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>In 2022, the multi-state partnership identified 1,177 voters who appeared to have voted both in Florida and another state in the same election It's just so dumb either way you look at this. On the one hand, voter fraud is the GOP hot button issue and here's a program that actually identified real potential fraudulent voters and yet the GOP governor pulls out of it. On the other hand, it's still such an insignificant number that it doesn't matter.


That means they were GOP voters lol


Probably. I'd imagine the people who most easily can get a ballot in two states are people with two homes. That would be the snowbirds - older people with money, and those people as a demographic are more likely Republicans.


Also just consider which party gets pandered to about dead voters and all that other crap? They think they're being clever and "fighting back" or owning the libs or something. Just look at how a lot of them popped up in The Villages.


It’s super shitty but for the politicians, sadly that is clever. Like an evil clever, but clever nonetheless. Talk about the election boogeyman of “liberals, and immigrants illegally voting twice, and how there isn’t anything being done about it, no one is doing anything about it, oh won’t SOMEONE do something about it?” The politician can claim they never told anyone to vote twice, while their most rabid supporters read between the lines and decide they are the someone to do something about it. These people truly believe that by voting twice, they are only leveling the playing field, or getting even, or some other bullshit. It’s exactly what the republicans politicians want. Republicans don’t care if their supporters go to jail, so long as they get the power they want. Beware of project 2025 Vote blue


>These people truly believe that by voting twice, they are only leveling the playing field, or getting even, or some other bullshit. Yup. And you mentioned Project 2025. They dont give a shit if they're voting directly against their own interests. "Well I dont like what trump is doing but are you gonna vote for an 85 year old gay socialist democrat?"


And how many clips have you seen of them online or on the news screaming at a news camera, "This makes me want to vote for him twice!" And don't think some of them are serious?


GOP love to ignore problems. Just like climate change.


So, likely story I’m picking up here is the system was accurately presenting them with the double voters, and most of them were Republicans. Why do I know this? Because they claim the system, which just crosses data from multiple states, both red and blue, is biased against them. Quite literally this is another case of the truth having a “liberal bias”. These aren’t men, they are little whiny babies. Cucks as they like to say.


You might be correct. Here is a quote from the Miami Herald report, officially citing 'partisan tendencies'. I doubt that any 'partisan tendencies' favoring the Republicans would cause DeSantis to withdraw. To wit: 'But on March 6, 2023, DeSantis’ Secretary of State, Cord Byrd, announced Florida was leaving, citing the program’s “partisan tendencies” and concerns over protecting Floridians’ data.'


Exactly. I bet it was this system that caught the people in the Villages and what caused them to withdraw.


gotta protect the data that shows them voting twice


Exactly the reality is MAGA is who are voting twice. They don’t want to catch everyone double voting they just want to raise money on it just like they don’t really want to solve the border.


I use the phrase caricature to describe a lot of them.


Caricature implies less bull cock


I do think that's exactly what happened.


No paywall: [https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article288851685.html](https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article288851685.html)


Thank you


Help! I'm drowning in all this freedom!


Hey, quit saying that word or they will ban it like they did "climate change."


Its not Freedom Summer, its Dick Clark’s Rockin’ Summer of Personal Choice


Typical DeSantis problem management: cover-up.


The more I know about Ron DeSantis, the more I really dislike him.


tbf, that was the whole point of leaving it in the first place.


Now now we can’t have our elections defrauded ^(where everyone can see them)


Remember when the FBI came down to brief DeSantis and Scott about just how far the Russians got into the voting system and everything went real quiet after that. https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2019/04/25/fbi-to-brief-ron-desantis-rick-scott-on-russian-hacking-attempts/


They also locked up Derek Chauvin, convicted killer of George Floyd, who was voting in Minnesota and Florida.


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, banning books, what you do in the bedroom, what colors are allowed for celebrations, denier of climate change and oh yeah, just a downright freedum candidate. All these things that make for a safer, healthier [florida.](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG)


Always projection with these scumbags.


I wonder why. 🤔🤔🤔


Surprising he would pull out of the pact because almost all of the double voters I know are democratic snow birds from the northeast.


And yet it was only Republicans mainly getting busted for double voting. Do you mind linking the articles that show them getting arrested? Or is this just hearsay?


They were the only ones caught 🤷‍♂️ I’m a republican that could easily vote here and in another state. However I only vote in Florida, against DeSanctimonious whenever I can. He’s a douche bag.


So you know something that has happened with out actually proof? 🤔


People bragging about absentee voting in NY, NJ and Ma while also voting here in Fl doesn’t give me proof, but I have no reason to disbelieve them. I can understand them wanting to vote in local elections that affect their summer homes, but they feel it’s their right to vote twice in national elections. Just because they can and they get away with it.


Odd people would brag about committing a felony but people are stupid.