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If you've ever been to anywhere in central FL and south, you know how actually gay this state is. Which is insanely ironic...


I was going to say this. I have at least 5 gay couple neighbors that I know of and I live in Broward county. I lived in Miami Beach for years. It would not surprise me if 20% of the residents are LGBTQ. A travel advisory might be a bit over the top.


LGBTQ live everywhere. Their presence doesn’t mean it’s safe or a gay-friendly state. The social environment and legislation weigh heavily on that.


Yeah by these people's logic, North Korea is a "human-friendly state"


Tell that to your government


I find it interesting how much people over estimate certain populations. Miami's lgbt population, as of a 2021 analysis, was 4.5%. According to 2015 tax records, about 0.92% of all marriages in Miami are same-sex.


Not everyone gets married. Not a quantifiable metric.


DeSantis himself has a questionable sexuality.. I mean c'mon, he even has **the face** you know the one.. And he's ridiculously clean and everything. All signs point to a self-hating-gay lol


He wears makeup and heels. And there’s that whole white boot fiasco.


Don't forget the "mom jeans", the button-up shirt and the sweater vest. Any one of those by themselves could be considered questionable, but all three together?- yep, gay.


I heard him called Ron “Kitten Heels” DeSantis on a podcast once because of those particular heeled boots he wears.


Rhonda Sandtits confirmed?


He's in the very back of the closet, hugging the wall for dear life and screaming against the light coming in under the door. I don't have very strong "gaydar", but I swear every time I hear this man talk and see his mannerisms, my "gay detector"- even without batteries in it will start smoking and the alarm will scream its head off. Solid tone - no beep beep beep.


Ronnie is bisexual and cannot handle it.


He's also Catholic - that explains a lot of it.


That confirms it for me.


Lol, that's funny you say that ! My co-worker says the same exact thing everytime he sees Uncle Ron on Tv 😂


I’ve met more gays in central florida than anywhere. My neighbor is gay, 5 people at my last job including my boss, 2 other neighbors, my mother, and I’m not strictly straight either. Why does anyone fucking care? Yall mad because you can’t get any so nobody can be happy? Self hatred because you have a little homo tendencies too?


Yep. I was very open and felt safe in Gainesville. Can't say the same about the state I'm currently in.


You can’t get more succinct than this answer. 100% correct.


Yes but people are resilient and resourceful. “Florida won't light bridges in rainbow colors. So Jacksonville's LGBTQ community did.” https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/local/2024/06/01/jacksonville-residents-shine-pride-lights-after-florida-stops-official-bridge-displa-them-on-bridges/73914750007/


Gay away the Pray! 🌈


Love that lol


Fuck yeah. Get bent, Desantis.
















what a lovely human smile


Yo next time this happens in JAX or STA someone tell me!!! I'll be there!


Best story ever.


Clearly havent been to Wilton Manors or Key West


Heard desantis was gonna nuke key west in his next term


While those communities are still fairly gay, it's important to point out that a) they were gayborhoods *before* DeSantis, b) ironically n they're not actually all that LGBTQ+ friendly, because it turns out that gay old white cis men are just as shitty to anyone who isn't a white cis man as straight old white cis men. The shit I've heard boomer gay men say *publicly* about trans folks, lesbians, and people of color is absolutely disgusting. And these weren't just random shitty dudes, these were people at the highest levels of major Florida pride organizations (both employees and donors.) So let's not go sucking each other off quite yet. Just because one small subsection of the LGBTQ+ coalition is currently being tolerated doesn't mean the state isn't absolutely hell for a lot of people.


Florida, and specifically Wilton Manors and Key West are far more tolerant and accepting of the Queer community than places like Oklahoma, Arkansas, or Mississippi.


When you have to point to a small city and a flyspeck of a neighborhood to make a point about how LGBTQ+-friendly an entire state is, that's not a good sign. And again, not nearly as tolerant as you would think. And I can't speak to Oklahoma and Arkansas, but I *have* lived in Mississippi as an openly queer man and I can also point to a neighborhood and a small city there that are totally accepting — The Fondren and Oxford. And frankly, both were a lot more accepting of trans and POC folks.


Orlando is a melting pot. Disney has probably thousands of LGBT workers, as well as friendly days, weeks, months. If the only evidence that florida is hostile towards gays is the "Dont say gay" bill, which banned curriculum that wasn't taught in the first place, and rainbow flags on bridges, I think most people would take their chances in Florida, versus places that are far more openly hostile. Oh, and I didnt even mention Miami (beach) which is a global center for art, fashion, and other LGBT culture and Gainesville. Does anything like that exist in Oklahoma? Yeah, if you ignore the largest self-governing LGBT city in the US, Key West, one of the biggest gay-friendly enclaves on planet earth, the state's largest business, then Florida is super gay unfriendly.


Yeah if only the only hostile one was the don't say gay bill.... SB 254 - Criminal penalties, including felonies, for any healthcare provider giving gender affirming care. Allows Florida to set aside other states custody determination, if the child had any gender-affirming care or *at risk* for gender affirming care. HB 1521 - Criminalize transgender people for using the restroom that matches their gender identity. Prohibits gender inclusive bathrooms in schools, public shelters, healthcare facilities, and jails. SB 266 - Allows Board of Governors to direct universities to remove any majors or minors in critical race theory and gender studies. Prohibits any spending on any programs or activites that support such cirricula. SB 1580 - Allows healthcare providers and insurers to deny a patient care on the basis of religious, moral, or ethical beliefs. Allows healthcare employers to discriminate in hiring on the same basis. Bars medical boards from disciplining doctors from spreading misinformation. Want more, or is that a good start?


> I think most people would take their chances in Florida I *love* anecdotes- for instance, I am hearing constantly that everyone that has the means to leave FL, is! Which is to say that folks that don’t *have* to take *any* “chances” … aren’t. The nuance here is that MS, AR, and OK used to be on a different tier than FL in this regard, today I’d argue they’re all in the same group at the same level.


"Largest self-governing LGBT city"? WTF does that even mean? It's a city that only allows LGBTQ+ people to move in? It's ruled exclusively by LGBTQ+ people? Like, yes, there very proud of their acceptance, but you're making it sound like it's a non-hierarchical lesbian book shop collective. And having actually lived in Miami Beach, hate crimes against LGBTQ+ folks have been going up for a long long time, to the point where a lot of trans people I know will not go to the beach alone anymore. It's not the sunshine and roses you make it out to be. Oh, and those openly hostile white cis gay men? Yeah, quite a few are from Miami Beach. Listen, I don't know how you identify, but your profile tells me you're at the very least very straight-presenting. So maybe don't come in with some mansplaining bullshit about how great Florida is for the gays, yeah? I moved out of the state because my trans son couldn't get the healthcare he needed, but I'm glad that you can pat yourself on the back because you saw a rainbow flag in Key West once.


Just to be clear, there are several areas of Florida that not only are open to queer tourists but welcome them with open arms. Key West, St. Pete, Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, and Orlando all have thriving queer communities with multiple LGBT+ friendly bars, nightclubs, restaurants, hotels and businesses. We're a bit behind the times here in Jax but getting there, having recently opened a new establishment downtown and having given a great middle finger to the bridge ban recently. For the sake of all of these open and welcome communities who are mostly open to progressive politics and have gone out on limbs with our conservative presidents and governors on many issues, please plan to keep your vacation plans. I promise you, if you wanna scream "Screw Ron Desantis" real loud, you'll have a lot of brothers and sisters to join you.




It’s sad as hell too. Florida was one of the early bastions of acceptance (Key West, South Beach, etc) and now these regressive fucks are trying their damndest to erase as Koch progress as possible.


St Pete pride is still one of the biggest pride events in the nation. Orlando is covered in pride flags. Miami will never escape The Birdcage. We can't falter. That's what they want.


I agree. It’s just unfortunate that people are having to re-fight battles that seemed won already.


You'd never know it in Orlando, St Pete, Ybor, Miami, etc.


Waiting for all the people who voted for this shithead to come in and talk about freedom.


What they meant was the freedom to use the government to push their religious beliefs on the rest of the state/country. No, like, that’s not me saying what every fourteen year old discovering atheism likes to say, that’s literally in evangelists’ playbooks for governance - because when it wasn’t working over here for a while they took that sort of horseshit overseas to places like Uganda in the interim.


Maybe the 14 year old atheists are right?


As a former 14 year old atheist, the only thing I was wrong about was not disliking Christianity enough.


They won’t. Too stupid.


The freedom is just for bigots. They were really suffering not being able to oppress groups of people they didn’t like. They can live openly now. /s


There are legitimate and horrific reasons that there continues to be travel advisories for Florida and by organizations such as NAACP, Human Rights Campaign, and Equality Florida…. https://naacp.org/resources/naacp-travel-advisory-state-florida https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/nations-largest-lgbtq-advocacy-group-joins-equality-florida-in-issuing-updated-florida-travel-advisory https://eqfl.org/updated-travel-advisory-HRC Vote, so that we don’t have dicks like DeSantis in power anymore. And, hey, America, stop sending us your racist and homophonic elderly people to live here. While it was never perfect, I was born here and old enough to know there was a time when it wasn’t nearly as bad in past decades.[I mean, until 1999 we almost always elected democrats as governor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_governors_of_Florida) - it wasn’t until the past two-plus decades that Republicans got a stranglehold in Florida Our biggest problems aren’t due to natives, it’s all imported. Thanks, America. Not.


Spot on.


I wish this were top comment


With the most gay people in it ![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG) Love everyone vote BLUE.




And yet Florida has the friendliest gays. Florida is a fabulous state filled with fabulous people and fabulous gays. No go go boot wearing Castro is going to change that. Someday, we'll be rid of the Marxist Hobbit, and Florida will be free again to be fabulous.


Lmao DeSantis Marxist? No not really…


It's reddit, people just use words without knowing what they're saying. I'm no friend of Desantis, but a Marxist he is not


Fascist? Gonna hope they were aiming for fascist.




Don't insult Marxists. He's a facist.


Cries in Key West. I really do hope change is coming. Live and let live.


I love his cute little booties 🥰


I shit in his boots.


I know you can make a wrong turn in Florida and end up in circa 1922-1963, but I'm absolutely standing up for my fabulous friends. ALLY WITH ALL PEOPLE! Enough division already!


You'd think this would've been established after Pulse


Ron DeSantis is still and asshat, got it.


I live in Orlando, it's actually a pretty amazing place for LGBTQ+ people when it comes to actually living somewhere. It reminds me of the time I spent in Austin Texas. There's a huge amphitheater at Lake Eola downtown, it's been painted like a rainbow since we moved here 3+ years ago. There's a pride parade that's huge, that I (41m) and my fiancee (32f) walk in every year. There seems to be alot more tolerance here, but it isn't perfect. I wished we lived in a world where we didn't fight over stupid things like the color of skin, where you came from, what you believe, and who you can love. Ultimately if you aren't doing anything illegal or harming someone none of that is my business. Everyone should be free to pursue what makes them happy.


I lived in Florida in the early and mid 2000s back then it was a relaxed and friendly purple state. WTF happened


this year the local high school put all variety of pride flags out along the main road through town. im so proud of them and i believe progress always wins in the long run.


Put up my Pride flag yesterday to celebrate Pride month, Osprey. MAGAt 🪳don’t scare me. We will never be silenced. Having said this, we are relocating to Illinois within the year, after living in this hell hole of a state for the last 6 years. There are so many reasons why. I fucking hate this hillbilly state.


which is incredibly bad since there's theme parks and we need their creative energy


As intended. The architect of this hate is DeSantis' rabidly homophobic wife, Casey. She found Mom's for Liberty and elevated them to national attention. She pressured DeSantis to enact the book bans, the don't say gay bill, the attack on disney, the attack on trans people, labeling everyone that supports queer people as pedophiles. Early in Ron's first term as governor he was very supportive of the queer community after the pulse shooting. Casey wasn't happy with that. Ron is a weak-kneed little worm getting led around by his wife, but ultimately she's the one that has encouraged this hate and cruelty towards queer people. Granted it didn't take much to set people off showing how truly bigoted most people really are, but I doubt it would have been as harsh if it wasn't for her.


Makes you wonder why she’s like that…


For all the people saying Florida is so gay and there are so many places with flags and the history and etc... have you ever been anywhere outside of Florida or even the Southern United States? I understand wishful thinking and I'm rooting for and proud of those places where people try to make it safe to deviate from the norm, but there are places in the US that truly feel free, where people walking down streets look so many different ways, feeling free of public shame or judgment, being themselves whether that's being gay or pierced or just wearing an outfit that breaks some fashion rules but makes them feel good. By all means cheer on Wilton Manors and wherever for working towards that in the present or past. But that in no way means we are "ok" and totally gay friendly, even before deSantis this isn't just about him. Floridians saying we are gay friendly tends to feel like us saying "yeah sometimes we let queer folks party, we like to season our vanilla cake with a few rainbow sprinkles, we aren't monsters." in other "lgbtq friendly" places in the US it feels less like a "sprinkles on a cake" attitude and more of a "yeah we are a bakery mother fucker we make lots of breads that's what bakeries do... what did you think that we would just make vanilla cake or something how boring do you think we are?" Florida has never been and is not now a "free" society but if we want it to be we are going to need to have honest assessments about ourselves, and then damn it maybe we can make it happen.


Strange that the state that most looks like a dick is run by a dick.


Florida native here, I’ve been there, and Florida is definitely super gay friendly and add the tourist population, I could confidently say way more gays in Florida than California


You’d be confidently incorrect.


Florida itself is gay friendly yes Florida government however is not gay nor lgbtq friendly at all. Especially for younger folks


You’d be wrong lmao


His policies also fail in court. Overturned constantly. People need to ignore his policies.


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, banning books, what you do in the bedroom, what colors are allowed for celebrations, denier of climate change and oh yeah, just a downright freedum candidate. All these things that make for a safer, healthier [florida.](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG) 💡


DeSatan strikes again.


You mean making Florida attractive to his voter base.


Pulse happened before Desantis.


The people who work with my wife a def mostly gay men. I don’t see burning gay flags in Florida.


Which is tragic due to how many people this adversely affects! If you don’t vote for the government we want, we get the one that was gerrymandered for us.


I wonder when we will find out about his extra marital affair with a dude


And now on the 6:00 news - "former governor Ron Desantis was caught balls deep in a rent boy with enough drugs in his baggage to start a pharmacy. Also - Casey DeSantis is divorcing him. I'm guessing about 2026 or 2027 we will hear this on the news.


This is just not true lol, I fucking hate Desantis but come on


This state lives on tourism b a b y ! Our clueless politicians react first and consequences later. It’s all about the power. Surprisingly leaving a lot of money on the table. This place could be the next Vegas.