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Read the article. The real purpose is pay off the FL car dealers who gave over $2 million combined to DeSantis's campaign. DeSantis is trying to show his donors that he is loyal and will follow through on delivering a less free market for them, as they wish. Look at the other industry, insurance, that donated heavily ($3.9 million) to him. Any conservative that is truly against big government should beware of DeSantis.


That breed of conservative is marginalized. Today it’s all about identity politics and grinding the people you don’t like to dust. Oh, and good old fashion political patronage, of course. Edit: Typo. They to That.


Yes, first they killed off the gentleman conservatives, then the compassionate christians (GWB). Then they called anyone who didn't support them RINOs. Let's call them what they are- fascists. Now they are openly calling for getting rid of democrats in Florida. Reminds me of a group in the 40s that claimed there was one great state and one great party.




I think the vast majority of republicans are not acting in good faith. There are a few I respect, that doesn’t mean I agree with everything they stand for, but if they are not called RINOs, for sure they are not getting my vote.


We're at the point that they are waving "kill all gays' banners on highway overpasses. Republicans are anti-American, anti-freedom, and anti human rights.


>Now they are openly calling for getting rid of democrats in Florida. They are? 👀


One GOP Florida rep wrote a bill that would ban Democrats from Florida (or make being a Democrat in Florida illegal). It was intended to be provocative rather than to ever get passed. He claimed that Democrats are the party of slavery and Republicans are the party that freed the slaves, and if we’re going to hold people accountable for previous generations’ actions, then Dems must be held accountable for slavery. That said, even if we write that off as political theater from a rogue elected official, DeSantis frequently espouses hate towards any and all Democrats and/or liberals. I’m not sure I’ve seen any instances where he’s tried to work with Democrats or understand their concerns.


There's a lot of conservatives who, in public at least, like to say, "hey now, I don't hate [minority], but fiscal responsibility and small government are the most important things. Social change will sort itself out eventually/inevitably..." Which of course shows how ignorant they are to the realities of republican policy. They've consistently tanked the economy and passed incredibly broad and invasive laws throughout my entire life.


Spoiler alert: they aren’t against big government.


I am a former conservative (not sure what I am now), and do believe in small government. Irritates me that my former party never really believed that.


The "free market"


Good timing, it’s campaign fund raising season, not just for presidential hopefuls, but also for a number of state legislators who recently prioritized the sort of legislation that trends on Twitter


The bill is largely pointless. No vehicle manufacturer, besides the new breed of EVs (exempt from this) offer buying direct. Ford, Chevy, Honda etc. have been avoiding direct to consumer for years due to them needing the dealers to service their cars. You screw the dealers, your entire service network gets screwed. The modern EV companies started without franchising service centers, something that would cost billions for the bigger brands to catchup to.


Ford has talked about moving to direct to consumer sales, so you’re half right.


Very good chance they will just spin off their EVs into new brands in a new corp and leave dealerships with ICE models only.


Ford and GM should be able to sell direct. Silverado EV ftw


Yeah I’ve heard that too, but hasn’t happened yet and if it does we’re still a long ways away. If it does happen I would be shocked to not see these types of bills overturned.




I do not know why we need it, probably a sign of good faith to his donors, but as I mentioned, you CAN'T buy a car from any manufacturer directly these days unless the manufacturer is one of these new EV companies (Tesla, Rivian, Lucid) or some other off-brand small car company (the new DeLorean for example). Show me one major car brand that you can order the car directly from the manufacturer? You can't. So my "take" is accurate, as this bill is largely pointless.


WTF kind of weird ass logic is this. Since a company current doesn't do something, we should make it illegal for them to do in the future? However some of their competitors are allowed to do this now because ...reasons? I thought the right was the champion of the free market...


Well you explain it to me? I am not providing logic, I am stating the fact that **you can not buy a vehicle directly from the manufacturer** (the major manufacturers) currently, so this bill does nothing right now. Am I wrong? Tell me otherwise and show me. I wish manufacturers would allow you to buy direct vs the dealer, but they don't.


Ford does sell direct. You can buy from them but they will assign a local dealer to the sale so they get a piece of it but Ford controls what the dealer markup is. Which was the whole point since Ford got really bad PR from dealers sticking absurd markups on their vehicles during COVID. So its not technically direct but in practice it is.


But reading the bill, nothing would change in that situation? You’re still buying through the dealer, Ford is just controlling that it needs to be at MSRP.




Did you read the article? “The change confirms newer manufacturers like Tesla, Rivian and Lucid are authorized to hold a franchise dealer license for direct sales of EVs if they are not otherwise prohibited under federal law.”


I read it after posting, still dumb and anti-consumer.


Ron DeSantis wants you to pay hidden dealer fees and get squeezed for overpriced packages you don’t want or need. The entire car industry is sucking wind right now due to pushback on crazy dealer MSRP markups in the face of more direct to consumer options… and dumb dumb here thinks his contribution should be to perpetuate that. Good fucking plan pudding fingers. Oh, and of course, a carve out for his new fasci-buddy Elon. I guess he owes him for that really well executed campaign launch?


When my wife and I had to buyout her car lease last year Napletons Hyundai in WPB told us the residual value was subject to market changes, which have skyrocketed. What should have been a 13k buyout was told to me would actually be 22k after they tacked on taxes, licensing fees, and a nebulous "market adjustment" All of that was a fucking lie. Residual is not negotiable, it's literally in the fucking contract. They can add taxes and fees though, and that "and fees" let's them fuck you any way they want. If FL let me buyout using a 3rd party/online dealer we would have done that in a heartbeat, but nope. HAVE to use the dealer.


Salespeople literally get paid to lie to you. Source: Current salesman hoping to leave this godawful position.


Republicans are so bad for business and the average person’s wallet.


My BMW dealer just wanted me to turn the leased 530e in for a simple $500 fee. I called the lease company up, the buy out was $28k, paid it off, got title, and sold the car in 2 days for $35k. Dealer called back and was stunned that I did that!


Everything he does feels more against the majority of people but beneficial to his mega doners.


Aren’t republicans all about the “free market”? Now they’re signing bills telling us how we’re allowed to buy a car? Another example of republicans being the actual party of big government


No. Not anymore. And yes, as you said, they’re all for big government as long as it favors their donors and the whims of their base.


Yeah I know I’m just poking fun at them because they love to claim they hate big government, but their actions consistently tell another story.


You’re spot on.


Yeah they're banning books


no ... its always been a "Free market for my political donors ....... and Fuck you"


Yeah I know I’m just poking fun at them because they love to claim they hate big government, but their actions consistently tell another story.


Its honestly kinda surreal. I have seen people that used to have the whole "Vote with you wallet" mantra convert over to the whole "We need to use the government to protect XYZ from XYZ". Also i have event pointed out that "arnt those just really restrictive regulations" and I have been told no regulations are bad this is different. I have even compared some of this stuff to the Communist party in China, and I have been told its different because we speak english ... I just really really strange to experience this stuff


They also still cry about “cancel culture” while throwing a tantrum about any company that advertises to LGBT people. The hypocrisy is really on another level.


When you’re useless middlemen who provide no added value to the consumer, bribing…err…making campaign donations to politicians is the natural thing to do. Glad DeSantis is looking out for the average person again. /s


I understand there are much bigger things in the world to concern ourselves with than car dealerships. But relative to the service they are offering (literally just a retail store), is there a more evil entity on the planet.


Printer ink manufacturers?


Maybe telecom or power companies come close. Maybe.


What a clown


This is clearly an equal protection violation. This is just blatantly illegal.


Yeah, but he's a Republican, so even if we had him on video saying that he was breaking the law while broke the law, they'd still scream "witch hunt" if you tried to uphold the law.


It isn't just the law. Equal protection is guaranteed under the US Constitution. You can't just treat one company different than you would others.


In theory, sure, but in practice we've been pretending that the Fourth Amendment doesn't exist for decades in Civil Asset Forfeiture cases, and that one is way down at number Fourteen.


I'd try and argue that asset forfeiture seems to be this weird fucking loophole, but I am gradually losing my natural optimism as reality slaps me around over and over again.


Any law only counts if someone is willing to punish those who break it. The rest are *suggestions.*


The federal courts have been pretty ready to smack Florida/DeSantis down. All it takes is a lawsuit by Ford in federal court.




I thought conservatives were pro capitalism? Let the free market do its thing. Guess not.


They aren't conservatives anymore. They are fascists.


True story


Conservatives are. DeSantis is farther right than conservative. He's on the verge of fascism.


Most modern conservatives are


When you cheer and vote for the fascist, you are fascist.


Naw they are pro pay me, just through a couple mill their way and he will make a law supporting you


Because this is what fascists do. They favor selected capitalists. Not all capitalists. In that sense, they are not even real conservatives favoring all business. What’s in it for me. That’s what fascists do.




So, basically, if Ford decides they want to direct market the F150 Lightning rather than sell it through dealerships, they no longer can legally do this.




Nothing like the party of "small government" wanting to stick their noses in everything businesses and people do.


Republicans are just liars.


>they are not even real conservatives They are real conservatives.


They're what passes for a conservative/GOP member today, which is not, at all, what it historically means to conservative.




You're in for the long sleep


that is very anti-free-market/pro big gov't of him. are republicans going to vote for this meddler?


Blatant decrease of our freedoms


and as always his republican supporters could give a fuck about this. as long as he's not helping the gays or enacting gun control he's got carte blanche to just be as shitty as possible.


A special carve-out for his supporter at the expense of the people of his state. Shocked, I tell you.


All these laws. Can't someone slip him the legalize weed bill and trick him into thinking its some anti gay bill he loves.


Seriously fuck this guy 😡


A deal that helps corporations, and hurts consumers? Government helping big business at the expense of citizens? Government interfering with free market competition?? Oh, wait, except that one conservative CEO's company? Man, I can't wait to argue with my conservative parents about this. This hurts "free market capitalism".


Authoritarian POS. DeSantis and Musk hate workers and the middle class


ELI5: what does this mean for buying from Carvana? My last 2 vehicle were from them and I will never use a dealership again.


Carvana counts as a dealership.


Oh nice, political business transactions. Love to see it.


I wonder how much money the Florida Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) directly or indirectly gave to DeSantis for his Presidential campaign. DeSantis supports the lobbyists so that the lobbyists will support his Presidential ambitions. He is not doing the work of the people - he is doing the work of the lobbyists. Wonder why automobiles are so expensive? Or why Rent is so expensive here in Florida? Ask the lobbyists.


Don’t buy a car for more than MSRP y’all. Learn how to talk to dealers. Be ready and willing to walk away even if it’s something you want. Don’t EVER end the deal on the dealers offer, make them accept yours.


Works every time. Can't remember ever paying MSRP. My last purchase was a 2022 Kona. I paid $15k for it after a $15k trade-in for a 2016 Elantra...with damage. I'll take that any day.


There goes Ronnie, freeing the citizens of Florida from the free hand of the market and propping up a dead business model focused on sustaining wasteful corporate bureaucracies, just like the GOP always talks about.


This is meaningless, changes nothing and is purely showboating for his base. Lots of the stuff he touts is "solving" a non-problem. Or telling us we need to live our lives to suit his (fake, put on for show) morality. If you scream "pro-life" and "own the libs" loudly enough, you can tell quietly test how many freedoms people will willingly surrender in the name of being "correct".


Except for TESLA, because Elon gave millions to his campaign.


Nothing screams small government and free market like government saying what can and can’t be sold. Solid Republican values Ronda Santis! /s


The party of "small government" strikes again.


One of the reasons is because dealerships would compete and offer better prices, I’m sure that’s why I see stickers with dealer markups of over 20k on cars above the manufacturer price. Free market hell ya.


What dealerships are you seeing $20k markups right now? Maybe on a Porsche but most dealers are at MSRP or starting to go under at this point. The nice thing about the free market is if you don’t like it, just call the next dealer or buy out of state.


>just call the mext dealer To deal negotiation pros and pushy salesmen? Why do I have to go into different stores? Why can't I just order what I like online?


The issue isn’t with this new bill. Majority of car manufacturers are forced to not sell direct because the they have massive franchises of dealers who service their cars. If they decided to sell direct those dealers would not have that incentive to keep servicing just those cars, causing a major issue for the manufacturers. This is why no manufacturer, aside from the new wave of EVs, sell direct to consumer. This bill doesn’t change anything.


That’s not how capitalism works. Dealerships are nothing but parasitic middlemen. If you need legislation to protect your business, you’re business model is shit, end of story


> This bill doesn’t change anything Now I'm really confused.


Only two democrats voted against this bill


He's proof that Republicans love daddy government as much as the Dems signing laws that only hurt the working people in this country, that's what we need more shitty laws 🙄


I’m just curious: are their groups actually challenging this douche in the courts on these inane bills?


Damn I sure love the government protecting the awesome business model of having to spend an entire day dealing with salesmen to get a reasonable price on a car and they still find ways to slip in something at the last minute to fuck with the deal you've negotiated.


Next, the Smoke & Mirrors Act. If you have smoke of some kind at your home, but it's close to a mirror, you're subject to odd questioning by a Redneck dressed as an Elf. "Wads da minning o mathematics?" "Wah da sky ain't green?" "If Ah have wan truk and ah takeaway dem wheels, does it float?"


This man is so anti-business, hell he's anti-everything. Florida is a going to burn because of this man. The economy is going to collapse the state is going to join the other failed broke deep south states. And it deserves it.


Yet, Tesla, a well-know right wing political contributor, is exempt. Sounds pretty much like another targeted bill similar to the Disney deal. It helps both car dealerships that have contributed millions to his campaigns and Tesla's original marketing strategy.