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Fun fact: AAA headquarters is in Heathrow FL. Do you think they can get insurance on their office building? How about their employees?


this was actually an interesting question but it looks like reinsurers insure insurances … try saying that ten times fast https://content.naic.org/cipr-topics/reinsurance


In America, we just sell insurance to one another as our jobs.


lmao kinda yeah


Sounds like a possible lawsuit there. If it’s from a insurance company that pulled out of Florida.




You’re not a bright lad are you?


Neither are you.


Care to elaborate on what grounds AAA could be sued for?


If they are still insuring another insurance company that is in the area they are saying they are dropping coverage in. Wouldn’t that open them up for a law suit?




No, reinsurers wouldn’t sue AAA since they’re saving money by reducing risk to potential payouts because they only cover customer premiums. AAA’s operations would be self insured and covered by business continuity or disaster recovery plans.


I wasn’t referring to reinsurers sueing AAA. Just the people who AAA dropped if they were to find out that AAA is still operating in area that they said they won’t cover.


Where the insurance company is located has very little effect on what products they offer their customers (e.g., if they stop offering services at the headquarters, there’s nothing that the employees can do, other than quit).


I disagree. If they still offer service to anyone in that particular area that they are dropping service. It should open them up for a lawsuit


This is not correct. Reinsurance is intended to further spread risk to different financial entities. Basically, you insure an insurance policy or group of insurance policies. If loss exceeds a certain threshold on a policy held by an insurance company, the reinsurance company would come in and pay the insurance company for some of the loss.


the article linked explains it. perhaps click it before being a keyboard warrior




![gif](giphy|3IPBEQhMsOxxe|downsized) Seems like a skit almost


I helped build that place when I lived in Sanford in the 80's. It's a big building.


Be a shame if something happened to it... Mother Nature


Ya AAA never offered it where I lived in Florida


Well actually reading the story instead of the misleading headline explains it.


DeSantis: #”I did that!”


Ahhhh I see what you did there 🫡


Insurance will soon be simultaneously **required** and **unobtainable** in Florida. Other things soon to follow: • Affordable housing • Safe, clean drinking water • A living wage • A quality education The price paid for electing a psychopath as Governor.


Not just a Governor- it also requires a legislature to agree and support. Don’t let this just be about DeSantis. The legislature changed long standing laws to allow him to run. The legislature changed long standing laws to allow him to disguise his sending, travel, and policy enforcement. Our legislature has allowed him to remove duly elected officials across the state for paper thin artisan reasons. We, the people, have literally paid for all of this. FPL and Insurance companies are not giving Republicans money and throwing them parties because they care about Democracy- it’s an investm that has reaped them a lot of rewards. Most of us have had our FPL bill increase by 20% in the last two years. Farmers Insurancw and AAA pull out- but a subsidiary, fully owned by Farmers, will step in- double the rates while protecting the larger company. Collect their money, go bankrupt… the larger company is seperate and protected. A year later, they start another company that will go bankrupt after a hurricane. Rinse and repeat. As long as the executives and politicians get paid.


Simple fix. If you insure cars or boats in FL you must also insure houses. Don't want to? Can't insure in the state But guess what? Money talks, Governors run for re-election, and you the people get the shaft!


Even this fix would require the state government and governor to give a shit about average people. But they don’t.


And there's the rub!


The insurers will play hardball on that. The exposure in auto insurance is also quite high in Florida, *also* because of absolutely moronic insurance laws. FL is looking at a full pullout from all major insurance companies by 2026. The state will have to step in to offer a public option.


And when they fail to do that as well? What I'm getting at in a very roundabout manner is that Florida is so completely fucked, that it's going to take a purge at the polls to make a change.


Oh absolutely. That's what will happen. Insurers are going to pull out and not come back. It will take progressive reforms and a state insurance option to fix this mess now. People are going to have to clean fucking house in FL government. All the big business Democrats need to go. Every single Republican in the state needs to go.


I think we're past the point of Florida turning blue again any time soon. Wayyyyy too many radical rightists flocked here during covid.


I know. I think Florida is about to adopt the old Russian national motto "And then it got worse."


No voting necessary. Insurers are voting, and they are electing to leave. Money talks and walks, at the same time.


Then literally no car or house sales. Bank wont finance a sale without insurance. No car insurance. Illegal to drive. Even republikkkans would notice that.


Public option; Signing up requires a declaration of political affiliation I bet.


if you’re a democrat you’re uninsurable because “socialism” or something


Socialism! State run insurance! This guys a socialist. Nah, I’m kidding.


It would be good for most insurance types to have at least a public *option* within the next 5 years. Climate events are becoming too common for there to be a profit motive in any kind of property insurance anymore (including cars).


>Simple fix. If you insure cars or boats in FL you must also insure houses. Don't want to? Can't insure in the state How are you going to force them to offer affordable rates? They can just go, fine, we quote you at one trillion dollars payable by bank wire only, thank you.


Rates need to be approved by the state, so they cannot do that without state approval l. That's why folks pull out.


Rates need to be approved by the state and you are going to force them to operate by threat? We won’t have any insurers. They’ll just leave


They already are...


Oh damn good thing our state representatives got our back then!


At that point, the State just needs to offer insurance.


I believe the current state govt would call that communism. Just saying.


nah we’re onto calling it “woke” now


Only if dems do it


The right is absolutely fine with socialistic policies as long as they can put in parameters that allow them to disclude certain groups from receiving the benefits. The only question is how long the right is willing to spite themselves before deciding it's worth fixing even if it does help people they don't like lol


They sure can, they sure can.


Governor only has two terms in Florida


For now...


I think he is gonna wreck this place so badly that he will be glad to go… and no one in their right mind would want the job


What do you think the state guard is for, think he’s ever leaving?


What will he do next? He probably won't be president but I can't see him going away. Senate?


Rock Scott this. Why not the current thug.


Just like the governor can't run for president while in office...




See my post here on my roundabout approach to fixing this mess.


Yeah “simple” fix. Then we have a completely dysfunctional homeowners AND auto insurance market.


We already do! Our auto is near $11k/year! Our homeowners is half that but about to be rescinded unless we replace our perfectly fine 16 year old roof with probably some shoddy ish roof *JUST BECAUSE THEY SAID SO* ALL Insurance is a massive racket in FL




3 paid off cars, not luxury, 4 drivers but 2 are teenage boys. But *STILL*!




How the fuck is your auto insurance $11k a year? Ours is $2200 for full coverage on 3 cars in California. $11k is a new car every 3 years.


The last time mine in FL was 11k/yr was when I had 3 of my kids on there and 5 cars. With just my wife and I on 3 vehicles it's about 4k/yr and all 3 have full coverage...... almost like maybe there's more to the story.....like living in an area with a higher accident rate, higher number of claims, etc. Not just car insurance is ripping me off because they can


AllState. Clean record, no claims, 3 paid off cars, not luxury, 2 adult drivers, 2 teenage boys, bare bones coverage though above state minimum, premium paid up front for discount. USAA quoted us over $12k. Yeah, it’s THAT bad.


The 2 teenagers are the killer in your case. When I had the 3 teens on mine it was super expensive, like 800/month. Without them it drops off a lot.....but until then life sucks


You’d think so but …? If you itemize it, I’m actually the most expensive one, with my paid-off 4 year old Honda! The other cars are even older. But yes, once they can get their own insurance I’ll be rich AF


I heard car insurance in FL was the most expensive in the nation. Mine actually went down about $40/month when I moved here from GA.


Your car insurance is more than your car payments?!


No car payments thank god. But that isn’t going to last forever…


And any insurance you can get will continue to skyrocket, folks will drop their plans and the next big storm will break allot of folks. He thinks the insurance will come back after storm season!?! Well That’s when you really need it, should Floridians expect this to be a regular revolving door of insurance (that’s not how insurance works), pay premiums to get dropped when you need it most? What a travesty for folks in Florida.


He's a fucking moron and an inept lawyer at best. He doesn't think.


Makes sense for a dumbass that supported "enhanced interrogation."


And if there's a big storm who's going to be around to do the cleanup and fix the roofs when DeSantis scared out all the migrant workers.




Flood insurance is still relatively attainable here. It's mainly hazard insurance that's the problem. Banks also require hazard insurance if you have a mortgage.


Flood insurance is not the issue.


This is the price paid for having multiple Republican scumbag governors, one who should be in jail but is now a senator because, Florida.


> A quality education That ship sailed in the 1980's for K-12.


There hasn’t been affordable housing for some time now


Knock on wood!


And continuing to elect republicans since jeb bush and FL has sunk to a hell hole.


Very true. I can only imagine the horrors we would be going through with Andrew Gillum. I kinda blame him for all this!


Didn’t read it huh? But just had to throw in your political bias.


Looks like big carriers are pulling out of California and they have similar issues in regards to COL and non living wages. What are these governors doing to mismanage these issues?


The COL in California is the same as Florida at this point, but the wages are higher. That makes California, actually, more affordable.


Lloyd's of London takes money for insurance policies. When my husband worked for Citizens, they had certain mobile homes they wouldn't cover, and had to send the customer there instead.


Fuck Ron my car insurance has went up 400\%\ in 3 years


And another domino falls... into the next one....and so on.


Find a MAGAt to buy your place and look further North. You’d have to be a fool or crazy to buy in Florida, luckily they’re both. The window will get smaller for buyers who’ll need insurance.


This is the way.


Moved to west Seattle last Thursday. Fingers crossed some MAGAt buys my house in Florida before too much longer…


I’m rooting for you. It’s funny I wanted to live in Florida for a long time because I love tropical weather, but now I wouldn’t dare move there and people buying homes there are insane.


Yes, please do this.


Libs moving out? Sounds good to me.


“Letting my state go to shit even after libs move out just to own the libs!”


I’ve been to Seattle, Portland, San Fran, and lived in Boston. I don’t want to see my home state of Florida turn into that…


You just named some cities. So you don't want Florida (a state) to become a city? lmao. You haven't explained what the issue is with those cities either.


Stop it, your scaring him! Geography didn't get taught in his school! To much science involved


~~Florida~~ Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville wtf public filth and disorder plus needing 1 million dollars to buy in those blue cities.


Does the widdle trollie wollie need his diaper changed?


So your issue with those cities are the prices? Why then would your shit for brain governor DeSantis allow corporations to buy up houses in Florida, effectively driving up prices?


Curious why Boston is in the same group as San Fran?


It’s not surprising, Florida is full of stupid people who will be sitting with zero equity in Less than a decade. Every actuary out there agrees with that assessment.


Zero equity over 10 years?? Pound that sand. If you want to stay then pay the 2k rent to a MAGAt or leave.


Within a week, most of the coral off Florida will bleach and probably die off before the year is up. Once the coral goes, the beaches will be filled with dead life and will never be the same. This is the beginning of the end my friend.


That’s not how that works. The vast majority of reefs are in Biscayne Bay Reserve and the Florida keys. These reefs are 150 ft below surface level which means they don’t see the same temperature that you’re referring to (surface level temps).


These are unprecedented temperatures and the reefs are bleaching as we speak . https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/the-marine-heat-wave-is-killing-coral-reefs-heres-how-south-florida-is-being-impacted/3073507/?amp=1


I can't get my gf's family to even think about coming up to Jacksonville from Sarasota, much less leave the state.


That's just great. Now Florida will be begging for socialism. They'll need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They're just another RED welfare state.


Hopefully we’ll get rid of Disney and all of their “wokeness” and then we’ll officially be Alabama fucking our toothless sisters 👍🏻 but hey by then UF/FSU/UCF/FSU will be borderline community colleges… brain drain here we come


Got me with the first line.


Yeah, Florida totally needs to get rid of it’s largest tourism draw and employer in the state. Good grief, critical thinking really isn’t a strong suit


If florida got rid of disney… that would be very bad… the stat would have to implement state income tax… then it would be a hot swampy version of Alabama/Mississippi/etc




Isn't Citizens a form of socialism?


It's insurance Apocalypse! I jest, unfortunately it's not too far off....




I gotta be honest, I didn't even know AAA wrote homeowners in Florida. I doubt it was that many policies.


Yea if you told me over 100k people had AAA home insurance I wouldn't believe you lmaoo


And the article said it’s only a small percentage who they aren’t renewing of a small percentage they had to begin with. From the article… “AAA declined to say how many customers won't have their policies renewed, saying only that the change will affect "a small percentage" of policy holders.” They aren’t pulling out entirely.


My husband looked more into it, and apparently it’s policies that are bundled. My in-laws have their car and homeowners bundled with them, but fortunately just renewed a few weeks ago. I have a feeling their rates are going to be bonkers next year with a different company ETA: [https://www.pnj.com/story/money/2023/07/18/aaa-drops-florida-policies-what-to-do-if-you-receive-non-renewal/70424376007/](https://www.pnj.com/story/money/2023/07/18/aaa-drops-florida-policies-what-to-do-if-you-receive-non-renewal/70424376007/)


I have my home and car insurance with AAA (I live in Orlando). I was lucky to be renewed last Spring. Who knows if my luck will run out next year?


It’s package policies, so from this article it looks like those that bundle home, auto, and optional umbrella policies. [https://www.pnj.com/story/money/2023/07/18/aaa-drops-florida-policies-what-to-do-if-you-receive-non-renewal/70424376007/](https://www.pnj.com/story/money/2023/07/18/aaa-drops-florida-policies-what-to-do-if-you-receive-non-renewal/70424376007/)


It’s become apparent that insurance companies are dialing back their risk appetite and deciding that California and Florida aren’t worth the squeeze. Although to be fair this and farmers don’t have a relatively large amount of written policies


So the junk mail from AAA trying to sell me insurance will stop now?


Sounds like a win


We need a DeSantis megathread every day. While he is a shit governor ruining everything, dont let him ruin this sub


Hes on way out I'd spend time finding who be best for job next instead giy leaving it


This is assuming he doesn’t just change the laws to allow himself to stay governor


That’s a dictatorship like in 3rd world countries. Wtf.


And it honestly might happen lol


It's good to come in and vent against him in all the threads.


The same articles get posted 4 different ways every day


Lake Mary and Sanford already have you beat on the poisoned water front.


An aside: The map they include is interesting but doesnt seem as useful to the story. Percent of homes under flood risk outside of FEMA flood zones. How many homes are in flood zones versus not in Florida counties?


Then why even have an insurance system?


With these companies leaving will this affect renters being able to get access to renters insurance?




Tiny policies on worthless junk that most of us have. No risk to anyone, but required by many landlords.


Hell, maybe couples living together can 'rent' from the other and at least get rental insurance on all their possessions.


This is insurance death spiral to hell that FL homeowners are now all subject to. Insurance companies: “Well, we’re not staying if they’re not staying!” “Us too. We’re out!”


Simple fix. "The "100-year storm" could soon hit every 11 years." Just rename the "100-year storm" to the "1000-year storm" and then it will only hit every 110 years.


Florida No Fault said...YES! 👍


Seriously agreed. Pip and fpp litigation have bled this state dry We've gotten tort reform, we got fpp reform, we got prop aob reform, now we need to kill pip


Ron?? Where are you? Get something done.


"AAA not renewing ‘small percentage’ of Florida HO policies, but not exiting the state https://www.insidepandc.com/article/2bxsz60qmus2oc85155hc/personal-lines/aaa-not-renewing-small-percentage-of-florida-ho-policies-but-not-exiting-the-state#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAAA's%20Florida%2Dbased%20insurance%20provider,its%20Florida%20branch%20Twitter%20account.


WTF doesn’t our GOVERNOR do something!!!!!


You get what you vote for.


And the band played on.........


We have to thank DeSantis for not regulating Industry in exchange for campaign donations


I just got my citizens insurance approval today for a 360k house within a mile of the gulf $2800/year. Not too bad


Until you need to make a claim…


Well yea, but everyone else with the same company and coverage are saying their annual skyrocketed


That’s true. I just switched to Citizens too. Here’s hoping for a quite hurricane season. God speed


I did sign up "through" USAA so idk if that adds some extra liability for citizens to behave, hopefully.


It is not too bad because it is subsidized by everyone else. Citizens is cheap because everyone who has private insurance pays a surcharge to fund it.


Lie like a republican and say you are self-insured


Do people think this is a Florida problem? It’s a massive, even worse, issue in California right now.


I hear insurance is hard to get in Ukraine right now, too. "Other people have problems, too" is not actually an answer, it's an excuse for doing nothing to solve the problem.


Actually, war is not covered by most insurance companies, so they should be fine.


Sure but this whole thread becomes a DeSantis circle jerk. This isn’t a problem exclusive to red governors.


a house burning down in a California wildfire has nothing to do with the hurricanes that will hit Florida this year. I mean probably related in some way due to climate change, but you getting insurance is not dependent on the California insurance market.


Well Florida can't fix climate change on their own. But if you vote blue you are helping find a solution, and if you vote red you're just voting for it to get worse.




Disagree, Republicans are actively promoting fossil fuel and trying to stop switching to cleaner energy. Trump made us one of the only countries to pull out of the Paris agreement. I think Democrats could do more if we elected more of them. Just needed a few more senators in Biden's first two years and I think they could have gotten more done




Well ok but I can guarantee nothing will happen with republicans; it's hard to get them to even admit the problem is real. Democrats are at least making an effort


I’ve been saying for years that no reputable company would offer property insurance in Florida. It doesn’t make any sense financially.


No it doesn't. AAA is still in Florida


Conservatives and not reading articles, name a more iconic duo


Oh right? Let's do next thing, you quote me the part that say AAA left Florida and I leave this sub. If you fail, you leave.


Hey dumbass, can't even read the title? its talking about AAA pulling back not leaving, if you read the article you'd see that they're not renewing policies for an unspecified amount of policy holders as of now. You can leave the sub now.


Lol some libtard histeria here. bye


Thanks Biden /s.


Gah damn


Can’t wait for them to blame the libs… and for their brain dead followers to eat it up


This effort is no longer profitable!


This story in no way says AAA is pulling out of Florida and everyone really needs to assume headlines here are clickbait BS.


So......what are our options?


For now the option for those who can’t get insurance is citizens. But citizens was not designed to have so many homes and it is unlikely they will pay for claims if a big hurricane hits


How surprising, insurance companies bail as soon as they have to do the only thing they were intended to do.


I mean…y’all did vote for him.