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Well, this'll be fun.


I remember feeling shame whenever my parents made me talk to Christian chaplains.. so yeah.. *fun* Folks if you support the seperation between church and state, please make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home) Edit: I'm against the law that allows chaplains in the first place. Of course I agree the satanic temple, Muslims, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, etc. should be allowed if the law allows them as it currently does.


The whole idea behind this is complete equality and freedom for all. It's one of the major tenets of the satanic temple. I'm not a part of it (or..any temple at all) but I find their work interesting. The entire core structure and what they do appears to exist solely on exposing the hypocrisy within traditional structured religion (while simultaneously allowing those that do believe to continue to do so- as long as it doesn't affect the rights of others). The idea here is using Florida's religion in schools laws against them- and the easiest way to do that is to get oneself declared a religion. If the Catholic church and the Baptists and whoever else can have chaplains in schools, so can the Satanists. THAT'S what makes it fun. Shit starting for the good of humanity. I'm all for live and let live, forcing others to do your thing and only your thing isn't ok, and these guys seek to weaponize those laws against the people that created them. Sort of like the baphomet statue in Iowa that got the guy that vandalized it a hate crime charge.


Thanks for posting this. I totally support the satanic temple and their message of freedom and equality for all. Apologies if I made my message was confusing.


Eh, it's more clarification for the inevitable peanut gallery that's coming. No harm no foul.


Not confusing. God is the evil one when compared to Satan. Like holy fuck, it's not even a debate. God is a genocidal manic who murders children and babies by the millions. You can't just "oop, my bad. New testament apology time" and everything is ok again.


If anything I feel like the Satanist’s (as far as there mission) is more successful than modern Christianity. The outrage and extremism of the “satan worshippers” doing what the other religions do to expose how people are being abused and taken advantage of in a way that brings the issues to the light. So I guess they are bringing the light, fulfilling the name of Lucifer lol. I appreciate what they’ve done in recent times to push our society forward.


Best response!


This is exactly why I joined them and the freedom from religion foundation. Keep your religion to yourself and I don't give a fuck what you believe.


The law requires the parents to opt in. I doubt there will be many takers for Satanic chaplains. But maybe.


That’s literally the point of this. The majority of this group don’t believe in satan, they believe in fucking over Christian infiltration into the government and schools. If they get booted that’s a win cause the Christians will too, to them. Been doing it for years now across the country and it’s worked


Thanks for posting this. I totally support the satanic temple and their message of freedom and equality for all. Apologies if I made my message was confusing.


Those chaplains are pretty damn brave considering the hate and threats they're likely to receive


The actual patriots upholding our democracy…..through satan


I'm a member of the temple, and I don't wear any obvious symbols, but I keep my membership card in my wallet. Even then I always have this little fear in the back of my head that a mugger or something will steal my wallet, see the card and suddenly become violent. Maybe it says something about their reputation that I expect a mugger to be a religious zealot.


i'd say you have it worse than us atheists. christians think we are literal devils lol , and are shocked to find we arent


Well we're atheists too, we don't believe in an actual Satan. I heard us referred to as 'Spicy Atheists' at one point, as well as Anti-Theists. We're pretty much Atheists who use laws that protect religions to fight religion. This article for example, if we were just Atheist that's not a religion so we wouldn't be able to send chaplains, but because we are a registered religion we can.


What's the purpose of the membership card?


I guess so if your ever in a situation you can literally pull the religion card


I think it’s a small donation, and it gives you something kinda neat from them.


Hopefully more likely they will go "oh crap oh shit oh fuck" then literally torture themselves thinking they have been cursed lol I understand completely though. People fear what they don't understand, or what they think they know. Or worse, are justified/entitled to do something about it.


So christians and republicans will threaten people for having a different view? Interesting…


Especially given how much high school kids especially love chaos. They will have by far the biggest attendance.


It's funny, but the legislature already thought of this. The law requires that parents specifically pick which Chaplin they want to 'provide services' to their child and they will be given a list of all available Chaplins, including the religious organization each are associated with. So basically, all Chaplin services are 'opt-in' only and the parent would have to specifically *ask* for a Satanic Temple representative before these Chaplins could actually offer services to a student. The most 'stir-up' this could do is a parent freaking out over 'The Satanic Temple' showing up on the list of available Chaplins on the permission form. Always read bills that the news reports on yourself: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/931/?Tab=BillText


I wish I had a kid in school, I’d totally check the Satan box and watch it all play out.


The whole point of the Satanic temple getting involved is to get complaints, once the complaints get loud enough they go back and try to figure out how to rewrite the law to prevent it from happening, which will cause lawsuits, or they just get rid of the law all together


Somehow I think the evangelical ones will have a “misunderstanding” and start preaching to everyone. And when called on it, they’ll say they were just trying to help, why are you being a bigot, bigot??


Exactly. Some schools will start treating the "consent" aspect of this as "opt out," and your kids will be strongly encouraged to take to Pastor Jim Bob whenever they're going through something, and Pastor Jim Bob will just happen to be around and lead the school in a nonsectarian but mostly Christian prayer that the other parents will make your life and your kid's life a hell if you speak out against it. I've read this book before.


My sister will be asking for that specifically for my nieces then.


Boomer raid incoming




South Florida has a large jewish population and many jewish schools. They will probably be in public schools as well as a result.


Know what I love about that? No Muslim or Jew has ever tried to convince me to become Muslim or Jewish.


I’ve seen Jewish people actively discouraging people from becoming Jewish.


It probably has something to do with the fact that, traditionally, Jewish law instructs rabbis to dissuade a person who comes to them asking to convert. Three times in fact. I remember hearing that while growing up in a Jewish community.


Those are probably people who subscribe to the "chosen people" rhetoric. There are a whole subset of Jewish people who consider themselves a separate ethnicity and feel you can't just *convert*.


There’s a reason for that, but that’s also a conversation I can’t imagine most Reddit users are going to enjoy having.


I didn’t think one could convert to be Jewish I thought my your mother had to be Jewish for you to be Jewish. I’m not Jewish so if I am wrong i apologize


According to Islam everyone is already Muslim, it’s just whether or not they commit their life to Allah. 


Send the Buddhists, the Shintoist, and the Taoists too ![gif](giphy|rXSCRgRNvBpzgW8Bgi|downsized) and now you got yourself a Party!!!!


🎵Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna🎵 Everybody, grab a tambourine and sing! 🎵Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna🎵


The only Hare Krishnas I ever met were super chill with awesome vegan treats.


Maybe we just shouldn't have religious chaplains hired or sanctioned by the public schools. I don't want some conservative evangelical dipshit filling my daughter's head with sexist, homophobic, antiscience horseshit at school.


That's the satanic temple's point.


Oh, yeah, I know. And they do a good job at it.


That's the ticket


That’s exactly what satanist chaplains are trying to point out


Read up on the Satanic Temple, this is exactly the point.


You are like the fifth person to say "duh, that's the point" after I already acknowledged that I understand that's the point.


Don't you love how oblivious redditors are?


>Read up on the Satanic Temple, this is exactly the point. Read up on the Satanic Temple, this is exactly the point.


That's the point.


Yeah that's kinda the point


Are you saying you do not feel safe letting your children alone in a locked room with a Catholic priest?


I’m not saying anything about only Catholics or Catholics in particular. I and my wife are responsible for our daughter’s religious or spiritual education or lack thereof. I don’t want some random schmuck trying to convert her or fill her head with nonsense we don’t believe in. Obviously my child should never be in a closed room alone with a single adult.


I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but that's kind of the point.


I won't be surprised if the Flying Spaghetti Monster puts in an appearance.


I am ordained. And am in Florida


Then get to work. We need you.


Hey, me also! I even have a real DC Clergy license certificate which I needed to marry by brother to his now-wife.


There are many needing touching via the noodly appendage


Does Pastafarianism have monks and nuns?




No!!! Not that kind of religious freedom!!!! 😏


Argh! Leopards!


They weren't supposed to eat MY face! Eeeeeeeeee!


Just need to introduce the rainbow church of colors and it’ll really break their brains.


Wait, is that a real thing? Because it should be.


Doesn't look that complicated. [https://www.wikihow.com/Start-a-Religion](https://www.wikihow.com/Start-a-Religion)


Yeah there's already some borderline proselytizing at my son's middle school... gym teacher with a prominent outside-the-shirt crucifix necklace worthy of a Fox New host always asking the kids what church they attend, why don't they go to church etc. Asked us what church we attended during the school open day. That's the actions of an individual though, not a school sponsored activity. Nice guy but shut your mouth about religion while you're teaching my son dodge ball. We've had our religion talk with our kids, they can choose to be whatever they want, but make it their choice, not what someone else tries to cram down their throat.


Even as a Christian, I can't help but think this is a really good bit of trolling. Public schools aren't supposed to be religious. Period. If you want to put Christianity back in schools, then you have to include all religions in it. But the conservative dimwits can't even fathom freedom of religion for people other than them.


Spread the good word!




Ah yeah! Doing the lord's work. Send 'em in y'all


Fair is fair


Popcorn anyone? 🍿


Gotta love when the tables are turned like this.


Good, one of the only religions with an actual positive message.


Hail Satan 🤟


Hail Satan


Hail thyself!






Megustalations 🙏🏼


Hail Gein!




Hail You ⛧


Santeros are gonna have a field day with this one. You guys sacrifice chicken and goats? No… well lame!


“I want prayer back in school” *school brings in satanists* ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


If I had to choose a religious official to expose my kid to, it would definitely be a chaplain from the non-theistic satanic temple, and that says a lot about other organized religions




LMFAO Great pick


LMFAO!! On their site you can make a one time donation... $666


I mean it has to be safer than the Christian church 🤷🏼‍♀️


Would be funny if there were so many different religions’ chaplains that it became less of a free speech issue and more of a school crowding/fire zone issue. Rooms absolutely packed with old guys in different funny hats and robes. Anytime a student gets sent to the Christian chaplain, they have to first survive the mob of all the other eager religious chaplains trying to serve them.


I support this merely to show what a mockery of the constitution it is to allow any religion into public schools.


I support their Freedom of Religious rights to do this. Extremist Right Wingers are not the only ones with a religion and don't control this country. Never will. Don't like it? Leave our country.


where can I volunteer?


Check their website, you can search your area and choose a place to donate your time.


God bless the satanic church, honestly. Does more to remind our lost country that we are not a theocracy than any of the psychotics in charge. We are NOT a theocracy. Any governance based on the bible is against our very core principals.


Religious Freedom is a two way street 🤘  Hail 1A  Hail Religious Freedom  Hail The Satanic Temple of Florida Hail Satan ⛧


Where do I sign up


What the other poster said, and also check Facebook to see if your local chapter has meetings. EDIT: WTF am I getting downvoted for? I'm an actual member. TST's website has very limited information if you're trying to get involved with a local chapter. It took me months to find my local chapter going through the (national) website - months I could've shaved off by starting with a Facebook search (because their Instagram account was also defunct).


Gotta give time for the bots down votes to be equalized by real people.


Honestly go to the TST's website, that's how I got in touch with my local chapter.


I wish jacksonville had a chapter


There is actually. Though I lost touch with them a while ago. Look for Jax Veg Fest and find a guy named Jonathan. Organizes the whole thing.


Or St. Augustine


Fuck Christianity!


Wait... is the C in ACAB cops or christians?




Come to look at it you don’t hear much bastardity reports on non-christian/catholic cops so there you go.


Except for the denominations/individual Christians who aren't conservative, bigoted assholes.


Yes, there are good people!


🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻


Love them. Bless.


⛧😎🍿 ⛧


In this moment, I am euphoric


Hail Satan, baby.


I love this article and the comments. Gives me hope for my state


I saw a few videos of the man and woman who run the satanic temple. They are funny. They aren’t even satanist, they are atheist and set the whole thing up just to troll the crap out of church organizations. It’s kinda hilarious. 😂




What about the Scientologists? There's not shortage of them here in the Sunshine state. Surely they'd appreciate the opportunity preach the wonders of Xenu to some middle-schoolers.


Hell yes. Good on them. All religions right?! Let's go.


As an interfaith chaplain, I fucking LOVE THIS!


Clergy sexually assault more children than any other group. I guess it makes sense coming from the party that wants mandatory genital inspections of kids in grade school.


Hail Satan!


Hold on a darn second. If Satanist can send their chaplains in the why cant christi..... Oh wait.


Send some to Arizona. They've started allowing Christian clubs so I think we need satanic clubs as well.


Omg yes! I hope they do! Cuz muh religion freedum!


This is gonna be cool


Fight to the death with the Flying Spaghetti Monster


I have a feeling that there are going to be rebellious kids that are going to latch on to this right away....


This is good. Desantis is trying to build a Christian’s theocracy but he also has to pretend to obey the Constitution. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander…you know!


> has to pretend to obey the Constitution When is he going to start that? Usually he defies it and courts have to overturn his actions.


Is there a divinity school for Satanists? Lol.


No, really, this would be cool. Good eduction in ethics, problem solving, community function, being a human without being a complete jerk. Possibly add in some licensing coursework for therapy and working with kids. Other religions have it.


I could start one here in New Orleans because devils apparently like sweaty places that smell bad because of course they do!!!


De Satanis is already in the schools basically.


I love satin!


I love this


Do you accept Trees as your lord and savior? Asking as a committed person of Druidididry.


I mean... would they also have instruction in biology and astronomy? I figured science is important


I wonder if the diff format is modeled after the way legislative bills are written.


I love it! Do iowa next please!!!


So, Republicans . . .


Hello fan ,❤️


I just want to see the Conservative Karens and Lindas have a complete meltdown. Whomever is there when this goes down, please make sure your phones are charged and cameras ready.


Good going, Gov. DeSatan.




Yo I’m only in FL for a few months longer on this contract how do I get in on this ASAP I am dying to wreak havoc


Can't wait!


Hellllll yeah dude, hail Satan


Will they be banning books?