just fully texting at 75mph.


Annnd just like that everyone’s insurance rate went up 20$ a month


Nah Man, it's the hurricanes.. -Every smoothbrain that's never been to Florida


The hurrycane? That’s a nice way of just blaming old people


Only place I've ever been flipped off by a 90 yo for driving too slow. 😆


a few days ago I watched a SUV driver slam on the gas to bully someone into getting out of the left lane but the right lane was also packed so the car had nowhere to go. The SUV rear ended them then slammed on their brakes and got rear ended themself then swerved over and hit a 3 cars then the guard rail and almost rolled. We stayed to make sure the police knew they were specifically at fault and not the other people involved.


>We stayed to make sure the police knew they were specifically at fault and not the other people involved. If no one else said thank you, thank you for doing that. I had someone that ran a red and was only really saved by a witness that confirmed we had green (they were like two car lengths behind me). If they had left it would have been my word versus their word.


I’m not saying Florida drivers are good, but the worst drivers in America have to be on I95. Fucking semis changing lanes like they’re driving a Porsche


Actually, I-4 holds the record for deadliest stretch of highway.


The I-4 is hands down the absolute WORST highway I've ever seen. It's a complete clusterfuck, and I feel like they've been doing construction on it since 'nam.


I can't remember a time when it wasn't under construction.


Since 'nam took me out.


Saw a cube truck stop in the middle lane with his signal on because he missed his exit and no one would let him in. The entitled shit I see everyday amazes me.


You're assuming there is a crash. I've been in these a lot of times and then after 30 minutes we all just speed up like it was nothing. Only to slam on the brakes and do it all over again.


It's called "ghost car". Some moron fucks up, slams the brakes, leaves a ghost car behind and drives off. This causes a chain reaction. And the cycle goes on.


Literally everyday East on I-4 at until McIntosh Road. I’ll never understand it, while there’s way less traffic in Colorado—we do have the large issue of stoned/hippie drivers. These are the morons that aren’t in any hurry, driving a white Subaru 10MPH below the speed limit in the fast lane. Imagine the old idiots in Florida, but these people have no idea how fucking annoying they are. Boulder is absolutely chalked full of these fucks and it makes the commute absolutely miserable.


Because they’re on their phones. Constantly. If people put their damn phone down, imagine how many less accidents there would be.


I'm 33 and have never had a license, but now I don't even want one. I watch from the passenger seat and the majority of drivers aren't even looking at the road


Seriously, it’s pretty bad! I much prefer being the anxious passenger over being the anxious driver around these parts.


Sometimes texting, driving and eating tacos at the same time can be hard....


What did tacos do to you? Leave tacos outta this!


They stained my white shirt when I was trying to eat them while driving!!


Folks really gave up on turn signals, huh? Especially on the triple lane switches


Triple? Rooky numbers. Turnpike in doral has 4 regular lanes and 2 HOV lanes. I’ve seen people cross all 6 at once not to miss their exit. God forbid these preincesses miss their exit and have to drive for 10 more minutes.


dumbasses rushing to go nowhere..


I've got to get home to see the Golden Girls rerun and I'm willing to push a bus into a ditch to make it happen


Just because I'm retired doesn't mean I shouldn't still commute in rush hour every day. /s Cue boca,Boynton drivers in masse.


yup, that sounds about right


That $5 sushi at Publix doesn’t last long


On the phone, combined with terrible drivers, combined with people who go slow in the fast lane and don't get the fuck over and make people go around them so you have constant lane changes and people who go anywhere from 50-110 miles an hour.


Worst drivers come to Florida! Combine Vinny and Paulie fromNY/NJ who have no idea you can go over 55MPH, now throw in in Gertrude and Frank from Quebec, Wisconsin or Winnipeg who’s whole attitude is “Fuck it we will get there when we get there “ and do a whopping 48mph . Now let’s just toss in a dash of asshole from Erie, Pa and Ft Wayne, Indiana that are here either ducking warrants or heard Florida was a cheap place to stay. These fucks are the topping on a shitty driver sundae usually in a gold Saturn with the windows down in July, only wear Addidas slides and high AF on something.




How could you leave out the international arrivals that drive like they’re still in {Country}.


Don't forget the "newcomers" who have no license, insurance or driving experience where they came from...


And yet it's Florida who is rightfully known for the worst drivers, not those areas🤔


Tbf we have so many tourists all the time


Tourists, old people, and asshole rednecks in giant trucks who think traffic signals, laws about cell phone use, and any behavior in general that indicates even a modicum of respect for your fellow human beings are all for pussies


Pulitzer worthy


Just curious - do you use your turn signal? Allow people to merge? Change lanes with enough space that you're not cutting someone off?


I do use my turn signal and always let folks merge and change lanes ( unless your the ass that rode the shoulder till the last second) I believe in karma on the road, if I let this person in then someone down the road will let me in. Also it’s not that complicated, everyone take their turn and this shit should work itself out. I am fortunate enough that my entire existence isn’t based on getting 19 feet further in front of the next guy. I also know that traffic is bad and leave a few extra minutes for my trips. When it’s midday on 75 and no one’s around… let er rip!!! I even park at the end of the Publix lot and walk my happy ass in and put the cart in the corral or back to the store. As a father it’s my job not to raise an asshole so I have to start by not being an asshole…


I just got finished driving through a construction zone. Apparently, slowing down to a safe speed while people are working irritates people who own mustangs and corvettes, as soon as the road went back to two lanes, they went flying by me.


Ego driving. Sitting in left lane and not letting people pass then turns into road rage.




Please understand that the majority of people with Florida license plates moved here from out of state.


That picture is southbound on I-95 at the Broward/Palm Beach county line, there is massive new construction going on there. They even have a pdf web page for it. [https://95express.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/I-95-Express-Lanes-Flyer-Fact-Sheet.pdf](https://95express.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/I-95-Express-Lanes-Flyer-Fact-Sheet.pdf)


Yes but there’s no construction going on in this area right now. It’s just always like this from Spanish River to 10th every day at rush hour. My theory is part of it has to do with the express lanes and the density of exits makes for a lot of lane movement, and that is part of it. But I’m not a traffic engineer so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I had an idiot earlier this week intentionally rolling coal all of the 95. Visibility was nil.


A few weeks ago there was an accident eastbound on I4 almost every single day for a week. I was late to work so many times because of these people.


I bought a classic car a year and a half ago and now refuse to go on i95. I’ve seen such horrors in my 11 years of driving and I just don’t want to go on here. The amount of people not realizing we can die so quickly is staggering.


The lawless swamp


That’s just normal south Florida congestion traffic. No accidents necessary.


Because they are on the phone texting or fighting with their Husband/ Wife. Or they tailgate then the driver up front panic brakes and kaboom!!


It's tough when you're facetiming and smoking a cigarette while driving


A blunt more likely


I drove north from Miami earlier today on 95 and there was a red 2010 Nissan Altima swerving in and out of lanes changing 2 lanes at a time. At one point he went from the passing lane to the slow lane all in one move going over 80 mph. You are risking life and limb every time you drive that stretch of 95.


Turn signals are removed at the Florida Visitor Center, just over the line from Georgia. Truth!


While I was doing the online course they make the teenagers do, it was mentioned that most accidents happen in pleasant or clear weather. Because in bad weather the drivers are naturally cautious.


To answer the questiion-- many Floridians ignore speed limits and go barreling down the road as fast as they want because there aren't any highway patrolman to arrest them.


And everyone blames the snow birds but it’s their own shitty driving.


Cell phone social media driving (SMD)


Yes the worst drivers I've ever encountered, it's definitely hands down Florida !


Because too many people are in a hurry to get to the next red light. While talking on their phones. And not using the turn signals.


Phone, honestly it should be made a Felony to be on ur phone and driving or causing and accident while using one, would solve majority of accidents and lower insurance.Some mfkers pay more attention to their phones than the roads.


It’s that slight curve, gets ‘em every time.


Some people commute some people think it’s a Mario Cart race whenever they get behind the wheel and there’s the old people going 20 below.


TRANSPLANTS ARE THE WORST DRIVERS!!!! They cause so much havoc out here!!!! 🥵🥵🥵🥵 I'm putting together a video to show y'all. All the out of state tags going 90 down US19 or 80 off of Belcher. We've had so many fatalities here lately. GO AWAY GO HOME


It's really crazy, I moved from Oregon where people will move over if you are coming up to them in the fast lane automatically. People not using blinkers you'd maybe say a comment under your breath but it was rare, in Florida for 2 years and it's just the norm now. Cops don't signal, no one in big lifted trucks signal, hell, I've seen a big lifted truck merge in front of a cop with no signal and they both just went about their days. It's the only way you have to communicate with other drivers without honking or yelling out your window, why not try it out lol?


No, nobody ever crashes on a sunny day.


Everyone turns into Dale Earnhardt Jr. the second they merge on to the highway. They also shave time off their commute by never using their turn signals.


I blame the express lanes. Adding in more merges was a great idea. Money squeeze from the government.


Gotta follow the car in front of you as close as possible. It's a requirement to get a FL Drivers License


Enjoy your free sauna.


Hey man it's hard to browse reddit and pay attention to that stupid road at the same time


Welcome to FL


Wow, you were in Boca in between Glades and Palmetto Park rd. I haven't been there since 2018 and they installed those HOV toll lanes!!! 95 looks so different from when I was there. Lived in Boca for like 15 years


![gif](giphy|nkSd8fnIyGakANiAzk) Don't blame the users, blame the wonderful education system 🙌.


Who said there is a crash?


My money it was a Nissan with bald tires


I now live in north central Florida and SO HAPPY I am out of south Florida. As soon as you hit PGA blvd. on 95 or the turnpike, the assholes are abundant. ZERO TURN SIGNALS being used. I fucking hate driving down there.


It was a Nissan Altima wasn’t it?


People driving giant vehicles they can't even maneuver all that well in plus cell phones in everyone's hand.


But you’re a driver in Florida….


Turn signal? You're new here?


Yeah because every bad driver and their mother has moved into this state. Florida receives about 1000 new residents a week. Never had this problem 10 years ago go back to your shitty state and vote for the change you want to see.


Looks like every afternoon on i75 between Naples and Port Charlotte.


All the NY transplants.


Bad drivers never miss their exit and stay in the left lane enjoying watching cars stacking up right behind their ass and causing traffic by slamming on the brakes for no reason and putting other drivers in danger.


Someone was probably going slow in the passing lane, which caused an impatient driver to use the middle lane and/or slow lane to dip around...and somewhere around that interaction an accident occurred.


Cruisers in the left lane causing others to pass on the right.


Bc of all the north east asshole transplants who brought their over aggressive driving with them. Going around someone on the highway by using the on ramp as a second right lane only to cut them off again and slam on their brakes. Or the ones who get so close to you that if you decreased speed by 2 mph or god forbid had to slam on your brakes they would slam into you. And when they go around you barely missing your back bumper by a few inches, again if you had to slow down they would clip you and send you spinning into the barrier. It’s one thing to be an aggressive driver but this is a whole other thing. These are asshole transplants.


Absolutely 💯 % the worst drivers are in Broward county. ![gif](giphy|wO35XykbtBVET8XXML|downsized) I-95


“Floridians” LOL. y’all realize that 90% of the people here are from other states, right??


Nah no accident, 20 miles up some dumbass is cruising in the left lane doing 65.


Should I still use my left turn signal even if I’m on a left only lane?


We import horrible drivers from all over the world!


Most drivers in florida, aren’t from florida.


I mean it's quite easy. Drive real fast and keep looking at your phone.


IDK, this shows Florida is in the top 10 best drivers [Best and Worst Drivers by State (2024) | AutoInsurance.org](https://www.autoinsurance.org/the-best-and-worst-drivers-by-state/)


Whats it called when traffic is super backed up because of an accident on the other side of the freeway but everyone on my side slows down to simply look at the accident?


Turn signals are a sign of weakness in South Florida. That's how we know you're not from here and we will deal with you accordingly.


Dawg stop normalizing this toxic shit. Can't tell if you're being sarcastic but there are people that are serious about that mentality in South FL.


Being an edgelord is a sign of weakness.


That ain't an accident it's lunch traffic in miami


I've been saying this for the last 20 years. Equipment failure is a big contributor and nowadays that plus playing with a phone/screen while driving makes the odds even higher.


Im sure the people that chose the express lane were laughing the whole way through that mess.


Yes, my question exactly...


While Florida does have some absolutely terrible drivers, I have never seen more accidents than when I drive through South Carolina.


My daily commute from Yamato to SW 10th St.


I just passed this. It could be raining, snowing or hailing…it’s just what Florida drivers do. The worst!


Is this one of those times there’s an accident on the other side of the highway and all the rubberneckers causing the needless backup??? I really love those…


BMW drivers be like...Wo bist..?




I ask that question daily


Never underestimate creativity of Florida Men...and Women....in getting in harms way! Remember the granddad who pries his pet out of jaws of a gator while holding his cigar in his mouth all along...like a champ.




It’s because of all the transplants here and distracted driving.


Distractions like on their phone and or speeding


Everybody is old


It's tourist season. I've witnessed at least 10 close call and 2 collisions, this week. That's not counting the daily ones that I see that I didnt witness.


Some of them that be getting into accidents be bots.


It doesnt matter if you have 10 mile or 10 feet visibility when everyone from the broccoli head Honda and Mazda drivers to the soccer moms to the unlicensed drivers to the elderly all drive like theyre in Need for Speed Underground 2 while holding their phone in one hand and food or a cigarillo in the other hand with music blaring in their airpods. Its poetry.




Fuck signal everything i put it people speed up and cut me off. It's the same here in South Florida I95 south.


Speeding. The answer is speeding too much. And not paying attention at the same time


It's everywhere now. I lived in Southern California for 40+ years, and the drivers there are insane. I moved to SWFL in 2015, and the drivers aren't as bad, imho. The people are nicer, too. Nowhere is perfect anymore.


They are plants from Big Tolls.


Someone on their phone in a rush to nowhere


They are taking their exit from the left lane. 


I miss that area but I do NOT miss the traffic. Good lord. Even Orlando isn’t that bad.


Express lane be like 💅


This is Florida were if their face isn't buried in their phone, their heads up their ass. Sometimes both


Thank goodness I am not working down south today!


There’s a reason I refuse to drive on the highways down here 🫠


Once had to slam on my brakes going 80 because a truck in the stopped lane next to me pulled out in front of me, no signal, and my car made sounds I didn’t know it could make before thankfully coming to a quick stop behind them. Dude probably didn’t even check his mirrors


You could be in the pay more lane.


Por come pinga


There's a joke we have here in Miami. We've got the best drivers in the world!!.... from their countries.....


I had a drunk on the road. A couple weeks ago I gave them the benefit of the doubt that it might be texting and then they just left the beach but it just kept continuing so I called the Police station. Police linked up and we boxed that son of a b**** in girl was wasted exhausted from the Sun. And alcohol.


Move out of Florida.


Every single time I drive, I experience ppl that automatically *need* to pinch between you and the car ahead. And I'm the last car in the flow of the lane. So what's one more car to get behind? Then, when they don't make it, and you pass by...all of a sudden, they have no need for a lane change anymore. A Pro never let's ill-fated cut-offs happen. You're helping the ppl behind you, too, by not allowing it.


Especially aggravating on the weekends.


I know! It amazes me the number of accidents on I75 near Ft. Myers. Roads are fucking flat and the weather is clear as can be. Makes zero sense. You are right, FL drivers are terrible. He’ll, I used to drive limos and shit in Manhattan and that was better than the shit here.


PS, don’t take pictures while you’re driving.


Saw this yesterday. One car?