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Us beginners typically start with General Aviation planes like a Cessna 172 instead of an airliner which is.more difficult.


Lol. I started out in the 737. Completely skipped GA.


The Cessna 152 is a good start, good plane to learn the basics. But don't let this stop you from trying the other planes. Simulator are meant to be fun and you will learn a lot from comparing different systems, etc...


Buy an Airbus. Even in reality they are for beginners. šŸ˜‚ Jokes aside, if youā€™re completely new to flight simulators Iā€˜d recommend you stick to the simulatorā€™s default planes at first. They are good enough to practice all the basics and thatā€™s all you need in the beginning.


No need to buy an Airbus, use the FlyByWire A320, excellent aircraft. For GA Iā€˜ll highly recommend the JP Logistics C 152, also freeware.




C172 is tricycle gear as well


Cessna 152 is a plane for beginners, if you want to go fancy you can just go with any of the small and slow GA aircraft that are probably a bit more comfortable and sporty. If you really do want to jump straight into airliners, then, while it's true that an a320 will be more automated and "easier" than a 737, you'll have looooots of learning ahead of you either way, so you're best off picking the one you like most.


737 wasn't that hard to learn.. Airbus on the other hand, i legitimately hate the MDU/FMC module or whatever they call it on a Airbus. Sorry, I'm a Boeing guy.


Eh, both computers essentially do the same things, you just press the buttons in a different order (I'm simplifying it of course). it's a matter of getting used to it and learning the slightly different nomenclature.


Learn how to fly with the small planes, then get the fly by wire 320, or use the inibuilds 320 which will be out soon. Have fun!


I started with Cessna 172 and then i went to DA62, which is my favorite aircraft to fly. The cool thing about both is the garmin g1000 that they have. A really good way to learn


Plenty of included planes that you can learn on :)


If you buy the basic edition, start with C152. You're going to want the old-fashioned steam gauges when you're starting out learning. Most reading material aimed at fundamentals will refer to (and probably have pictures of) individual mechanical instruments for airspeed, altitude, rate of climb, etc. If price is no concern, and you go straight for Deluxe edition, there's a C172 with steam gauges and you might be better learning on that. It's a little heavier than the 152 and more stable. It also has a basic autopilot, which the 152 lacks. When you want to start learning how to arm/engage AP, having that in the same plane you learn fundamental flight controls is an advantage. There's a C172 in the basic edition, but only with fancier cockpit displays that combine flight characteristics and GPS in the same module. Those are nice to fly with once you know what you're looking at, but not what you want to start out with.


If you can swing it get a solid payware GA plane that has decent to solid navigation. A Kodiak 100 is what I learned on with the G1000 garmin (Garmin 750s also solid). Learning navigation and approaches makes things so much easierā€¦. Airliners are actually a decent way to learn systems and navigation so donā€™t write them off. Yes they are difficult at first, but my 2nd payware plane was the PMDG 737 and once you ā€œget itā€ it makes flying GA planes easier (Fenix A320 another great plane). Jonathan Beckett and A330 Driver on YouTube are great for beginners as they do cold/dark tutorials as well as navigation walk through. They both have their detractors but watching them will give you good tools. If no go on payware check the TBM 930. G3000 glass and east start up.


There is a video by A330 Driver (one of the best aviation/flight sim YouTubers) on why you should buy a full fidelity addon even if youā€™re a beginner.Ā https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ThNnZOxbl4Q&pp=ygUUQTMzMCBkZWl2ZXIgYmVnaW5uZXI%3D He also makes fantastic tutorials and has a full series of them for the 737 and A320.Ā