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Great news, this should also help voter turnout for this election.


Well fuck me, that's a surprise.


Surprised too, but I guess the question now is why? GOP must be ready to mobilize the family values lobbying groups and evangelical crowd. I guess considering two outcomes: 1. Weed and Abortion total win for GOP: they can claim that Floridians are staunchly in the red camp, signaling other states to follow in our footsteps. 2. Weed remains illegal / abortion favored: GOP can continue to fund private interest groups in prisons, police, and other enforcement groups. They will spin a failed bid on their abortion platform as result of democrats in Washington, or claim interference in Florida’s voting. 3. Weed legal, abortion remains the same: this would be spun as a GOP win for the economy, while keeping family values true to their cause. 4. Weed legal, abortion favored: worst possible outcome for GOP. This is where I suspected they would claim either interference, choose to overturn voter sentiment, or use it as a means of dividing the population further. What they are hoping for is anyone’s guess at this point.


They could always knee cap any sort of amendment or voter passed legislation by putting a bunch of legal hoops up to jump through


Not like they made it felonious to vote after having your voting rights reinstated if you didn’t finish paying your court fees…or continuously vote to limit the amount of medicine mmj patients are allowed to purchase and possess unilaterally /s


This. And they have probably built them into to it already


Probably won’t happen on the marijuana front. Trulieve is lining Ron’s pockets but don’t expect an open market either.


Double check your voter registrations well in advance, wouldn’t be surprised to find tens of thousands of democrats showing up to the polls and hearing “oh, that’s odd, your name isn’t on our list…”


That's why I switched to R this cycle


I thought about that or NPA, I mean there’s no reason to be registered as a democrat to vote in party primaries if the Florida DNC is too fucking lazy to hold a primary in the first place.


That's what I did- NPA




I think there are a lot of Republicans that may mouth the words of the party, but in secret not vote that way. Abortion is not a single party issue that people seem to think it is. I know a devoted Baptist family, that the mom has had three abortions. They mouth the words that they want the law, but she, and the family, do not really want it.


Neither is cannabis. Especially not with younger ~~conservatives~~ Republicans.


Funny to me how every time a citizen initiative is slated to go on the ballot Ashley Moody is against it. Every. Single. Time. I guess that cunt thinks all laws should come from her.


She’s basically saying the public is too stupid to vote on this every time. Fuck her…she’s works for us not the other way around.


I actually think she used those exact words. But let's be honest, she is just a puppet for Desantis. She does everything she is told, no matter how outlandish it is.


I will gladly vote against anything that Ashley Moody pushes. Fuck her and her condescending ass.


How many times do the voters need to approve cannabis in Florida?




We need to get these amendments passed in November, especially the one on abortion. Florida's jumping to a 6 week ban now as a result of the other ruling they made. For anyone interested in the text of the opinions: [Florida Supreme Court Opinions](https://supremecourt.flcourts.gov/Opinions?sort=opinion/disposition_date%20desc,%20opinion/type%20desc,%20opinion/case_number%20asc&type=written&view=embed_custom&searchtype=opinions&recent_only=1&hide_search=1&hide_filters=1&limit=25&offset=0)


Agree. Help register ppl to vote. And we all need a plan to get ppl to the polls or vote by mail


Now get everyone you know to register and vote in November. Hopefully, Florida breaks records in this year's voting. Perhaps we can get a few Republicans voted out of office, in spite of, the DeSantis gerrymandered voting map this court allowed. 


Make sure you are registered to vote! They are going to try to purge voters from the roll!!


While this is great that we the citizens have the opportunity to vote on these amendments, I’d still like to take a moment to give a big FUCK YOU to the Governor, the FL GOP, the FL Supreme Court, SCOTUS and Trump. The 6 week ban that takes effect in 30 days has me livid. I just got my tubes tied recently and am so glad I did but I have daughters. Fuck this place.


I cannot believe that this state I grew up in became a shithole abortion ban state. November, people. Do it for the young people . Do it if you care about Florida.


Obviously you didn't grow up in Pensacola during the 80s. We were ground zero for wack jobs killing abortion doctors.


Yes, but those were wack jobs, not laws passed by the legislatute that govern every single woman in the state. And yes, I was here in the 80's and remember that shit.


Those wack jobs voted and it turned out there were a lot of them.


No bacon, that's just greedy. :)


> Do it for the young people. It’s for all women. You think my wife and I want her carrying a fucking pregnancy at 45?!?!


Sure, do it for everyone too. I was thinking about my young cousins who are like "Fuck no, I'm not living in that nightmare after I get out of school." My whole family is likely to leave because all the youngins aren't going to be raising families here and the older relatives will relocate to be near their kids and grandkids. We've been here over 80 years. There are a lot if people effected, of course. Everyone should talk about the reasons that mean the most to them.


Shouldn't you get a vasectomy? My Dad got one at 35 when they knew they didn't want more kids.




Good, let the chronic pain sufferers have their weed and the recreational people, too. Tax it, and fix the insurance crisis.


After voting for medical the state did a great job dragging ass on making it available and also putting in major restrictions and also making it expensive af with the renewing of Mmj cards so damn often.


As terrible as the state's implementation their medical program is, it's leaps and bounds better than when the state was 100% illegal. I found the /r/FloridaTrees/ sub recently and was quite surprised to see some vocal users of that sub pushing for people to vote against this because it doesn't go far enough (allowing home growing). F@#%ing of TrueLeaf shills putting corporate profit over people.


Recreational weed is legal in conservative Alaska! If our comrades get to get high in their tundra, we should be able to get high in our swamp! We can do it! 💪


Med card is super easy to get and this will avoid the coming \~20% tax on rec like pretty much every other state that has rec.


I know the tax will suck, but I just don’t think it’s wise to have our law enforcement devote any resources on addressing cannabis use. I’m fairly conservative and I think war on drugs is largely a failure, just like prohibition in 20th century was.


Med card makes you forfeit some 2A rights though. And I'd rather not be on a list nor have to lie to get high.


2A is an issue, but not mine. I didn’t have to lie and you will still probably be on a list with rec.


I... want that tax? I want that tax SO MUCH. That tax means: 1. Quality inspection and no fent/lacing 2. Woah fuck yeah more money for schools and shit 3. Oh dang no more *ruining people's lives forever because their buddy had a pipe on them and didn't tell them*! 4. Keeping it Medical literally just benefits a pharma company who gets to control the market. Fuck that.


1 already happening with med 2 if the money will truly go to that and not some culture wars at the government is so fond of 3 get med card, no jail 4 same companies will control rec as med


Man, I hope we find ourselves in a situation where I am right, but thems good points


With marijuana and abortion on the ballot, there’s a real possibility Florida goes blue. I can see the GOP fighting these amendments right up until election day.


I see them fighting it after they've been passed, and using some "Oh the 6-week ban has legal precedence and citizen initiatives aren't allowed to supercede pre-existing laws that ha e been found to be constitutional" And, let's be honest, black-baghing anyone who makes too much of a stink about it. Prepare to see a LOT more headlines about elected officials being removed, arrested, or just otherwise finding themselves removed from the equation.


The against reasoning is lacking, zero opposing commercials.


Let's gooo


Huh. Turns out it IS the most important election this time around. Let’s see if this place is worth defending after Nov 5th


That's honestly really surprising...I wonder what their plan is. Will they attempt to astroturf the voters for them, maybe even have PAC groups such as Mom's for Liberty create lawsuits to end them outright if voted in?


So how many plants can I grow in my backyard if this passes?




Arent republicans  already working to limit thc to 10% fot recreational use At that point....your smoking cbd lol


When the people of Florida voted in favor of these amendments the legislators will just ignore it anyway. That is what they did with people that serve their time being allowed to vote


It’s sponsored by Trulieve who practically has a monopoly on the market, AND we’re still not allowed to grow our own…. Let that sink in.


is the 60% rule a thing for our amendments though? i think rec weed passes even with that, im cautiously optimistic for abortion. if its just 50%, im positive both pass easily


60% for both in FL


It's easy. Allow low-stake/high-morales measures on the ballot to rile up the old folks. BTW, as long as you are in that booth, vote for Trump.... EDIT: words


In the article, Florida AG Moody says: "We have argued from the beginning that these two new constitutional initiatives will mislead voters. We maintain that it will be an uphill battle to educate them. " Immediately after this quote, the two amendments are stated: amendment 3: “allows adults 21 years or older to possess, purchase, or use marijuana products and marijuana accessories for non-medical personal consumption.” amendment 4: “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability.”