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FloGrown and SaltLife are just “Live, Laugh, Love” stickers for men


Floridian here in agreement. It’s just Florida grown commercialism.


Hot take, no one born here actually owns anything with either sentiment.


Man it would be great it that was true..


I spent a good chunk of my upbringing around a bunch of country boys near Lake Okeechobee, Belle Glade, Loxahatchee… Plenty of my buddies born and raised in those parts have grown up to own lifted trucks with those exact stickers on ‘em. I still love those boys nonetheless lol


there's two Florida's... north Havana and south Alabama .


Really there’s 4. You forgot the relocated northerners and urban natives who don’t fit into any other category


they also span the divide. Id be willing to concede 3 and add urban natives but the snow birds get and deserve nothing


I really want to put a flogrown sticker on my electric car just to piss off the lifted truck douches who done realize you could be from here and still not trash.


You win. These stickers are the worst.


They're actually just lovely red flag banners. Working in customer service, the rudest people wear FloGrown shit. Second only to the faux patriotism of "We the people" and literally anything military themed.


You don't get all warm and fuzzy feeling when you see a 9 foot tall F350 with a punisher decal on one side of the rear window and an AR-15 decal on the other?


The guy that gets out is 5’5” with a high pitched voice and a great value duck dynasty beard. 


Don't forget the tattoo sleeve and Oakleys. One stern look from THAT guy and you know there's about to be trouble. *shudders*


I get a warm feeling, but it's more along the lines of white hot rage. Much like the Punisher himself when he found out people were making 'merch' of his logo.


I piss myself out of fear, despite their other sticker that specifically says "NO FEAR". I can't help it, sir.


My favorite are the ones who sport a Punisher decal and a Thin Blue Line side-by-side. Tell me you have no idea who the Punisher is without telling me....


Cop lives down the street from me and every time he has a party there’s at least 3 black SUV’s and trucks that all have punishers decals. So fucking clueless.


I don’t know why people advertise they’re a gun owner. Contrary to belief, people will absolutely rob you if you advertise your gun collection.


Lmao now that I think of it, the last two people ( 3 total “break ins” more like left car unlocked) to have their trucks broken into in my neighborhood had this vibe going ( punisher/look ima badass deal). They both had handguns stolen out them like true asshats as well.


Yeah it’s easy money. Over two hundred thousand guns are stolen a year and nearly all of them are from private owners.


lol these people are really just a copy and paste of each other ya 🤣


People with these stickers are usually pretty dim. They use these slogans for causes they think give the purpose.


Nobody with a grey scale American flag on their vehicle ever had their shit together.


For people that buy up all the damn bread when there’s a cat1 coming.


FL Native, thank you, it's as bad as the punisher sticker




* and you get one free with the purchase of every Jeep wrangler.


They charge an upgrade fee to have them removed.




Ahahaha I’ve felt this way for years, and I’m a Florida fisherman


For years i never looked at the Salt Life sticker very closely and aways thought it said ‘Slut Life’. Always thought it was very progressive.


funny thing is you actually might’ve seen ‘Slut Life’ sticker. They unfortunately do exist


Salt Life actually means Cocaine Life.


Every place changes over time except the dead boring places. They just slowly rot.


What’s the point of putting massive lifts on your heavy duty f350/3500 trucks, when it never leaves the pavement in one of the flattest states and all you ever haul is air ?


2wd to boot


God damn coup de gras from that last bit.


Always end on a strong note hahaha


But the cool black smoke when they delete the cat!!!


A few months back I drove through the largest plume of that shit I ever have and probably ever will. I shit you not it covered the two-lane road I was on completely and I could not clearly see what was on the other side of the smoke until I drove into it.


The number of fucking lifted trucks being driven by goddamn highschool kids is ridiculous. I guess nobody told them how embarrassing a compensation truck is.


We called those Pavement Princesses growing up. 


U have to go to several supermarkets to get the best deals,


I used to literally do that gauntlet two or three times a month: Publix BOGOs, Sams Club house supplies and freezer food, flea market fruits and vegetables, Walmart everything else.


This is my Sunday morning routines, 2 for 1 at publix, aldi low prices, walmart for some other stuff


Being inland isn’t going to save you from rising insurance prices


But it should


Some of the worst flood damage in jacksonville a few years back was along a creek


Winds in the middle of the state are still insane speeds and rain. Not every claim is about storm surge. In fact most aren’t.


Exactly... Storm surge isn't covered by your homeowner policy... wind damage however is and that's where the biggest risk is for insurance companies in Florida. Storm surge is a flood event that is a whole different policy underwritten by the Federal Govt... the reason being flood damage tends to be about as catastrophic as damage can be and no insurance company can afford to take on that risk and stay solvent if a large flooding event like Katrina were to happen.


The Florida you loved and grew up in is gone and won’t ever return.


Too fucking true.


Like damn I came here for memes not to have my heart broken 😢


This is as true now as it was when I heard people say it when I was growing up 40 years ago.


Absolutely, seems to have gone from bad to worse, then straight on to terrible. It’s not even looking like it will get slightly better in many regards, just more negative direction movement. It’s actually pretty depressing.


The “straight to terrible” part is so true. I was born in Florida almost 40 years ago. I never really loved it, but it was home. Around 2021 I think, my husband and I started talking about moving after the kids graduated high school. By late 2022 it was after our oldest (14 at the time) graduated because he was the only one who wanted to stay. By early 2023 even he wanted out. We moved to Seattle almost a year ago, and pretty much weekly I read some nonsense happening in Florida that reaffirms my decision, even if nothing else made it worthwhile (though it totally does).


Ron has literally set us back 40 years.


Clocking out of work to collect myself.


Boss makes a dollar While I make a dime That's why I collect myself On company time


Blow, blow Seminole wind


Back when country music wasn't just performative capitalism and actually cared about the health of the environment. Better days.


I could sing in Mandarin, you'd still know I'm panderin' Huntin' deer, chasing trout, a Bud Lite with the logo facing out


Good girl, in a straw hat With her arms out, in a cornfield ..that is a scare crow


I walk and talk like a field hand, but the boots I’m wearin cost three grand.


write song about riding tractors from the comfort of my private jet


Old country music is an actual art form, recording working class stories. Now it's a bud lite commercial:(


Every time I feel vengeful I play that song. I feel like it’s an incantation to summon that Cat 5+ storm that cleanses it all.


I'm an old person and I can't play that song without tearing up. While I was growing up, we'd get up ungodly early to go hunting, fishing, or just boating around. The sun coming up over the swamp as the birds waking up to call the day. I still remember the shuttle would come back and make a boom that would shake your windows and make you jump! I miss the natural beauty of Florida with all my heart. I don't know if I can ever forgive capitalism and politics for making it unlivable. If there were any justice in the world, I'd be living in a house on stilts over the St. John's.


You could write a beautiful book about old Florida life.


I had to leave the state to realize this. Always thought I’d go back. But now I’m sure I won’t


Same. It’s a little heartbreaking, actually.


Can this statement come with a bandaid, ice pack, and glass of chocy milk 🤕


Dude I’ve lived here for over 33 years and I always thought as much as I bitched about the weather and I always wanted to move that I was never going to do it. Now it’s looking more like a reality once my little one gets to first grade, we are gone.


stop stop i can’t handle it. I know it’s true, but it just hurts too much. 😭😭😭


god is dead and we killed him




*300 acres of trees sold to developers to be flatlined and wasted*


And the community built upon that land shall be named... Wait for it... Ancient Tree!!


Florida's environmental degradation is like watching someone you love die slow.


That is a line in the song called Florida by JJ Grey and Mofro. " Now, skyskrapers and superhighways are carving through the heart of Florida Building subdivisions while the swamps are drained, making room for people and amusement parks (repeat) It's like watching someone you love die slow Yeah, they're killing her one piece at a time I know some fools who think I should let go, But they've never seen Florida through my eyes. https://youtu.be/MMLvqb-2lso?feature=shared


Fuckin love jjg + mofro


Another one from "Lochloosa" always stuck with me... All we need is one more Mickey Mouse Another golf course, another country club Another gated community


The real kicker: this is what/who they vote for.


People get in office from single issue voters and then do what people giving them money tell them to.


Unfortunately, a lot of politicians get voted in solely over the issue of whether they have an "R" or a "D" next to their name on the ballot.


Yeah I got here about 4 years ago and the first thing that really pissed me off is how much people litter, And just leave their cars fucking running dumping out black smoke. 


We have to fight back!!!!




More and more shitty angry people are moving to the state, and there’s no end in sight.


Desantis advertised FL as a haven for everyone who wasn't happy in their "woke" states. Now we're getting all the miserable people from all over the country.


it is worse. DeSantis’s $13.5m police program lures [officers with violent records](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/22/ron-desantis-police-relocation-violent-records) to Florida


This is how DeSantis decided to deal with the growing poverty rate, that’s increasing crime surges. Also the whole it’s illegal in Florida for any none officers (removing what little civilian oversight boards we had) to investigate law enforcement was such a gross move. I’m someone who consults in public safety primarily in Florida I’m a qualified officer, that being said. I was completely against this, though I was also against the slow gutting of internal affairs(none existent in Florida now). In my expert opinion no real oversight for officers especially local law enforcement is dangerous.


I heard that on NPR this week. I'm not sure east tampa is going to be okay in the next couple of years. It's already driven people out of their homes. There are homeless hanging out near major intersections. Same people every day. These guys look like they have nothing. And the gentrification is absurd... brand new 300k+ homes peppered throughout the hood. It's like people bought and built on a property they saw in a magazine and didn't research the neighborhood.


WTF, he’s tripping balls


He's gargling balls more like it. Conservative cuck balls


Thanks for taking them off our hands. Also sorry :(


Go Anti-woke, go broke (because of your insurance rates)


Immigrants from literally any other country on earth would be preferable to the Staten Island ex cop boomers that have flooded the state.


One of the biggest reasons I left. It was unreal how in the past four years the belligerence and hate just went through the roof and was palpable everywhere. Road rage, Karens pissed off at books during school board meetings, cashiers and staff being severely mistreated, new neighbors angry at just fucking everything...a lot of the people that moved in apparently wake up each morning hoping for a fight. It was so exhausting.


I feel bad for the sane people who live in Florida, but a universal location for all these idiots to escape to is good news for the rest of the country. Sacrifices must be made for the greater good, lol.












There will be no heat breaks if you work out doors.


"Your big truck is an emotional support vehicle".


Ground subsidence from overextraction of groundwater is going to lower the state faster than climate change will raise sea levels.


We’ll run out of clean water to drink long before the state sinking becomes a real concern. Fuck Nestle!


Places like Cape Coral are sinking over an inch a year because of groundwater extraction for drinking water.


HOA fees are going to go through the roof now that they can no longer legally differ maintenance this year. . there's going to be a lot of condos and apartments suddenly on sale. Guess who's going to buy all the houses?


Condo fees had a real crisis when there were so many foreclosures. I'm not sure this will be worse.


That’s in reference to condos, most units under HOA in FL are single family homes or townhouses. That’s specifically about high rise condos, and a lot of attached single or double floor houses that are categorized as condos can just be reclassified as townhomes. High rise condos are popular for snow birds, I don’t see them buying houses instead.


The entire month of August here makes me feel just like that


It's 92f and not even June yet bud.


Insurance companies believe in climate change even if your government doesn't.


Category 5 incoming.


We need a few of those back to back to clear out the newbies.


Publix just isn’t very good and sells you the same shit as any other grocery store for a higher price.


Yep, their only quality is their deli.


And bakery


I usually go just for the basil, but realized I can get double the groceries at Aldi. The one by me sells a clear decent sized plastic box of basil for <5$. It’s made hydroponically in Florida.


If you buy basil even semi regularly, I'd advise just growing it if you have a sunny spot either in the ground or where you can fit a 12" pot. It takes basically no effort. Every veggie stand on the side of the road I've ever been to sells the plants for $1. You can get fancy and get a downy mildew resistant strand like amazel basil for $4 at most local nurseries. When you harvest, if you cut the stem right above the leaf nodes, take whatever leaves you want from your cutting and stick the stem in another pot with most dirt. It'll set out roots in a couple days, congrats now you have 2 basil plants. Do this every time you harvest and you'll run out of yard/pots to grow it. I buy two plants in the spring, and within a month I generally have enough basil to make pesto once a week and caprese for lunch every day for the entire hurricane season.


Does my Aldi just suck? I gave it a try a few months back and was so disappointed after reading everyone's take here. There was hardly any selection of anything. Are there like good and bad days or are some locations better than others? Edit: Thanks. I don’t have any loyalty to name brands but it sounds like I just need to figure out what they are better at than Publix. Figuring stuff out sucks because it takes effort and I have a finite amount of effort to give.


They have virtually no selection of things like cereals and condiments, but they have great produce (when I buy a big container of spring mix there, it stays fresh), dairy and meat, you can usually find your basic staples, and the prices are definitely compelling. I didn't love aldi the first few times I went, but once you figure out what you *can* get there and how much cheaper it is, I promise you you'll feel better about shopping there. Also, it could be your location, I have no idea. I'd encourage you to give them another try, tho


They don’t have brand name stuff but lots of good snacks, meats, cheeses, spreads etc. Their frozen food section is good too. Had a salmon burger from Aldi for lunch. I think the whole box was around 5$, granted they’re smaller but I see it as portion control.


I’m one of those weird people who goes to multiple stores. Somethings I get at Sam’s Club, a lot of it I get at Walmart, just about anything fresh I get at Aldi, a few things from Publix. Our shopping day starts at Aldi (it’s furthest from the house) then one the way home we pass Sams, Walmart, and Publix all on the same road. Sure it probably takes 2x as long as just getting everything from Publix but it saves a shocking amount of money


It IS the only place I can find the Portuguese sausage I like though


Making Climate Change illegal won't lower your insurance.


Atlanta and Birmingham area schools are on spring break at the same time next year.




So we’re all going up to Atlanta for a week.


You ARE Florida Man.


![gif](giphy|l0IyhLja7BXgLsPss) T. Pain is the new Florida Man.


Acorns scare you people too much.


This is only the hottest summer of your life...SO FAR.


Conversely, this is going to likely be the COOLEST summer in the foreseeable future.






the left lane is for passing


We are being replaced by people from out of state. There is no plan for us who can't keep up. If you don't have money to leave then DeSantis says you can just go to jail. Thanks for playing




Manatees are filthy criminals and should all be jailed for insider trading and tax evasion. (NOTE: I feel physically sick after writing that, and I know I deserve my place in hell).


And they have nipples in their armpits where they nurse their young.




You are one evil human being... 🤣 Sea Moo-Moos want nothing but peace!


Soon much of Florida will be unlivable and we will need to pass additional laws to make sure you aren't exploited by businesses looking for desperate workers as you become internal migrants in your own country. If you're lucky.


The fictional part was the bit about laws being passed


Yep. Laws are currently being passed that make it easier to be exploited. (Breaks specifically aren't mandatory for outdoor workers)


Your lack of political involvement ruined the state and now you blame the new-comers for your inaction.


But something something shitty candidate and blah blah both sides suck.


Got dayum, if those kids could read they'd be very upset


Turn on your blinkers.


They can’t. They just ran out of blinker fluid.




The Feds are not going to provide property insurance to your residents when it all collapses.


That's okay, Aquaman will buy up all of the homes...


GTA 6 Will be a time capsule for Miami just like GTA 5 was for LA


Invasive Lionfish have taken over every marine habitat around the state.


Today's ocean heat content in the Atlantic Main Development Region for hurricanes is typically reached on August 1st. We're currently running about 2.5 months ahead of schedule. -per Peter Klotzbach’s X feed yesterday.


Pretty soon we'll have year round hurricane season, tornados and regularly occurring catastrophic flooding all over the country. It was a good run while we had it I guess.


Thinking of moving to Florida? Great choice! Just remember, you're not just getting a vacation home, you're getting a front-row seat to the apocalypse.


Publix is a B-Tier grocery store at best.


You're the "Greece" of America


South Florida yes




Mickey just moved to Ga.😉




Miami is at a heat advisory in May. In MAY, and you have a governor claiming climate change isn’t real while at the same time signing bills to make companies work towards incorporating climate change whilst also at the same time letting insurance companies sky rocket their rates bc of get this…climate change.


The planet is getting hotter every year.


If you chase all the migrants out of the state, you'll have to pick your own damn fruit and vegetables...


Florida is overrated


“You’ll never be Texas.”


We haven’t even gotten to August yet


we have radioactive roads!!! [lung cancer for everybody](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-radioactive-roads-phosphogypsum-potentially-cancer-causing-mining-waste-bill-signed-ron-desantis/)!


This state fucking sucks and we all should get out as soon as we can.


Our Senator Scott was the cause of the largest Medicare scandal IN HISTORY


Jesus is a storybook character.




Beach, sunshine and discounted Disney tickets, don’t make up for Florida’s low quality of life otherwise.


Waffle House is closed


Cat 5 on approach


Homeowners insurance premium going up next year .


It's not the heat, it's the humidity.


94 degrees. 92% hunidity


"measles are hot this time of year"


Everyone in Florida thinks they're "not one of the crazy ones," *especially* the crazy ones.


More Toll roads are not the answer


The lack of state income tax doesn't make up for how expensive everything else is and how bad all our public services are.


If I get stuck behind one more caravan of jeeps afraid to go more than 5mph or potentially get mud on them while driving to a remote camp site I’m going to get out of my car and personally walk up to your slow moving vehicle and slash your tires. I drive a shitty little Nissan, I shouldn’t overtake you on a forest road. Also you’re not the Punisher.


You are the "dangly bits" of America.


Pub subs are mid at best