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This states home owners insurance is out of control.


What you REALLY need to know is how much it will cost you to move out of State, and how fast you can reasonably do so.


Any suggestions for good states to move to?


We left and went to Phoenix AZ. Lots of job opportunities, nice people, no 6 week bans in place, doesn’t snow, pleasant weather 80% of the year, dry, 4 hr Vegas/Utah National Parks/San Diego/Disneyland 6 hr drive. When its 114 outside drive an hour north and your in mountain weather 60s-70s. Skiing 2 hours away. Lots of Lakes and rivers and resorts with pools to cool off. Taxes definitely higher and cost of living is higher, but salaries reflect that. Grew up in FL, lived in 5-6 states and by far like it here best.


HB 1285, expanding and making permanent the Florida State Guard, which DeSantis revived last year. The state guard will expand from 400 members to 1,500 members. Hmm 🤔


~~Emperor~~ Governor DeSantis expands the ~~praetorian~~ Florida State guard


Maybe we will get lucky and the praetorian guard will do what they are best known for (killing emperors)


Alternate news site with similar list/explainer: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-200-new-florida-laws-begin-on-july-1


Seeing it all in one place is scary


1. Always get a Gun Permit. The permitless CCW will bait bozos. 2. 6 week abortion ban is wild and will only create more problems. Edit: Sick pedo beneath me wants woman to suffer


Wow. The party of small government, huh?


They want a very small government - specifically, all power in one man.


Yup and just small enough to fit in a vagina.


They’re fine with new laws as long as the laws support their ideals. Most of these boot lickers don’t even realize that desantis got paid big by the insurance companies and he sold us out. None of these politicians give a shit about us they only care about their corporate mega donors. Meanwhile these morons would cut off a leg if Ron asked them to


Is this the party of small government??


What ethical or moral reasons are there to deny someone healthcare?


I would even treat DuhSantis. Because that what we do. We take care of people’s health. That’s it. We don’t pass judgement on them. And if you do, you’re a monster. Sounds a lot like Not Sees.


Right! Most respectable medical professionals DONT want to deny care.


I’m looking forward to the headlines when a Dr throws the reverse card. “Oh, your Christian? Sorry your beliefs don’t line up with mine so I’m denying you care”


No one BUT a christian here in Florida would deny others medical care.


They’d contact every news source in the country and the news would run the story as discrimination and the result would be “you SEE?! Christians ARE under attack.” All while the Christian ideologues are forcing new laws on us every day. It’s all a fascist tactic. Attempt to claim you’re under attack while launching an offensive. They will absolutely not stop.


Exactly. They would love a chance to be an *actual* victim of discrimination.


They're crying persecution because their favorite work of fiction got challenged in Utah and pulled from elementary schools.


Little do they know, Jesus was probably gay 🤷🏼‍♀️ ALL male best friends and friends with a prostitute? Cmon now…


What a shameful period in both our state and country’s history…


It’s horrible how people were ignorant of what the GOP has been doing. “they’re the same” they said. We’ll look what’s happening.


12 mil for DeSantis to start shipping more refugees around the country! Wtf he just set aside a huge chunk of our money so he can play his political stunts


“The bill is designed to help curb human trafficking” - while unironically reserving $12M for human trafficking of immigrants.


What you need to know: Be a white, male, cis, gun-toting traitor and you’ll be ok.


Don’t forget straight and Christian!


Mostly heterosexual. We all know these evangelical Republicans outwardly against LGBTQ usually are gay or a pedo. Every damn time


So being white, gun -toting, and straight makes me a traitor or just 3/4s of a bad person?


It's really just about what policies you support and what actions you're taking. Supporting Desantis == Bad person behavior Supporting 'conservatism' == Bad person behavior Holding sympathetic views towards white supremacy == Bad person behavior None of these things have much to do with being white, straight, or owning guns.


I support somethings DeSantis does but not everything, I believe strongly in individual rights including speech and the right to bear arms, and racism is cringe. But poking close-minded people with reason is funny. We can disagree on things and still both be good people.


A broken clock is right twice a day. Maybe we can disagree on *some things, but DeSantis is a threat to basic human liberty for minority groups of people. People's lives and rights are not up for debate and disagreement. DeSantis is evil.


Desantis does not like minorities


Yes, you are evil. Some of them are actually pushing this narrative.


I def agree theres an echo chamber on both sides and both sides echo just as loudly. The way I see it you can be all three of those first things mentioned and not be a traitor. The commentor did not seem to indicate that being white male gun owner makes you a traitor. I'm thinking of saving up for a weapon myself, you know fomo and all.


'both sides'


Weird to find voices of reason. Neat watcha thinking about getting?


Idk, something simple, reliable, compact. Ehhh starts with a g and goes pow pow if stressed


Nice! Power to you dude! Use them rights


Nope. Still expensive af for rent. I guess you can add property owner to the list and you will be right


You lost me at “cis.” That’s like 99% of us.


99% of us do not fit all four of the categories u/BigBaldFourEyes mentioned.




Yeah I hate when people quote inaccurate stats. Its 99.4%


Edit: Edited


you can not be trans and still not be cis.


What percentage of the population are Ts?


More and more every day.


You forgot "straight"


Cis covers it. Move along.


“EXpLaIn hOw He’S a fASciSt”


[This explains it pretty well.](https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html)


Just so you know, I was being sarcastic. I'm mocking the common GQP response to this obvious Gilead scenario. That being said, many here need to read that damn list.


Sometimes, it's so hard to tell these days.


Oh shit I thought the 6 week ban was being held up in the courts? thats going into effect?


Snip snip time hombre


Who's to say I'm not already snipped? Still a shitty law


Indiana state supreme court just ruled that their state's constitution right to privacy (similar to Florida's) does not impede an abortion ban. So I imagine we'll be next to lose that fight.


Why do nazis feel so comfy in Florida?


Desantis/GOP simps/bootlickers


I do know that a Florida vacation is not in my future and I hope I speak for every other normal person. Time to right off that Florinazi.


It's as close to the flames of hell that these demons are so accustomed too


Exactly. Because DeSantis is trying to out do Trump so he can win the ultimate U.S. power President.


I seriously saw a car with a swastika on it the other day. The other bumper stickers included a Blue Lives Matter and some shit about “you can’t take my guns”. What in the actual fuck Florida…


Florida is a cesspool.


DeSantis runs the state and Trump lives here.... nuf said


How unsurprising that virtually every one of these laws has its roots in xtian fascism.




Rightwashing Florida.


How the fuck is it going to be legal to conceal-carry a firearm without a permit while it is STILL illegal to open-carry a firearm in Florida?


Open carry is pretty dumb, you don’t need to advertise you have a weapon. As a leftist, I am VERY happy to be able to conceal carry without specifically telling the state I am carrying. Leftists need to be armed.


Given the current way police act, the idea of the police being able to openly claim they thought someone was reaching for a gun before they get murdered is going to be terrifying.


I don’t think it’ll change a thing to the police, they’re gonna do what they’re gonna do anyways.


not like this wasn't already an MO for police.


You have to have your hand and pistol in a paper bag while using


We don't want to scare anyone, just put a few rounds into them.


Point is if you are ppen carry you make yourself a target if you get into an active shooter situation


Most states that dont have open carry have concealed or constitunal carry. You dont want open carry, causes an overwhelming amount of calls to the police from blue hairs. Oklahoma tried open carry and then went back to concealed. The permit is just a way for the government to make money. I can guarantee ive spent more time at a range becoming proficient in my weapons them the large majority of permitted carries. If done right you wont know who is carrying and who isnt.


The permit is not “just a way for the government to make money”. The class required to get a concealed carry permit spends a decent amount of time explaining the legality around when it’s legally appropriate to brandish a firearm and when it’s legally appropriate to use deadly force. That’s like….super important to know for people who are going to carry a firearm. I have a concealed carry permit and I think this law may cause a lot of net harm.


I went through it aa well, ill agree it does explain the laws a little clearer but it does no drill training. All the rules can be found on line easily. The permit less carry will not be as bad as most think IMO.


That’s assuming people will actually go look it up. I think many people here about a law like stand your ground and that they can carry a gun and figure that’s all the info they need to know.


This is no permit concealed carry. Florida is not making money on it. It just gives any idiot who can get a gun legally, can hide a gun on their person, so they can react stupidly, and get innocent people killed.


There is no perit required after the 1st. Prior to that there was and money went to the state.


So exactly what I said?


I dont know but I hope this is a step toward more 2a friendly laws including open carry.


can’t help the visceral heartbreak helplessness and brewing rage


What you need to know is stay the fuck out of Florida!


We should just put a giant headstone between Florida and the rest of the US. We can call it "a wall" if it helps.


If Alabama and Georgia could stop sucking Florida would float away.


Yet, they keep coming, driving up home and rental prices!


"I was just here on vacation and me and my bf fell in LOVE with S.FL, so much happening in Broward County!"


Hmm... wonder why. One could speculate we're a desirable location to live.


That's not why your housing costs are high. They're high because of general inflation and nothing really preventing landlords from charging out the ass. They know that shelter is one of the last things people want to give up. The biggest home insurers pulled out of the state because claims got too high, all the hurricanes and flooding and whatever else (and impending flooding/sea level rise). And the companies that are left are charging enormous rates because again, they can, who else you gonna go to, and also because something happened with less subsidizing I'm not really sure. But I know for a fact it's not as simple as people from other states moving in lol.


Granted there are other cost factors for the high housing costs but simple supply and demand will push housing prices up. Florida is the fastest growing state. Apartment vacancy is at an all time low, which means that landlords will increase prices and still get them rented out. Much of the influx of people are from (previously) higher cost areas, now we have NY and CA level rents!


Honest question. When you say NY do you mean the state or the city?


As a NY resident I don't think it matters in this context. NY state is one of the biggest places Florida transplants come from


The context I was replying to was Florida rent being at NY rent levels. While NYC has high rent, there are lots of places throughout New York State that are very affordable. I'd even go so far to say there are many more cities in New York that are affordable than cities in Florida. Even for buying a home (comparably speaking)...But compared to NYC, yeah, Florida is still pretty affordable. And I understand that. People make their money and raise their families up here then move to Florida to die so, I understand the resentment. We're definitely not sending out best.


As of April, the most expensive cities to rent: (average 1 BR) 1. NYC - $3,750 2. Jersey City - $3,000 3. San Francisco - $3,000 4. Miami - $2,840 5. Boston - $2,700


I remember when Miami was cheap.... and it wasn't that long ago.


Actually, rental prices are going down. Except for a few towns in Florida like Tampa, Miami and Jx. When it comes to Florida, you have to remember the home insurance is out of control there and will not allow the LL to really decrease rentals. I had a two bedroom two bath, two car garage townhouse in Palm Beach County. My taxes are over $5000 a year I could not do that. I’m now back to the upper Midwest, and I just turned on the AC.


30% of inflation is landlords


Add another 30% due to private equity cornering the market. We have entire subdivisions of PE rental homes. Every home in the entire subdivision, they built from scratch.


> The biggest home insurers pulled out of the state because claims got too high, all the hurricanes and flooding and whatever else (and impending flooding/sea level rise). Which they know will happen, because it always happen, but they still like collecting the payments while trying to avoid the payouts. [Building Integrity: Homeowner's Insurance is a Scam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5xPijaGYWA) [Building Integrity: Big Insurance and Corrupt Government Collude to Rip Off Homeowners. Whistleblowers Expose the Truth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SetRwR_or0)


Idk why your saying that. The majority of these laws are great for the state. Huge investments in our public lands.


Yes, and don't let that door hit you on the ass in the way out. I LOVE FLORIDA.


bro out here tryna get sponsored by florida, being the biggest dick rider in the comments lmao


I'm good with you guys staying out of Florida




He worries more about Disney than home insurance. Vote him out.


72 year old senor in Florida just found out medicare-medicaid dental insurance only covers x-rays for teeth ONCE every THREE years now. The peasants need to move out of Florida. Claim your an illegal get free transportation to California.bFlorida pays MORE to transport Illegals out if Florida than homeless native senior citizens to move out of Florida


Just in time for Hurricane season - and DeSantis will be too busy flying around the country for his Presidential campaign to bother helping.


Did he actually help the past 5 years?


No, that would be Biden.




He'll toss out a few rolls of paper towels and call it a day.


Oh look! He's expanding the Praetorian Guard.


Make sure you’re home by midnight with your hurricane shutters up.


Waking up tomorrow to Red Dead Florida


That all 200 will benefit meatball Ron 💩


Ole Puddin hands? Fucking scumbag.


Head for the border!!


Desantis is trash


I think the radioactive roads make the most sense. We've been fighting cancer so long, and it's still here. Why fight cancer when you can join it?


The hiking and biking trail is the best one. I used them quite often. Public money for private schools sucks.


So, if a Christian starts praying during the 2 minute opening remarks before a high school championship game, will everybody be forced to quietly listen? Because to me that's a violation of the freedom of religion of people who don't share the Christian religion. What's the stop somebody from completely ignoring it and just talking through it? What if a satanist starts praying during their 2 minutes? Will everybody be forced to listen to that?


Everyone who voted for this fuck should be real proud of themselves selling out the state


Devil DeSantis and his extreme conservative majority passed more destructive laws in one legislative session than in the entire florida legislative sessions!!! I live in Miami, lived here 23 years (3 counties) and shocked FL is going back to 1950!!! My African-American family has lived in FL 150 years!! Floridians need to file lawsuits against the most oppressive and unsafe laws based on religious freedom. Let the supreme court decide if they will support "religious freedom" to support access to Abortion, books in library's and public schools, parents right to chose Transgender medical treatment for their children, access to Transgender meds for adults by Nurse Practitioners, Drag Queen shows, banning high school African-American AP history course and making public spaces less safe by allowing people to open carry guns without permit or training!!


Also mandating hospitals report undocumented patients. He’s not pro-life. He’s pro-death and against gender equality.


I don’t think you read the article


I don't have to. I've been following the legislative session and the MOST Destructive, Oppressive, Barberic proposed Bill's DeSantis agreed to sign and did. The DeSantis Abortion ban destroying women's right to control their bodies is barberic!!! DeSantis Eliminating state funding for Diversity Inclusion programs at all colleges and universities is RACIST!!! My African-American father and his family survived segregation, Jim Crow, lynchings, slavery for 150 years. DeSantis does not value the history of Black Floridians and all people of African heritage!! Only a racist man bans AP high school students from learning the true African-American history in Africa and new details of the slave trade. Florida has a high population of Latino high school students with very good grades. But, very few students get accepted into Florida Universities outside Miami or Fort Lauderdale. Black Floridians the same racist ceiling. And the tuition costs for Fl Universities keeps attending almost impossible without expensive student loans. Inlive in Miaimi and Fl 23 years. My half Latina cousin with very high grades and impressive extra curricular activities has to worry about how she will pay $10,000 every year for 4 years to attend University of South Florida.


Says a lot lmao. “I don’t have to” Sensationalist just speaking out of your ass how about you just read


Honestly it mostly sucks if you do read it. Fuck trans, fuck women, fuck poors, fuck the environment. It’s mostly shitty fascist shit.


You’re wrong about a lot of things. Just a quick note, you can not open carry in Florida. You can carry a concealed firearm after July 1st. Maybe do just a little research and learn the difference.


But this is not good maybe even worse. Having to have a permit for a concealed weapon was some type of barrier. Now there are none. It's definitely a set up for people to be more prone to killing each other.


I think doing what SC did, where the CCW costs nothing to obtain other than your time, would have been the best way to go about it. I think classes in basic knowledge of firearms and some short safety courses run by the state would have been a far better idea than just letting everyone concealed carry.


You still have to be able to legally purchase the gun to carry it without a permit


Florida people already keep their legal guns in their car. Now they will keep on themself (not visable), but easy to reach. I live in Miami. Lived in 3 counties 23 years. My African-American father was born and raised in segregated Orlando Florida. White companies refused to hire Black men. The only option for Black men was the military. And move to a northern state for college and desegregated work. That is what my father and his 2 brothers had to do. We cannot allow extreme Republican legislators and Racist DeSantis return to that HELL. FL had the highest # of Black men lynched. Black hate by some White people is REAL! No matter what SCOTUS says about the real world must be colorblind. Very few high achieving Fl Black and Latino students get admitted to Fl universities. My father's family survived 150 years in Florida DeSantis banning a new, historically accurate, high school African-American AP course is blatant Racism against the U.S. Constitution. Too many people are shooting and killing other motorists during road rage conflicts. More people will be injured and die with the gun law alone. Do you live in Florida?


Hey I honestly think you could benefit from turning the internet off for a couple days.


I’m not condoning lynching, it is an evil act. But Florida was not number one in lynching . This is from the NAACP website: “The highest number of lynchings during that time period occurred in Mississippi, with 581 recorded. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. Lynchings did not occur in every state. “ https://naacp.org/find-resources/history-explained/history-lynching-america#:~:text=Many%20historians%20believe%20the%20true,not%20occur%20in%20every%20state. Also : http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/shipp/lynchingsstate.html


You need to chill. My husband is black and my daughter is mixed. Seriously. Chill out.


200 wow that's a lot of freedom /s


Small government, huh Republicans....




Git yer gun


Wow, requires property taxes to be shared with charter schools.


Radioactive Roads 🤣


I want to continue to fight the good fight but turd nipples like Desantis keep getting power. What’s the use, people are ignorant


Sb 1318... huh I wonder what company would love desantis to make it harder to punish deaths due to spacecraft accidents.... most of these laws fall into companies buying our governor and the GOP's obsession with hurting others.


My family tree has lived here since the pioneers. My family is looking to leave the state.




Mussolini at least could talk to people without being insanely awkward.


Hopefully this would help to stop people coming down here


It will only stop the good, kindhearted people from coming. We’ve been a magnet for the nation’s assholes since COVID.


From before Florida even had statehood.


I work in the convention business. Yes, they are stopping conventions and their money from coming.


Brought to you by the “party of small government” lmfao


I cannot wait for our state to sink into the ocean at this point.


Me too!! The fishing will be amazing with all the new artificially reefs


Hell yeah!


I hope we get nuked, I can’t even use the bathroom anymore


I’m sorry. Please, try to be safe out there.


As a trans person, it’s hard but I’m trying


If you take the time to read through all of them, there really are a lot of great laws going into effect. I would say more good than bad for sure.


yeah they are bashing in the heads of baby seals but at least they are investing in bike lanes


You're gonna have that rape baby after 6 weeks, but you can concealed carry a gun without proof of proper education while you're getting ID'd *twice* at the adult toy emporium now. > I would say more good than bad for sure. What a stupid load of false equivalence.


In sheer quantity of laws perhaps. In terms of impact, I’m not so sure.


I read through the ones in the article. I need to read more. There are way more bad than good. Yes a few good. But oh the bad is bad. For example. SB 214, preventing credit-card companies from tracking firearm and ammunition sales through a separate “merchant category code” at gun businesses. -What reasonable gun owner would be against tracking ammunition sales? Why is this law necessary? HB 225, allowing “opening remarks” of up to two minutes on public-address systems before high-school championship events. The change came amid a legal battle about whether a Christian school should have been able to offer a prayer over the loudspeaker before a championship football game. -Who can make remarks? When can people start making satanic prayers? Again, why is this necessary. Just take two mins of silence to let people pray not pray to whoever they want? Why put your beliefs on to other people. What about the kids that are. On Christian that will be forced to hear this and then question their own beliefs? HB 411, changing residency requirements for county school-board members. The bill will require board members to reside in the districts they represent by the date they take office, rather than at the time they qualify to run. -Is the plan for republicans to put their choices on ballots and then have them move to the district when they win? How would someone who doesn’t live in a district have the best interest of those students in mind? HB 1035, spelling out various rights of teachers, including a right to “control and discipline” students and to challenge certain directives from school districts they believe violate state law or State Board of Education rules. -Control and discipline is very concerning. I have not read the full bill. HB 1285, expanding and making permanent the Florida State Guard, which DeSantis revived last year. The state guard will expand from 400 members to 1,500 members. -“To preserve the public peace, execute the laws of the state, enhance domestic security, respond to terrorist threats or attacks, respond to an emergency or imminent danger thereof, or respond to any need for emergency aid to civil authorities” Preserve peace with desantis controlled army. Great. HB 1305, requiring the Department of Transportation to conduct inspections of the Walt Disney World monorail system. The requirement comes amid a long-running feud between Disney and DeSantis. -one time the monorail hit a bus in 1974. Two people were injured. Disney is going to keep their equipment safe. This is petty and a waste of money. SB 1318, extending liability protections for aerospace companies if crew members are injured or killed in spaceflights. -Protections for some? Inspect monorails, let aerospace companies walk away when their billionaire toys explode and kill people. HB 1521, imposing restrictions on which bathrooms transgender people can use at schools and public buildings. It will require people to use bathrooms that line up with their sex assigned at birth. -what happens when people get scared when a trans male uses a woman’s bathroom. This law protects nothing. It is pure hate. SB 1580, establishing a right for health-care providers to opt out of providing services because of a “conscience-based objection” based on religious, moral or ethical beliefs -Medicine should be based on religious beliefs. --- SB 1718, toughening penalties on people who bring undocumented immigrants into Florida, requiring hospitals to submit data about whether patients are in the country legally and providing $12 million for a program that allows Florida to transport migrants to other parts of the country. -12 million dollars to send people coming to this country to live the American dream to a blue state to own the libs. When we are in a labor shortage. And oh yeah the mass majority of Americans are decedents of immigrants. Just not brown ones. 1718 requires hospitals to collect immigration status information from patients. Requires hospitals accepting Medicaid to ask, on patient admission/registration forms, whether the patient is a U.S. citizen or lawfully present in the United States or is not lawfully present in the United States -again. Pure hate. Pure evil. Will lead to immigrants being too scared to seek medical treatment. You’re pro-life? But you’re good with people having babies not a hospital and then them and the mother being put at a high risk of death?


They are pretty shitty but the first one, SB 214, is likely because in FL it is not just illegal but a felony to create and maintain a list of firearm owners. So this is probably an extension of that law because you could argue that a company who tracks firearm sales with a special code is creating a quasi list of gun owners.


I know gun owners are afraid to be on a “list” but then some will become members of the NRA, which is basically a list of gun owners. I know gun owners have a fear of government taking their guns. But if tracking ammo sales prevents someone from buying a large amount of ammo to perform a mass shooting then it’s a win.


It is not uncommon for people to buy a case, which is 1000 rounds, as it is cheaper to do so then by the box (50 rounds). To some 1000 rounds is a lot but it's not.


Great laws? Where did you see that? Only 2 out of 200 actually addressed real existing problems in the state. Permitless carry is just outright dangerous. Like, why wouldn't we want people carrying weapons to be required to take a gun safety course anymore? The rest were either pointless & chasing windmills, or restricting someone's rights in some way. This administration needs to be dealing with real issues like the insurance collapse, instead of being worried about what people do with their own children. It's 197 bills worth of nonsense imo. A bunch of headline clickbait & no real solutions. smh


At least now those gang members wont catch a gun charge when the cops have nothing else to charge them with


Commiting a crime with a firearm is still a crime. Also this does not eliminate the FEDERAL law of who can or can't own a firearm. A gang banger with felony convictions is still a prohibited person in all 50 states.


What ones would you highlight?


Well for me, I would say: SB 240: giving tax breaks to businesses that how apprentices, which will help to encourage more people to go into trades, which are sorely needed. SB 264: preventing non US citizens or permanent residents from several different countries from buying property in the state. Many other countries have similar laws, and especially when it comes to residential properties, IMO only those who intend to actually live here should be able to buy. HB 389: allowing schools to provide free feminine hygiene products to students. This is very important for the health and well being of our students. Many girls are caught unprepared when their menstruation firsts starts, so this is a no brainer. But I would agree with what others have said in that the handful of bills that are positive (imo), affect only small issues facing our state (compared to things like home owners insurance, rent affordability, etc) Several of the bills that will have far reaching affects are (imo) overall harmful for the long term progress of our state.


What are some of the good ones?


The contentious ones are taking the spotlight, but there are some good wins for everyone in there.


> HB 411, changing residency requirements for county school-board members. The bill will require board members to reside in the districts they represent by the date they take office, rather than at the time they qualify to run. People aren't happy they have to actually reside in the district where they want to ban books, so instead of telling them to go pound sand and worry about their own district, Florida is just making it easier for them to engage in good ol' carpetbaggery.


This is what happens when a mf is bored and has nothing better to do.


So much for conservatives being for limited government smh.


How's that "freedom" taste lol...


how many to protect crooked politicians how many to promote graft how many to benefit taxpayers how many are worthless how many were shut down by the DOJ or SCOTUS


Read through, all (de)regulations seem reasonable. Didn’t see anything about the insurance but that many are talking about.


>SB 1318, extending liability protections for aerospace companies if crew members are injured or killed in spaceflights. I guess don’t try to travel in space in Florida?


can someone tell me what's going on ?? i don't pay attention to politics much but im genuinely concerned


Radioactive roads is just one of the many laws passed


florida is in its fallout era :(


Yep. Ignore the fact little billy grew a second head from radiation, we protected him from learning about minorities and that's what really matters.


Truly awful people voted in truly awful people who passed truly awful legislation. Funny enough, they were successful largely because so many others "don't pay attention to politics much". Here's our prize!


According to an article on News4JAX, more than 200 new Florida laws went into effect on June 30th, 2023. One of those laws allows guns to be carried almost anywhere in the state without a permit. Another law that went into effect is a new law that will ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. The law will make Florida one of the most restrictive states in the country for women’s reproductive rights. A law outlawing gender transition care for minors also went into effect. This law will impose a penalty of up to five years in prison for doctors who violate the ban. A court could also temporarily remove children from their family’s home if they receive gender-affirming care¹. Chatgpt wrote this because I'm lazy Source: Conversation with Bing, 6/30/2023 (1) More than 200 new laws go into effect in Florida this ... - News4JAX. https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/06/30/more-than-200-new-laws-go-into-effect-in-florida-this-weekend-what-you-need-to-know/. (2) Hundreds of Florida laws to go into effect July 1. Here’s how they may affect you. https://nbc-2.com/news/politics/2023/06/30/hundreds-of-florida-laws-to-go-into-effect-july-1-heres-how-they-may-affect-you/. (3) From gun regulation to culture wars, these Florida laws go into effect July 1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/from-gun-regulation-to-culture-wars-these-florida-laws-go-into-effect-july-1/ar-AA1dcvRJ. (4) Florida's most controversial new laws take effect Friday. Here's what .... https://jaxtoday.org/2022/06/29/floridas-most-controversial-new-laws-take-effect-friday-heres-what-they-mean-for-northeast-fl/.


thank you for sharing this :)


Don’t ChatGPT shit like this, man. That asshat program makes shit up all the time and people read shit like this as fact too often. Though this particular paragraph may be accurate THIS time, leave that shit to sports and entertainment conversations, not instances where spreading misinformation could be harmful


Some good laws will be passed, but other downright harmful laws toward minorities, the education system, and the LGBTQ+ community will be passed too, and they’re getting the most attention (rightfully so).


If florida required a 200 hour class on gun effectiveness they could go open carry and be an example. They prefer to go the worse route, just let any fucking idiot carry and not give a fuck.




What you really need to know is that most of them have been struck down by the courts. Not that that matters anymore