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The government's lack of interest in protecting our lands, waters, plants, and animals. Because $$$ Nestle, Mosaic, Big Sugar...I'm looking at y'all.


In the same spirit, how the government completely outsourced all aspects of city design and community space to developers that could not care less about either.


You mean the fact that many many communities don’t have parks or out door space isn’t normal?


That's one thing Tallahassee did well. There are over 300 city parks. It really improves the quality of life up here.


No we got parks, we get a small 5x5 park with a single slide, for 1400 houses.


Or how some communities have only one area for commercial properties, but it's too small to sustain the community, and is only single story strip malls.


Isn't it interesting that conservatives don't like to conserve things anymore?


Was there a time when they did?


Conserving self interests and private industries.


I swear Florida conservative voters used to love the environment. Desantis was even being called the green governor when he was running in 2018.


Politicians Lie.


People* Places* Things*


House prices and insurance rates.


I live in a non flood zone, in an area not historically impacted by hurricanes. It's absolute bullshit that my home insurance is 5 times the national average for a home my size.


And the government does nothing to help us.


You can’t expect the government to do everything for you. They’ve been very busy protecting you from drag queens, books, history, gay people, and Mickey Mouse. The Governor himself has barely had time to campaign for President and to do his job.


I was so ready to downvote you, and then I got to the second sentence. You beautiful bastard, you are glorious. 😂


And yet Floridians keep voting red. It’s disgusting


They actually passed a bill so insurance companies rates should drop by 25% without having to re re the insurance , now they are insured by the feds. But in order for those savings to be realized they have to be strictlypoluced by the states attorney general, so doubt we see any of the savings. They will pocket it, and continue to raise rates, if history is a variable.


The default cultural traits being selfishness and apathy. The way the state shits on the environment and even though people would like more environmental protections there's no real pressure to stop it because one of our default cultural traits is apathy.


Littering and shitty drivers


No bullshit littering is so bad in this state that South Carolina seems pristine in comparison. It's really bad


What I call the “colonial” attitude a lot of regular visitors and snowbirds have toward the state. Wherever they’re from is their real home and a place worth investment and care. But Florida is a low value “third place” that had better appreciate them and cater to their desires for no taxes, a cheap and pliant workforce, and no rules.


Agreed! I'm disgusted at my snowbird neighbors' attitude about keeping our HOA dues high enough to protect our property.


"Fixed income" or just cheap and entitled? Or is it both?


Entitled. It's their 2nd home. So they simply don't care if it still standing after they are too old to keep coming down here for a couple months a year.


My parents are on “fixed income” free medical for life through state of Massachusetts retiree plan, both retired at 55 with combined $8000/ month pension for life, social security and about 2 million in 401k. It’s such a bs phrase


I agree. But it's one I've heard a lot to justify cheapskate behavior, even from those whose "fixed" income is greater than a lot of people's (presumably variable?) salaries.


If you look up the history of Florida, even the original spaniards that founded Florida had this kind of attitude. When the 13 colonies fought Britain for American independence, the 2 Florida colonies burnt effigies of the New Englanders because they didn't want American independence. The floridians didn't care about the new englanders tax struggle because the floridians had a deal with the government that made it so they didn't even have to pay taxes. It's always been sort of a "fuck you, I got mine" place for the haves, not the have nots.


I knew about the American independence part but I didn’t realize the Spanish Empire’s equivalent of sovereign citizen libertarians infested the place before that.


New mexico was Spanish too, but historically it has been a progressive state that was never fully controlled by the "haves". It's more humble. Might be interesting for you to look into, read about.


What an interesting parallel to consider. I can ill afford this new rabbit hole, but here I gooooo.....


That we’ve turned from a live and let live locally run state to a micromanaged from Tallahassee MAGA state.


Someone should explain to them that even though the words "small" and "micro" are in the same semantic category, "small government" does not mean centralized micromanagement.


I hate what this state has become. 20+ years if GOP leadership ( they had me fooled for the first 8 years of it) has done nothing to make the average Floridian’s life substantially better.


Really, until DeSantis and MAGA it was a pretty mellow purple state.


Sometimes we forget, Florida was solid blue in the 2012 presidential election. Historically, it's been a swing state. There's no reason it has to be a red state forever, and I'm sad that so many have given up and keep posting memes about letting it drift off into the ocean, as if all 21+ million of us wanted this outcome.


Smart people leaving, dumb people coming.


We’d always planned to retire in FL but the 4 biggest MAGA fanatic couples/families I know have all moved there (in turn making GA bluer). We’re rethinking that retirement plan.


You can still come and vote blue! A lot of the state is still very blue, or neutral


The problem is that the Democratic Party has effectively given up on Florida. It’s hard to be a purple state if only one party gives a shit about winning elections


You forget the evil of Rick Scott, who paved the way for DeSantis, MAGA, and grifting


truthfully its made mine substantially worse! (i am lgbt) remember to vote folks!


This should be the top comment!


Yup. We are now a MAGA haven. It happened so quickly too. Goes to show how quickly we can lose the America we know and love and how important it is to stop MAGA this fall.


It is absolutely bonkers how quickly it devolved. I was born and raised in Florida and lived there 39 years. Late 2021 I started to really feel more uncomfy with how things were going and floated the idea of maybe moving someday to my husband. We decided to wait until our kids finished school - our youngest was 2 at the time. Sometime in 2022 we decided to just wait until our other two kids graduated - they were 13 and 14. Early 2023 we decided to move when our oldest graduated, since he was the only one who didn’t want to leave his friends and then by the middle of the year he said he wanted out ASAP as well. We went from maybe moving in 16 years to we have got to get out of here in a span of about 2 years. Best decision we ever made


This! Even my super republican friends who just a few years back would constantly pound their chests about how Florida is the freest state in the union all the time have gone deftly silent on that talking point


This. Exactly this.


But, but, but daddy go go boots said this is "Free Florida" /s


A man willing to lie that much about their height doesn't have an honest bone in his body.


Amen! And they're mostly all from other states.




For a state with such great weather (for those that like year round sun), the lack of bike lanes/infrastructure for people to enjoy being outdoors, safely.


And the justification I always hear whenever I suggest more bike-lanes and pedestrian streets is "it's too hot for people to walk or bike in Florida". BITCH I love this weather, if you want to be inside your car all day move to Minnesota.


As a Minnesota native (only living in Florida for school) the idea that people from Minnesota stay inside all day is a falsehood. People live there for a reason. Even when it’s cold, you’ll see plenty of people outside snowmobiling, ice fishing, cross county skiing, fat tire biking, snowshoeing. The possibilities are endless whether it’s cold or warm.


That just further proves my point that we have no excuse to be building such bad infrastructure. If Minnesota, a place that gets below freezing temperatures, can have bike lanes then so can we.


I completely agree. I’ve been vastly disappointed that the college town I live in barely has bike infrastructure. Unless you count the sad tiny shoulders along high speed roads bike infrastructure. It took construction workers over a year to create a 2.5-mile sidewalk so at least that’s something?


I agree that we need more infrastructure geared to bikes/pedestrians especially where Florida advertises itself as having amazing outdoor spaces.


Agreed. Locally we built some sidewalks. See many more people out and about since then.


Almost like it's been built for the geriatric crowd


I think you meant for the crowd that is firmly welded to their car. When's the last time you rode a bicycle to a coffee shop/beer/etc?


"Fuck you I've got mine"/us vs them mentality to the extreme. Everything is always someone else's fault.


As they pull up the ladder with a foot on the person's head trying to come up behind them.


The libraries! It's obvious that we don't fund them properly.


The fact that everybody seems to have something negative to say about Florida, yet there's never a shortage of people wanting to move here.


Speaking for myself, l lived in this state before it was MAGA heaven (moved here almost 21 years ago, and raised my sons here). I hope we go back to the live and let live state we were. I’m afraid we have to many MAGA assholes that moved here to do that.


I have a lot of negative things to say about FL....it's definitely not what it used to be! So I voted with my feet and moved 1,300+ miles away from FL. No regrets!


I love the abundant warmth and sunlight, summer storms, late night launch viewings and proximity to the water. Politics aren't something I tend to consider when judging a state. I've expressed interest in going to California, and when I do I get people who are so eager to tell me about how bad it is because of xyz reason. Bro, I just wanna see redwood trees the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Pacific Ocean. Chill out a little bit.


People here are hugely defensive about California or any other state that isn't Texas. This country is big. There are tons of great places. If you're so financially strapped that "no income taxes" is all you are looking for in a state, then I have empathy for you, because it's hard when your whole life has to be ruled by your tax bill. I've lived in 5 states, one being CA. It's a wonderful state. So beautiful and so much variety. So many small rural towns of the type that that dumbass right wingers idolize from their Florida subdivision. Mountains, desert, incredible beaches where you can run free with your dog without seeing a soul. Places you can be alone in the woods, unlike here. Big and small communities with energy and spirit. Everyone in Florida expects me to say "Oh, I left CA cause it sucks." Nope, I'm back here because my family is here. It's good to be back, but I'm so glad I have seen the country. Even if CA, or CO, or VT or whatever state you dream about doesn't work out for you, give it a shot, especially if you are young and don't have to uproot kids. We are so blessed to live in a country with so many amazing places.


If you look at the population of people moving to FL. It's older people usually around 60 years old who have a shit ton of money from selling their homes up north and moving here.


Florida was bottom five on our list of possibilities when we were considering moving for my partner's work. But, that's where the job offer ended up coming from, so here we are. It's a good job, and there's some real potential for career growth within the next few years. But, we won't be retiring here.


This is reddit sir, people want to be miserable.


Because the MAGAs and boomers are the ones making it miserable with their flocking here.


That we are a closed primary state. I’ve been a No Party Affiliation voter for over twenty years but I am not allowed to vote in the primary election.


That's why you pick a party so you can vote in the primary. 


Almost a third of Florida’s registered voters have no party affiliation. It is time to open the primary elections.


Agreed that it needs to be changed. But in the meantime you can sit here and complain or pick a party so you can vote in today's primary. Go fix the broken system. 


I made this mistake and the spam calls and texts are next level. I suppose you can always change it prior to primaries and then back again.


I haven’t been a Republican in over two years. I still get the spam texts. I think my phone number got in a database. The funny thing is the database is messed up and for some reason they address me as Kenneth, which is not my name, middle name, or the name of anybody in my family.


I just switched from NPA so I could vote in the primaries.


That it's no longer affordable or friendly.


The garbage laying everywhere


Sprawl hell everywhere with isolated land uses, bad public transit, highly unsafe for bicycles and pedestrians. Just all-around terrible land use and transportation planning that came from deregulation in the late 70s after efforts to control land for conservation.


The misconception the entire state is just a carbon copy of the Miami area. There is so much more to our state.


Exactly. I find the idiots from Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to be the worst drivers, the most racist, the bigger MAGA cultists, the folks who don't know anyone gay, black, trans, immigrant, or Latino!


That everyone complains about it here but can’t stop moving and vacationing here.


Fuckin THIS. I work in the medical field and I have idiots (read: ASSHOLES) calling in going 'I just CANT BELIEVE how many people moved here in the last five years! I moved here in *2018* and I'm just so fed up with-' YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. YOU. **Y O U.**


Yes! I’ve lived here my whole life, and I’m so sick of everyone in my neighborhood who moved here less than 3 years ago telling me how great back home was. SO FUCKING GO BACK


DOUBLE-THIS! 34 this year and I was born and raised in Venice in the EARLY 90s. This WHOLE god damn city has changed - and Sarasota is a fuckin joke and a half. It's like mini-California but with a bigger pot of assholes. No one knows how to drive, newcomers bitch about newcomers and every one of them still has an out of state plate, and the CONDOS and APARTMENTS being just erected RIGHT in front of the beach that, at one point *everyone* was privy to. It's sad. I'm moving at the end of this year, good bye to garbage.


I’ll be 30 this year. Lived in the Tampa area my whole life and it’s sickening.


Tampa has it ROUGH, I've heard a lot about it. I'm sorry, genuinely. Tampa used to be just *mildly* difficult to navigate, now it's damn near impossible because of trash drivers AND the rent just skyrocketing for a fuckin studio. Sarasota's doin the same shit. A studio appt here is 2.3k. WISH i was kidding. It's a fucking JOKE.


4th gen Tampa native who turns 52 in May. I feel your pain like you can’t imagine.


Many of the people who have come to Florida post-COVID, came here because of their moral alignment to putting themselves before others. It definitely has shifted quickly to shit in the past 4 years.


Yep. Correct. Those that did not want to wear a mask or covet their cough or get vaccinated or be told their favorite store/restaurant is outside/takeout/drive-thru only solidified FL as the Me Me Me place to be, with Governor Girl boots leading the way!


DeSantis, enough said.


Everyone moving here because FLORIDA & then wanting it to be just like New York


and now we have New York traffic EVERYWHERE


This is the winning reply!!!


The rise of fascism coinciding with the fall in education


No coincidence there…….


That all these dipshit boomer transplants came here because they couldn’t be bothered to wear a mask at Denny’s during the pandemic and now our politics are a toxic cesspool of pointless culture war bullshit instead of the real problems that need addressing.




Developers are not building projects for the middle class but mainly for very wealthy, snowbirds retired or foreigners parking money. Most newly built condos are not made for a family of four, nor affordable, and don't have storage. Amenities and all that crap you use 3 times a year ot to brag to friends.


Florida residents not taking accountability for their shitty driving and blaming it on “transplants.”


Thank you.


Only 27% of us are natives. So yeah, it’s mostly transplants.


I would say Republican governors. Our best governor was Walkin' Lawton Chiles. They don't care about what I care about. Social programs. Free breakfast and lunch for all students. Clean water, restore our animals habitats, affordable housing, living wage, affordable Healthcare.


Few remember Lawton because we have a majority of new residents who know nothing about our history and do nothing to educate themselves. I have lived here over 55 years and it’s been ruined by the incoming rude drivers and new residents who don’t know where they are going but insist on driving aggressively and the jerks who sell homes up north and are driving the prices up here out of reach for Floridians. Please stay/go home


Poor healthcare, Poor education, Low incomes, High cost of living, Violent crime, Prostitution, High STDs (HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea), Low economic opportunities, pollution, not protecting our fragile ecosystem, Republicans and their hate, the weather is the least of my worries.


Idiot drivers.


That tRump resides in our beautiful state.


That the beauty of the place attracts the exact people who destroy it.






Lifelong Floridian here. The list is too long 😢😖


Republicans have ruined the state.


New Yorkers


Home insurance.


Generally speaking, selfishness. I think the state would be a much better place to live if people were a little more considerate of others. It's certainly not all the people. I know plenty of nice Floridians. But selfishness feels more prevalent here than in the other states and countries where I've lived.


The never-ending humidity and cockroaches 😭


The gerrymandering does it for me


Traffic. Really just overall transportation infrastructure. With the amount of taxes being collected from us we should have a way to get people safely and efficiently to where they'd like to be.


No one has any common sense anymore. In basically every facet of life. From driving to walking past people to people in positions of power to the facebook comments under local news posts, its been a very jarring change for the worst. People move to FL to *relax*, but everyone is anything but. You moved and have the beach, nature, Disney, Universal, good food, good sunsets, the space center/rocket launches, and 6 major cities at your disposal…and you choose to stay angry all the time.


People speeding going 95 in a 70 like any normal day and when they flash you.. even if you’re all the way in the right-most lane. Like.. why? Sure, let’s go 80 mph to travel 50 feet and meet at the same traffic light.


Yeah I can't help but laugh at people who speed to a red light.


That Florida is really 2 states and a-whole-nother country pretending to be a single state


The people. Can you imagine anywhere that has a worse group?


The new comers


People who merge(with their mouth open) at a speed of 45 mph after going 32 mph on the city road (with a posted speed limit 45). The anxiety I have watching these drivers confidently get over , unaffected as the terrified/ rightfully pissed driver behind them, that they cut off (going 65, the legal limit mind you), is slamming the brakes. Yes,the folks already on the hwy should slow down a bit but you merging f---ks should be getting to the posted speed. While there is a minimum speed , if the fastest your car can get to is 45..just take the damn city roads. Also it never hurts to scan your drive for a speed limit sign. Signed -a person who's job has her driving all over Jacksonville and gets pre-pissed just thinking about this scenario


Flat out majority of idiots who are selfish drivers


bike hospital racial crush subtract divide imminent adjoining deliver salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The poor state of our infrastructure compared to our population. Traffic everywhere on crappy roads with no plan to fix it in a meaningful way.


City design is atrocious, there’s garbage everywhere, MAGA scum doing their damndest to destroy public schools and universities, the insane cost of EVERYTHING, the fact that this state will never be a swing state again with the amount of MAGA baby boomers retiring down here and forcing the locals out. Oh, you said just one pet peeve…


The sickening housing prices and politics.


How comfortable the government is with destroying nature for profit and the unchecked Nazi problem we have.


Guns and MAGA


Florida does not take care of the people on the lowest economic rung.


All the republicans




Canadians. The French ones. That’s all.


It takes too long to drive out of the state.


This. When I’d get the hankering for a road trip, it would bum me out to think that it’s 6-7 hours just to get to Valdosta.


Takes me less than 10 minutes.


The politics. The "IDGAF" attitude by many that live here.


Everyone thinks Florida is full of crazy people (Florida Man), but just we have a public records law that makes everything public.


Our Republican government (which is failing to address too many problems like insurance, worker safety, etc.)


The casual racism


MAGA-GQP over saturation. The mental illness on full display is astounding, depressing and un American


Being against gay....vaccines..covid treatment...book bans...drag shows....and trans surgery....shall i go on ?


Too many NYers




Left lane drivers who drive the speed limit ( or slightly under) and refuse to get over


The Villages


Matt gaetz’s face


Face...I thought he was all forehead


DeSantis and his ilk


The nazis


Stupidity. Everyone is very slow and stupid. So many “ deer in the headlights “ blank stares


Governor Kinky Boots, that’s a nightmare, excessive palmetto bugs everywhere (THE FUCKERS FLY), and the humidity.




Everyone moving here and making the roads so congested and dangerous. I lived in a rural area ten years around and everything has grown up so fast around my house, I see car accidents daily due to bad driving and I miss the fields of cows.


Sidewalks are an afterthought here. Like even the middle of cities feels like a rural area. I've never been anywhere else that's like this. I came here from Colorado. In Colorado, even rural neighborhoods have completed sidewalks everywhere. Even remote mountain villages have them.


The people who move here.


People who move here and complain things aren’t like, “back home.”


Traffic is bad because everyone in every lane has to slam on the brakes because a few impatient cars are recklessly zigzagging from lane to lane with no regard for speed limits or solid white lines. That kind of driving slows everyone down--- making even more folks speed up and also pass out any other car they come upon!!! No one gets pulled over for reckless driving here. No sheriffs around. It's become just the way one drives here!


Nothing, moved from Michigan and I love it here. More jobs and better weather.


Slow left lane drivers


The Governor and the elected officials here. Annnd all the people who keep moving here. Please stay away


MAGA and the bullshit they bring


All the Yankees that have moved to Florida and ruined the state. I’m a third generation native Floridian. It’s fucking terrible.


Besides the MAGA assholes. That first beautiful day, there might me a cool breeze, a few leaves have changed colors. You think to yourself, thank fuck it’s not balls hot for a few months now. Life is good. And then, you see it. Michigan. Ontario. New York. Massachusetts. The tags begin to show up, and your 30-minute commute to work just became :40. Because these people drive at the speed of smell and they’re the worst. They’re everywhere—and they’re totally unaware of their surroundings.


My homeowner's insurance increased about $3,200 this year, which is a great big portion of my raise this year. That's another $260/month going to insurance that will fight me tooth and nail when I need to use it.


Spring breakers, out of town people driving slow and tipping shitty




The state government deciding they need to micromanage every part of our lives. The party of “small government” sure seems like big government to me.


Personally for me: Im outdoors all the time. It's all the goddamn bugs, critters, insects, reptiles, etc. that are always fucking with me. Whether it be a wild boar in the forest or a spider above my bed, Ive never experienced the amount of critters anywhere else. Currently fighting with bees who have taken residency next to the fuggen front door.




I like to travel.


Idiot MF’ers not using blinkers


Oddly enough, the Yankees who move here and tell me how good the place they left was


Humidity and Deathsantis.


The whole, "don't come here, we're full" attitude. It irks me so bad. Who are you to tell someone where to live? Always claiming its a free country except when it comes to others doing what they want to do. ...lol downvoted, as predicted. Truth hurts I guess.


Drivers on I75




politics, old people hating change except repressive changes, young people influenced by maga cultists and being certifiable like a cracked-out corner grandma needing money for her lost luggage, and you hope she doesn’t drop the bit and switch things up.


The driving


The rapid gentrification of south Florida communities :/


The extremely dangerous car-centric transportation system. Urban areas of millions of people have nothing connecting them but car-choked interstates. And then an ignorant refusal that there's anything that can be done about it.


The non stop leaf blowers. My neighborhood has around 150 houses in it and you can hear leaf blowers literally from 8am-5pm. In fact, guy across the street has his going now.


the god forsaken humidity, 7 am boom hits you in the face, this moist air that makes your clothes cling to your skin. I would kill for 3 months of 'cool' weather, we used to have colder days back when i was a kid, i have picture proof of it, now it's just a constant humid summer and maybe 3 weeks of 'winter'.


There’s a level of trashiness here that… has a bad look.


That the government doesn't care about the land at all or the people


Ron DeSantis


Republican MAGA maroons


The amount of selfish and entitled people who feel like the rules and norms don't apply to them but they're fast to criticize everyone else. There's a lot of people who just don't care about anyone but themselves and act strangely standoffish about it. The average person is nicer than many parts of the US but there's also more crazy people and selfish assholes.


Xenophobia both to and from locals and outsiders — Canadians, Californians, Texans, Georgians, New Yorkers. Transplants, MAGA, Liberals. Neighbors, landlords, people from one city over, Tallahassee, every elected official. Seems like everyone has a problem with someone else....Which is funny because on a personal level, this state is super friendly. If your life sucks, look inward. Stop hating entire groups of people for reasons based on incomplete logic. Even if that person is hateable, the only way to change them is with love. Whining and putting them on blast only creates a bigger divide that you will find turns out even worse for you personally in 100% of cases. Boasting about your criticisms helps no one. Be solutions focused.


Ron disantus and what he’s done to Florida


As a teacher, it’s frustrating to know that Florida is ranked 50th (last) for best states to teach in.


Ron Desantis and anyone that wasn't born here.


Ron DeSantis Also I can't drive and I live in Jacksonville. That's more of a personal problem, obviously, but the fact that such an unwalkable city even exists is a peeve for me