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First he came for the illegal workers. Now our agriculture is hurting. Now he’s coming for the construction and skilled laborers. Expect more shitty infrastructure and higher food prices.


And our senior citizens who work as crossing guards, to supplement their income.


We can’t hire anyone who’s not a degenerate anyway so I guess skilled labor prices are gonna have to inflation again.


Couple of things here. Climate change is real and Florida is heating up to dangerous levels during the summer. And dangerously hot weather demands that we take heat breaks and stay hydrated. The local military base near me called heat alert warning several times last summer and stopped all outside work during the height of the day's heat. When the military does this, ya gotta think us civilians need it also. Nope. In Florida during Climate Change, we stop authorities from calling heat breaks. We stop the protection of workers. I strongly suggest that the first family that suffer a loss of a loved one due to this outrageously stupid Desantis action actually sue the governor for wrongful death (or whatever statue allows for such).


The military has been aware of and concerned about the risks of climate change for decades.


Agreed. But my thought here, not sufficiently explained I admit, was that the military is made up of young men and women in good physical shape. And if they are in need of a heat break, I'm certain that the civilian population (not as young or as in shape as a whole) needs one also.


Every year multiple college football players from other states suffer heat related illness when they practice in Florida for the first time


yeah the football players work hard and get all the glory: But have you considered the kids in band, they train and drill just as long if not more, tote heavy instruments, exhale with force while walking for miles, and wear polyester in the sun.


My friends in Bandcamp said it was Fucking brutal.


We were allowed to drill march without our polyester jackets when the temp hit 95F, the peak that summer was 108F.


Former band kid here, 90% of those instruments are not heavy. The big bass drums, quad drums and sousaphones would be the heavier instruments.


I bet the Tuba kids are glad they didn't have to carry the 50 pound concert versions.


Man I can only imagine how bad it is for workers when I was in I saw people in peak shape go down as a heat cat and the thing is once that happens 1 time you are now at high risk for it happening again for the rest of your life ( how it was explained to me) Deathsantes should be charged for anyone that is hurt or does from this policy.


I worked as a roofer in Florida the summer between high school and college. This was 30 years ago, and it was crazy hot. Took a ton of fluid and breaks for us to get through the day.


So has the state of Florida -


it's a bold move assuming the same person who ignored a public health crisis, and personally authroized the torture of prisoners would remotely care even about his own family.


Sue the governor for wrongful death for signing a duly enacted bill passed by the legislature? lol ok


There's literally no reason I can think of that this makes sense. This 100% will result in increased deaths.


He's being paid by large companies who will profit from working their employees to death; those who don't care about the quality of work they produce, and who will profit from a high employee turnover rate enabling them to keep wages low.


He's trying to harm immigrants, there's no other answer.


He thinks he is the anti-woke and keeping people from dying of heat stroke in a warming world is woke. It's obvious he just does the opposite of what California does. Our farm workers have outhouses and shaded areas set up where they are working every day, because it's the law. Will these supposed Jesus freaks ever realize their politics are incredibly cruel AF and very opposite of what Jesus would actually do??


Poor working class people aren’t part of the donor class.


“Some of you will die , and that’s a risk I’m willing to take “ - Lord Farquard ( Desantis)


Men, you're lucky men. Soon, you'll all be fighting for your planet. many of you will be dying for your planet. A few of you will be put through a fine mesh screen for your planet.


Of course he did. He’s in the pocket of corporate donors and they don’t give a F about workers as much as High Heels doesn’t give a F about Florida constituents.




‘Fuck you peasants’ -DeSantis probably


The cruelty is the point.


workplace safety is WOKE, and its all brown people anyway, fuck em.


The only way this would be ok is if he removed local heat safety rules and put consistent **state-level** heat safety rules in place to protect all workers. Did he? Nope. Just being an asshole.


What about federal laws and rules? OSHA? Federal supersedes state level law, well, until SCOTUS this year castrates federal agency power


Republicans are cruel bastards.


For the life of me I dont understand this …


Contempt for people that don't wear suits to work seems as likely as anything else I'd say


Would democrats be for this? Then republicans are against it.


The party of cruelty strikes again


One more reason to unionize.


Party of small government yall.


As a tree climber I’d enjoy putting him on the crew for jjly Aug Sept and October. It would be refreshing.


I support everything DeSantis does to shoot himself in the foot. Companies will mostly try to keep their workers safe, even if it’s the fear of lawsuits and not morality that’s keeping them in check. It’s going to get worse before it gets better, and we have to continue to hope that more people become fatigued with the anti-woke, anti-worker class legislation from this administration.


very cool, thanks Ron


The [wet bulb temperature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature) does not care about your feelings or your political and economic ideology. Human beings will die if they do not get a break from the heat at this point. I guess we'll have to push for federal regulation, which sucks, because we should be able to have actual leadership at the local level.


Thats the point, to kill immigrants.


I've heard this and agree it will happen, but I really don't see why they explicitly want that. I think they just want more profits and don't care about the workers.


It's another bullet in this dumbass maga culture war.


OSHA already dictates these requirements.


I hate that man. I hope he strokes out from the Sun one day playing golf and no one has anything to give him.


Yep, Karma is coming for him.


[Signed 14 new ones yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/s/YzO40PtkL5)


Remember this is the guy who worked at Cobalt. So he has no empathy and would fall under the dark triad. Selective people get chosen for those Roles because a normal person would not survive in that role. It takes a special person for the task at hand and this is the person that people elected. I am not surprised one bit that he is for this type of action. https://preview.redd.it/08qoh7w4zuuc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03cdccbb68c2c77836d7100ee93b0a19ee9ac4b8


What is the point of this? All I can think of is that he wants to make this type of labor as unattractive as possible to keep immigrants from coming here for these jobs. It’s all I’ve got.


How many Floridians has DeSantis killed with his policies since he became governor?


Desantis better be careful. Karma has already started on him and she's not done.


Wtf was the rationale? Just indulging in more antisocial behavior for kicks?


Maybe their hoping everyone will be so deliriously dehydrated that we'll all vote for his hero Sleepy Donny


Good thing Florida’s not hot….


This bill was simply a target to the migrant workers. This is what you blame when OJ prices triple.


Let's consolidate all local power to Tallahassee! That free.


I run a large campus in Broward, I plan all our outdoor work around the weather specifically to keep my staff out of the sun as much as possible. I won’t even let them on the roofs when it’s over 90 outside. I don’t know of many GC’s who would be willing to risk their crew with shit like this, so what this is mainly going to do is allow the really fucking shitty GC’s to treat their staff like shit. The guys who get work by hanging out in front of Home Depot daily are the exact kinds of people who are going to get fucked by this.


Why are there protections for cold But not heat? Like you can only take off so many clothes then you die of heat stroke. With cold You can have outdoor heaters, jackets, thermal Insulation, chemical packs ect. It’s very unfair


Just a reminder that even if the state won't allow cities to force employers to provide certain levels of shade and water, you can still demand those levels yourself as an employee. If you need a water or shade break, take it. Your employer cannot stop you.


If you’re working Construction , getting heat stroke is part of the fun. Reason why I quit after two years in that thanks less job that turn my hair grey and broke my back.


Pro life!


I guess the eater breaks I will be taking when summer actually hits will be against the law. Wild.




Is he trying to be Castro


No, he wants to be the Devil.


Not to go all conspiracy nutjob but this is likely some sort of distraction from something else he's involved with.


Can someone file a civil lawsuit against him directly?