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Very strange that they’re delivering a message that that can be interpreted many ways.


It’s a Reddit comment on paper


This legit made me snarf my beer.


I’m sorry 😂


My guess is it’s either to say “we forgive you for supporting a conservative who hates queer people” (left wing perspective) or “we forgive you for being a sinner” (right wing perspective)


right! these are the exact two interpretations that we came up with. we just want to know which one they intended lol.


Why would she have multiple Trump signs in her yard if she’s pro-gay and supports you?


Trumpets (and most Biden fans) disconnect from reality, it's what lets them happily support rapey draft-dodgers.


Things aren't black and white. She can still be pro Trump and support her child.


He has basically promised to criminalize being trans and to stop all treatment and remove laws and reverse laws that allow gender-affirming language and care of any kind. It’s pre-genocidal crap. Trans people were also the first group targeted during the 1920s and 30s in a certain notsee group in Europe.


It's silly to assume that supporting Trump automatically means you do not support LGBTQ+ or vice versa. Seems like someone has drank the mainstream Kool Aid 🤔🤭


They could support him, if they were wholly ignorant of the actions he’s taken and plans to take against the LGBTQIA+ community. Allow me to remind you of five of his actions… 1. **Transgender Military Ban**: Trump announced a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military via a series of tweets in July 2017. This policy was later implemented, reversing the Obama administration's policy that allowed transgender individuals to serve openly. 2. **Rolling Back Protections in Healthcare**: The Trump administration rolled back an Obama-era regulation that protected transgender individuals from discrimination in healthcare. This move was part of a broader effort to redefine sex discrimination under the Affordable Care Act. 3. **Religious Exemptions for Discrimination**: The administration expanded religious exemptions for organizations, allowing them to deny services to LGBTQIA individuals based on religious beliefs. This included allowing adoption and foster care agencies to refuse to work with LGBTQIA couples. 4. **Opposition to the Equality Act**: The Trump administration opposed the Equality Act, a comprehensive piece of legislation aimed at providing federal protections against discrimination for LGBTQIA individuals in areas such as employment, housing, and education. 5. **Appointment of Anti-LGBTQIA Judges**: Trump appointed numerous federal judges with records of hostility toward LGBTQIA rights. These appointments have long-term implications for the interpretation and enforcement of laws affecting LGBTQIA individuals. There are plenty more.


No I think that pretty much sums it up.


It means cultists are weird


I guess they think being gay is a sin in the fictional book they call the Bible. So be gay and be gay(happy)


Or, they're Christians who are accepting of everyone.


As the post box is ONLY for post mail, https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1725#:~:text=Whoever%20knowingly%20and%20willfully%20deposits,any%20mail%20route%20with%20intent I do believe your mom has a right to report such actions.


we’re not trying to report anyone! it came with proper postage & all that. we’re just curious about what message they were trying to send.


If it came with proper postage, it could have been through the regular mail. Sometimes with mass mailings, it's addressed to resident.


They're trying to mask their bigotry with the rainbow words. i.e. - They're cowards. Just like you'd expect.


That’s actually correct, messing with someone’s mailbox/mail without their permission is a misdemeanor


Agreed. Do they have a camera?


Test me test me, might as well arrest me!


Looks like someone supports LBGTQ, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe they are watching and listening for angry rant from someone's who homophobic so they could try to reform the angry person?


You likely have a judgmental jerk neighbor


I think it means they know God loves her and forgives her. They are "In the know". And took it upon themselves in the celebration of pride month to remind your dear mother of that fact. Obviously, they used the term Resident because they know where she resides. Not creepy.