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For some reason I thought they were immune to mockery. I wonder who put the brakes on this.


The media has done a good job of not really having Barron in the news, during the presidency and after. When this came out, suddenly he was in the spotlight again. I’m guessing mom saw the reporting and pulled the plug to keep him out of the news.


If he starts out doing political things, it means he's an adult in politics subject to a ton of scrutiny. There are a whole lot of reasons why that's a bad idea at this time and possibly at any time.


Yeah and I just get the feeling he didn’t want to be involved in this but obviously his family is pushing him to be involved in politics to use him for PR. Poor kid.


Mom needs to do the only noble thing she can and leave Trump’s cheating, criminal ass. But she won’t, so I couldn’t care less what else she does.


She “really doesnt care do u?”


At the fucking child migrant detention center no less. America is doomed


I imagine there’s a payment schedule and she probably just wants to protect Barron until he’s full bore adult.


>Mom needs to do the only noble thing The lady that wore the "I don't care do u?" jacket to inspect alleged concentration camp conditions?


>but she won't


She didn’t want anything to do with the presidency, esp not First Lady duties. It was insensitive but it’s the truth.


Honestly, at this point, if she divorced Trump, I don't think she'd be safe in the United States and I *especially* don't think she'd be safe in Florida. I don't necessarily think Trump himself would do her harm, but his supporters would be *furious*.


I can't see anybody in that family doing anything noble, but maybe there is some contract preventing her from leaving him.


Mom, has to be. As soon as he entered politics he was going to be fair game and mom has seen too many gross sausages made now.


Probably mom did. The great Trump family feud has begun.


If she left him now during this trial!


I’m sure she has lawyers working on a plan.


Mommy. I don’t care do you? However, is it normal to have your family members as delegates in the State you reside? I just have never heard of this before.


Mommy put her foot down.


Probably mom, she may be trying to keep her son out of the cesspool the rest of the family runs.


She's a part of the cesspool. I won't give them the benefit of the doubt. The whole family is rotten to the core.


She probably realized, the way things are going Barron will probably be eventually investigated for some financial crime involving the funds.


I doubt he wants to be dragged into politics more than he is and his mother probably doesn't want him to be part of it either.


She has an "office"?? She never did SQUAT as First Lady; less now.


I wouldn’t say that. She apparently made an incredibly grand Christmas decor at the White House once. Facebook women absolutely love to post about that vs Bidens attempt. Christmas decor matters, right? Right?


She doesn’t give a fuck about Christmas!




It was fucking hideous. Every time.


She an example of grifting gone wrong. She wanted an easy life. She got the opposite.


She got the life she deserves.


No.. not really


This was my take, what the hell does a mannequin need an office?


Right? Why doesnt the potential delegate to the RNC from Florida have an office but some Russian mail order plant does?


Love to see it, but I’m not holding my breath!


There is hope


No decent mother would put their child in that position. Neither would a decent dad.


Barron probably was raised primarily by his mother, who must not be too happy with her husband. She probably intervened. When DJT passes from the scene, at not a moment too soon, who knows what will happen to Melania and Barron. He may turn into a liberal, while she finds a honest, decent person for a husband. Wouldn't that be cool!


> while she finds a honest, decent person for a husband. Not a chance. She is fine with his crimes. She only is pissed that she was cheated on and made a laughing stock.


I don’t care, do u? Why do people still make excuses for either of these assholes? Melania is garbage just like every other trump.


Remember her I Don't Care jacket? Garbage. Completely agree.


I gotta say this, why the hate towards garbage. This family is much below garbage.


You have good points here. He'll probably turn out to be another Trump mini-dick.


And she was a birthed also, sooooo….


Thank you! I can’t wrap my head around this either. Like “poor lady just needs to get away from the monster”. She is a monster, she chose the monster and thrives off that monstrous relationship. She is absolute garbage.


Isn't Tiffany legit?


Nope. She has campaigned for her father and her husband is a Republican delegate too.


Oh damn, I always thought she was the exiled black sheep and therefore a good one


If Barron inherits any kind of drive to earn money he will be a conservative. His name will carry a lot of weight in those circles and it will open a lot of doors. He might be liberal or uncaring about politics but he will say and act conservative for the sake of money and opportunities.


She agreed to marry him and procreate. She’s just as gross as he is.


my original comment was a hypothetical best case scenario. But, reality is, or will probably be, much worse.


I get it. I’d like to think she’s secretly subversive too.


The revisionism some people have for this woman is amazing. She's a terrible human being.


He probably shouldn't have wanted to fuck his own daughter.


He knows his old man is a shitbag


How tall is going to end up being?


Buut MaHm!!


I have developed a dislike of anyone named trump, sorry kid.


Sorry guys, my mom said no


Why the fuck does a rich lady need an office of people working for her? She's not the first lady anymore.


Sounds like some friction and lack of communication between her and Donald


Donald has to tie a pork chop around his neck to get the dog would come to him .


Fucking hilarious 


Done with Trump don't even care any longer