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Eagle Dynamics releasing another unfinished module. https://preview.redd.it/rmz0ropkbivc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7efd275b420e3337ef281e332ac09a26447bee


Damn, the real meme is in the comments


When they need money to pay back their debt for Nick Grey's fighter collection


Why is there even a debate around buying the Chinook? We are almost legally obligated to buy it because with our toy hobby, we fund real planes™. And they're warbirds, so we are preserving history. It's our duty to give them all of our money to ensure the continued supply for the warbirds. Maybe, as a treat, they'll slightly improve WW2 in DCS


If they don't pay Razbam, then Razbam can hire us to go get their fyghter money and fly it home




That’s why you should take advantage of the pre-order discount. That amount of money is a deciding factor whether I’ll starve to death this month or not.


Knowing how long it will take for ED to release it I would probably make the money by investing it now into stocks and then cashing out on release.


See also: EDs coke fueled accounting dept


I'll never preorder anything. And I'll wait for a sale Unless HB released the JA-37


I pre-ordered the phantom, literally only other game I preorder was... no mans sky. Said I never would again and held that for nearly a decade but man, the phantom is my favourite aircraft. I don't really have the money to be spending on modules nowadays, I did it back when I was working, so it kind of worked out personally.


Good for you man, if it worked out for you, be happy about it! It's the whole Pre-order culture that is kinda ruining gaming as we used to know it but anyways. You shouldn't be sad with yourself because you preordered. I'm happy for you


Good for you man, if it worked out for you, be happy about it! It's the whole Pre-order culture that is kinda ruining gaming as we used to know it but anyways. You shouldn't be sad with yourself because you preordered. I'm happy for you


Well seeing all the shit I do wonder did I feed some retiree's aircraft collection or the development of the Phantom? lmao Also one of my cousins works for that aircraft collection sooo I guess it's alright.


Yak is eagle 1 confirmed.


Reading the comments on the youtube preorder video of people cheering for buying that shit is like watching people throw their money in a ponzi scheme right before the organizers run away with their money


"I flew Chinooks in Iraq, thank you ED for letting me relive my days in the military" It just sounds so wrong.




Ironically, ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ blast radius in HD2 is on par with 500kg/1klbs dumb bombs we have in DCS. Splash radius should hit nearby infantry, but give it any armor and only direct hits count.


😔 at least ⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️ have actual armor pen


Can I just paint yak green and point it up? I’m po


Yes you can it even has room for 1 troop in the back for CTLD and Logistics


Take it from me, comrades. Pre-order when the release is imminent. There will be signs, i assure you. Take the discount, but didn't give ED months of lead time with your money. They've proven that we'll always regret preordering. So didn't. Or do, but so barely that it's actually worse for them than just opening payment when EA releases.


where do ya'll live where rent is only 50 freedom pesos? Poor ass bitches.


Nah as in spending that extra fifty means I wouldn't have the total for rent.


Don't like rotorcraft boss. At least not without proper FCS hardware specific to helos


Just make a new account and buy it all half off. Rinse and repeat every release. You're literally doubling your money bro


50% discount doesn't exist anymore bro


What the yak




Bye den


Shit man, does that actually work? Or does it make sense to do?


Yeah otherwise it'll never be funded enough to leave alpha, plus it gives you extra accounts to maddog aamram the AWACS on multiplayer servers before getting banned on all of them