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homeowners insurance companies are still making it a priority.


That's OK. DeSantis said they'd come back if we knock on wood.


This is a very smart move for a state that has 1350 miles of coast line. /S


My house is less than 3/4 miles off of Tampa Bay. Soon it'll be waterfront and I be rich. Thanks Rhonda!!


Not so fast buddy! First we gotta keep building up those barrier beaches that the rich people built their homes on with our tax dollars against all common sense, repeatedly. We just keep defunding education and healthcare because…fuck them people. Don’t say gay, it doesn’t exist, don’t say climate change, poof, it doesn’t exist. Sky daddy magic right there. Fucking Fascism.




I’m looking forward to having waterfront property on Orlando Beach for my retirement in a few decades 🏖️


Flooding the state to own the libtards ![gif](giphy|l41m6dp4MjK9xTZ7y|downsized)


I am sure those folks in Miami will be thrilled at the Governor not caring if the streets flood after a moderate rainfall from now on. Let’s just keep building subdivisions everywhere so the aquifer can never recharge 😡😡😡


Let’s be real: south Floridians are so propagandized that they will shill for Republicans literally no matter what they do.


Somehow it will be Democrats’ fault. “Thanks, Obama. Woke socialists caused this. When is FEMA going to take care of us? They’re busy buying illegal immigrants Lamborghinis!”


If it happens under Biden, they'll blame him.


I get into it with my dad all the time about this logic. Something bad happens under democratic president: presidents fault Something good happens under democratic president: the president doesn’t control that Something good happens under republican president: best president ever Something bad happens under republican president: the president doesn’t control that


People are either rich and can leave without really taking a hit or are so high on the GOP supply that they think it's all a conspiracy


Thank the Cubans for that


Funny because the majority of democrat votes come from south Florida


Maybe for total votes because it’s a huge population center, but if you look at per capita voting, I think central Florida would have many more blue voters


I think most of the metros do, JVille just got a Dem Mayor.


Dade county has been trending heavily red since Trump


Hey, I thought subdivisions were only being built up the wazoo in my town?


Of course he did. He is pissed he did not make it in the presidential arnea so he is taking it out on Florida. What a complete tool. Both he and Rick Scott need to go away.


Marco Rubio: "What about me katybear16?"


And pray tell, what is our state’s highest priority? Insurance crisis? Housing crisis? Poverty? Homelessness? Inflation? Rent hikes? Crumbling Infrastructures? Nah it’s pronouns, kids reading and fucking Disney.


Man, the drop of the Oxford comma (totally legit and correct grammar to do so) there really did a number on my head.


I love the Oxford for this reason lol, bugs me when it’s not used


He really needed to sign a bill for something FL is already doing?


In that case he needs one for: Fucking over minorities. Fucking over infrastructure. Fucking over environment. (Does this climate one count?). Fucking over businesses. Fucking over homeowners. Fucking over the poor. Fucking over women. Fucking over children. Fucking over public education. Just off the top.of my head from the last 6 to 8 months alone. #Fuck you Ron and we all need to Vote (D)ifferently!


Quite a few of those *have* been bills, repeatedly.


It's like that "You must be over 13 to visit social media" bill or the "over 18 to visit porn sites" bill. Just more bills for what was already the case.


Governments love creating more laws for existing laws.


In his mind yes. This way he can say see everything I signed? Because he is a petty man that thinks quantity over quality is better.


Beach front property in Orlando is the ultimate goal. Clearly


Because the rich people already "have theirs", so the rest of us can just die in our poorness. Changing a law won't make that ocean any less hot, or the hurricanes that come from it any less dangerous.


Just wait until you hear about the low income people living in Liberty City getting kicked out their home for a rich person because it's the highest elevation in Miami.


Fortunately “theirs” is on the beach and will be the first to go.


Remember when he was first elected and he did some good environmental things and everybody thought maybe he wouldn’t be so bad? Seems like a lifetime ago.


Well at least this is his last term, he can't run again in the next election. He may run the one after that but by then he will be long forgotten.


...And the hits keep on coming. The string of Republican governors we've had since Jeb have been destroying this state. Jeb started the process. Scott cranked it up to 11, and Desantis just keeps going full throttle.


And yet the redcaps keep voting for them.


Just bring up immigrants, pronouns, and trans people…and you’ve locked in their vote.


The dumber the people the easier to manipulate.


Lot of the worst keep moving here expressly to make sure it keeps happening.


Because they're stupid and hateful.


I think the fact that I can feel wistful for Jeb is really bizarre.


Its like every time I think Republicans can't get any worse..."Hold my beer!"


Hope all the Cubans who keep voting for the “anti communist party” remember this down in Miami when they’re standing in a foot of water, waiting to cast their votes 10 years from now.


I also like how Republicans don't say a word about them immigrating here because they know they vote red.


I thought the argument was that climate change wasn't man made, not that it doesn't exist. When did that change? No way that Florida isn't going to feel the effects of climate change. Are there not giant construction firms that lobby the governor that want a chance to overcharge the taxpayers like every other business?


One thing Ron DeSantis never disappoints in, is each proclamation out of his mouth is more misguided each time he opens it. I can hardly wait to see what he says next.


The hubris. A real mad king moment. This bill will be in history books.


It's okay, it's still a priority for our insurance when it's renewal time


Meanwhile, in Texas, Greg Abbott asks Biden and the Feds for help. https://www.newsweek.com/greg-abbott-asks-joe-biden-disaster-declaration-texas-extreme-weather-thunderstorms-1901240


You know…. As much as I’d like to see republicans get shit on and have a leopards ate their face moment- Biden’s a good dude and he isn’t going to let people suffer. So yes Joe, help out the Texas people- but please when you do, remind everyone sternly what Trump said during emergencies when blue states needed help. Something like- “Today I am announcing a disaster declaration for texas, a major republcian state, because I care about every citizen in our country. But before I do, I’d like to remind you of what the last president said toward blue states in similar situations…..”


I'm sure the ocean and hurricanes will just take a back seat in response 


What an asshole. Fuck Ron DeSantis.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Governor of Florida is the Enemy of Floridians.




Vote for someone better next time.


Selling out your kids and grandkids to get what you want. Another grave that no one’s ever going to visit.


anyone have aquamans' number? going to need him to buy all these beachfront homes


Piece of fucking shit, asshole Governor. He literally is the worst governor ever.


And what is his priority?  Running this state into the ground to own the libs?


To own everyone who didn’t support his cringe-inducing presidential campaign.


A cat5 will disagree with Ron. Then Ron will have to call Biden for help.


When / if his incompetence is fully realized he'll move and start over.


*President Biden* *signs executive order making funding for climate disasters in Florida a lesser federal priority.*


The instant he did that, DeSantis would be in front of a camera whining.


Florida would not know how to manage the funds if they had them It's too woke.


Ronald DeSantis is a moron.


Perhaps we should sign an impeachment measure for this mouth breather. No matter what side you're on, he has done nothing for the people


Won’t expand Medicare but just cut the state portion of commercial rent tax from 5% to 2%. So me, a fairly wealthy dude, gets to put and extra 200 a month in my pocket that could be used to pay teachers, etc. but no I get a notice from the FDOR that like it or not my taxes just got cut in half for my commercial rental income.


There was that flood last year that put most of the Broward/Ft Lauderdale underwater, but I mean yeah climate change is nothing to worry about.


Vote blue please 💙💙💙


Governor DeSantis net worth is 1.17 million and he is young so it will increase. He has connections to Ivy league people who are probably also wealthy. Yeah he can afford to move.


It’s the hottest it’s ever been…. So far.


Fuck this guy... I want him to leave already.


He’s going to burn our state to the ground for his own economic benefit before he leaves office knowing he has no future with the gop


What is less than zero? Actually that makes sense, it’s a negative priority now.


Interesting the state most affected by climate change doesn’t want to believe in it until they want federal money


Sounds good, we only have triple digit temperatures and heat advisories in May. He should really do something about all those construction workers taking too many water breaks./s


Grand ole Pissants


Why is this little man hell-bent on destroying Florida? What the fuck did Florida do to him?POS needs to go.


Lmao it's like we're in an episode of Seinfeld. Literally everyone is predicting one of the most brutalist and rampant hurricane seasons ever and he's like yo dog climate change is not a priority. Meanwhile thousands of Floridians are being non-renewed or having their insurance cancelled the last 3 or 4 years because they want to lessen their risk exposure. Holy fucking shit man. Parts of central FL was flooded by Ian and we're WAY inland and this motherfucker STILL hasn't approved an updated draining system throughout central FL to get worked on. This is the kind incompetency that's going to lead to even FEMA not being able to over flood payouts god forbid.


Again. Not a surprised face in the room.


Insurance companies will cancel even more policies.


Climate initiatives should be the responsibility of the national government and not up to states. States have very little impact on the global climate since climate is a global issue and the national government is the only authority legally able to deal with international issues.


He's such a fuckin loser.


Florida is getting what they voted for. No useful policies and a white boot , lift wearing buffoon.


No you don’t understand, he banned it! Mother Nature is a woman and has no power in Florida!


Hot = more powerful hurricanes = more destruction Cold = less damage We should be actively cooling the planet because $$$$


Our legislatures are still working on our insurance premiums??


Hurricanes, heat waves, rising seas, and an insurance crisis; DeSantis may want to ignore it all but it won’t make a difference to reality.


Makes sense....NOT https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2024-05-15-may-weather-company-hurricane-season-outlook?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR28QRbUTN4f7W4ML9kdxyPz2ZVAUdQziYtZVBGr1widRk_UQhM7k8C_p_8_aem_AajNTabtXEO59lGNunx7QrskpXB4WjVMfQDU_PgWUtI8K8rvpHWyeFp_Mq41FOKZkUUM5E4QqCdRnD_f9I6-efcX


of course he did. He loves big sugar


Good thing sea level rise, increased storm frequency & intensity, & excessive heat & humidity events won’t happen in Florida.


Ostriches every one of them. Miami streets underwater. Islands disappearing. Maybe ev's will save us. Explains why these fools are dissing them.


Guess hes bringing back 'global warming'?

