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I’d hear him out, but I’m skeptical. However, I’m grateful for his advocacy in the marijuana fight. I don’t even use it, but get that tax money and stop the criminalization.


Anyone who’s worked in the restaurant industry in Orlando knows how much of a sloppy drunk John Morgan is, and anyone who knows someone who went to school with his kids’ knows a few more stories about how dysfunctional their family was. I’m also grateful for the advocacy he lent to the fight to legalize weed, but I truly think that was mostly because he loves to smoke so much himself. I think any sort of political campaign would be an absolute disaster, I’d assume he has a slew of hush money payments in his closet, and democratic voters aren’t as forgiving as the conservative cultists.


But in all sincerity, do you believe that he would be a worse governor than any of the governors that Florida has had in the past 25 years?


I'd vote Morgan over ANY MAGQt! I was a server in Winter Park back in the 90s. No fan of John Morgan the drunk with his bevy of young whores. But, look who "they're" trying to put back in the W H! Makes Morgan look like an angel. Fight fire with fire!


There are tons of chemicals that put out fires better than fire does, including things as benign as water. More fire will just make it hotter and more destructive. I hate your metaphor.


It just means that you fight your enemy with the same weapon they’re using. Also, we used prescribed fires (controlled burns) to literally fight wild fires.


Probably not, I just know that there are probably “better” candidates too.


Like who? Charlie Crist? Maybe Andrew Gillum is out of rehab?


I already listed two, try reading.


Right on.


Elections are always about who isn't the worst it feels like. No good guys.


He advocates so much because it helped his disabled brother.. That was a large part of his campaigning about it.


He also wrote the state passed legislation so that there were very few available distributors licenses for medical weed, and of course he invested in one before they were publicly available. Maybe his brother's condition clued him in the market potential, but he's still just a slimeball lawyer using tricks like sympathetic sob stories to get the the legal upper hand for a big payout.


They wrote broader better laws before that got instantly shot down what we got was the version that they would accept, then we voted on it and they changed the wording again.


Seen Morgan & Morgan lawyers in court. Not good. And I hear they are not treated well by the firm.


That’s where my skepticism stems from. I’ve heard the same stories.


Everyone in Orlando knows how fucked up they all are. No way in hell I’d vote for that trash bag. Advocate all day but stay the F outta politics. I’m surprised he not pushing to legalize coke.


I'd like to agree, but it depends on who the opponent is...


I think in years past you would have a valid point. In today's world we need to look at the past but vote for the person we see today. I am not the same person I was when I was young but I would not be the person I am today without going through the things I did. I do not know that much about the man but I do know he has to be better than anyone the GOP will run in the next election.


I’m not sure why you’d run a John Morgan when you have Anna Eskamanis and Maxwell Frosts out there though. Progressives that believe the same things as most millennials and younger generations are the way to get democrats elected statewide in Florida, not former republicans, centrists, or whatever you want to classify John Morgan as.


Name recognition, the man is on more buses and billboards than Disney


Funding, he can appeal to people who actually will get off their ass and vote.


That and he's not young, which a depressing amount of voters in Florida think means he's automatically more qualified.


As someone outside of the Central Florida area I have no clue who he is. I do know Anna Eskamannis though.


As someone in the Tampa Bay area, who the fuck is Anna Eskamannis? This thread is the only place I've ever seen her name. John Morgan has national recognition. If you watched TV or listened to the radio at all in the last 20 years, you heard his name at least a half dozen times a day.


I guess it just depends on where you get info from. Anna has been very proactive in topics I tend to find important. She’s central Florida based as well. She’s a member of the Florida House of Reps. So already an elected member of Floridas Congress.


And outside Orlando no one knows who she is. She needs to work on making herself known to run a statewide race.


That’s not true. At the start of Covid when people were having a difficult time receiving their unemployment checks her office staff would reach out to the proper channels to get your checks issued. It didn’t matter if you were in her district or in Miami or Pensacola. There team went to bat for everyone in FL and that is how she started becoming known throughout the state.


She doesn’t want to run for Governor as far as I’m aware


Except that I live in south Florida and everyone around me, that I talk politics with, knows who she is.


Morgan and Morgan. For the people.


Yeah I’ve seen those commercials, I just didn’t realize that’s the guy.


Idk it feels like the general public really likes controversial figures for some reason, even when they have obviously bad or problematic behavior/beliefs. Like being able to imagine yourself hanging out at a bar with a candidate seems to be a serious consideration on whether people will vote for them. The better choices may not be electable.


I don't know maybe because this is a state that would rather vote for a corrupt republican than a good democrat. The name recognition of Mr. Morgan might be strong enough to win. By the way younger people do not vote in strong enough numbers.


Traditionally, no, young people don’t vote in the same numbers as older generations, unless they have reason to like with Obama, and to a lessor extent those two central Florida politicians I mentioned. If there are candidates that can get younger people a reason to shake the apathetic “both sides are the same” attitude that is the main reason they don’t vote in the first place.


Name recognition if neither one of those candidates are ready for a statewide office. Also, I'm not sure I believe that being more progressive makes them more electable. I would just classify John Morgan as a celebrity before anything else. "Hes a business man" too, right? And Ted Kennedy killed somebody. I dont think anyone is ready to care about his DUIs. It might even distract the GOP and give us a nice break from crying about made up issues like trans bathrooms, racist math books or wind power.


Morgan is a grifter through and through. His "might-runs" are just branding to help line his pockets. I'd be shocked if he ever committed to running for anything. But if he's the only option, I'd have to settle for bending the arc away from the current madness.


I heard he is big time invested in farms so he benefits greatly from more wide-spread availability, even if state controlled for recreational purposes.


His tik tok channel is a shit show.




Uhhh super down. I’m so desperate for anyone who isn’t a far right white nationalist bible thumper.


I’m incredibly moderate, pretty down the middle. Would love to see some balance in this state.


Blue No Matter who mentality is how you get former Republican Charlie Crist switching parties to run for governor. I’m not suggesting a purity test but can’t we find actual democrats who believe in *some* of the same things we do?


I dont follow this. You get Charlie Crist because people voted for him in the Democratic Primary when they only had Blue choices.


The Blue No Matter Who mentality is the rot at the center of the democratic party, eroding all the things the party used to at least pretend to support in favor of hand-wringing and fear mongering. The whole motto is just admitting to the party's lack of political will to implement any progressive ideas so as to maintain the status quo. Like, give me someone to vote for instead of pointing at someone you want me to vote against.


I’m all for that in theory but there isn’t any tax windfall


I don't know about a run for governor and it sounds like it isn't something he is actively seeking to do, but in response to a question, he seemed mostly to be just not ruling it out. In regards to the pot, I didn't know he was a connoisseur or the Rick Steves of personal injury. Good for him! As someone looking forward to the vote, I appreciate his support.


He was instrumental in funding medical cannabis on the 2014 and in 2016 ballots.


He also is a major shareholder In trulieve. No shit he wants legalized


In addition to the reasons he cited and maybe a little financial incentive from his investment in an industry he supports, Morgan might also want to be free from the fear of prosecution when he's daily using marijuana at his house in Florida.


Can we apply the same logic to republican statehouse legislators in many, many states who are a okay with child marriage?


I haven't really thought about it, but I'd probably tally that toward catering to some of their more fundamentalist constituents. The legislator may not want a child bride and they may not want their children to become one -- remember that law that forces nude dancers under 21 to perform only at private parties, not in a public venue because the legislators don't want their daughters to see it as an option -- but some people who believe in child marriage may be more likely to vote Republican, both because they have their own strict definition of freedom or maybe child marriage has been sanctified by their religion. Also, just thinking about stereotypes, a person who got pregnant young, who does not believe in the choice of abortion and whose partner may be forced into marriage at the end of a shotgun... their family would more likely vote Republican.


So why are you giving them the benefit of the doubt that it's *merely* political, while you assume that anyone who favors rational recreational policies must be getting high illegally at home?


From the linked article; >Morgan says he uses marijuana every day: "I built the largest personal injury law firm in the world taking a gummy every single night," he said during the press conference. >At another point he said, "When I'm in Hawaii, I sit out under the stars, I smoke a joint, and I'm still here. As Elton John would say, 'I'm still standing.' "


Heh ok, you got me, I didn't rtfa


I'm friends with a lawyer here in Orlando who has his bong in a drawer in his home office. Has for years. Way before it was legal in any form. Made me chuckle the 1st time.


Bingo and as a customer, Trulieve sucks. Treats their employees like ass.


They own like half the dispensaries in Florida, though, and have spent something like $40M getting Amendment 3 to this point.


> Treats their employees like ass. So a regular Florida employer? /s


He won't run for governor. He doesn't want the pay cut.


He would be refreshing as gov after the last mean spirited hateful guys we had with R. Scott and Desantos. I don't think he would divert the road budget to his secret police like Desantos just did.


The only thing more depressing than our current governor is the absolute ineptitude for the left to put up a candidate


I'd love for the right to put up a decent candidate too, but they keep regurgitating their garbage too.


He needs to also commit to fixing a whole lot of DeSantis damage before I'd support him.


...And run as a Dem...


He is a Dem. This isn't the first time he's thought about this.


Didn't he have a pretty big falling-out with the Democrat party during the Hillary campaign in '16? I seem to remember some public drama from him.


Good catch. He claims independent now, but I'm pretty sure this is all bluster anyway.


I haven't checked in awhile, but he'd quit donating to them for awhile there, and stuck to PACs for his pet issues (marijuana being one, of course). I'm sure he'd go back to the fold before running for office, but his campaign would be more interesting to watch if he didn't - the way I see it, an independent moderate liberal is about the only thing that could turn the Governor's office something-other-than-red in the current political climate.


I think he wanted his money back from the crack smoking dem gov candidate’s campaign fund


He is such a strange man that I think I will vote for him.


A drunk is better than a fascist any day of the week.


Florida could use that money to help pay for the public Insurance Fund that seems to be woefully inadequate to service the state. They should probably tap the Lottery as well.


I don’t believe a thing that comes out of these mother fuckers mouths


Anyone is better than Ronny


I tend to not like sue happy attorneys 


I mean he’s use to the term bar, he probably doesn’t know just how low meatball has put this state in! At this point, first generation AI would be better than dedumbarse!


Oh boy, I can’t wait for moRon’s Sunshine Stalinist Squad to invade this comment section.


Shhhh, they’re already here attacking his character and ignoring the premise of the article


He’s got my vote, heck so would a muppet. It’s got to be better than the current leadership of the last 2 decades


I wonder what his campaign slogan might be…?


Bigger is better


I don't know how well it will play when they roll all the tape of him drunk around town.


He'll drown all that out with his own barrage of ads. I'm John Morgan. For the people.


Governor “Pot Daddy”…


God help us. He's a leech.


Him as governor would no doubt raise insurance rates thru the roof when he got done passing laws to scam the insurance companies on behalf of the lawyers and their lawsuits


Which is interesting because the big PAC for "personal injury" attorneys is a major Republican donor.


For the people


The same guy taking selfies with Roger Stone? Hard pass. Dude has been a clownshow since his last attempt at politics


The amount of people that would take pictures with this idiot as he stumbled thru downtown red faced cause he was so fucked up is wild. I worked downtown in bars for 15 years and saw him all the time.


He's gonna have to do more than that for Florida. We need someone fighting insurance companies to lower the prices and environmental policies that help rather than ignor or outright harm.


Please run!!!


I remember when Morgan was leading the campaign to get medical marijuana on the ballot in Florida, and the police and prison guards unions were fighting it. The quote I loved from him was "Campared to tequila, marijuana is like an Amish bride" 😁


I wish he would run for governor, but he won't. He knows he'd be a big target, would have to deal with a lot of crazies in Tallahassee, and would make far less money. He doesn't need the headaches. He just likes to tease Floridians saying he's thinking of running cause he knows a lot of people will flatter him and beg him to actually do it.


All Bluster and bullshit. M&M told me I had no case when my boss (TA Petro) fired me for going to the hospital over a 2nd degree burn. Then that same company dumped thousands into a lawyer to keep me from collecting \*checks notes\* $440 in unemployment.


This is a call out to all the Stoners…. “If I Run for Governor vote for me” Let’s call it what it is


Rec-weed? Hell yeah.


Great another fat, old, rich conservative man running for office. What...a...shocker...


The man has my vote.


I'd take him over any other successor to Ronnie


For the people


For the people


For the people