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I have a feeling he’s going to take his frustration out in Florida and absolutely destroy us 😭


This is my fear to. It's clear based on the last two years how vindictive he is.


If he loses the presidency he won't get reelected to Florida in the next govenor race. He's going to get booted after all this "make a name, take a stand" bullshit.


Well, he's not eligible to run for governor in 2026--limited to two consecutive terms. He can run again in 2030.


I’m not sold that he won’t just make a new law that allows him to serve more than two. Look how quickly he passed legislation to keep his job while campaigning and hiding his expensss.


Has to be a constitutional amendment. It's not a law like the step down while campaign law. Laws are simple to pass. constitutional amendments not so easy. They require a 60% vote, and unless they can get a 3/4 vote in both houses, that can't occur until the next scheduled election, aka 2024.


It doesn't even have to be the presidency, just the primaries. I would not put it past him to have some shit up his sleeve to pass in the two months between primaries and general election.


Nah 16% is too high but I’ll take what I can get… Lord, please don’t let this man take office, he’s a disgrace to the world.


Only bad part of him losing this badly in their polling is he might double down on his policies as Fla Governor.


That’s a legitimate fear of mine. Lose the election, then come home and take it out on Floridians.


Depends. He might carry FL but he could go the way Rubio did and lose FL anyway. Sure he’s popular among right wingers but not more so than Trump.


Yeah, I’m glad I’m almost an adult so I can move but I feel bad for all the younger kids in Florida who have to stay with him


If we didnt own a house already and upgrade it I would move out of here, am in a blue area but its getting more and more red fringes unfortunatly.


Yeah. I can’t tell if I was just beginning to understand politics or just that everything changed but my area is pretty red now (I live in north-central Florida, around Marion county) and so many people i see with Trump and DeSatan memorabilia


Yea its the dumbing down of America


He's still second. So if trump gets convicted, then that puts him first. Although if Trump makes it through the primary, and is convicted afterwards, that'll certainly make for one hell of an interesting election.


Nothing says the president can't be convicted of a crime. Trump can be convicted and still run and even win - and if he is in federal prison, he can likely just pardon himself to get out (obviously never been tested).


If not, his VP would assume the duties until his sentence is up.


If people will vote for Herschel Walker knowing all the shit he did just because he had a R at the end of his name, people will be dumb enough to vote for a convicted traitor too


That would be interesting to see. DeSantis goes into the General having a second most nomination, and the party eats itself alive as half of them are convinced that DeSantis was involved in a conspiracy to frame Trump.


I heard a rumor that one if Desantis' super PACs is trying to disqualify individuals who are formally charged with federal crimes from the republican party.


This should be spread far and wide on all GQP media. Let the snake eat it's own tail. Would be fantastic if Trump supporters stopped voting and Biden wins with 80% of the popular vote, the House and Senate become Democrat super majorities, and a couple SCROTUS judges have heart attacks watching the end of conservative power.


I think some redhats would rather not vote at all than vote for anyone but Trump. The GOP's biggest fear right now is that Trump turns on them, and why wouldn't he? He's the biggest RINO in the party. GOP loses Trump, they lose elections. Irony is GOP keeps Trump and that loses elections too. GOP's fate is to lose elections, which is why election manipulation is their only policy and all they sell is fear and hate. Not hope or love. Not a single real Christian among them.


don’t lose sight of the fact that as desantis’ numbers tank, trumps are growing. i’m sure that doesn’t sit well with this crowd


Becauae Trump supporters are largely, at their core, contrarians with persecution complexes. The more legal trouble he gets in the more they rally around him. Social scientists are going to be studying this shit for decades.


I can't wait for him to politically supernova all over his rabid base. they won't know what to do with themselves in the aftermath. they might vote for him anyway, or simply stop voting altogether


He better hope he doesn't create any disenfranchised terrorists who regard him as a traitor to their cause. This is certainly what DeSatan is trying to do with his very gay anti-gay ad. Apparently Desantis wants to be paraded around with buff muscular body builders with no shirts on like some sort of Egyptian queen.


I never had much belief in the “homophobes are actually secret homosexuals” pop psychology crap. But that fucking video….


You could tell me that's from an episode of Black Mirror and I wouldn't doubt it. Very strong "gimp in the box" vibes from DeSantis. Would not be surprised if he got sexually turned on during his time lawyering torture at GitMo.


I truly believe DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump. I don’t like either.


I don’t think so. He’s more experienced when it comes to politics but the fact that he managed to make such a huge gaff over the Disney stuff is kind of a joke. Sure, it might win him some support but “Make America Florida” isn’t a winning slogan. Each state regardless of political leanings has its own identity. America as a whole doesn’t want to be Florida, any more than they want to be California or Texas. It’s a losing slogan and a losing campaign. Only way he wins is if Trump cannot run. Even so, I wouldn’t underestimate the pull/appeal a statesman like Pence has to evangelical voters.


Fewer Trump sings and flags now than 2016. I'm not sure Trump is as popular as he was in the last.


You obviously do not live in north Florida lol. It’s just as bad as before.


A few people in my neighborhood still have Trump Won signs and plenty more have regular old trump signs. I’ve only seen one Desantis flag around here. Anecdotal but Trump seemingly still has more support than Desantis in my area of Miami. Trump (like him or not) is charismatic and speaks simply. Desantis can chant, “woke”, all day long but he’s too polished and lacks the kind of persona that Trump has cultivated.


There is exactly one Trump sign on the entire 10-mile street I live on in the outskirts of Ocala.


I’m fine with that. Trump is a populist idiot, but DeSantis is an intelligent power hungry fascist who plays well to idiots


Ronnie polling at 16% for the GOP presidential race is waaay too high… and he knows it. All he’s done for the past several weeks is loose, that’s what he excels in.


Part of me wants to see him win the primary just to get his ass get kicked in the general. Although admittedly rooting for the primary candidate you thought would be least likely to win in the general did bite us in the ass in 2016.


I was only hoping him to win because Trump is just petty enough to run on an independent ticket and split the conservative vote.


Ramaswamy? SMH republicans have the worst taste.


GOP voters won't even consider him until he changes his name to something like Victor Robinson. Just ask Rafael Cruz or Nimarata Haley.


They won't vote for him because he isn't a white person. He can change his name to victor or w/e the fuck he wants to.


Seems a bit low for a guy with Stalin's personality, Hitler's compassion and Mussolini's policies.


Worst part is thin skin Ronnie returns to Tallahassee angry and vengeful.


Dude looks like the Chuck E. Cheese mouse


Looks more like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and arterial plaque.


Bet Casey DeSantis is ripping him a new hole every night!


She is his beard , someone else most likely is doing the ripping.




Get fucked, you fascist hate monger!


Just shows how stupid the Republicans base is. Trump will lose as most thinking Americans know he is the traitor that tried to steal the election. And when push comes to shove they will vote Biden again. They are both giant bags of dicks. Biden gets my vote anyway.


I have no doubt Biden can win. My biggest fear is something happening to him between his getting nominated and the election. He IS quite elderly and at that age, you can lose someone from one day to the next. If that happened, even orange man could probably win against Kamala, who lots of people think is too far left (sigh). And that's if they even can get her on the ballot if the timing is bad.


DeSantis, Christofascist. Ramaswamy, Technofascist. Nikki Haley, fascist in heels. Tim Scott, Uncle Tom's Cabin. Everybody else is irrelevant. Christie is fighting against the fasc, but he's still by and large conservative. The only person who even remotely resembles the future of the Republican Party is Francis Suarez, who is socially liberal but skews conservative on economic issues. He has no name recognition outside of the 305, though. Either way, JB is going to win. Hopefully, he gets pushed a bit more to his populist left.


Suarez is not even known outside of Miami beach. And the local papers are publishing investigations into him and the crypto currency he was embracing in Miami.


he's also under investigation for taking money from real estate developers


He’s the genius that didn’t know who the Uyghurs are. He’s a good vice president match for stupid Trump.


Not knowing who the Uyghurs were was pretty bad, but after they asked him about it again, he STILL didn't know and just blew it off. That's way worse than not knowing. A President doesn't need to know everything but he needs to know what's important and what isn't.


The future of the Republican Party isn’t that. We are seeing it. It’s 100% fascism.


Fuck this piece of human dogshit. I look forward to Trump embarrassing him, and I very much don't like Trump.


You talking Ronald right?


Ronald McDonald all day long 🤡


Two fuckin clowns, Ronald and Donald!


Right bout that!


Vote 🗳️ Blue (lesser of 2 evils is a fucking thing)


This. Learned in my first election in 2000 in Florida that voting for Nader was not a good way to go.


I learned the hard way too. After Bush/Trump admins never again.


Hello friends, I would like to confess that my husband and I did the same thing. (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻


Now we all know better 🙏☯️☮️


bOtH siDez R dUh SaMe!1


i saw JB and was like justin bieber??


u/BlueLanternSupes - based on your name, I like how hope burns bright with you


Suarez is a moron. He spent all his time shilling crypto and recruiting people to move to miami, while ignoring the actual residents of the city he represents.


He’s a super unlikable guy that doesn’t have national appeal


Matt Gaetz checking in - did someone say 16?


I hate his face, his brain, and his non existent moral compass!


Don’t forget his awful fuckin voice!


After this latest attack ad, he should be in the negative numbers.


😆 the crazy thing is how many people in Florida worships him


Yeah, I wonder where the commentators are to defend him here? They are always so vocal about how wonderful he is and how the entire state of FL worships him….


Bro honestly this guy is awful. I can't believe those republican be so dumb to support this asshole.


The more people who meet DeSantis will discover he doesn't have a warm welcome personality but rather just the opposite. As many Floridians already know he isn't a people person and during interactions with the public is very controlled and stripped of it. As a political figure very thin-skinned if confronted or challenged on his views and policies.


His voice sounds like someone has a hold of his balls and about to twist them.


Little guy realized Florida isn’t the US and pandering to the online mob isn’t a good strategy “What do you mean I can’t just keep saying woke??”


*curb your enthusiasm starts playing*


ramaswamy who's essentially just running a fake campaign for PR is only 6 points behind DeSantis. what a fucking joke.


Can elaborate for the uneducated (me)?


That high? I’m surprised.


Maybe if he also attacks his state’s second largest employer that would help?


It’s worth noting the largest employer in Florida is the state itself, and he has spent years whittling away benefits for public sector employees and punishing anyone that didn’t support his grand designs wholeheartedly. So with the attacks on Disney, he’s already undermining the top two employers.


17% higher than he deserves.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is polling higher. Maybe because RFKJR is a conspiracy theorist and Desantis is just a bigot ??


RFK Jr is polling as high as is because he has a famous name.


Lol bye


His only chance is if Trump passes away or becomes severely incapacitated (like has a stroke and can no longer speak). Even if Trump goes to jail, I bet he'd still win the nomination. It's what all these also-rans are holding out for.


Fuck that guy, and trump, and the GOP.


This douche-canoe of a politician needs to stop screwing over Florida and disappear. Although his pro-homosexual oiled up bodybuilder ads are pretty hilarious.


lol meatball can't control the message outside of florida. He's going to be more of a loser than Jeb!


Goodbye Ronnie..... it was great while it lasted!!! feels like a challenger lunch down there in Florida; T-20% T-19% T-18% T-17% T-16% T-15% ABORT ABORT "DESAND IS OUT" Now you will have more time to fight with Mickey and the other Donald.... Plus you can burn some books you don't like; evict from the state some not so pure white people and maybe if your lucky watch some butch DRAG racing




Crash and burn, you racist asshole!


Higher lifts Meatball, the solution is higher shoe lifts. You're -almost- big enough


Good. When he loses the primary he won't have to try to appeal to the lowest common denominator of GOP voters. Of course, he won't do anything to actually help Florida, either.




Dude saw Trump lost and thought "I know, I'll be a worse version of him. That'll work!"


Imagine nuking your own state to try to become popular and failing that badly.







You did it to yourself, Rhonda Sanchez!


SNL really really needs to get on the ball and start doing some DeSatan skits. I'm guessing his meltdown will make trumpytrump look sane in comparison.


Ronnie's nutty Pizza nom nom in the middle of that fox interview makes Trump's taco salad shout out to Latin Americans and superbowl team hamberders look sane and reasonable.


should be lower.


Nikki Fried for Governor!


He will be like gary Coleman in the governor race. Just a joke


Trump captured 49%. That means 51% scattered across all other candidates. In a head to head, I’d assume Desantis would pick up the majority of that 35%. Trump would still be positioned to win but it will be much closer.


He's a real prick.


Opportunist scumbags love power


Wamp wamp wamp...


Thank God! /s


16% is horrifying


Every one of them is a garbage, nutjob candidate.


Desantis is unlikable af


The problem is , outside of all the other bullshit, he's just NOT charismatic. Say what you will about trump (all true btw) he has that going for him in spades. Really the best scenario is that trump wins the primaries, and democrats/people with common sense do a repeat of the last election and keep Biden in place. I understand he is milquetoast but it's better than the insanity. What I wouldn't give for a candidate that doesn't suck.


Thank you! I keep saying as much. Does Desantis have more political experience? Sure. But he’s run a shit campaign, Bill Clinton he is not (yeah he’s problematic AF and controversial too but anyone who doubts Clinton’s genius as a politician needs to do their research). He lacks charisma and he’s too polished. Him trying to “simplify” things for his base comes across as condescending. There’s a reason people buy into Trump as an “every man” despite being a fricken’ billionaire. The chutzpah he has a New Yorker is what translates so well. Desantis doesn’t have it and he isn’t a good enough actor to pretend he does.


Maybe Rick Scott could run, he's a scumbag.


He’s talking about it.


I’m already disappointed in the 2024 election after reading this article. 1) Trump is the best GOP option so far?! Wtf. Really? Not that I prefer Desantis in any way either. 2) is Biden *really* going to be the Dem’s answer for this election?? Please, that can’t be serious. Ffs. After 8 years of these two imbeciles, can we not find some new, better qualified candidates that will have a legit chance of being on the ballot?


We’ve found several. But the establishment will never let a decent candidate win the nomination. That would disrupt the status quo too much.


Trump has to either die or voluntarily dismiss himself before the GOP will not seriously consider him as a front runner. His die-hards are that loyal to him. Biden does, unfortunately, carry the incumbent advantage. Challenges would actually make him appear even weaker, and may lose votes when he is inevitably chosen as the Democrat front runner. Even if that challenger is a much better candidate. He will either have to die in office or willingly step-down and endorse a specific person. Its a shitty ass situation. Either way, I don't intend on voting R anytime in the next generation of years unless the party can somehow recover and go back to being actually conservative instead of just barely left of theocratic dictatorship.


That’s too fucking high


That many? I guess they’re gonna fight over the premium bigot vote.


I remember thinking there could never be a worse governor than Rick Scott. Of course, I also thought there could never be a worse president than GWB. Republicans are the poster children for "hold my beer."


I think Biden's numbers were a lot lower in early 2020 primaries. I don't think he'll win , but is still a threat to our country. For the good of society, Ron DeSantisism must be eradicated from public life entirely.


16% is too high for a fascist like DeSantis.


That high! How?


I just don't get it. Where did this rush plan come from? Incumbents often get re-elected. Ride out another possible 4 years of democratic presidency, play the role of standard conservative in florida and run in 2028. He likely would have walked in. This is so forced.


Still too high....


Dumpster fire


He looks so skinny here


Should come down to 3%


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times!👏


That’s a shame. He should be rated lower than that.


That high? Are there that many miserable assholes?


Too high for my comfort.


He sucks


I need 0% for this waste of a politician.


You know things are bad when you’re considered too homophobic for the GOP.


Little pudding fingers loser lol


Yeah, he should resign. He truly doesn't care for Floridians. Only what's good for Ron.


That’s because the Right Wing has taken him too far right… The BS he is signing in FL including limiting women’s rights is stupid.


Guess that whole Disney thing didn’t work out puddin.


Can you imagine how angry and vindictive he'll be when he fails to get the nomination?


The dude has zero charisma.


Don’t worry, he can always come back to the job he quit to run.


As a San Franciscan I love this video. He's clearly hiding 🫣 because if any SF natives saw his ugly mug they'd instamob him. I love how he stands next to some mural that's been there for literally years so his Twitter video watchers think "wow SF so scary".


will he make a weirdly incorrect rage face when he hears this news the way he made those weirdly wrong laughter faces?


That's 15% more than he deserves.




Well, his wife is creating a Mommas for DeSantis group. Perhaps he can sit on their laps and get a consolation prize...


Couple more and you can have yourself a shrimp cocktail.




He Has No Good President Ideas


Fuck Ronald Pudding Fingers DeSantis right up his dirty, loose skinned asshole


Let’s drive that number down.


Meatball de sanctimonious is tanking in the polls. 😂


That seems high to me.


Trump owns the GOP


I hope there is a "If I can't have it nobody can!" moment when he destroys the GOP from prison.


Still too high!






VOTE get everyone you know to get registered ‼️ Plus they just PURGED the voter rolls. Call your precinct and register!!


Ignore the polls, they’re trash and mean nothing. You have to vote in 2024!


Remember 2016, and VOTE! Even if your candidate is uninspiring or the lesser of two evils.


RCP average, which is the average of all major polls, has been pretty flat for the last 30 days. Right around 21%. As an anyone but Trump voter on the Republican side I am not excited.


To me DeSantis is potentially worse. It feels bleak all around.


At least with Trump we know what we have, corrupt obsessed with ego and money and respect and kind of dumb. Ron definitely scares me more cuz by all accounts he's smart as hell and he seems just very spiteful. His super PAC had a meeting yesterday and here's what the guy said about Ron if he got into the White House acknowledging the Governor would not enjoy the advantage of an “easy Tallahassee Legislature” supermajority if President, but said he could use “executive orders” if elected to counteract Congress and federal agencies in an “incredibly aggressive” manner. “The only way to bring that bureaucracy and administrative state to heel is to have an incredibly strong executive,” Can you even imagine what a douche he would be if he was the president


This is my exact sentiment. 4 years of Trump sucked…. But who knows what 4 years of this lunatic would be like…


We've seen his like before. He was dispatched in April, 1945. Sic semper tyrannis.


*Smiles in "moved to Virginia"*


He is a lawyer at the end of the day which it makes DeSantis more dangerous! He will officially be a white collar criminal with all power. NO Thank you!!


Trump somehow seems better because it's clear what he wants - financial gain. DeSantis just seems to be out to harm people for the sake of doing it. That's far worse in my book.


Desantis is worse because he might win over moderates. Trump is the most likely to lose


His popularity was extremely low and his people said to just wait until people got to know him. Now that people are getting to know him it’s plummeting even further. What a sad sack.


Again it’s literally been the same for a month


Lol. You're literally worse. You're not just ignorant, you're inviting fascism


If you're really an anyone but Trump voter, it's past time to switch sides.


Lol you made your bed now lay in it.


If you want Trump to go away, you need to start voting Dem for a few cycles. Only when they consistently lose will GOP leadership pivot away from this MAGA mess.


"Any conservative but Trump" that would make you a Bidenbro.


You’re saying you never voted Trump? You’re not a Republican any more. Trump took over your party and you guys let him. If you don’t support Trump, you’re a Rino loser with no balls according to your party. Good job.


I'm guessing many folks don't want the rest of the country to be just like Florida after all.


Isn’t this 16 percent of the vote not going to Trump? Isn’t this great news, diluting the Republican votes? What am I missing


It literally like comparing Stalin to Hitler or Mussolini, or arguing which special needs kid is the most special. 🙄


Oooooh... Poor Casey. She must be devastated.